Chapter 27

But she's a playgirl....right??


I turned around and was surprised to find Suho standing there with shock all over his face. Damn it, why hyung of all people?

"Are you guys  dating behind our backs?" asked Suho confused and stunned.

"It's not like that" I told him

"It seems like that." he said raising his eyebrow.

"It's difficult." said Jooyeon. I turned to her and then to hyung.

"So you guys are really dating." said Suho again amused

"I told you it's difficult to explain." said Jooyeon again

"What's difficult? You just need to tell me why you guys kept it a secret from us. Maybe you thought we wouldn't approve?" said Suho while moving his cahir to join our table and taking a seat and smiled at us. So you are interested, huh?

"It's not like that." I told him once again. Seriously, how many times do I have to tell him the same thing?

"So...what is it like then." he asked grinning. You must be so happy... I turned to Jooyeon and she gave me the 'we'll-have-to-tell-him' look. i nodded and she spoke.

"We are a couple." she said and Suho started laughing.

"I knew it!" he exclaimed

"But..." she started and hyung made silence anticipating her answer

" we were forced." she finished

"WHAT?" he asked very confused

"My mother is obssesed with making us a couple." I told him while drinking from my water glass.

"I don't understand."

"Me neither." I told him

"But explain kkamjong." he said clearly annoyed. Yah! hyung I'm annoyed too.

"I told you I don't know." I told him almost loosing my patience. He turned to Jooyeon.

"I told you it's hard to explain. So, ask something and I'll answer." she told him. Good idea~

"uhm... When it all started?" he asked

"I think it was on Wednesday..." said Jooyeon confused.

"Ooohh~. Then why it happened?"

"We don't know. She just told us we had to be a couple." she said

"And you accepted just like that?" he asked surprised

"She kind of warned us. Plus, she and my mother always get what they want." she answered with a bitter tone. As if the words tasted like vinegar.

"They know each other?" he asked

"Yes. Since highschool." she said. He made an 'o' face and asked another question

"Why didn't you guys told us about it?"

"It was to early and we were hoping to end this fast without others knowing."

"Were?" he asked

"We have a feeling this will last for some time or at least get worst." I answered this time. He looked at me and asked


"Because like Jooyeon said they get what they want. And they seem pretty determined." I told him

"ok." he said

"Any more questions?" she asked

"Oh I have a lot. It's just that I asked the important ones and i don't know which one to choose now." he explained and Jooyeon chuckled.

"So what are you guys going to do?" he asked

"Uuhm..." I started.

"So you guys don't know." said Suho with an amused expression on his face and resting on the chair more comfortably with arms crossed.

"No." I said simply

"Hum." he said. HUH? What's Suho thinking? I know that 'hum'.

"What do you think Jooyeon?" he turned to her.

"Uh....... I don't know either." she said looking around awkwardly.

"What do YOU think?" she asked Suho looking at him.

"That you guys should do what Yongjoo wants you to do." he answered

"What? That's not helping." I told him

"Of course it is." he said looking around smiling

"Hyung!! I know that look and that 'hum' from before. What are you thinking? or worse, planning?" I said

"Nothing." he said "I need to go." he said standing up.

"Don't tell the others." Jooyeon and I said at the same time. Suho looked at us and grinned. He was containing his laughter, I can tell. What's wrong with him?

"uhm... I don't promess anything but I will try." and he left before we could protest.

"Well....I think we should leave already." said Jooyeon standing up too. I did the same and we exited the restaurant. I drove her home and went to my parents' house.

"How did it go?" asked my mother as soon as I stepped inside.

"Don't send people to follow us again." I told her walking to my room.

"Ooh....uhm.... whatever....anyway, you will go to her house tomorrow." she said while  following me. I froze at my spot.

"What?" I asked her

"Yeah! You heard me. You are her boyfriend and  you can't leave your girlfriend alone in her huge house. You need and will accompany her all day. No mather if she leaves the house to do something or stay at it." she finished and left. Is she insane? Does Jooyeon even know about this? How-

"Ah! I almost forgot. You must leave early and she may be sleeping so here is the key from the house." she said placing it in my hand. "You can't leave her house until I call you telling you to do so. Understood?" and she left again. She's officially crazy and more than that. I'm dumbfounded.

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Chapter 41: i love this. pls update
Can u plz update soon!
author-nim,..where are you???please update soon^.^
atoeva #4
Chapter 41: waitiiiiiiiing update soon *new reader*
Chapter 41: After the steamy scene in their hotel room, sorry Kris. Please concede defeat and go back home. Jooyeon doesn't want you anymore. Point blank. Period.
Great update! :D
AuroraBlue #6
Chapter 41: Update soon!
DarkerThanBlack15 #7
Chapter 41: Kyaa kris should just give up lmao
lyhome #8
Chapter 41: <3 please update soon <3 XD
lyhome #9
Chapter 40: Finally, they admitted to each other!
Chapter 40: Wooooooooooooooooo! This chapter was hot! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *happy dance* LOVED THIS UPDATE! Can't wait for more!!!! :D ♥