
Come back to me


The next day, my head hurts a lot when I woke up. I didn’t sleep that much since I’m not use to my new apartment and I miss my parents so much.. Not to mention the bed creaking.


Min Young handed me a black cap and a leather jacket, and she also has the same. She said that we should wear something like this when we’re working, “safety first” she said.

I grab my camera and we start roaming around the city.. This is harder than I thought, how can we spot celebrities in this hour?

“hey, come on. I know the place where to go” she said, dragging me behind her.

We stop in the park where few people were strolling. Min young pulled me behind the bush and we start spying on who knows who it is.. Min Young will pop her head side to side then took photos then rolling to go behind another bush, I just watch her while she’s making fun of herself and I can’t help but to laugh. She glared at me and that’s the time when I realize, she’s serious on what she’s doing. So I roll on the grass to follow her childish acts.

“who are you taking pictures?” I whispered as I followed her gaze. She smirked and point her finger to a couple that was busy feeding each other with ice cream.

“who’s that?” I asked again. She whacked my head.

“that’s Donghae from super junior and 4 minute’s Jihyun!” she whispered in an irritated voice.

“wow.. you’re so great!! You think I can take pictures of them too?” I chirped.

“no.. go find your target.. I’ll take care of this” she whispered back.


Soon, we headed back to our department with lots of pictures of hongdae? Donghae? I don’t remember his name. As for me.. I didn’t find any celebrities, and infact, maybe I walk pass them but didn’t recognize them since I’m not familiar with them.

Minyoung quickly submitted the pictures to the head of our department and they congratulate her.

“you know, you need to work harder” she said as she sat beside me, handing me some coffee.

“I tried, but I’m not familiar with the artists” I pouted.

“hmm.. so that’s why.. you sure you don’t know any of them?” she asked.

“well.. there’s only one.. Yixing” I mumbled, lowering my head as I remember him.

“Yixing? Oh.. you mean Lay from exo?” she asked surprisingly. I look at her with my sparkling eyes as I hear his name.

“yeah! You know him?!” I asked excitedly. She poke my forehead and click her tongue.

“ofcourse you pabo! His group is one of the most popular band now” she said in a matter-of-fact tone.

She took a sip of coffee and tap her chin.. thinking of any plans..

Then she pump her fist in the air as she pulled me closer.

“I got an idea!!” she beamed.

“what is it?”

“why don’t you just focus on him? Hmm.. that’s a good one since he’s just new and popular, we’ll find out what we can reveal about him” she smirked.

“what do you mean?” I asked.

“there are some rumors saying that Lay is always out every night.. and sometimes, after their concert, he will just disappear” she said while tapping her chin.

So he’s always going somewhere eh? Where could it be? I wonder if what time he goes home when he’s out..

“so.. what do you think?” Min young asked.


“what do you think about my idea?”

“what idea?” I asked innocently.

“uurrrggghhh.. I said, you should follow him and find out what he’s up to” she rolled her eyes.

“but.. I don’t want to..” I muttered.

“I don’t want to find out whatever it is and reveal it on public. It’s his privacy” I added. I’m serious.. I don’t want to follow him and take pictures of him everywhere.. I know that it’ll just stress him running away from paparazzi and worst, revealing his privacy will just ruin his career.. I don’t want to do that. I don't want to hurt my love.

“yah yah yah!! We are paparazzi remember?! This is our job, they do their job and we’ll do our job, nothing’s wrong about that!” Min Young explained in an irritated tone.

“and infact, if you won’t do this.. you will lose your job, you don’t want that to happen right?” she asked. Yeah, I don’t want to lose my job. Even if this isn’t my expected salary, I can’t give this up since my parents will get worried about me kicking out from my work. I don’t want them to tell me that my decision is nonsense.. I want to prove that my decision is worth it.

“yeah” I muttered and lowered my head.

“asa!! So.. from now on, I will let you follow Lay” Min Young cheered.

“you mean, I'll be his paparazzi..” I corrected.

“oh yeah.. you’re now Lay’s paparazzi.. but hey.. don’t tell our manager that you don’t know any celebrities okay? Just tell them that you just want to focus on Lay since he is way too mysterious” she explained while looking around to see if anyone can hear our conversation.


I guess.. this is it.. I am now Lay’s paparazzi. yeah right.. Perfect.. Lay's ex girlfriend is now his paparazzi? tsk.. how much worst can it get?






any elf there? sorry to use donghae:/

but he is all I can think of being rumored right now.. sorry:(

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I promise i will update after my finals:/ so please wait patiently:)


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PiKai_chu #1
Chapter 32: dangg why quiao hui is too nice i cant even v.v
n her name is kinda unique bcus i dont know how to pronounce her name my bad
and their love story is soooo sweet and cute huuu im crying
btw keep on writing good fics author-nim !! xD
I like the idea ,, so i'm gonna read it
Snandunggina #3
Chapter 7: And why naeun TT
Chapter 6: I WILL READ THIS TO THE END ! Although i just started ago, its good!
jloved #5
Chapter 32: I just cant stop repeating this story, it great XD
cheekylittlechubba #6
Chapter 32: It's the sweetest story ever!!!

Great job authornim :D :D
Chapter 32: Best story ever! Well done
giekyungso #8
Chapter 5: sad..
giekyungso #9
i think...I will likeeeeeeeeee this story..
i'm just getting ready 2read..n first prolog makes me curious..
hmmm...i always admire Lay..for his calm figure^^
Chapter 32: Author-nim you made me cry :(, BTW this is good story. :) Fighting~!