It All Begins With A Choice


Narrator’s POV


“There she is!” Minyoung muttered as they pulled over in front of a coffee shop ant Apgujeong.

Myungsoo looked at her.

“What?” She sighed.

“Be my girlfried for ten minutes?” He asked.

“Hell no. You go inside alone.”



Myungsoo made a face and stepped down from the car. Minyoung smiled as she watched him climb the stairs.

She unstrapped herself and looked around the car. She always liked this particular car, and she didn’t know why.

She took out her headphones and opened the car’s front compartment. She found Kris’ sunglasses, an mp3 player and a diary. It was thin and small.

Her brows furrowed, then she opened the diary on her lap.

Her eyes widened when she saw a photo of her. A photo of her that she never knew was taken.

“This…a year ago.” She said as she looked at the background.

They were in Japan that time, she was wearing a pair of jeans and a loose top. In the photo Minyoung was smiling while looking at somewhere.

She scratched her lead briefly.

“But, why would he place it~”

She turned the paper around, then she froze as she read the note behind it.



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22 streak #1
Chapter 68: Time flies
zangsia1 #2
Chapter 68: Wow authornim,
your stories are addictive!
I need to read them completely except for the new ones, my eyes hurt just reading but can't stop. I thought Junhee likes Luhan! surprise surprise, it was Lay all along! thanks
Chapter 31: I remember reading this before, and I'm pretty sure I finished it, but I can't remember who Junhee ended up with, and I'm going crazy
14 streak #4
Chapter 68: ❤❤❤
22 streak #5
Chapter 68: All of them eventually got paired up.
22 streak #6
Chapter 57: Multilingual household
Chapter 68: Love your stories.
22 streak #8
Chapter 68: Lol, Tao is crazy hahaha! But whatever I love them hahaha!
Chapter 68: yipeeeeeee!
I love happy endings
14 streak #10
Chapter 68: ♡♡♡