It All Begins With A Choice





“So, you’re in an awkward situation right now?” L mused. He was sitting on the dress shop’s plush sofa, while Minyoung was chaning behind the curtains.

“You could say that.” She replied. Myungsoo crossed his legs.

“When’s the wedding again?” He asked.

“Kai’s wedding will be next week. I still don’t get why he wanted me to wear this.”

The curtains were drawn. L chuckled.

“It’s awkward, even for me. Too girly. Not you.” L said bluntly.

Minyoung eyed the sky blue tube dress.

“Well, it’s what the bride chose for me. I’ll change now.” She looked at the lady.


“When are they coming home?” L asked as they walked out of the shop.

“I don’t know. Ge said he would check his schedule.”

“When you say awkward, how awkward?”

“Lay ge knows now. He knows that Luhan ge and him are both…”

L nodded.

“Rivals.” He finished.

“Myungsoo, I’m scared.”

“What do you mean?” Myungsoo asked as they walked towards the park.

“What if they argue? I don’t want to lose any of them.” She said. Myungsoo looked at her.

“You’re not. Because, in the end, it will be Junhee’s choice. They both have to respect that.”


Minyoung stepped in the house, only to find Lay by the mini bar. She shook her head as she remembered talking with Luhan on the same place.

They also talked about Junhee there.

“Ge? Its’ still early, why are you drinking.”

“Ta shi wo de duishou…..Dan…ta shi wo di gege. (He’s my rival. But…he’s my brother.)”

Minyoung sighed and took the stool next to his and sat down.

“Ge, I know I should have told you earlier. But….honestly, it’s~”

“But I love her already, Mei.” Lay grabbed her shoulders.

Minyoung froze. She never saw that look on her brother’s eyes.


“I don’t want to….make Luhan ge sad, but…I love her. I cant let go.”

Minyoung was about to open , but they both heard a car honk. Lay let go of her. Minyoung slipped down from her chair and walked to front door.

She sighed in relief as she saw the Black Aventador pull over.

“They’re back.” She pushed open the door.


“Oh, you’re not having dinner~” Kri was cut off when he saw Minyoung’s face. She was pale.

“Did something happen?”

Tao looked at her.

“Nothing.” She smiled as she hugged him briefly and did the same to Tao.

Kris looked at her.

“I’ll…tell you later, for now, let’s eat.”


“This happened.” Minyoung whispered as they walked inside the kitchen where Luhan and Lay were sitting across each other, not talking. Junhee was at the kitchen.

“Junhee?” Tao asked.

“She’s at the kitchen ge, sit down. I’ll call her.” Minyoung walked to the kitchen. Kris took his seat.

“How’s the company?” He asked.

“It’s fine. We have the new project presentation due for next week. Minyoung’s handling it well.” Luhan replied, his voice sounded so subdued and controlled.

“Yixing?” Kris looked at him.

“I’m fine, ge.” Lay replied without looking up. Tao sighed and scratched his head.

“I made~oh, you guys are here already!” Junhee smiled as she placed down a tray of cookies.

“I tried making it less sweet.” She added. Kris nodded and smiled at her. Minyoung puffed her cheeks and took her seat beside Lay.

She gave Kris a look. Kris shook his head.

“I thought haraboji came with you.” Junhee looked Tao.

“He said he wanted things to settle in the hosue first before he comes home.”

“What? Settle what?” Minyoung looked at him.

Tao looked at Minyoung.

“Kare wa koko de sankaku kankei o te iru. Kare wa amarini mo sore ni yotte fukai ni kanjiru.”

“Ya, in this room only the two of you can speak Japanese that well!” Kris said. Even Luhan and Lay were looking at the two questioningly.

“Who told you guys not to take aikido with us?” Tao countered.

Minyoung blinked as she processed what Tao said to her.

“He knows about the love triangle here. He feels uncomfortable by it too.”

“Ughh, agung.” She muttered as she stabbed her steak.



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gei wo ni de ai


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Chapter 68: Time flies
zangsia1 #2
Chapter 68: Wow authornim,
your stories are addictive!
I need to read them completely except for the new ones, my eyes hurt just reading but can't stop. I thought Junhee likes Luhan! surprise surprise, it was Lay all along! thanks
Chapter 31: I remember reading this before, and I'm pretty sure I finished it, but I can't remember who Junhee ended up with, and I'm going crazy
14 streak #4
Chapter 68: ❤❤❤
Chapter 68: All of them eventually got paired up.
Chapter 57: Multilingual household
Chapter 68: Love your stories.
Chapter 68: Lol, Tao is crazy hahaha! But whatever I love them hahaha!
Chapter 68: yipeeeeeee!
I love happy endings
14 streak #10
Chapter 68: ♡♡♡