Chapter 15

Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life (Sweet Revenge)


I was talking to boys through a conference call when they came back and Rinnie Unnie was eyeing me since I was laughing like nobody's business. Thank God she was dead tired if not she would have asked me who I was on the phone with and why was I laughing so much since I'm hardly on the phone. 

Phew... I was in my room getting ready to go to bed. I can't wait for tomorrow... You're going to be in for a real treat Park Jiyeon... Psh...

I set the alarm, switched off the lights, climbed on my bed and fell asleep.



I woke up by the sound of the alarm. I decided to wake up 2 hours earlier than I usually do so I could pick out my outfit and get myself ready to pick Rinnie.

Did yesterday night really happened...? I chuckled to myself as I got out of the bathroom. I just finished showering. I miss you Rinnie... I can't wait to see you later... I opened up my cabinet and looked through my outfit. I decided to go for a simple look since Rinnie is always very simple. Yet she's absolutely beautiful in whatever she's wearing.

I quickly got ready and went down to get breakfast done.

Soojung was already sitting down, waiting for me.

"Oh! Oppa Annyeong! Wah! Why so handsome today?" She playfully teased me.

"Hmm? Wae? Isn't Oppa handsome everyday?" I laughed.

"Well you are handsome everyday but today seems a little different... Hmm... Must be Rinnie Unnie~" She cooed and pretend to look somewhere else.

"Aye you little rascal!" I ruffled her hair and quickly got breakfast done.

After breakfast, I sent Sujoong to school and drove to Rin Na's house. 

On the way there I texted her.

Jingyoung: Good morning~ Did you sleep well last night? I'm on my way now. Remember to wear thick clothes alright! It's winter! 


"WAKEY! WAKEY! PALI WAH! YAH RINNIE-AH!" Bom Unnie smacked my .

I sat up straight away.

"OMO UNNIE! WHAT TIME IS IT?!!! IS JINYOUNGIE HERE ALREADY?! OMO! OTTOKE!!!" I scrambled out of bed only to get knocked on the head by my sister.

"HAHAHA! MITCHULSO?! IT'S ONLY 7!" Bom Unnie laughed and continued, "Your Jinyoungie won't be here till 8.30am! And your school starts at 9.30am every Wednesday anyway!".

"AISH! UNNIE YOU SCARED ME!" I cursed and she laughed even harder. 

"Go get ready sweetie! Make sure you're prettily dressed alright! Hehehe!" Bom Unnie ruffled my hair and got out of my room.

I stood up and went into my bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror and recalled what happened yesterday. Jinyoungie, Zico's call and NIcole Unnie. I brushed those thoughts away and quickly took my shower.

I picked out my outfit carefully and decided to wear skinnies today.

I quickly got ready and went down for breakfast. I kissed everyone good morning and sat down.

"Oh Unnie! Yippeun! Nemu yippeun! What's the special ocassion?" Ji Eun smiled at me.

"Eunnie-ah, don't you know? Jinyoungie is coming to fetch her to school today~" Bom Unnie cooed.

"JEONGMALLO?! WAH! DAEBAK! UNNIE HAVE FUN!" Ji Eun laughed and clapped her hands excitedly. I simply blushed.

"Aye! Look at you blushing like a tomato!" Umma teased and Appa laughed.

"Rinnie hwaiting!" Oppa cheered and gave me an aegyo.

"Aye! Oppa bo ya!" I laughed.

Suddenly my phone message ringtone rang.


I opened it up and saw Jinyoungie's message.

Jinyoungie: Good morning~ Did you sleep well last night? I'm on my way now. Remember to wear thick clothes alright! It's winter! 

"OMO! HE'S ON THE WAY! ALREADY?" I quickly ate breakfast and replied to his message.

Rin Na: Annyeong! Pyong~ You're on the way already? Wah! So fast? Arra! I'm all ready already anyway! See you Jinyoungie! And yes don't worry! I'm wearing thick clothes! Kamsamidah! 

"Umma, Appa, Bom Unnie, Oppa, Ji Eunnie-ah, I'm going! See you later! Jinyoungie is almost here!" I quickly bowed and said goodbye to them, grabbed my back and hurry out to the door.

A few minutes later a car arrived, but it wasn't Jinyoung's. It was someone's else. Zico?! What's he doing here?!!! My face turned red all of a sudden, and soon I was angry, very angry.



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Ydvvfjkch #1
APINK son naeun ❤️❤️❤️
jennifer1801 #2
Chapter 37: Omg please dont cry!
lindanguyenn #3
Chapter 37: OMG Jinyoung cried :'( This is a sad chapter ! Hope you regains her memory soon and forgive JinYoung (: Update soon author-nim !
jennifer1801 #4
Chapter 36: Rin na ...pls make your memories back....jinyoung loves you so much
jennifer1801 #5
Chapter 35: Tnx for the update,,rina shiii pls be ok
lindanguyenn #6
Chapter 35: YAY! You updated (: Thank god she didn't die ! Na Eun better not do something stupid ! Please get well Rin Na (: Update soon author-nim !
lindanguyenn #7
Chapter 34: Will you update this story anytime soon ? :) I'll be sure to check out the new story !
Chapter 33: Nice story! You got me crying and then being happy again and then crying again in chapter 27 xD You're such an amazing writer! <3
lindanguyenn #9
Chapter 33: Do not delete the story ! You'll make all the readers upset :( Hehe, never think of deleting the story, there may be silent readers and plus a small amount of people still comment and encourage you to update :) Can't wait for the next update! Btw, where do you find pictures for their outfits ? There all soooo pretty, that I want to own some of them too :D
ankeaenkeli #10
Chapter 31: Who is the guy ily eating the donut? I don't think I'm ever going to be able to eat one the same...

Also, no, don't delete it! It's a very cute, happy story and a quick read! It's just fine! :D