1st day of classes

Specialist - The Journey


 “The war started twenty years ago because the Prince of the Amnender Empire had killed one of Emperor Plometh’s high Lords. Emperor Remnon is the Emperor of Lanero, just so you know. So this made our Emperor mad and he went to visit Sanan, Amnender’s capital, and ask the Prince why he did this. The Prince didn’t give a reason and left them, making the Emperor even more furious.

The Emperor asked Amnander’s Emperor if he knew the prince’s and that he please teach his son respect and then Emperor Lao got furious because our Emperor had insulted his son. Honestly I think they are both quite childish to get worked up about this, but that’s not the point here.” She paused and looked around before continuing. 

“That night, our Emperor and his troops, while on their way back to Lanero, were ambushed by Emperor Lao’s soldiers. All of them were killed and the Emperor was just able to make it over the boarder and to a small village where the people helped him get back to Plometh, Lanero’s capital. So then there was a game between them, trying to kill the other person, when one night the Amnender soldiers snuck into Emperor Remnon’s housing and stole the most important, most knowledgeable and oldest scripts from the Emperors Library. The scripts contained information about the Animins, the Specialists, medicines and other things. And since then there has been a war.”

She looked at me and I looked back. 

“Let me get this straight: Prince ambushed Emperor, they play ping pong with their soldiers, then important scripts are stolen and hell breaks loose. Did I get it right?” 

She nodded. “Pretty much.” 

I let out a huff of air. Only then did I notice how full it had gotten in the arena.

“And that’s the only reason why there’s a war?” I asked in disbelief.

“Well…not only.” I looked at her with raised eyebrows and she smiled awkwardly. “During the war the Prince and Emperor were both killed so now they have an Empress. Empress Shina, she was the Emperor’s wife. It’s said she is very brutal, but that is actually understandable since her husband and son were killed. So that’s another reason why there still is a war.”

“Hey girls! Thanks for saving us a spot!!” Miyoung interrupted. We scooted over and Mia and Miyoung sat between Brynn and I, Mia next to me. On my other side were a group of boys. I felt a poke in my right side and I looked to see Miyoung grinning at me from ear to ear.
“What?” I mouthed. She pointed to the boys sitting next to me and then she mouthed the word “hot” 

I rolled my eyes and looked to the middle of the arena where a man stepped onto a podium. 

“Welcome back students! And welcome new students!”


An hour later we walked to our assigned classrooms and I was glad I was together with Mia in a class. Apparently there were three Scholar classes and they just randomly put them together. 

We both sat down in the second row and I took out my notebook. 

“What did you think of the introduction?” Mia asked. 

“Nothing, really. At least we now know that we’re going to have to fight in the war.” 

“Yeah that was a bit of a shock, but then again, what else should we do, right?” I nodded and the teacher came in. She was tall and very pretty despite her tightly pulled back hair and her grey suit. An owl flew in after her and landed on her shoulder. 

Everyone stood up to greet her. “Good morning, class.” She said, her voice unexpectedly soft. “Good morning.” We all mumbled and sat down. She scanned the classroom with a cold gaze.

“I am your teacher, Mrs. Kim. Or if you prefer, Professor Kim. It doesn’t really matter to me.” She paused to sit down. Her owl hopped onto the desk and sat there. “This is Edison, my Animin. He’s a snow owl as you can see. Owls are known for their good eye sight so don’t even try to do anything other than class related business, got it? Wonderful.

“I will be teaching History and Languages so you can always come to me for questions. Even for non class related subject if you need. Your subjects will be Power Control Class, aka PCC, History, Survival Class, Math, Science, Languages, Arts and PE. Don’t be fooled though. You have each class everyday for one hour, except for PE. That’s three times a week for an hour. It’s usually in the morning or before lunch. You al have your times tables so I expect everyone to be punctual for class.

“I hope everyone has their books with them so we will now start with History. Open your books to page ten.”




“Good morning, students!” The teacher, a young, smily, fashionable man greeted. 

“Please take a seat somewhere, we don’t have desks so no need for books either. Come in, come in, we’ve a lot to talk about.”

Mia and I were almost last to sit so we sat in the first row, close to the side. 

He closed the door and stood in front of us. “Wonderful, many bright faces I see.” He smiled. An otter then slipped past us and climbed up him and laid around his neck. “This is Roger, my Animin, he’s very mischievous and playful, so he might give you a little scare now and then.” He the animals head and then looked back at the class. 

“So, has any one here ever had something weird happen to them?” He asked. I exchanged glances with Mia and then we looked back at him.

“Yes, you.” He said pointing to someone. “Come here, boy.” 

The boy, a tall, handsome boy, walked out. “What’s your name?” 

“Uh, Kai.” 

“Alright Kai, tell me what happened.” Kai hesitated but then took a deep breath.

“I was at school, it was late and no one was there and I really wanted to go home and then all of a sudden I felt wind all around me and then I was in my room.”

The teacher nodded. “Mhm. Did you picture your room when you were thinking of it?”

Kai had a blank face for a moment. “Yeah. I saw my room and thought ‘I wish I were there’ and then I was.” 

“Interesting.” The teacher mumbled. “Yes you are quite right, Roger.” 

Kai’s eyes widened and he looked at the animal. “Oh, he just said that your power must be transportation.”

“Power?” Kai asked

“Oh yes, every Specialist has a power. Sooner or later you’ll find it but you either have to force it out or it happens naturally, like with you.” 

“What’s you power, professor?” Someone asked. 

“Professor? Oh did I not tell you my name yet?” We shook our heads. “I’m sorry, please call me Professor Jim. Jim’s my first name, not my last. And I can sense what power a person has. That’s why I am the PCC teacher.” he turned back to Kai

“Now, Kai, I want you to picture that desk over there. Picture it good and clear and then think ‘I wish I were there’. Ok?” Kai nodded and looked at the desk. 

We waited in silence and then for a second he was gone, leaving some kind of smoke behind him. He reappeared a second later right next to the desk. “Wonderful!” Professor Jim cheered clapping. 

“Wonderful! You’ve found your power! Now let’s continue.”

The professor gave everyone else the task to think of what our power could be while he took out one student at a time to help them. 

“I think I know what mine is.” Mia said, jumping and clapping her hands. “I think I can talk to plants. I used to walk in the woods as a kid and I’d hear the trees breath and sometimes they would sing and just now I heard that plant talk in my head! It was happy to see us work hard and it said my name!”  

“Really? Wow! Then you can talk to plants and your Animin! That’s really cool!” 

“How about you?” 

“I’m having some trouble… I have no idea what my power could be. Nothing’s ever happened to me.”

“You’ll find it. Sooner or later, it’ll come up, just keep trying.”





Ok, I really hope I'm not confusing you or anything... ^^ and thank you, toffies for the comment!! You really lifted my spirits there :) 
And I hope it's not too boring... I always think it'll be boring for you guys who read it... I don't know why though... ^^ ok, thanks for reading and comments are looooved!!!



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Chapter 1: Okay, jumping into this story with terms I am not aware of. Is this from your mind or is this based on a movie or a book?

Please explain what this Lanero Empire and Specialists mean...in the beginning. This way, the readers will have a grasp what this is.
I'm looking at this foreword and I see...a war fic? I'm confused as to what this is.

Also, it doesn't interest me by the first look. :(
CuteInWhite #3
Chapter 35: I understand you! school is very tiring!
Chapter 27: Hm...... what's in the letter? :^) Niceeeeeeeeeee Hwaiting Author-nim! xD
Chapter 24: I think you should make the new story! ^^
It sounds interesting and I love EXO, so yeah xD
CuteInWhite #6
Although I only know exo
It was kinda amazing
Update soon!
Chapter 20: Wow I wonder what happened to Ren's family? Love your story so keep updating ^^
Casandra #8
Chapter 20: Hey update again k. .luv ur story sooo much. .
Chapter 10: Yay! EXO! Haha xD loving the story so far! I'm curious to what the rainbow colored energy means. Keep updating! ^^
PandaBo09 #10
thanks! working on it right now!! ^^