
Come back to me

It's already 10 in the evening when Lay decided to go to sleep. He was about to close his eyes when his phone rang.. He reached for it lazily and squinted his eyes to see the caller ID. It was Na Eun. He quickly sat up and answered the phone.

"hello? Na Eun? Why aren't you answering my calls? I'm so worried about you!! How are you? Are you okay?" He bombarded her with questions.

"Let's meet up" was all that Na Eun said. Lay didn't think twice and agreed to meet her.


He run as fast as he could to the nearby cafe to meet Na Eun. His manager was shocked to see Lay in a hurry for the first time in the past weeks. He was just worried about his girlfriend and he miss her so much. 

When he arrives at the cafe, Na Eun was already there. It was late so there were about 5 customers in the cafe. Lay panted heavily as he gaze at Na Eun. She was at the table near the window.. She was staring at the pedestrians passing by and she was in deep thought. 

Lay quickly run up to her and beamed.

"hey!" He beamed and sat across her. Na Eun gaze at Lay expressionless and just nodded. *what's wrong with her?* he thought, concerned.

They ordered their drinks and when the waiter has gone to prepare their orders, Lay turned to look at Na Eun and bombarded her with questions.

"Why aren't you answering my calls? Are you okay? You look so thin, aren't you eating your meals?" Lay asked with hint of concern written all over his face. Na Eun look down and bit her lip, trying to control her tears that were threatening to fall from her eyes. She misses Lay so much. She wants to run up to him the moment he step his feet on the cafe.. She wants to hug him and cry all the pain she's feeling right now. But she already made her decision and she won't fail this time.

*I'm sorry Lay.. I just want you to be happy* she thought and heaved a sigh for her tears not to escape from her eyes. Actually, she didn't sleep the past two days because of too much thinking and crying. *am I choosing the right decision?*  she thought and gaze at Lay's worried eyes. She smiled when she looked at him, how she wanted to watch those eyes for hours.. worried eyes, happy eyes, sad eyes, teary eyes... everything.. 

Na Eun took Lay's hands and cupped it with hers even if her hands were smaller than Lay's. "Lay" she spoke as she gaze at his eyes. Lay leaned closer to hear what Na Eun is about to say.

"will you come with me tonight?" she asked softly, her eyes were watery. 

"where?" Lay asked and look her right in the eyes. He noticed that her eyes were watery but he just ignored it.

"I wanted to have a date with you tonight.. A really romantic date" She mumbled and squeezed his hands. Lay smiled.

"of course"



They decided to have fun in namsan tower. Lay was smiling all the time and same as Na Eun. They forgot all their problems and focus on each others presence right now. Yes, they have bigger problems right now but all that matters at this moment is that both of them needs to have fun together.

Lay was happy to see Na Eun smiling.. But in the back of his mind he can tell that half of Na Eun's smile wasn't true. But he just shrug and continue laughing with her. Lay would follow what Na Eun wants to do since he wants her to be happy and forget the problems. 

They run under the cherry blossom trees with their hands intertwined. Na Eun's arms were spread wide and was savoring the moment while running and Lay was gazing at her, softened by the sight.


"so beautiful here" Na Eun exclaimed and clasped her hands together as they sat on the bench under the cherry blossom trees. Lay nodded while panting.

Na Eun stood up and offered a hand to Lay. Lay furrowed his brows.

"come on.. I wish to dance with you" Na Eun giggled. Lay smiled and stood up as he held her hands.

"your wish is my command" Lay chuckled and put his hands on her waist while she rested her hands on his shoulders. Na Eun smiled and stared at his eyes. 

"and since we don't have music.. I'll just sing for you" Lay said while smiling, his dimples never fails to melt Na Eun's heart. Lay begun to sing a romantic song while gazing at Na Eun's eyes. 

Na Eun couldn't help but to cry silently, but Lay didn't noticed it since Na Eun burried her face on Lay's chest as she pulled him closer while dancing. Lay smiled and continue singing, not knowing that the girl in his arms is breaking apart..

*Lay... I will miss you so much.. I will miss your lovely voice.. I will miss everything about you* Na Eun silently cried. It's hard to breathe for her since it wasn't easy to cry silently when your heart is screaming the pain. 



Lay and Na Eun were now facing each other while sitting on the bench. Lay was caressing Na Eun's hands and Na Eun was staring at his eyes. She wanted to stop the time and watch his eyes and get lost in them. 

"Lay.." Na Eun spoke.


"Can I ask you something?"


"will you tell me the truth?" Na Eun asked. Lay nodded with a smile..



"do you... still love Quiao Hui?" Na Eun asked. Controlling the pain she's feeling right now for asking such question. Lay froze.. What is he going to answer? he was caught off guard. He promised to tell her the truth..

He gaze at Na Eun and his mind and heart were battling on wether he would tell the truth or not. But then he couldn't lie at Na Eun. He doesn't want to tell her lies and live with it. 

He slowly looked down and Na Eun's shoulders deflated. She already knew the answer by Lay's action and she is on the verge of crying..

"Y-yes" Lay croaked. Na Eun gasped. She thought she can accept when Lay admits the truth to her but she didn't know that it will hurt this much when she hear it face to face. It was so painful that you thought you're gonna die just by feeling that pain. 

Na Eun smiled and screamed in her mind *don't cry Na Eun.. you can do this. This is for him.. You want him to be happy right? Cause you love him..* She thought.


She squeezed Lay's hands and he looked up at her. She was smiling. Lay was confuse.

"Lay.. I'm letting you go" She said and searched Lay's eyes. Lay gaped at her. Is what he is hearing true? She wants to break up with him?! 

"no. Na Eun.. If this is about Quiao Hui, let's fix this" Lay protested. Na Eun smiled and shook her head.

"Lay.. This is not about Quiao Hui.. This is about me" She softly spoke.

"I'm sorry Lay.. But to be honest, I just used you for my own benefit. Nothing more, nothing less" Na Eun confessed. Lay cringed. He didn't know what Na Eun is talking about. She used him?!!

"What do you mean?" Lay asked, his voice was now a bit loud. 

"I just dated you cause my boss told me to, it is for my own benefit to achieve my goal as an artist" Na Eun explained, she was still smiling since she doesn't want Lay to see what she truly feels.

"no!" Lay growled. He doesn't want to believe in any of this. He felt so useless now. When he thought that Na Eun is the one who can change Quiao Hui's position in his life this is what he would find out?!

"tell me that's not true!" Lay ordered as he held Na Eun's shoulders. Na Eun look him right in the eyes and she can't help but to cry. 


"I love you Lay" Na Eun mumbled as her lips trembled. Lay was appalled. Na Eun slap herself in her mind for letting her heart speak. But then she realize, she needs to tell Lay she loves him after all.

"And I have to let you go" She added as tears welled up in her eyes. Lay shook his head.

"No Na Eun. I don't care if you used me, I know you have better explanations than that. You said you love me right? And I love you too.." Lay said, tears streaming down his face. His heart was twisting and he can't breathe properly.

"Yes Lay. You love me... but not enough to let Quiao Hui go" Na Eun smiled while crying. Lay was taken aback. When he think about it, what Na Eun said is true.


He slowly let go of Na Eun's shoulders and duck his head down. Na Eun squeezed his arms.

"Lay.. I know you love her so much and she loves you too.. Maybe even more. So come back to her" Na Eun adviced even if her heart was breaking into pieces. *Even if it hurts me so badly Lay. I need to give you back to her* She thought.

"What about you?" Lay asked as he looked up at her. Na Eun smiled.

"I'm going to be fine Lay. Trust me. I'm a strong girl right?" She managed to chuckle. Lay smiled a bit. Even though he loves Quiao Hui more than Na Eun, he can't deny that he cares for Na Eun so much.. He can't deny that he was hurt when Na Eun said she's breaking up with him.. cause believe it or not, he doesn't want to lose her too. But he needs to let her go since he doesn't want to hurt her anymore. He doesn't want to date Na Eun when in his mind and heart was occupied by Quiao Hui. *I pray to God that he will give you a man who deserves your love Na Eun. And that man is so lucky to have you in the future*


Na Eun actually asked Lay to date her one last time since she knew that this will be their last night together as a lover. Everything they did tonight was all what she dreamed of, she wanted to feel it and savor the moment with Lay one last time. She knows that making this decision would hurt her so much but she realize.. When you love someone, their happiness comes first before yours. *Actually Lay.. this is the first and last date that I actually had fun and cried a lot at the same time.. But thank for everything Lay. For giving me happiness and teaching me how to love without any restrains and I thank God for making me borrow you for a while*


 I did double boring update.

epic fail attempt to make such drama:/ sorry guys..

I just can't think of anything right now and I just forced myself to update since I knew i've gone for days and I hate it.

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I promise i will update after my finals:/ so please wait patiently:)


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PiKai_chu #1
Chapter 32: dangg why quiao hui is too nice i cant even v.v
n her name is kinda unique bcus i dont know how to pronounce her name my bad
and their love story is soooo sweet and cute huuu im crying
btw keep on writing good fics author-nim !! xD
I like the idea ,, so i'm gonna read it
Snandunggina #3
Chapter 7: And why naeun TT
Chapter 6: I WILL READ THIS TO THE END ! Although i just started ago, its good!
jloved #5
Chapter 32: I just cant stop repeating this story, it great XD
cheekylittlechubba #6
Chapter 32: It's the sweetest story ever!!!

Great job authornim :D :D
Chapter 32: Best story ever! Well done
giekyungso #8
Chapter 5: sad..
giekyungso #9
i think...I will likeeeeeeeeee this story..
i'm just getting ready 2read..n first prolog makes me curious..
hmmm...i always admire Lay..for his calm figure^^
Chapter 32: Author-nim you made me cry :(, BTW this is good story. :) Fighting~!