Chapter 1

Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life (Sweet Revenge)


"PABO! PALI! PALI! PALI!" Bom screamed  at her younger sister's, Rin Na, ears.

Rin Na grunted. "SHIRROYEO! SHIRRO! Let me sleep for another 5 more minutes, please Unnie-yah..."

"NO! ANNDWEAYO! YOU WILL BE LATE FOR SCHOOL! PARK RIN NA WAKE UP BEFORE I POUR ICE COLD WATER ON YOUR FACE!!!" Bom laughed. She always loved waking up her sister because it's funny to see her looking like a zombie in the morning when usually she looks like a princess. 

"AISH! ARRA!!!" Rin Na sat up straight and looked at her sister, Bom. Aihoo~ My Unnie jinja nemu yippeun!

Rin Na hugged her sister.

"Finally!" Bom laughed while she hugged her sister back even tighter.

"YA A-PAH! IT HURTS!" Rin Na punched her sister shoulder playfully. 

"Opps! Mian!" Bom kissed her sister forehead, took her hands and said, "Kajja pabo-yah! Go get ready!"


I was brought to the toilet by my sister.

"I'm giving you 30 minutes to get ready and be down for breakfast arrasoh?!" Bom ordered in a cute military voice.

"Yes Ma'am!!!" I shouted and slammed the door in her face. ":HAHAHAHAHA!"

"YAH!!! HOW DARE YOU! WATCH OUT!" Bom laughed and kick the door.

Aihoo~ Pabo Unnie! Hahahahahahahahahaha!

I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

Pretty... Hahahahaha.

I quickly took my shower, dried up my hair and got ready. The best part about my school is it doesn't have any uniform so we were free to wear whatever we want to. 


I looked through my wardrobe and lazily choose my outfit for the day. I look pretty in anything anyway!

I straightened my hat and looked at myself in the mirror one last time. Hmm... Whatever! Hahaha!

I quickly packed my bag and walked down to the dining room.

"GOOD MORNING EVERYBODY!" I kissed everyone on the cheeks but for Bom Unnie, I poked her instead.

"YAH!" Bom jumped up from her sit and started chasing me around the table!


"Ne ni ne ni pu pu!" I stucked out my tongue at her and continued running around.

Umma and Appa just laughed it out. I mean, duh since this happens every morning. 

Luckily Oppa and Ji Eun came down, so I quickly hid behind Oppa's back.

"Jr Oppa! Look at Unnie! She's bullying me again!" I gave my Oppa a pout and he pinched my cheeks straight away.

"Aihoo~ My little Rin Rin yah! Are you sure it's Noona who's bullying you or you who's bullying Noona ah?" Oppa wiggled his brows.

"HPMH!" I stucked out my tongue at him and stood behind my Appa. Bom Unnie stopped chasing me awhile ago because she was out of breathe.

"Appa!!!" I complained to my dad and he laughed at me.

"Aihooo~ Our little princess! Sit down and start eating! You're going to be late for school if you don't!" my kissed my cheeks.

I quickly sat down and Ji Eun greeted me.

"UNNIE ANNYEONG!" Ji Eun shouted cutely in my face.

"ANNYEONG MY CUTE DONGSAENG!" I pinched her cheeks and kissed her forehead.

"WHERE'S MINE?! You gave everyone else already but you only poked me?" Bom pouted her lips at me childishly.

"HAHAHA! ARRA!" I walked to her seat and gave her a peck on both her cheeks and forehead.

"Will this do?" I asked her.

Bom smiled and gave me one of her aegyo!

"HOW ABOUT OPPA HERE?!" Jr Oppa looked at me,

"AIHOO!" I ran to my Oppa and sat on his lap and gave him a peck on the cheek!

"ASSAH!" Jr Oppa smiled.

I quickly walked back to my sit and ate my breakfast.




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Ydvvfjkch #1
APINK son naeun ❤️❤️❤️
jennifer1801 #2
Chapter 37: Omg please dont cry!
lindanguyenn #3
Chapter 37: OMG Jinyoung cried :'( This is a sad chapter ! Hope you regains her memory soon and forgive JinYoung (: Update soon author-nim !
jennifer1801 #4
Chapter 36: Rin na ...pls make your memories back....jinyoung loves you so much
jennifer1801 #5
Chapter 35: Tnx for the update,,rina shiii pls be ok
lindanguyenn #6
Chapter 35: YAY! You updated (: Thank god she didn't die ! Na Eun better not do something stupid ! Please get well Rin Na (: Update soon author-nim !
lindanguyenn #7
Chapter 34: Will you update this story anytime soon ? :) I'll be sure to check out the new story !
Chapter 33: Nice story! You got me crying and then being happy again and then crying again in chapter 27 xD You're such an amazing writer! <3
lindanguyenn #9
Chapter 33: Do not delete the story ! You'll make all the readers upset :( Hehe, never think of deleting the story, there may be silent readers and plus a small amount of people still comment and encourage you to update :) Can't wait for the next update! Btw, where do you find pictures for their outfits ? There all soooo pretty, that I want to own some of them too :D
ankeaenkeli #10
Chapter 31: Who is the guy ily eating the donut? I don't think I'm ever going to be able to eat one the same...

Also, no, don't delete it! It's a very cute, happy story and a quick read! It's just fine! :D