Chapter 16

Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life (Sweet Revenge)

Zico got off the car and walked towards me. ... I hate your face Zico...

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" I shot him a deadly glare.

"We need to talk, get in my car. Now!" He raised his tone at the last word.

"What? No! I'm not going anywhere with you, and we have absolutely nothing to talk about. So go away!" I hissed at him. He took my hand and tried to pull in to his car when Jr. Oppa came out of the house.

"Rinnie-ah, what's all the commotion abou-" Jr Oppa asked and stopped when he saw Zico grabbing my hand.

"WHY ARE YOU HERE ZICO?!!!!!! LET GO OF MY SISTER HAND!!!!!!!!!!" Jr Oppa shouted and broke Zico's grip off my hand.

Jinyoung finally came and he quickly got out of his car. He ran up towards me and then looked at Zico.

"I ALREADY TOLD YOU ZICO, LEAVE RIN NA ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE'S MINE NOW!!!!!!" Jinyoung was about to throw a punch at Zico when I stopped him.

"No Jinyoung, no..." I took Jinyoung's hands down and pulled him to my side.


Jr. Oppa grabbed Zico's collar and hissed, "My sister having nothing to say to you. Go away and leave her alone or else...".

I grabbed my Oppa and pulled him to my side as well. I took a step closer to Zico and looked him in the eyes. His eyes were full of regret, guilt and remorse. He's really sorry... Before I knew it I was tearing up and crying. Jinyoung wanted to pull me back but I stopped him.

"Let me handle this Jinyoung..." I softly said.

I cupped Zico's face with my hands and he too started crying. He held my hands that were cupped around his face and kissed it.

"I'm sorry Rinnie... I'm sorry... I'm sorry, I'm really really... really sorry... Please..." Zico cried, still looking at me in the eyes.

I wiped his tears away, and he wiped mine.

"I forgive you Zico... I forgive you... Ok... But If you're going to ask me back then I'm sorry, I can't agree to that. You have disappoint me Zico. You hurt me. You lied, you cheated on me. And... and you cheated on me with my... with my best friend. You killed somebody that loved you so much and was expecting your child, indirectly... You left her, you abandoned her, and you went to me when you were still with her and now you're doing the same thing to me, but this time the girl is Jiyeon... Jiyeon... Jiyeon my best friend. How could you be this heartless Zico?! How could you...?" 

"Rin, I know I made too many mistakes... And I'm thankful that you forgive me but... but can't I really have you back? I love you so much Rin, I miss you so bad, please..."

I cupped his face again and looked at him in the eyes once more, "No... No. You can't have me back Zico. You can't and if you truly, really did love me you wouldn't have cheated on me with Jiyeon, you wouldn't have succumb to her, you wouldn't have lied to me, you would have told me the truth that I'm not your first but Nicole Unnie was... You would have told me about Nicol Unnie... I love you Zico, I do. But no more as your girlfriend or your lover. I'm no longer your muse. I only love you as a friend now Zico, as someone thay once been so important in my life. That's all. Nothing more, nothing less. I can't let you have me back Zico. No, I can't. My heart belongs to myself now.".

He looked at me and finally nodded. He finally understood me. He finally understood my heart.

I let go of his face and took a step back. 

"Goodbye Zico, goodbye..." I softly said. 

Zico looked at me and cried even harder but he didn't force me anymore.

"I get it now Rin... I get it... I understand... But... But I want you to know that if ever, if you ever want me back, I will always, always welcome you with open arms, back in my embrace. My heart will always be yours. Always."

I shook my head and rejected him, "No Zico... No... Let me go... Like how I'm letting you go now... Let me go... I won't ever come back Zico. My heart and soul won't allow it. Please, focus only on Jiyeon now. She loves you, and needs you as much as you love me and need me. Open up your heart to her Zico...".

Zico didn't say anything but simply walked back to his car. Before he opened his car door, he looked back and whispered, "Goodbye brown eyes, Goodbye. I love you so...".

He went got in and drove off.

I watched his car disappear down the road and at the same time, memories of us came flashing through my mind like a presentation slide.

The times when he'll spam me with his aegyo...

The first time I met him...

The times when he will tease me...

The time I planned his birthday surprise with Block B...

The times we quarreled and he would pretend to avoid me when he was actually following me...

The times when I tell him I love him and he would squeal in excitement...

The times when he tries to cheer me up whenever I'm upset...

How he would tell me the girls in his school chases him...

All those memories... I'm sorry Zico... But I'm no longer yours... And I'm over you... I clenched my fists.

"Goodbye Zico... I'm over you..." I whispered to myself and looked down. Tears were falling.

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Ydvvfjkch #1
APINK son naeun ❤️❤️❤️
jennifer1801 #2
Chapter 37: Omg please dont cry!
lindanguyenn #3
Chapter 37: OMG Jinyoung cried :'( This is a sad chapter ! Hope you regains her memory soon and forgive JinYoung (: Update soon author-nim !
jennifer1801 #4
Chapter 36: Rin na ...pls make your memories back....jinyoung loves you so much
jennifer1801 #5
Chapter 35: Tnx for the update,,rina shiii pls be ok
lindanguyenn #6
Chapter 35: YAY! You updated (: Thank god she didn't die ! Na Eun better not do something stupid ! Please get well Rin Na (: Update soon author-nim !
lindanguyenn #7
Chapter 34: Will you update this story anytime soon ? :) I'll be sure to check out the new story !
Chapter 33: Nice story! You got me crying and then being happy again and then crying again in chapter 27 xD You're such an amazing writer! <3
lindanguyenn #9
Chapter 33: Do not delete the story ! You'll make all the readers upset :( Hehe, never think of deleting the story, there may be silent readers and plus a small amount of people still comment and encourage you to update :) Can't wait for the next update! Btw, where do you find pictures for their outfits ? There all soooo pretty, that I want to own some of them too :D
ankeaenkeli #10
Chapter 31: Who is the guy ily eating the donut? I don't think I'm ever going to be able to eat one the same...

Also, no, don't delete it! It's a very cute, happy story and a quick read! It's just fine! :D