Chapter Thirty-Nine

Everything Was Perfectly Fine Until We Met Again
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Chapter 39 
Trapped (Part One)


The week was coming to an end, meaning exo was going to leave soon. The day before their departure back to Seoul, they invited themselves over the house for the last time. 

While you were home alone preparing the dinner, the doorbell rang, you opened the door hoping it was Taemin and Taerin-ah who have finished work and school, instead you were greeted with exo barging into the house.

Jongin was the last one to enter the house and instead of greeting you with a simple 'hey', he instead greeted you with that famous smirk of his. For a week he has been that cold, douche head face towards you but a sweet and caring fa- guardian for Taerin-ah. With his great acting skills, he was able to hide everything from exo. Exo were still clueless about the truth, and the situation between you and Jongin. 

In front of s he would act friendly but once it's just the two of, it's a different Jongin you're with. 

"WHAT?! do you really have to leave for a week?" you asked Taemin who was on the other line of the phone call

"mian it's an emergancy" he apologised

"ani- I'll pick Taerin-ah up now ~ nnyeong" you ended the call * they're here ..* "oppa ~ I'll be back I'll pick Taerin-ah up from-"

"Just let Jongin do it, you're still cooking right?" Suho oppa suggested

"uhm" you handed the keys to Jongin for your car and walked out

"aigo ~ Jongin-ah is hogging Taerin-ah" Chanyeol oppa whined

"you do to pabo!" Baekhyun complained T_T 

While the two were quarreling you were still in the kitchen cooking

"ya ~ you're going to cut yourself like that" D.O oppa startled you

"oppa! aigo ~ I could have gotten hurt" you complained

"look at you, you're pale ... I'll continue this, go rest for a bit" he claimed and pushed you towards the lounge with the rest of the oppas

Without protesting, you dragged your foot all the way to the lounge and dropped yourself on the couch

"is this your life everyday??" Sehun asked as he sat next to you

"yup ~ fun right?" you asked sarcastically

"Does Taemin usually leave you alone for work?" he asked

"at least once a month? either for 2 days to a week. I've done it before too??" you replied 

"hm, arraseo ..." *poor Hyorin-ah..*

Taerin-ah finally came home and greeted you with a warm embrace "eomma ~ remember in two days it's the family fun day in school!!! appa better be done with work tomorrow ^_^ ~" she reminded *, the family day ......*

"baby~ mian, appa is in Beijing right now for work with halabeoji ... mian but eomma here's right??" you tried to cheer your pouting daughter .. you felt guilty but she didn't complain :)


"hm, arraseo ~ you're a good girl, appa will come home with a reward for your once he comes back" you smiled *that's my understanding girl* 

"well appa said his working for me to grow up well so I shouldn't be upset" she claimed

"hm, you're right ~ bali let's wash up for dinner with the ahjussi's" 

*family fun day.....* Jongin silently thought while listening to your conversation

As the two of you walked upstairs the boys were still dazed with the conversation. "Taerin-ah is

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151123 - Hi ~ I still secretly check up on this story and I can't believe this month (November) marks the 3rd Year Anniversary of this story!!


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22 streak #1
Chapter 67: This is a good story, I just feel sorry for Taemin, he patiently supports her but in the end she pesued her future with Jongin.
Chapter 42: I hope he was just saying soojung's name to make hyorin jealous and that he didn't actually sleep with her (soojung) ;;;;;;
Chapter 64: Who was the person Jongin was talking about at the end that said they belong together? I think I missed it or forgot OTL anyways, I really loved this story (:
sazuka #4
Chapter 61: I still miss Taeminieee!! T_T
Chapter 67: I feel sorry for taemin....
Omgggg the girl was so blindly in love with jongin so she didnt event realise someone who has been her side from the beginning :(
Chapter 67: Wow!!! Wan very beautiful story authornim!!!! Congrats :) was daebak!!!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I like it ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
seohyun3007 #7
Chapter 49: OMG the sense of guilt i had for taemin is completely gone i swear
seohyun3007 #8
Chapter 43: although they divorced i'm feeling bad :(
seohyun3007 #9
Chapter 36: DIVORCE TAEMIN, and let my ship jongri sail