
The Reason I Live [Abandoned]



One, two, three.


I wake up and open my sleepy eyes

It'll be tommorow in a little bit

I feel bad for letting the day pass by so fast

I swallow sand


Time passes by hectically

Will we get so used to our fluttering feelings?

That we'll feel them as a definant thing

I'm sad over pointless worries


Infrequent greetings

Actions that scarred softly

I didn't mean to hurt you

I'll always be sorry


Because you've always been there to protect me

Because you've taken the criticism I should recieve

You've shielded me without a word and now

I will reflect you like a mirror


Rewind the film of our memories

To the day we first met

My heart was pounded, I couldn't hide my tears

They overflowed as much as I was grateful


You understood me better than myself

When I was on the verge of breaking down

Seeing you having a harder time than I did

Made me cry like a child


There's a connection in our relationship

A huge one that I can't explain in words

Our conversations, piled with memories

Continue on today


Because you've always been there to protect me

Because you've taken the criticism I should recieve

You shielded me without a word and now

I will reflect you like a mirror


Because you've always been there to protect me

Because you've taken the criticism I should recieve

You shielded me without a word and now

I will hold you


When it becomes tiring and I want to give up

When I am weak and I want to run away

Your small hand becomes my biggest strength

For the rest of my life I'll sing a song for you


At the end of this very long connection

At the end of this train stop, unaware of where it'll reach

We learn as we go and feel many things

I'm always late at expressing my emotions


You won't be forgotten in my heart, right?

You'll remain in my eyes as you smile, right?

If my joy can become your happiness

I'll be thankful.












ing beautiful ;w;



Song: Honesty

Band: ShiNee



I highly reccommend listening to this song. It was written by Jonghyung with a little help of Minho. They wrote it for the Shawols everywhere, which makes it more perfect. :'3  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDfX8rFWKak&feature=my_liked_videos&list=LLz6tVMfAxTlo0O89p-M9atw



I used these lyrics because each paragraph is from JR or Aron's POV/thoughts. Not in that order each time, but...........yeah. It's perfect.

So..................I'll just.......................................................









*quietly leaves out of the room*


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I'm so sorry guys ;;n;; I haven't updated in fOREVER AND I;M RLLY SORRY


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Alex_Vensel #1
Chapter 41: I shouldn't be lauging that hard at "I hate trains" I think I just woke up my parents... Whoops
Chapter 44: you know even though i liked reading the fic im happy its filled its purposes. maybe there are reasons for things and when the right actions are completed those reasons dont particularly matter anymore because they arent needed.

anyways see you in another story another place or another time
Chapter 44: Hey ^^
I don't know if you remember me but we chatted some time ago :)
Somehow we stopped...
It's sad that you stop writing this but since it fullfilled it's reason xD
Have you been fine?
andromeda_eiz #4
Chapter 44: Hi! Long time no news(?) How have you been? Have done a new fic under this new name? ^_^
Chapter 44: This was an amazing fic and I'm glad I got the chance to read it. I'm sorry that you have to abandon it, you did very well with it. <3 Thank you for putting so much thought into this fic <3
Chapter 43: This is amazing, jr's mother needs to die already,if she harms his sister's,I'm going to flip tables-_- Im looking forward to the next Update^o^
Chapter 43: I made an account soon as I starting reading this it's too good. JRON hwaiting!
Chapter 43: Andwae (no) this chapter doesn't at all! It's full of emotion and you showed how hard it is for Baekhyun! I just hope he realizes that it doesn't help to cut. The moment he does it, okay... Well, what can I say than: It's true for that moment you forget anytthing that bothers you.
But he should know that cutting doesn't solve the problem.
It just makes you forget about it for a short time. It would be better to scream and cry sorrows out or to sing really loud or to go jogging.

Anyways great chap^^ looking forward to the next^^