It All Begins With A Choice




Narrator’s POV


Minyoung wiped her tears before going out from the car. Then she took her bag and walked to the three floor white stone house.

“Good morning, Miss Jiang.” The butler greeted. She smiled at him then went in the house, as if it were her own.

“Good morning, Youngie!” Mrs. Kim said as she saw her.

“Morning, auntie. Is Myungsoo~”

“Oh morning, Jiang young lady, Myungsoo is still having his breakfast.” His father appeared from the staircase.

She had to chuckle at that.

“How many alarms did it take this time?” She asked as the couple headed for the front door.

“We used a car horn!” Mr. Kim chuckled before heading out.


Myungsoo watched as his best friend walked in the kitchen.

“You look so ty, do you want to seduce me or something? Because, honestly, Youngie, it wont work.” He said as he addressed her hot shorts and loose crop top get up that bared her shoulders.

“Myungsoo, I~” Her eyes started to water. Myungsoo grew alarmed.

“Ya, I was…just kidding, you’re pretty, yeppeo.”

Minyoung shook her head and she plopped beside him.

“They’re all blaming me….I just…did what I think…is right.” She muttered.

“Who? Did you and~”

“Agung…Chaerin unnie…they all hate me.”

Myungsoo looked at her, then he sighed and gently wrapped one arm around her.

“Minyoung, that’s not possible, your grandfather loves you so much. There is no reason he would hate you.”

She shook her head.

“What happened? What did you do to anger him so much?”

Minyoung didn’t reply.

“Youngie, I’m your best friend, you claimed so, yourself.”

“Because I don’t want them to force Kris into marrying someone he doesn’t love!”

Myungsoo’s brows rose. Then he nodded.

“Look, L, I just~”

“If that’s the case, then ask Kris not to.”

“I’ll just come out as….hungry for attention. Unnie even got mad at me.”

“Do you even see how he looks at you?” Myungsoo asked.


“Kris hyung, it’s pretty much obvious why he doesn’t want to marry her.”

“Look L, you’re being alienish again~”

Her phone started to ring. It was Lay.

“I think I’m needed at home.”

Myungsoo got a tissue and handed it to her. Minyoung gave him a smile and hugged him.

“Oh, what would you do without me?” Myungsoo sighed and patted her back.



Minyoung parked her car in front of the Jiang Empire building. She clutched to the cardigan Myungsoo lent her and she went in.

She walked to the elevator.

Then her phone rang again.

“Zhang Yixing, I am already inside the building!”

Lay chuckled.

“Hurry up, mei, we need to talk.”


Minyoung’s POV

I finally arrived at the top floor. I wonder what Lay ge wants to talk about. Maybe it’s about the talk I had with Agung earlier. I sighed.

“What? Luhan and Tao went there?”

“Yes, Seungjae saw them.”

I stopped walking. Where is that noise coming from?

It sounds like Chaerin unnie and her aunt.

I saw one of the office doors were ajar.

I moved towards the door.

“Well, what did Junhee say? Did they talk to her?”

“I don’t know, Seungjae, he says that~”

What are they talking about? Luhan ge and Tao ge?

I felt someone pull me back and spun me around.


Narrator’s POV


Minyoung yelped a little when Kris spun her around and hugged her.

“Ge?” She muttered. Kris’ arms tightened around her.

“I was so worried.” He said. Minyoung smiled a little and gently pushed him back.

“Why did you stalk off like that?” He grabbed her hand and pulled her along. Minyoung looked at the door. She bit her lip.


“She is the granddaughter, isnt she?” Luhan mumbled to himself as they went in the car.

“Well, there’s only one way to make sure, ge.” Tao said. Luhan looked at the younger male.

“What do you mean?”

Tao took something out from his pocket. It was a purple colored brush. He twirled the object around his fingers.

“I saw her bag on the table near the counter, I took the opportunity to get a souvenir.”



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Chapter 68: Time flies
zangsia1 #2
Chapter 68: Wow authornim,
your stories are addictive!
I need to read them completely except for the new ones, my eyes hurt just reading but can't stop. I thought Junhee likes Luhan! surprise surprise, it was Lay all along! thanks
Chapter 31: I remember reading this before, and I'm pretty sure I finished it, but I can't remember who Junhee ended up with, and I'm going crazy
14 streak #4
Chapter 68: ❤❤❤
Chapter 68: All of them eventually got paired up.
Chapter 57: Multilingual household
Chapter 68: Love your stories.
Chapter 68: Lol, Tao is crazy hahaha! But whatever I love them hahaha!
Chapter 68: yipeeeeeee!
I love happy endings
14 streak #10
Chapter 68: ♡♡♡