Chapter 23

Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life (Sweet Revenge)




Yay! The banner is up already!

Ok, I will continue Chapter 23 tomorrow!

Time for me to sleep! Goodnight! Jaljayo! 


Annyeong! I'm back and I got back my exam results! 2Bs and !C! Good enought! I will work harder next year! Hwaiting for me! Ah go go go!~

Time for the update!

-----AFTER SCHOOL-----


After school, I quickly kept my books back in the locker and got into a cab.

I told the driver where to go and withing 10 minutes, I reached Zico's house and I saw him outside, sitting on the bench.

I paid the driver and walked over to where Zico was.

"Hey..." I greeted him. He looked up and smile.

"Hey... Sit..." He smiled at me and patted the empty space beside him, motioning me to sit.

I gave him a weak smile and sat down. Why do I have a bad feeling about this...

"I want to tell you something..." Zico turned to face me.

"O..k..." I looked down. I was preparing for the worst when Zico lifted up my head and say, "Hey... Don't be afraid... Whatever I'm going to tell you isn't bad news, so please, don't be sad...".

I nodded my head.

"I went to Rin Na's house just now in the morning and I wanted to talk things out with her... And I somehow did. But Jr. Hyung and Jinyoung came at the start so it was a kinda havoc before I could finally talk things out with her. She told me to move on and she won't take me back anymore. She told me she doesn't love me the way a lover loves anymore. She told me to let her go and open up my heart for... for you..." Zico looked at me in the eyes.

Rin Na said... that? I... I thought she'll hate me... and... and... take revenge... and not help me... I felt ashame all of a sudden. I felt so ashame and guilty that I wished I have never hurt Rin Na at all, that I wish I never seduced or had a make out session with Zico. I wished that I could rewind time and go back and redo everything and maybe treat her nice, as in genuinely as nice from then on but I know I can't do that. Whatever happened already happen. Tears started forming on my eyes.

Zico wiped that away and smiled, "I thought things through just now. I didn't went to school and I organised my thoughts, and I have decided to let go of RIn Na... and open up my heart to... to you... What Rin Na said was right... If I loved her, I wouldn't have been weak to distractions or third parties... I guess my love for her wasn't enough and I won't lie. I do feel attracted to you... I'm willing to give us a try... If you're willing to...".

I hugged him after hearing those words coming out from his mouth, especially those last 10 words. I'm willing to give us a try... if you're willing to... I nodded my head and said, 'Yes!". Zico laughed and ran his fingers through my hair.

"I will need some time to let Rin Na go... So please, bear with me because I really want to give us a try."

"I understand Zico... I underrstand..."

"Thanks Baby..." When I heard him say the word baby, I know he's sincere because the way he said it was different from the way he said it when I was ing him.

Thank you God... And thanks... thanks Park Rin Na... I owe you one....


I was putting my books back into my locker when I felt a back hug. Jinyoungie! I know. His arms, his warmth, his smell, I know it was him.

"How did you know?" He chuckled, still back hugging me.

"Because you're wrapped around my finger, my heart and now it seems like around my back as well!" I joked and he laughed.

I turned to look at him.

"i'll see you tonight then... Remember to bring Soojung along!"

"Aye! Of course I will! She's been blabbering about how she can't wait to see you again!" Jinyoung laughed.

"I can't wait to see her too!" 

Jinyoung intertwined our hands together and we walked out of school together. He sent me home and we kissed each other goodbye on the cheeks before I went in.

"I'll see you later!" Jinyoung smiled.

"See you Oppa!" I laughed and went in.

I texted the rest and told them to be at my house by 6pm.

I went in and saw Umma busy walking around decorating the dining table and the placing flowers around.

"No! Put it in the center! It looks nicer there! Yes, the red roses! My daughters love roses!" Umma ordered the maids around.

"UMMA!!!" I shouted and ran up to her to give her a hug.

Umma laughed and hugged me back. "Aihoo~ My daughter is back eh! Go shower and rest! Umma got lots to do!".

"Umma let me help!"

"Anddweayo! Anndwea! Go up and rest! Go choose your outfit! Umma wants to do this on my own. Your Bom Unnie tried to help me just now but she just made a mess because our style and choices are different and we were argiing just now." Umma sternly said.

"Arra... arra Umma! But! If you need any help! Call me arraso?" I smiled.

Umma ruffled my hair and kissed my forehead, "Arra! Now go go go!".

I nodded and ran up to my room.

I went in and put my bag down when I over Bom Unnie's laughter in her room. I tiptoed to her room and peep in. She was talking to her monitor screen. Ah... She must be skyping TOP Oppa. Hehehe... I give them a 'cameo' then. Hehehe... I tiptoed in and went behind my sister. Thank God TOP Oppa didn't notice me tiptioeing to the back of my sister if not my 'cameo' apperance would have been a fail. Phew...

I counted to 3 quietly and stood up.

"ANNYEONG!!!"  I screamed and laughed histerically.

Bom Unnie jumped up from her chair and fell off to the ground. TOP Oppa was so shocked that he accidentally spit out the water he was drinking on the couch he was sitting on.

"YAH! PARK RIN NA! DO YOU WANT TO DIE?!!!" Bom Unnie chased me around her room.

I stucked put my tongue and ran faster. I sat down on her chair and waved at TOP Oppa who was laughing at us.

"Anneyong Rinnie-ah! Missed Oppa?"

"NEH! NEMU NEMU NEMU!" I laughed.

"Aihoo~ I miss you too!" TOP Oppa laughed.

Bom Unnie pushed me out of the chair with her and pouted.

"TOP! SEE YOUR RINNIE! SHE'S GETTING NAUGHTIER NOW THAT SHE'S WITH JINYOUNG!" I quickly cupped my Unnie's mouth. ... If TOP Oppa were to find out about Zico, he and Big Bang Oppa would definitely kill Zico and Jiyeon.

"Don't bother Rinnie... Your Unnie already told me everything!"

I pushed my sister off the chair and sat down. I looked at TOP Oppa and explained to him that everything's alright now and there's no need for revenge. After persuading him for 15 minutes he finally agreed not to kill Zico or Jiyeon.

"Ok fine! For you I won't kill them! BUT! IF THEY HURT YOU ONCE MORE! I WON'T LISTEN! I WILL DECLARE WAR!"

"NEH! KAMSAMIDAH OPPA-AH! OK! YOU CAN HAVE MY UNNIE BACK! HEHEHE!" I stood up and kissed my sister.

"Do you think I'll let you off with this kiss?" Bom Unnie pouted.

"I know you won't but with this aegyo..." I quickly gave her an aegyo Channie taught me, "I know you will!".

Bom Unnie laughed and ruffled my hair, "You know my weakness!".

I laughed and pinched her cheeks, "I'm off then! Bye! Bye TOP Oppa!".

I waved to my sister then waved to the monitor screen where TOP Oppa was.


I quickly opened my wardrobe and hunt for clothes. I wanted to wear some of the dresses I bought at Fantasy Mall yesterday but I found out that they were in the wshing so I looked through my other dresses and found a few pieces.

I decided to go with a mint dress and colored wedges.

I quickly took my shower and checked the time. BO YA?! 5PM ALREADY?!!!

I hurried and quickly got ready.

I put on some make up.

(-This is me by the way! Anneyong everyone! Hahaha! Ok, back to the story!-)

I looked at myself in the mirror. Hmm... Maybe I shouldn't wear this dress... Anniyo! It's already 5.30pm! 30 more minutes and they'll arrive. Aihoo~ Ottoke?! Ahhh gwenchanayo... I mean it's just a dinner... Asdfghjkl!

I took the presents and went down to place it by the table in the living room so I can pass it to them later.

"AH!!! DONGSAENG AH! FNALLY YOU'RE WEARING PROPER MAKE UP WITH EYELINER!!!" Bom Unnie clapped happily as she saw me walking down the stairs.

"Aye... Unnie! Do you think I put on too much?" I asked her worriedly.


"Oh by the way, 2NE1 Unnies are coming too!" Bom Unnie suddenly said.

"JEONGMALLO?! JINJA?! DAEBAK!!! I MISS THEM SO MUCH!" I shrieked in excitement. CL Unnie, Dara Unnie and Minzy Unnie are like blood sisters to me even though they're not and only Bom Unnie is. It's been a long time since I last saw them! Assah! 

"Yup! Oh! And don't mind them if they asked you questions, I already told them what happened between you and Zico, and thet dumb Jiyeon!" Bom Unnie scoffed at the last word she said, Jiyeon's name.

I simply nodded my head. Nothing can stop my sister from telling... Aihoo~ 

Suddenly the doorbell rang. 

"I'll got get it!" I screamed in excitement. I opened the door and it was Onew and Key.

"OPPA!!!" I shouted and hugged them both.

"ANNYEONG RINNIE-AH!" Onew smiled and pinched my cheeks.

"AIGOO! RINNIE JINJA YIPPEUN!!!" Key clapped and looked at me from head to toe.

"Kamasamidah!" I smiled and led them in.

Bom Unnie hugged them as they greeted her and entertained them.

A few minutes later, 2NE1 Unnies came.

"UNNIE!!!!!" I shouted and ran up to them to give them a hug.

They all laughed and group hugged me.

"AIHOO~ HOW'S OUR BABY RINNIE DOING? OMO! YOU LOOK SO BEAUTIFUL!!!" Dara Unnie squeezed me and kissed my cheek.


"Unnie! I'm ok! Really! I've got Jinyoungie now!" I squealed.

"Jinyoungie? Who's that? Bommie never told me anything about Jinyoungie?" Minzy smiled and hugged me.

"I missed you little Rinnie-ah! I heard you dance to Imma Be in school! THAT'S MY GIRL!" Minzy laughed and ruffled my hair.

"Neh! Come inside first and I'll tell you about Jinyoungie!" I chuckled and bring them in.

"OH! NOONAS!!!" Onew and Key shrieked in happiness. Yup, we're all close. They know who's Onew, Key, Zelo, Taemin, and Jiyeon were. They haven't met B1A4 yet. 

"OMO! ONEW!!! KEY BUNNY!!!" 2NE1 Unnie shrieked back and hugged them.

"AIHOO! HOW'S MY DONGSAENGS!!!" Dara Unnie laughed and ruffled their hair.

We all sat down and we told them about Jinyoung, B1A4, what exactly happened to me and Zico and about Zico's and Jiyeon's affair.



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Ydvvfjkch #1
APINK son naeun ❤️❤️❤️
jennifer1801 #2
Chapter 37: Omg please dont cry!
lindanguyenn #3
Chapter 37: OMG Jinyoung cried :'( This is a sad chapter ! Hope you regains her memory soon and forgive JinYoung (: Update soon author-nim !
jennifer1801 #4
Chapter 36: Rin na ...pls make your memories back....jinyoung loves you so much
jennifer1801 #5
Chapter 35: Tnx for the update,,rina shiii pls be ok
lindanguyenn #6
Chapter 35: YAY! You updated (: Thank god she didn't die ! Na Eun better not do something stupid ! Please get well Rin Na (: Update soon author-nim !
lindanguyenn #7
Chapter 34: Will you update this story anytime soon ? :) I'll be sure to check out the new story !
Chapter 33: Nice story! You got me crying and then being happy again and then crying again in chapter 27 xD You're such an amazing writer! <3
lindanguyenn #9
Chapter 33: Do not delete the story ! You'll make all the readers upset :( Hehe, never think of deleting the story, there may be silent readers and plus a small amount of people still comment and encourage you to update :) Can't wait for the next update! Btw, where do you find pictures for their outfits ? There all soooo pretty, that I want to own some of them too :D
ankeaenkeli #10
Chapter 31: Who is the guy ily eating the donut? I don't think I'm ever going to be able to eat one the same...

Also, no, don't delete it! It's a very cute, happy story and a quick read! It's just fine! :D