Na Eun

Come back to me


In the Acube building. Na Eun was sitting across her boss and manager. Her head was ducked down and her face looks sad and depressed. When they found out about the photo spreading all over the internet and newpapers, her boss immediately called for a meeting. Lay was calling her nonstop and she had to turn it off since she doesn’t want to talk right now and her manager told her not to answer any phone call.

“good job Na Eun” her boss clapped. Her manager clapped also but gaze at Na Eun with a sympathetic look.

Na Eun bit her lip and forced a fake smile for her boss and bowed.

“I was expecting this like after 5 months but I never expect it would be so soon” The boss grinned.

“you’ve done a really great job Na Eun” he added.


“uhmm. Sir, don’t you think this idea will ruin her career?” her manager asked the boss.

“no. It’s a great idea. By this rumor, Na Eun will surely be one of the hot topics in the industry and our demands will surely increase” his boss exclaimed with a smirk. Na Eun didn’t react. She just sat there with a heavy heart.


She was guilty and all. Let’s get this true and straight. First of all, Na Eun was told by her boss that if she wants to be a big star and for her career to be a success, she needs to use another male idol that has a lot of reputation and is really popular. If she succeed to use him and when his name rose up, he will also pull Na Eun’s name on top. So it was the A cube’s original plan and Na Eun obliged since all she wants from the start is to reach her goals and be a popular celebrity.


That was why Na Eun chose Lay.. From the very first that she saw him performing on stage, she thought *wow, he’s the one*
Lay has  the image of a very innocent and dedicated man, he has that aura that can make you believe in everything he says.


She did her best to become close to Lay and even hired a coordi noona that will allow her to talk to Lay freely and be close to him in no time, It was her plan. And it is indeed a success.. Lay falls for her. And they became lovers. Na Eun thought that that was the end of her mission.. But it’s not. Cause being Lay’s girlfriend, she has to be there for him all the time and support him. She was so tired and all and she doesn’t want to continue this stupid relationship anymore.

Sometimes, Na Eun has to think of any excuse when she doesn’t want to see Lay. She didn’t even like him and she’s only using him for her benefit.

But then… As time goes on… She found herself being stuck with his love. She tries to control her feelings and always tell herself that she’s just using Lay.. But her heart longs for more. Lay was always there for her. When she’s tired at work, Lay would call or text her and say something that will cheer her up. He is a very understanding man and Na Eun had to admit that Lay is a 100% perfect boyfriend.


And one day.. She found herself falling for him.. She found herself being awestruck by him whenever his eyes twinkle. She found herself being lost in daze whenever Lay laughs. She found herself being amazed of his voice.  She found herself being melted whenever Lay’s dimple appears when he smiles. And finally, she found herself falling for him everyday and she knows that she has no way out to escape from what she’s feeling.

She decided to set aside her plan and not to use Lay anymore. She decided to become his true, honest and loving girlfriend. All was going smoothly and perfect… Until their photo has revealed.



After talking to her boss. Na Eun and her manager drove to their dorm and Na Eun grudgingly walk towards her room. The other A pink members couldn't start a talk to her and they can't even comfort her since this is the first time they saw Na Eun like this.. so broken.

Na Eun sat on the edge of her bed and stare at the blank wall in front of her. Pieces of happy memories with her and Lay were flashing in her mind and she has to clutch her heart from the pain she's feeling right now. *Lay...* She cried and her mind drifts to when the time when she and Lay were so perfect together.



Today, Na Eun was practicing the whole day for their upcoming come back album. A pink was so tired and exhausted.. They ask for a quick break and they all landed on the floor while panting.

Na Eun was lying on the floor as she wiped the sweat on her forehead when her phone rang. It was Lay. 

"I'm outside your building" Lay said from the phone. Na Eun quickly stood up that makes her members looked at her in bewilderment. She hurriedly ran towards the entrance door of the building and found Lay sitting on the stairs with glasses on and hoodie jacket, he was shaking since it's chilly outside and Na Eun has to giggle from the sight of her cute boyfriend.

"Hey! you're already here" Lay said with a smoke coming out from his mouth because of cold. He stood up with his hands in his jacket's pocket to make him warm. He walk towards Na Eun. She smiled at him with beads of sweat forming on the bridge of her nose and on her forehead.

"What are you doing here at late night? And I thought you're in China for your schedule?" Na Eun raised her brow and crossed her arms. Lay chuckled and sniffed.

"We just got back here an hour ago and I decided to visit my girlfriend because we didn't see each other for the past two weeks and I really miss her so much" Lay said while pouting. Na Eun forced herself to not smile even if she really wants to giggle because of her boyfriend's cuteness.

"So?" She asked. Teasing Lay.

Lay's shoulder deflated and he whined. "And my girlfriend was working hard and I had to cheer her up. But I think she doesn't want to see me even if I'm tired and I ran all the way here just to give her my support" He said, making Na Eun smiled and she cupped his cheeks to make him warm.

"So you miss me too?" Lay beamed. Na Eun rolled her eyes and throw her arms on Lay and hug him tighlty. Lay chuckled and lift her up.

"I miss you so much" Na Eun murmured, not wanting to break the hug. Lay nodded with a smile.

"hey! where's my gift? you said you'll buy me something when you go to China?" Na Eun narrowed her eyes as she pulled back from the hug.

"I said that? hmm... Isn't this hot and gorgeous man not enough as a gift for a beautiful girl like you?" Lay exclaimed while pointing a finger at himself. Na Eun shook her head with a smile. Lay has been so cheesy these days,.

"aw. I'm hurt" Lay pouted and pretend to cry.

"fine fine!! I'll just accept that little gift of yours" Na Eun laughed and Lay narrowed his eyes at her.


Lay was watching Na Eun practice that night and he would cheer her everytime she made mistakes. Apink members were teasing them always and was so envious since Lay is a very supportive boyfriend. But Apink girls loved Lay so much, they love him since they know he won't hurt Na Eun and besides.. When Lay visits Na Eun, he would buy food that is enough to feed all of them.. He's a really good man and they liked him for Na Eun.

"look, you're sweating a lot. Drink first" Lay said as he approached Na Eun and handed her a bottle of water. He wiped her sweat on her forehead with a face towel while smiling amusedly.

"aw! so lovey dovey" Cho Rong giggled and high fived Bo Mi and Eunji.

"I want a boyfriend like him" Yoo Kyung whined and hugged Nam Joo's arm.

"Lay, let me be your girlfriend instead" Ha Young joked, receiving a death glare from Na Eun. They all laughed.


After practicing, Lay asked for Apink manager's permission if he could walk Na Eun home by himself.
Since it's already late and Lay knows how tired Na Eun is, he decided to walk her straight to her dorm. They were walking with their hands intertwined. 

"Here 's my stop. Good night Lay." Na Eun smiled as she faced him. Lay sighed and looked up at the building. 

"wash yourself first before going to sleep okay? And don't forget to call me good night before you sleep." Lay ordered and Na Eun nodded in understanding.

"okay then. Go inside. Good night" Lay said and smiled before kissing her goodnight. Na Eun beamed and walk inside the building while waving at him. He smiled and walk on his way home after making sure that Na Eun is safe.

---end of flashback


Na Eun's eyes welled up in tears and she cried hard as she remember those happy moments and how they love each other. She wanted to go back in time and stop there and keep the moment last forever.

"Na Eun-sshi, i miss you"
"Na Eun-sshi, I will cheer for you!"
"Na Eun-sshi, don't forget to drink your vitamins"
"Na Eun-sshi, Can i hold your hand?"
"Na Eun-sshi, be good when I'm away okay?!"
"Na Eun-sshi, don't tire yourself too much, I'll get mad of you"
Her mind recalls Lay's every expression and how he would scold her or how he took care of her, how he ordered her to behave, how he smiles whenever they meet up after a long time, how he kiss her nose good night.. 
And she couldn't help but to clutch her pained heart.. She can't even breathe because of too much pain.

"Na Eun-sshi, always remember that your almighty boyfriend is always here for you" Lay's face popped everywhere she looks and she has to cry. She misses him.

"Na Eun-sshi, don't cry, I will cry too" an imaginary Lay said and smiled at Na Eun. She wiped her tears away and smiled, but the pain is visible in that smile.

"Na Eun-sshi... I love you" an imaginary Lay softly said before it vanished. Na Eun felt her heart sinking and her eyes burning with pained salt tears as she mourned.

She never would've thought that this day would come.. She regretted everything.. Is this karma? Is this the end of her and Lay?


The door creaked open and her manager walk inside and sat beside her. He patted her back as she mourned.

"Oppa, it hurts so much" Na Eun cried and her manager pulled her for a comforting hug. He knows what Na Eun is going through right now since he is the one who witnessed everything.

Just then, Na Eun's phone rang again for the nth time this day. And it is no other than her love.. Lay.

She wiped her tears away and reached for her phone.. She stared at it longingly.

"Aren't you going to answer it?" Her manager asked. Na Eun shook her head as a tear trickled down her cheek. *I'm sorry Lay. This is for us.. I'm not ready to face you yet.. Give me time to think* she sobbed.

"Manager Oppa.. why does it hurt so much?" She asked as she choked. Her lips trembled and her heart squeezed in pain. Her manager gaze at her softly and he felt pity for Na Eun.

"I want everything to end. I don't wanna get hurt anymore.. I don't want to cry like this but I can't help myself" She cried and hugged her pillow.

"what am I going to do?" she added as her tears won't stop from falling.

"Na Eun.. You're a strong girl. You know what to do" Her manager smiled and patted her head.

"I hate myself from loving him. I hate myself for making him fall for me.. And I hate myself so much for feeling the happiness and love whenever we are together" She wailed. *why did we end up like this Lay?* The pain is too much and she didn't expect to feel this in her life. Because of that stupid plan, everything messed up.

*I love you Lay. And I'm sorry for everything. I hope we can fix these things and be together forever without any hindrance* she thought and trembled.



:) Na Eun or Quiao Hui? lol.

landi ni Lay! 2 girls at the same time crying for him:D

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I promise i will update after my finals:/ so please wait patiently:)


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PiKai_chu #1
Chapter 32: dangg why quiao hui is too nice i cant even v.v
n her name is kinda unique bcus i dont know how to pronounce her name my bad
and their love story is soooo sweet and cute huuu im crying
btw keep on writing good fics author-nim !! xD
I like the idea ,, so i'm gonna read it
Snandunggina #3
Chapter 7: And why naeun TT
Chapter 6: I WILL READ THIS TO THE END ! Although i just started ago, its good!
jloved #5
Chapter 32: I just cant stop repeating this story, it great XD
cheekylittlechubba #6
Chapter 32: It's the sweetest story ever!!!

Great job authornim :D :D
Chapter 32: Best story ever! Well done
giekyungso #8
Chapter 5: sad..
giekyungso #9
i think...I will likeeeeeeeeee this story..
i'm just getting ready 2read..n first prolog makes me curious..
hmmm...i always admire Lay..for his calm figure^^
Chapter 32: Author-nim you made me cry :(, BTW this is good story. :) Fighting~!