Chapter 30

Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life (Sweet Revenge)

I have decided to change the way I'm typing out once again. Mianhe for my indecisiveness. From now on, I am going to write it as nobody's point of view.

It's been a week since the accident happened and Rin Na was still unconscious.

A short coma my . Stupid doctor. Jiyeon sighed as she looked at her best friend who was currently sleeping, still unconcious after a week. "Pali pabo yah... Wake up... I miss you. I really do Rinnie-ah..." Jiyeon started crying. She missed her. Her silly jokes, her happy vibe, her cheerful aura, her smiles, her laughters, Jiyeon really miss her best friend. Jiyeon shut her eyes and laid her head back against the chair. She thought of what happened last month.

"I need to talk to you." Jiyeon grabbed hold of Rin Na's hands.

"We have nothing to talk about Park Jiyeon-sshi." Rin Na hissed and tried to loosen the grip on her hands.

"Please..." Jiyeon pleaded. The look on Jiyeon face softened Rin Na.

"Fine." Rin Na sighed and pulled her in, to the janitor's closet beside them. "What do you want to talk about?"

"I... I'm sorry... I shouldn't have been a . I shouldn't have been a , I shouldn't have went between you and Jiho relationship. I shouldn't have but I couldn't stand it. I was jealous. I was envious. You were always so loved and cared about whereas I'm always hated... Always blamed. I'm... I'm sorry, please... I just am sorry..." Jiyeon started sobbing, and soon the sobbing became cries, cries of desperation for forgiveness. Rin Na watched her used to be best friend and she knew she was being genuine, she was truly sorry for what she did and even though part of Rin Na hated Jiyeon for doing whatever she did, the other part of her was thankful Jiyeon did it. If it wasn't for Jiyeon, Rin Na wouldn't have love Jinyoung. Rin Na gave out a small chuckle and hugged Jiyeon.

"Gwenchanayo... I forgive you. I really do. I'm sorry too Jiyeonnie-ah... I should have paid more attention to you. I should have known. And hey, if you didn't do whatever you did, I wouldn't have love Jinyoung... And you wouldn't get to experience love with Jiho..." Rin Na smiled.

"How did you... know about Jiho?" Jiyeon was shocked. Shocked that she actually forgived her that easily and even knew about the fact that Zico decided to give them a chance.

"He texted me yesterday, At first I thought he was just lying, trying to get me to talk to him but now it seems like he wasn't lying... Jiyeon-ah, let's be best friends again... arraso?" Rin Na grinned and wiped the tears away from Jiyeon's face.

Jiyeon smiled and nodded her head. "Kamsamidah Rinnie-ah... Nemu nemu kamsahaeyo..."

Sure it took a while for the rest of the group to get used to Jiyeon once again and trust her completely but everything turned out well.

"Hey babe..." Jiyeon was awaken from her flashback by a voice she was so used to and love. Jiyeon looked at the man standing beside her and smiled. "Jiho-ah..." Jiyeon stood up and hugged her boyfriend. "She's still asleep..." Jiyeon buried her face on Zico's chest and cried her eyes out. Zico her hair lovingly. "She'll be up soon ok... Our best friend Park Rin Na is a strong girl. She'll be up soon, trust me... Shush now baby, don't you cry..."

Rinnie-ah, please, jeongmallo, wake up, please...

"Hey..." Jiyoung suddenly stepped in and greeted the couple.

"Hey Jin..." Zico smiled. "We'll leave Rin Na with you now then."

Jinyoung nodded, and thanked them. He made his way to Rin Na and took a sit beside her. "When are you going to wake up?" Jinyoung held one of Rin Na's hand and it lovingly. "Ireona jagiyah..." Jinyoung sighed as he hung his head low. Suddenly, Rin Na's fingers moved slightly, twitching. Jinyoung's head shot up and looked at her hand. "Rinnie! Rinnie! Rinnie!" Jinyoung called for her girlfriend. Jinyoung quickly pressed the call bell beside Rin Na's bed and soon, two nurses went in.

"What's the matter Sir?" one of them asked.

"Call the doctor! Her hands are moving!" Jinyoung exclaimed excitedly. The two nurses nodded their heads and quickly went out.

Rin Na slowly opened her eyes and looked at the surrounding around her and then to Jinyoung who was smiling at her happily.

"Who are you?" Rin Na asked. Jinyoung's face fell. Do you not recognise me jagiyah?!

"You... you don't know who I am?" Jinyoung stuttered, fighting back the tears.

"Mr Jung, please step outside while we check on her." the doctor suddenly came in. Jinyoung reluctantly released Rin Na's hand and went out. After what seems like hours when it's actually just 7 minutes, the doctor finally came out.

"Mr Jung, it seems that Miss Park is suffering from a temporary loss of memory because she was stressed out before the accident. It'll take some time for her to recover her memory once again and the timing depends on the individual. It can take just a few days if you're lucky, or a few months, rarely in some cases, a few years. I wish you all the best. Other than that, Miss Park is fine." the doctor delivered the news and walked off.

Jinyoung entered the room with tears in his eyes as Rin Na watch him walked towards him.

"Hi..." Jinyoung let out a forced smile. Rin Na simply smiled. "Hello.... Can you tell me who I am and what happened to me... And who are you exactly? Why were you holding my hand? The doctor told me I was in an accident recently and I'm currently suffering from a temporary loss of memory..." Rin Na pouted.

Jinyoung chuckled at his girlfriend's cuteness and sat beside her.

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Ydvvfjkch #1
APINK son naeun ❤️❤️❤️
jennifer1801 #2
Chapter 37: Omg please dont cry!
lindanguyenn #3
Chapter 37: OMG Jinyoung cried :'( This is a sad chapter ! Hope you regains her memory soon and forgive JinYoung (: Update soon author-nim !
jennifer1801 #4
Chapter 36: Rin na ...pls make your memories back....jinyoung loves you so much
jennifer1801 #5
Chapter 35: Tnx for the update,,rina shiii pls be ok
lindanguyenn #6
Chapter 35: YAY! You updated (: Thank god she didn't die ! Na Eun better not do something stupid ! Please get well Rin Na (: Update soon author-nim !
lindanguyenn #7
Chapter 34: Will you update this story anytime soon ? :) I'll be sure to check out the new story !
Chapter 33: Nice story! You got me crying and then being happy again and then crying again in chapter 27 xD You're such an amazing writer! <3
lindanguyenn #9
Chapter 33: Do not delete the story ! You'll make all the readers upset :( Hehe, never think of deleting the story, there may be silent readers and plus a small amount of people still comment and encourage you to update :) Can't wait for the next update! Btw, where do you find pictures for their outfits ? There all soooo pretty, that I want to own some of them too :D
ankeaenkeli #10
Chapter 31: Who is the guy ily eating the donut? I don't think I'm ever going to be able to eat one the same...

Also, no, don't delete it! It's a very cute, happy story and a quick read! It's just fine! :D