Chapter 31

But she's a playgirl....right??


“WHAT?” both Jooyeon and I asked in shock.

“You heard me. And don’t you dare protest, you will do as said.” Said dad with that firm tone I hate so much.

“And if I don’t want to?” I asked almost yelling while standing up.

“You will, Jongin. Besides you will gain something you have been looking for in a looooong time.” Said mom. What is that? The only thing I desperately wish for is freedom. In other words getting out of here. Being married won’t set me free.

“And what is that?” I asked angry

“Your dad and I talked about it. We know that you will agree if we do it so we decided to carry on with it. You will be free.” She said. So it is freedom in the end? Finally I will be able to? But how?

“I don’t understand. How?” I asked more calm and taking my seat again. Mom smiled at my actions and continued.

“Do as the three of us told you and will continue to tell you. Marry Jooyeon and you guys will live in a house we already bought.”

“But you just said it. I will follow orders. That’s not being free.” I said

“After marriage they won’t be to much things that we will order you. They are more like…don’t leave without your wife. Stay together. Things like that.” She said. I don’t like this but it’s very tempting for me. I’ve been wishing for this chance for a looong time, like mom said. Besides even if I’m not ready for marriage and they arranged it without our permission, I enjoyed yesterday with Jooyeon. I think I could live with her happier than with my parents. Heck yeah…

“I understand.” I said.

“What?!? What about me?” said Jooyeon alerted. “The decision is not only for him.” She said

“We know. He just decided his part. You will do it too.” Said Minhee

“Oh! You have a prize for me too?” she asked in a mocking manner

“Yes. It’s almost the same, like freedom.” Said Minhee

“I already live alone.” She said calmed down

“We know. But we won’t bother you anymore, like Yongjoo said the few orders she explained before will be the same for you.”

“I’m still not convinced.” She said

“And no more being followed around.” Continued her mom. Followed? Jooyeon looked at her surprised and said

“Really? They will stop following me?” she asked with a hopefully tone. So people follow her. That must be the experience she mentioned at the restaurant.

“Yes. I’ll make them stop.” Assured her mother

“I understand” she copied me. The three of them seemed very happy and relieved.

“So it’s settled.” Said dad

“Now both of you will go to Jongin’s room and sleep early. Tomorrow it’s a big day.” Said mom enthusiastically and clapping her hands again.

“Tomorrow?!?” both of us asked. The parents laughed and said

“Relax. The wedding it’s not tomorrow. But there will be a lot of things to do.” Said Minhee. We sighed in relief and stood up heading to the stairs.

“And you must sleep in the same bed.” Said mom as we started heading upstairs. Jooyeon stopped at the top of the stairs. I was behind her and stopped too.

“What’s wrong? Apart from all of this?” I asked her

“I have never being into your room, lead the way.” She said smiling sweetly at me. Good, I thought she was angry at me.

“uhm…ok” I led the way to my room and entered.

“That’s why she said on the same bed.” Said Jooyeon eyeing the room. I chuckled.

“Some of Exo stay often so I added beds.” I explained. She nodded and sat on the one at the floor.

“I think we should use this one because both of us in one bed will be to tight and in one at the top we could fall.” She explained and I chuckled again. I’m surprised I can laugh with her after all that drama. I sat beside her. Someone opened the door and Minhee entered.

“I bought clothes on the way here.” She said tossing them to Jooyeon.

“Ok” she answered and Minhee smiled at me and left closing the door.

“I honestly thought you will be angry at me.” I told her

“Why? Is not your fault. Is already though for us for me to make it worse with a  bad mood and you are not bad.” She said enumerating the reasons with her fingers. I thanked her, laughed and laid on the bed. She laughed too but stayed sat.

“Wait.” I said and hold my body with my elbow on the matress.

“What?” she asked worried

“You said I was ‘not bad’. What did you mean?” I asked with an amused tone. She blushed. It’s the first time I see her blush.

“Uhm….I mean…”

“That I’m handsome?” I asked grinning

“Uhm…yeah.” What? She accepted it? Oh My God “But not only that. You are a good person and not a complete stranger. I’m glad that even if I’m in an arranged marriage it’s with someone like you.” She finished.

“Thank you.” I told her.

“Uhmm…ok…I will shower now.” She said and stood up. I chuckled and laid again on the bed after hearing the shower . I guess she’s not bad either after all. But still I can’t believe I will have to marry her.

“Are you all right?” she asked snapping me out of my thoughts. She was standing on the door drying her hair with the towel. I can’t believe my thoughts but she looks y. Her mother has a great taste for her clothes.

But it makes Jooyeon look really y, the shorts are really short and the top is very tight. The pijamas showed a lot of skin and  her curves. I haven’t noticed until now, but she has a very marked S line. Stop thinking about it and control, Jongin. Wait, that must be her mother’s plan. Oh God these two women.

“Uhm..yeah.” I answered Jooyeon while trying to calm down my heart and look other way. Then she approached me and sat beside me on the bed. She just let the towel hung on her neck and stopped drying her hair. It seems she’s deep in thoughts.

“I’m going to shower.” I said and stood up. I took a bath, changed and returned to my room. Once I entered I found lying on the bed near the wall. I smiled and approached her. She had the towel over her face. I took it off and she opened her eyes.

“Aren’t you going to eat?” I asked her

“I’m not hungry.” She said

“Me neither.” I said and laid on my new side of the bed

“Goodnight” she said and closed her eyes.

“Night.” I told her and continued looking at her. I noticed that she was wearing the stars necklace. I smiled again. I didn’t noticed it today because it seems like her blouse covered it. But now the tank top revealed the necklace. I tried to sleep but I’m still awake. After 5 mins Jooyeon turned to the wall, her back facing my side. After some time she turned again to the other side, now her back facing the wall and her face at my side. I turned so that I could face her properly. She turned to the ceiling again and then to face me again. I chuckled and asked still facing her

“You can’t sleep?”

“I can’t.” she answered without opening her eyes and smiled.

“Is it because you are not used to my room?” I asked her and smiled again


“Because you are nervous?” I asked again

“No” she said still not opening her eyes.

“Why then?” I asked her. She sighed and since we were really tight like she said I could feel her minty breath on my neck. Damn it! Why did I bought so small beds?

“Because there’s only one pillow per person.” She whispered and finally opened her eyes and looked at me.

“I don’t understand” I told her.  She smiled and said

“Forgive me but we really need to sleep for tomorrow.”

“Huh?” I asked more confused. Suddenly she hugged me very very tight and snuggled her face on my chest. Of course! I was an idiot, she has no pillow to hug. I could feel my heart beating fast again. I might get used to this, I like it. Her grip is strong and  I feel happy with her on my hands. Why is this happening? I just smiled and hugged her back. I don’t know if this is right. I shouldn’t have hugged her back. Just when I was going to release her she snuggled more close to me. I guess when I hugged her back she thought I wasn’t uncomfortable and she got more comfortable. I smiled again and closed my eyes. I finally fell asleep not wanting to wake up.


I woke up because I felt something tickling me in my neck. It was almost morning. When I opened my eyes I found that the tickling came from Jooyeon’s hair. I was laying on the bed and she was on top of me. I smiled and almost chuckled but I didn’t wanted to wake her up. We must had moved during night without knowing. She had her face on my collarbone and that’s why her hair was near my neck. I gently and softly moved the little strand of hair. She stirred a bit and tightened the grip on my waist. I smiled again and continued to watch her. I decided to sleep some more, so I closed my eyes. When I was falling asleep I heard the door open and it was followed by a gasp. Then it closed again. Great. Now whoever was, mom or Minhee saw us together. I don’t care, so I decided to fell asleep again.

“Wake up.” Someone called and  I opened my eyes. Jooyeon wasn’t on top of me anymore, she was at my right facing the wall with her hands under the pillow searching for warm. I chuckled and looked behind me. My mother was folding some clothes. I quickly sat up and she saw it.

“Oh. Jongin-ah, since you already woke up, wake up Jooyeonie and tell her this are her new clothes.” She said pointing at the folded clothing in the little table. I nodded and she added.

“Great. Hurry up that you guys aren’t going to school today. We have lots of things to prepare.” She said enthusiastically and left closing the door behind. I sighed and laid again on the bed looking at Jooyeon’s back. At least it’s more interesting than school. I poked her back with my finger. She didn’t moved as always. I poked her again in her side. I thought she was asleep and when I was going to poked her again she talked in that morning voice of her that I love. Wait I just didn’t say that, right? Face palm, Jongin.

“Why do you always poke me?” still not moving or turning around

“Because it’s fun.” I answered

“10 more minutes.” She mumbled.

“Ten? Yesterday you asked for 5. Are you going to ask for 15 tomorrow?” I asked mocking her.

“Then nine.” She mumbled again. I chuckled and turned her body so that she’s facing me now. So beautiful.

“We are not going to school today.” I told her. She opened her eyes and said

“Finally you gain some sense. I’m telling you the best thing to do is ditch classes.” She finished and closed her eyes again. I laughed and poked her side again.

“We are going with mom to do some business about the wedding.” I told her. She groaned and sat up on the bed. She used her left hand for support behind her back and with the right one she lazily patted her morning hair. Like the first time I saw her do it, but she doesn’t needs to do that. Her hair seems good as always. I need to so I quickly patted mine and looked at her. She had her right hand besides the left one for more support and had her head hung low and her eyes were closed. I laughed and stood up.

“Hurry up.” I told her from beside the bed.

“Shiro” she said and laid again on the bed. I laughed hard this time. She seems like a little girl at morning.  I pulled her left arm and it made her body move along too. She was almost at the edge of the bed.

“Come on. We are going to be late.”

“Alright” she said in defeat and stood up. She almost fell and I hold her.

“Are you dizzy?” I asked her

“I’m always dizzy when I stood up after such a long time. Thanks, by the way.” She said

“Those are your clothes” I said pointing at the same pile from before and she lazily picked them and exited the room. I smiled and went to change clothes too.


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Chapter 41: i love this. pls update
Can u plz update soon!
author-nim,..where are you???please update soon^.^
atoeva #4
Chapter 41: waitiiiiiiiing update soon *new reader*
Chapter 41: After the steamy scene in their hotel room, sorry Kris. Please concede defeat and go back home. Jooyeon doesn't want you anymore. Point blank. Period.
Great update! :D
AuroraBlue #6
Chapter 41: Update soon!
DarkerThanBlack15 #7
Chapter 41: Kyaa kris should just give up lmao
lyhome #8
Chapter 41: <3 please update soon <3 XD
lyhome #9
Chapter 40: Finally, they admitted to each other!
Chapter 40: Wooooooooooooooooo! This chapter was hot! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *happy dance* LOVED THIS UPDATE! Can't wait for more!!!! :D ♥