Chapter 5

Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life (Sweet Revenge)

"Soojung-ah, go get Oppa a cup of water please." I smiled at my sister. She simply nodded.

Suddenly the doorbell rang. "Stay here Oppa, I'll go get it." Soojung smiled.

"Alright. I think it's C-NU Oppa and the rest of B1A4." I looked out of the window and saw C-NU's car, "Thanks Soojung.".

Soojung smiled and quickly ran down to get the door. I walked over to Rin Na and sat down beside her. I her face and lightly touch her eyes which are puffed up and swollen because she was crying just now. "Rin Na ah.... Why are you so innocent? Look what happened now..." I whispered to her as I continue her face. I felt hurt, and I don't know why but I don't feel angry at her anymore. And for awhile there I forgot about Nicole Noona and losing her. My thoughts were only full of Rin Na.

"WHAT HAPPENED JINYOUNG?!" C-NU suddenly barged in to my room. 

"QUIETENED DOWN AND CHECK HER!" I ordered C-NU and he did as told.

While C-NU checked Rin Na, I told them what happened, everything, about Zico, Jiyeon and the way Rin Na was screaming and shouting, yelling and crying.

"Omo...Noona! Noona must have suffered a lot... Poor Noona..." Gongchan sobbed. Gongchan went to sit beside Rin Na and he looked at her. 

"AISH! THAT ZICO!" Baro shouted with his both of his fist up in the air, "We'll make him pay for what he did to our Queenka!". I nodded in agreement. 

I WILL KILL ZICO! I clenched my fist. 

"Poor Rin... Shall I call Onew and the rest? I'm sure they would want to know what happened to Noona too... I mean she's their best friend..." Sandeul looked at Rin Na and then looked at me.

"Yeah... You do that Sandeul. I think Rin Na would be more comfortable with her friends around." I placed a hand on Sandeul's shoulder and smile.


Omo... Poor Rinnie... Wait till I get my hands on you Zico you ugly piece of skunk and you too ty Jiyeon! I quickly took out my phone and dial Onew's number.

Onew, Key, Taemin and Zelo are our best friends too, only Jinyoung doesn't approve of is Rin Na but we didn't care anyway. 

Onew: Yeobosehyo?

Sandeul: YA HYUNG!

Onew: Oh Duckie! Wae? Wanna bring me out for chicken eh? Hehehehehe!

Sandeul: Chicken your ! Come to Jinyoung Hyung's house now! RIN NA IS HERE! Call the rest too!


I could sense panic in her Onew's voice. Whoa... Noona must be really loved... Hahaha.... I mean duh, she's really very kind and sweet...



Onew: Arra! Will be there with the rest in 10 minutes!

Sandeul: Ok! I'm hanging up! 

-hangs up-

I turned to Jinyoung Hyung and gave him an 'ok' sign. He nodded in response.


-10 minutes later-

Onew clumsily parked his car outside Jinyoung's house and quickly got out of the car. The rest follow suit. They quickly went in to Jinyoung's house and was greeted by Jinyoung's younger sister, Soojung.


I looked at Soojung and gave her a weak smile, "Soojung ah, where's the rest?".

"They're in Jinyoung Oppa's room Oppa! Let me bring you there!" Soojung took my hand and motioned the rest to follow her.

When we reached Jinyoung's room, C-NU was checking on Rin Na who seemed unconscious. The rest were around her, looking worried but what I noitced was Jinyoung's expressions. He was the most worried one out of the 5. He looks really worried and exhausted at the same time.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" I demanded and they quickly looked at my direction.

"Yeah! Omo! What happened to our Rin Na?!" Key cried. "It's my first time seeing Rin Na not glowing! She's so pale!"

Jinyoung stepped up and explained what happened to the rest of us.

"I KNEW IT! WE SHOULD HAVE TOLD HER!" Taemin rubbed his temples.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD HER?!!!" Jinyoung suddenly raged. I hold Jinyoung back and tried to calm him down.

"Jinyoung calm down! We're all worried for Rin Na as well ok! We're her best friends!" I tried to calm Jinyoung.


I pushed him to the couch at the side of his room and explained to him. The rest followed us to the couch. They too wanted to hear the reason why we hid Zico's and Jiyeon's secret from Rin Na. Only C-NU was sitting on the bed beside Rin Na, but C-NU could still hear me so it was ok.

"You see... We all know that Jiyeon is a right... And well, we all can tell that she's only being friends with Rin Na because Rin Na is the Queenka of our school..." I explained slowly and the rest nodded.

I continued, "Well, for Rin, she couldn't see that Jiyeon was only using her because to Rin, everyone is nice even if they're bullies because she believes that everyone has a good side to them and since they have been friends since year 1 up till now, year 3, Rin treats Jiyeon as her best friend but little does she know that Jiyeon doesn't even treat her that way. We could tell... Sometimes Jiyeon would roll her eyes at Rin or pull pranks on Rin, for example sticking glue or tacks on Rin's chair and when we tell Rin about it, she refused to believe us but when she asked Jiyeon if it's true, Jiyeon would daringly admit it but Rin is quick to forgive."

She's too nice... Rin ah... why... Jinyoung thought to himself.

"And so, whenever Rin is with Zico, Jiyeon would always be around sticking to Zico like glue. But Rin didn't mind because to Rin, Jiyeon is her best friend so it's ok and we can tell that Zico lusts after Jiyeon since Rin refused to allow Zico to kiss her on the lips or even touch her. There was once when we accidentally saw Zico almost kissing Jiyeon but they didn't since they spotted me and Key looking..."

"Er guys..." C-NU suddenly interrupted me.

"SHUT UP HYUNG! WE NEED TO HEAR THIS!" Gongchan protested.

"GUYS!" C-NU shouted even louder and we all turned to him. Suddenly, all of us went dead silent. Rin Na was already awake and she heard every single thing I said.

"Is that true Onew Oppa...? All these while... you and the rest already knew....?" Rin Na sat up and looked at me. She looked horrible. Her face was pale. I could only look down in shame.

"Zelo... Tell Noona it's not true! Tell Noona you all didn't know about it too! Tell Noona you all didn't hid it from me! ZELO!" Rin Na screamed.

Zelo looked down and started mumbling, "I'm sorry Noona... We didn't want to hurt you...".


"Is that true Onew Oppa...? All these while... you and the rest already knew....?" Rin Na sat up and looked at Onew. She looked paler than ever but yet to me, she still look beautiful. I stood up.

"Zelo... Tell Noona it's not true! Tell Noona you all didn't know about it too! Tell Noona you all didn't hid it from me! ZELO!" Rin Na screamed.

Zelo looked down and started mumbling, "I'm sorry Noona... We didn't want to hurt you...".

Rin Na suddenly woke up and we were caught. Now, she's yelling again. Pabo... Please stop shouting... I looked at her, she was hurt, once again. Enough! I walked up to her and sat beside her. C-NU moved away to sit with the rest. 

"Jinyoung... Please tell me whatever I heard just now that came out from Onew Oppa's mouth was just my imagination!" Rin Na cried. I held her hands and wipe her tears.

"Shhh... You need to rest Rin Na..." I tried to calm her down but she let go of my hands and looked at the rest.

"OUT NOW! ALL OF YOU! I DON'T EVER WANT TO SEE ANY OF YOU EVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!" Rin Na was screaming, real loud this time. Her eyes were red. 

I quickly motioned them to get out. And we got out, including Soojung. Soojung looked anxious.

"OPPA! NOONA! WILL SHE BE OK! SHE'S HURT! WHY DIDN'T YOU ALL TOLD HER?!!!" Soojung now too, was angry but I calmed her down.

"Soojung ah, it's not their fault. They didn't want to hurt Noona, that's why. Go to bed now ok? I will take care of Noona. It's getting late, you should go to sleep soon. You have school tomorrow, alright?" I assured my little sister and her long hair. She nodded, and gave me a quick peck on my left cheek. 

"Oppa... Please take care of Noona..." Soojung begged. I nodded and smiled at her. Soojung walked to her room and shut her door.

I turned to the boys and told them to get home and that I will take care of Rin Na. I told them not to worry.

"Onew... Help me call her family members and lie to them that she'll be at Jiyeon's house for a sleepover. Cook up some excuse. I won't be bringing her to school tomorrow. She's still weak. I will send her home tomorrow. So don't worry." I looked at Onew, and he placed his hands on my shoulders.

"I trust you Jung Jinyoung! Take care of our princess for us... Don't worry we'll handle her family for you." Onew smiled and the rest went out. I waved goodbye to them and thanked them for helping.


Ok, this is easy. I shall call Mrs Park now. Onew took out his phone and signalled the rest to be quiet.

Mrs Park (Rin Na's mother): Yeobusehyo?

Onew: Eommonim! Onew here! I'm here to tell you that er, Rin Na will be sleeping over at Jiyeon's house tonight! We're here too! We're going to er, finish up a school project.

Mrs Park: Oh? Jeongmal? Because just now before Rin Na went out she told me she's off to Zico house to meet Jiyeon and Jiyeon's boyfriend for a double date.

Onew: Oh... That... Yes! They did but they cancelled the date because er, er Jiyeon's boyfriend was busy so they decided to call me and the rest to finish up our school project at Jiyeon's house.

Mrs Park: Oh! Hahaha! Ok! But why didn't Rin Na call me herself? 

Onew: She's busy Eommonim! She's currently with Jiyeon searching for informations on the laptop so she told me to help her call you instead.

Mrs Park: Ahhh... Arra, arra! Thank you Onew! Please take care of my baby girl there alright!

Onew: I will Eommonim!

Mrs Park: Ok, goodnight sweetie! Thank you!

Onew: Goodnight Eommonim!

-hangs up-

Phew! Ok! Done! I gave the rest an 'ok' sign and we went home.


After seeing Onew and the rest off, I quickly ran in and ran up to my room. I knocked on the door.

"Rin... Can I come in?" I asked Rin softly.

"It's your room Jinyoung..." Rin said weakly. 

I took that as a yes and went in. Rin was sitting by my window looking out, up at the skies. I walked over to sit beside her.

"Spot any constellation yet?" I smiled and look at her. Rin didn't response. She was zoning out.

"Jinyoung... Why did you help me...?" Rin suddenly popped me a question. I looked at her. I don't know... Maybe because I like you? I thought to myself and smile.

Rin looked at me. "Why are you smiling?"

I looked at her and simply said, "Because I wanted to help you. Plus, you looked really hurt.". She smiled back at me and said, "Kamsamidah...".

We both then sat down there, in total silence for 15 minutes when suddenly, Rin asked something shocking.

"Jinyoung, why do you hate me so much?" Rin now turned her body from the window to me. She was facing me now, staring at my face, waiting for an answer.

I guess I should tell her now... I wonder if she knows... Maybe it's not her fault... Maybe she didn't know... I turned to face her as well.

"Do you know who is Nicole Jung?" I asked her. I eyed her facial expression to see if she will cringe in guilt but no, all I saw was a confused look pasted on her face.

"No... Who is she?" Rin asked me back.

Wait... She doesn't know?! Maybe IT IS not her fault... ZICO! IT'S ZICO'S FAULT! I should have known! I kocked my head with my hands.

"JINYOUNG! WHY ARE YOU KNOCKING YOUR HEAD?!" Rin Na grabbed my hands and stopped me.

"Nicole Jung is my eldest sister... She died 3 years ago... She was Zico's ex-girlfriend... She was Zico's first love and Zico too was her first love..." I slowly explained to her, eyeing her facial expression again. I was afraid she wouldn't be able to take another news of Zico being a bastard again.

"BO?!!! Zico's first love? First girlfriend? But... but Zico told me I was his first love... his first girlfriend..." Rin Na looked at me in disbelief. 

Zico, you liar... Rin Na was burning with anger.

"Tell me what happened exactly Jinyoung. NOW! ALL OF IT!" Rin Na demanded.

I was surprised at her sudden demand but I simply nodded and said, "Let's start from the beginning then...".


Annyeong new subscibers!

Thank you for subcribing! Omo! Kamsamidah!

I will be updating 3-5 chapters each day from tonight onwards, so please look forward to it! 

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Ydvvfjkch #1
APINK son naeun ❤️❤️❤️
jennifer1801 #2
Chapter 37: Omg please dont cry!
lindanguyenn #3
Chapter 37: OMG Jinyoung cried :'( This is a sad chapter ! Hope you regains her memory soon and forgive JinYoung (: Update soon author-nim !
jennifer1801 #4
Chapter 36: Rin na ...pls make your memories back....jinyoung loves you so much
jennifer1801 #5
Chapter 35: Tnx for the update,,rina shiii pls be ok
lindanguyenn #6
Chapter 35: YAY! You updated (: Thank god she didn't die ! Na Eun better not do something stupid ! Please get well Rin Na (: Update soon author-nim !
lindanguyenn #7
Chapter 34: Will you update this story anytime soon ? :) I'll be sure to check out the new story !
Chapter 33: Nice story! You got me crying and then being happy again and then crying again in chapter 27 xD You're such an amazing writer! <3
lindanguyenn #9
Chapter 33: Do not delete the story ! You'll make all the readers upset :( Hehe, never think of deleting the story, there may be silent readers and plus a small amount of people still comment and encourage you to update :) Can't wait for the next update! Btw, where do you find pictures for their outfits ? There all soooo pretty, that I want to own some of them too :D
ankeaenkeli #10
Chapter 31: Who is the guy ily eating the donut? I don't think I'm ever going to be able to eat one the same...

Also, no, don't delete it! It's a very cute, happy story and a quick read! It's just fine! :D