
Come back to me

Quiao Hui deeply breathe before answering her phone. 

"hello?" She said with her voice sounded nervous, really nervous.

"Quiao Hui? you still awake?" Lay answered with his voice that is almost whispering. 


"uhmm.. How's your work?" Lay asked. He doesn't know what to say really. 

"It's fine" She simply answered as she bit her lip as she fiddled with her fingers.

"listen.. Quiao Hui. Can we meet up?" Lay awkwardly suggested as he dryly laughed.


"now" Quiao Hui froze, she quickly sat up and gulped.

"isn't it late for you to be out? I mean your manag---" Quiao Hui said but was cut off.

"just.. let's meet" Lay said.



As soon as I settled on my bed, I stared at the ceiling for hours and I couldn't sleep. I'm so tired of the practice earlier but why can't I sleep?

I reached for my phone and play for some games to entertain myself and maybe it would help me to sleep. But failed. And I find myself staring at Quiao Hui's number. How I wanted to hear her voice. I miss her so much. When I saw her the other day, I can't help but to feel my love for her, it doesn't changed at all, I still love her. 

Then the next thing I knew was my phone pressed on my ear, waiting for her to answer. I didn't know why I call her, as if my hand has it's own mind. I wanted to end the call before she answers but then I can't take my hands away from my ear. And when the voice that I longed to hear echoed in my ear, my heart froze, my body tensed and I can't breathe. 

She sounded tired while talking. I wanted to ask her if she's okay or if she's tired for work. But then I thought I'm not on the right place anymore.. 

I asked her to meet up with me. Even me couldn't process my mind why I even asked her to meet up with me. I don't know what has gotten on me. But then.. hearing her voice makes my heart flatter, I want to see her right now and I can't say no to my heart right now.

I told her to meet me at the park near her office since I don't know where is her apartment.

I quickly run outside the dorm and headed to the specific park without even thinking, just her in my mind.

When I reached the park, she's already there. Even from afar, I can tell that it's her. Sitting on the bench while rubbing her arms, I walk towards her. When I reached her, she looked up to meet my eyes and she softly smile.

"Hi Yixing" She greeted. How I miss those voice calling out my name. I timidly nod.

"Can I sit beside you?" I asked. She nodded and move to give me enough space to sit.

We gaze at the stars above without saying a word. I can't say a word. But the silence isn't bad, it's kinda felt... good. 

"How are you Yix-- I mean Lay?" She asked as she turn to look at me. I look at her.

"I think I'm fine" I shrugged. She pursed her lips and nod. I wanted to ask her why she's here in Korea. I wanted to ask her if she still loves me or she finds her new lover.. But then.. I couldn't.. I don't know why. Maybe I'm afraid to hear her answer.. Or maybe, I am afraid to accept her answer. 


soon... we decided to head home after talking.. We talked a lot really. We updated the news about our family and somehow... I kinda miss her family too. They've been a very good family. When Quiao Hui and I were still together, her parents showed me how much they care about me and they treated me as their own son, same as Quiao Hui to my parents. 

I walk Quiao Hui home. 

While we're walking, I couldn't help myself but to glance every moment at her hands. I miss those days when we walk freely with our hands intertwined together. 

"What happened to us Quiao Hui?" I suddenly asked. She stopped from walking and she slowly look at me before lowering her head. I mentally slapped my face for asking such question. Why did I even asked that?!

But I still wait for her to answer. 

"Here's my apartment Lay. Thank you for walking me here" she answered and look at my eyes. I stare at her, not moving. Maybe she realized that I'm waiting for  the answer of my previous question and she sighed.

"Yixing.. I think it's not the right time to answer that and it's late, you should go ho--" She explained but I cut her off. I clenched my fist and closed my eyes before looking at her intensely with raging eyes.

"Then when would you answer that?!! You left me hanging without even knowing what the freaking reason why you left me!!!" I shouted, she flinched. I couldn't control my anger. Why can't she just answer it?! Do I not deserve a proper explanation?!

My hands were shaking from too much anger. But then.. when I heard her sob, I softened. I couldn't help but to feel guilty. I inhaled deeply and calmed myself.

"I'm sorry" I muttered. She cried quietly and fiddled with her fingers. She didn't change, she's still fiddling with her fingers when she's crying. I can't help but to miss her even more.

"can I hug you?" I suddenly asked. It's just that.. My heart was aching seeing her in this situation. I just want to hug her and make her feel better.. or maybe.. I want to hug her to satisfy my longing for the one I love..

She sniffed and look right into my eyes and throw her arms around my neck. She hugged me tightly and cried on my shoulders. I didn't think twice and just hug her back. Circling my arms around her waist tightly. I don't want to let her go now.. I felt like we finally reunited. I felt like our love for each other collide and our heart was beating at the same time, beating a sweet melody as we share a warm embrace.



Is it a sin to hug him now? Cause if it is.. please forgive me, but I will never regret this sin.

I miss him so much. So much that I don't want to let him go. For a moment, I think of him having a new girlfriend and I felt guilty. But then.. Can I be a bad girl for now? I just want to be with his arms again.. give me extra second.. minute or hour... I just want to be with him right now..

I cry on his shoulders.. feeling safe in his arms.. I miss him so much.

He hugged me tight and it felt so right. We didn't say a word but stay at that position for a moment. The world stopped and cupid finally comes back to throw us some more love arrows. I couldn't help but to smile while crying, if that is even possible.

We pulled back from the hug and I thought for a moment if some of my body organs was lost when we pulled back. As if we're meant to stay in each others arms..

We look at each others eyes and he reach to wipe my tears away. 

"stop crying" He softly mumbled. I sniffed but nodded.

"now go inside and rest okay?" He said with his concerned look. I nodded.

"you go home safe" I said. He smiled, his dimple is visible and I can't help but to feel happy.


I walk towards the entrance door of my apartment building and would glance at Yixing every moment. He just stood there, waiting for me to finally walk inside safely.

Actually, I don't want to go home. I don't want to be separated with him anymore. I just want to stay in his arms for so long... But then I couldn't. I'm not on the right place anymore.. I know there is now someone who belonged to occupy those arms of his.. And I am not that one but his new girlfriend...




Hi guys. sorry for not updating these past few days. My cousin is here and we have lots of things to do and I'm preparing the sequel of my other fic, if you know what I mean:).. So... I guess.. Uhmm... enjoy this chapter okay? Tell me what you think about it:) Thank you very much and Happy Halloween!!:)

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I promise i will update after my finals:/ so please wait patiently:)


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PiKai_chu #1
Chapter 32: dangg why quiao hui is too nice i cant even v.v
n her name is kinda unique bcus i dont know how to pronounce her name my bad
and their love story is soooo sweet and cute huuu im crying
btw keep on writing good fics author-nim !! xD
I like the idea ,, so i'm gonna read it
Snandunggina #3
Chapter 7: And why naeun TT
Chapter 6: I WILL READ THIS TO THE END ! Although i just started ago, its good!
jloved #5
Chapter 32: I just cant stop repeating this story, it great XD
cheekylittlechubba #6
Chapter 32: It's the sweetest story ever!!!

Great job authornim :D :D
Chapter 32: Best story ever! Well done
giekyungso #8
Chapter 5: sad..
giekyungso #9
i think...I will likeeeeeeeeee this story..
i'm just getting ready 2read..n first prolog makes me curious..
hmmm...i always admire Lay..for his calm figure^^
Chapter 32: Author-nim you made me cry :(, BTW this is good story. :) Fighting~!