Chapter 1

But she's a playgirl....right??

Forgive my errors, English is not my first language


Jooyeon POV

"Jooyeon...Jooyeon..." I can hear someone calling me but I cant see the person. Is it all in my head?? I think its the heat.

"JOOYEON!!!" Gosh! Now I'm 100% sure there's a crazy woman somewhere calling me, but where is she? This is driving me insane, if you're going to scream someone's name, be near so that person can find you and others won't look at you like you're crazy while trying to identify where the voice is coming from. That it's exactly my current situation, I'm trying to find the woman looking at the crowd but no luck. Maybe she's calling another person. I mean, I'm not the only Jooyeon in Seoul. Right?? Obviously, if someone--

"Finally! Oh Jooyeon why is it so hard to get to you between this crowd?" I turn around as a middle aged woman dressing in fancy clothes grabbed my arm. She was kind of pretty for her age-Wait!, what am I talking about? She said it was hard? Thank God she wasn't in my position. THIS is hard. I almost collapsed from the heat and the overcrowded park. I told Minhyun that we shouldn't have went to the amusement park a Saturday at noon. I hate heat, it's like it can absorb all my energy, but I wanted to please my boyfriend so here I am. But, back to the lady.... What's wrong with her?? I don't know her...I think so,No I hope so, because it seems that she is the type of person that talks a lot. I'm being rude, but forgive me and blame heat, it brings out the worst in me.

"Excuse me, do I know you??" I asked because seriously I don't recognize her.

"Honey, It seems like you don't remember me?" OK??? Now it seems like we are-No, we were close or something because she called me 'honey'.Or maybe it's just how she addresses people since she is rich. (You know what I mean, like she pity them using a sarcastic tone when saying 'honey'). I can tell just by looking the clothes, they are authentic. Let me explain, I know because my parents are rich and my mother uses that type of fancy clothing. But-

" Silly me, how would you remember me since we haven't talked since you were like....15 years old? Anyway honey, I'm Yongjoo. Your mother's best friend since highschool. The one that used to visit Minhee (Jooyeon's mother) a lot and gossip about other ajhumas and tell you some useful beauty tips and details about teenage life, you know... And on Sundays-"

" Ohhhh.... I get it. Forgive me, I'm so stupid for not recognizing you, auntie Yongjoo. I can't believe we met again after almost 2 years. How have you been? Are you alright?" Now I know who she is. Yongjoo used to come  to our house everyday and talk and talk and talk... I was right about she talking a lot. Anyway, she was like another friend of mine and helped me out more than my own mother when I was a teenager. We would have girl talks in my room everynight about other girls at school, beauty, fashion, boygroups, my bias, boys and boys and boys ... because she had one son and she always wanted a daughter. But since she couldn't have any more children, she considered me as a daughter. I was ok with it. She was like a mother to me and a very happy person. I love her very much but she changed a lot (physically) in 2 years. It's not my fault that I wasn't able to recognize her.

"It's OK. I know I changed a lot" I told you we were close it's like she can read my mind."... and you must have been very busy after the incident. Plus living alone must have been really hard for a young girl. I'm soooooo sorry that after that, I didn't visited you and checked if you were alright. I'm really sorry and it's been 2 years I want to amend my error. I want us to be like we used to, you know. I missed you a LOT." This incident she is talking about it's not that my parents died in a carcrash, or someone killed them in an alley for money or something tragic like that. She is just exaggerating the situation. What really happened was that my parents are company and business people. After their company turned out to be incredibly good and the leading one,they wanted to expand it to Asia. They needed to move to China and I didn't wanted to go, so they let me stay in Seoul alone. Sine they were really rich, I didn't needed to worry about money. But I didn't wanted to live in the huge manssion, so I bought a small but good looking apartment and lived alone for the past 2 years. I did not sell the manssion since it wasn't mine, but my parents. So I let the maids live there and continue cleaning it so they still have work to do and receive the payment for their living. I go there on weekends when the maids have those 3 days off. I like to be alone sometimes because I'm used to it and like it, but that doesn't mean I'm a loner. I have 3 bestfriens (boys), 2 Bestfriendsforever (girls) and a boyfriend who brought me here to have a date and ended up being a meeting with my other mother.

"Don't worry too much about it. It's cool and you know I love  to be independent. What about you?"  I told her.

"MMmmmm... Nothing changed that much. We still have a very good company, Seunghyun (her husband and company owner) is busy as always, Jongin is being really stubborn, quiet and serious. But it's  just around us, I've seen him with his friends and he seems very happy with them. Like a different person from the one at home, but I don't like to push him on telling me what's wrong. So I've kept quiet about it. I think all he needs is a girlfriend. That's right, I'm trying to find one for him. But I don't want anybody, I wan't someone special and a girl that would take care of him and make him more happy than those bestfriends of him Exo. Don't take me wrong, I appreciate that they had taken care of him when we always have those business trips around the world."

Yongjoo POV

"It's alright. Let's exchange phone numbers Jooyeonie. Aw...I missed you calling like that." I told her. She has grown up into such a beautiful young woman. I identified her as soon as I saw her. She looked like her mother when young, but Jooyeon is prettier. I couldn't believe it, finally I found her.

"Alright, no problem. I'll love to." she told me. Oh, I know her very very very well. She seems a cold and bad girl who doesn't like to expresses other feelings beside gratitude and love towards close persons to her, but inside she is soooo sweet, caring, happy and funny. I really did missed her. WAIT.... She is here in front of me and she's perfect. OMG I'm sooooooooo happy, Jooyeon is the PERFECT girlfriend I've been looking for my Jongin. They are so alike. Jongin is very handsome and cold in the outside too. But I know my son better and they both grow up like that because we and her parents weren't there for them because of business. But don't worry, I'll help you guys be the most happy couple in universe. I've always seen her as the perfect daughter I wanted to have but she was my friend's daughter. Now I realize that I shoul've seen her as the perfect daughter-in-law sooner. I just need to get them together. But recalling the past, if I'm not wrong they just met like 2 times when young. Aaaaahhhh, I regret not taking him with me when I used to visit Minhee. Talking about Minhee, she will be so happy as me with this brilliant idea. I know her too and I think she trusts Jongin for Jooyeon. Besides her husband was always fond of my son because he is very brilliant and intelligent. Did he wanted Jongin to take over his company, since Jooyeon wasn't very responsable for things she didn't like wich included business? She hated the company and anyway Seunghyun told me that he thought that his assistant would be a better president than Jongin. Poor Jongin, his father is too harsh with him, no wonder why he closes himself from other people. But if my plan works out, Jongin-ah would be able to take over a bigger company being the president's son-in-law. What are you talking about Yongjoo? The important thing here is them being together not the companies. Those are other benefits of my perfect plan.Hey! it seems that Perfect is today's word. That's right everything today ended up being PERF--

"Jooyeon, I was looking for you. You freaked me out, I thought you left me. Are you alright? What took you so long to buy the bottle of water you left me for?" Who is this guy beside Jooyeon. He seems close to her. Maybe is one of those 3 friends she always had, anyway I don't remember their faces. That's right, he MUST be one of them. But I noticed that Jooyeon started laughing as if he told her a very good joke when he just bombarded her with questions. I'm lost...Now that she stopped laughing seemed as if she was going to say something so I turned my attention from him who had a smirk in his face when she laughed to Jooyeonie so I could be very focused in her reply.

"Aw Minhyun... You're so funny. Don't worry I'm okay, I just found Yongjoo. And we were talking like the old times." she answered.

" oh okay... By the way, what was funny about my questions?" he asked. Yeah! Jooyeon the guy is right, tell us what was the funny part? I don't know why I'm feeling nervous. Like I know this guy even if I'm SURE it's my first time seeing him. But it's as if I don't want him near us right now, even if he is  very calm, goodlooking, seems gentle but at the same time a bad guy, serious and--                                                                                                                                           

 "When you said that I left you for a bottle of water it sounded as if I was having fun with the bottle instead of being with you." she answered while giggling and the guy was smiling to her. At this point I was really nervous about this guy so I decided to ask her about him. "Jooyeon, Who's this guy?"

"Ah! I forgot to tell you..." while entwining her hand with his she continued " This  is Minhyun my boyfriend." and she smiled at me but I was in shock. HER BOYFRIEND??? No wonder he looked familiar, it's because I know Jooyeon's ideal type.Yes. I know a lot of things about her including what were her thoughts about boys. I always wanted to talk with her about boys because it could be useful and at first she founded awkward but got used to it, like I was her friend. I sensed it when he started asking so many questions, but no matter what this was going to ruin my plans. Arghhh...Jooyeon. I'm sorry Minhyun, I know you are a good guy, if not she wouldn't have chose you but you are not the right one for her. It's MY JONGIN. And I will have them together no matter what it takes me.

"Are you alright?" asked Jooeon and I remember that my shock face must be evident, so I'll try tu return to my usual self. But seriously Jooyeon, why now that I realized I need you as a daughter-in-law. 

"Ah, don't worry about me. I'm happy if you are happy with him. " Ahhhh those words tasted like vinegar."Well I'll call you so we can get together some time. See ya!" I turned around and kept walking before she got to say goodbye. I need to plan something fast. Wait... I know what to do. I followed them from behind during their date for like 2 minutes until they got in line to ride a roller coaster. So I decided to text Jongin. Even if he doesn't know her very much to recognize her, if he even remembers her, I know he will find her attractive.Maybe they'll fall in love at first sight or something. Ahhhh! I need to stop watching dramas.

To Jonginie: Jongin-ah, meet me at the amusement park, NOW. I'm at the biggest roller coaster. HURRY UP :)



"jajajajaja....You are so funny hyung" said Sehun to Chanyeol as soon as we got in the car. I was to busy listening to music on the Ipod to notice what was the joke about. But I don't care,I insisted in going out with some of the guys."Where should we go?" asked Suho hyung. I'm not sure, I just wanna get out of my house FAST. Dad was driving me crazy AGAIN, so I was just going to answer when I heard my cellphone ringtone."Give me a sec..." I told hyun while looking at the text from mom. It must be very important if she was texting me.

From Mom: Jongin-ah, meet me at the amusement park, NOW. I'm at the biggest roller coaster. HURRY UP :)

Wait....Are you serious? What's going on? The amusement park? Mom is definetely crazy. "To the amusement park. Mom's there and wats to meet me." I answered hyung, he gave me the same look that I had while reading the text but I just shrugged. "Yeah! the amusement park! Woohoo.." said Chanyeol. I swear he should be the maknae along with Baekhyun, instead of Sehun and I.


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Chapter 41: i love this. pls update
Can u plz update soon!
author-nim,..where are you???please update soon^.^
atoeva #4
Chapter 41: waitiiiiiiiing update soon *new reader*
Chapter 41: After the steamy scene in their hotel room, sorry Kris. Please concede defeat and go back home. Jooyeon doesn't want you anymore. Point blank. Period.
Great update! :D
AuroraBlue #6
Chapter 41: Update soon!
DarkerThanBlack15 #7
Chapter 41: Kyaa kris should just give up lmao
lyhome #8
Chapter 41: <3 please update soon <3 XD
lyhome #9
Chapter 40: Finally, they admitted to each other!
Chapter 40: Wooooooooooooooooo! This chapter was hot! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *happy dance* LOVED THIS UPDATE! Can't wait for more!!!! :D ♥