A Nice "Welcome Back" Gift

The Reason I Live [Abandoned]

Minhyun's POV


After JR had finished crying his eyes out, we finshed making dinner. I called for Baekho and Ren, both of them dashing right in after smelling the aroma of cooked beef, vegetables, and bibambap.

Before they even ate, both of them asked where Aron was. I laughed and said Aron wanted some fresh air for a while.

"More like needed the fresh air." I mumbled quietly to myself.

As I stuffed a forkful of vegetables in my mouth, I thought about the text message that had made JR loose it.


From: Aimee

Aron, when u come 2 meet me, bring some condoms ok? We'll make luuvv~ I love u (as always lol) & remember: tommrow is our 6 month anniversary!!


Like, seriously. What.

It made me want to puch Aron-hyung. He had no right to do this to JR. 

It also made me wonder what kind of person hyung really was.

Was he a player?

Did he use people?

Did he manipulate people; making them fall for him, before breaking their hearts?

Was he really gay? Could he have been faking it?

"Minhyun?" I heard Ren's voice break my thoughts.


Ren looked at JR, then me. "You guys look like you have a lot on your minds." He used his fork to point at both of us, while muching on his food.

I mentally smiled at his cuteness. "We do." I replied.

"What's going on? Did you guys get in a fight?" Baekho in.

"No. Not really. Unless you count fighting for Aron's phone and throwing chairs at each other as a fight that would break a friendship." I joked.

JR slightly smiled before it was turned upside down into a sad face.

I saw Ren and Baekho study him, both worried.

We all finished our dinners in silence, feeling the diffrence in the atmosphere because of one member's absence.

Baekho stood up first, followed by Ren.

"I'll do the dishes." JR offered as he finshed the last amount of his bibambap.

"I'll help him." I burst out with food still in my mouth, before anyone else could take the job.

Baekho and Ren looked at each other and shrugged before heading upstairs together.

"Wonder what their doing?" I asked to myself.

JR sat silently at the table. He waited for me to finish eating.

I swallowed my last chunk of food before turning towards the leader. "You alright, buddy?"

He shook his head and began clearing off the plates on the table.

As a bowl was tossed into the sink, I heard Aron's ringtone go off.

I ran over to the phone and looked at the screen. It was a private number.

"Hallo?" I spoke.

"Who's this?" I heard a familiar voice in my head.

I paused, thinking of something to say. "Well, who's this?" I questioned the caller.


I thought about the voice. Sounded so familiar.......

The voice cleared his throat before beginning. "Minhyun, it's-"

"Go the away." I cursed into the phone, making JR glance at me in confusion.

"Who's that, Minhyun?" he asked me.

"JR?" Aron asked over the line.


Aron's POV


I was about to speak to Minhyun again before I heard some fumbling over the other line.

I twirled the phone line around my finger. Right now I was in the city, a few blocks away from Nu'est dorm. Talking in a phone booth.

"Min!" I heard JR's hiss.

"No, no. You can't!" Minhyun whispered loudly. Loud enough that I heard it.

I patiently waited, not knowing who I would talk to because these two fought alot like an old married couple, yet they still stayed close.

JR gasped. "Minhyun! Put the chair-"

I heard a loud crashing noise, making me flinch. Geez, how did these two idiots fight?

"No! He hurt you, babo!" Minhyun insited to JR.

JR scoffed. "Let me talk to him so I can let him hear my agony." I heard the sound of a plate shattering, followed by another plate.

"Oi! You two! Calm down!" I yelled into the phone.

"Yeah, Min! You heard American Boy, 'Calm down!'" he rose his voice to a higher pitch as he said 'Calm down!'.

I rolled my eyes and tried to be more patient.

"You still want to talk to him?! He did this to you!" Minhyun rose his voice.

JR grunted in response.

There was more fumbling before I heard Minhyun's voice again. "Okay, sorry about that. What do you want?" I could hear the growl in Minhyun's voice.

"I just wanted to say sorry."

Minhyun laughed. "You can't say sorry. You'll do it again anyways."

I took a deep breath. "No. I really am! I didn't mean to hurt JR."

"Oh don't worry, you didn't. He's fine and smiling." Minhyun replied sarcastically. I could tell he was snickering.

I crinkled my eyebrows. "I've only been gone for like 2 hours. C'mon, Minhyun. Just forgive me. It was a mistake." I pleaded. 

"Like me." I heard JR say in the background.

"No, you're not. You're my-"

"Shut up!" JR shouted. "I am nothing to you!"

"Calm down, JR." I heard Minhyun.

"JR? JR? You mean alot to me, I want you to know that I really do love you." I tried to sooth him.

"'Aron, don't forget to bring a for tommorow! It's you're 6 month anniversary!" I heard JR sarcastically inform/congratulate me.

"Aw, . No, it's not what you think." I rubbed my head.

"Then what is it?!" both of them snapped at me. I flinched.

Wow, I was getting it this time.

"You know what, good-bye." with that, I heard a thump and the connection was lost. I sighed, knowing that JR or MInhyun had threw my phone on the ground, perhaps breaking it.

I sighed and stepped out of the phone booth.


Later that night, 10 p.m.


I entered Nu'est dorm. It was dead quite, so I knew everyone was asleep. I heard Baekho lightly snoring upstairs. I peeked in the kitchen. There were two broken plates on the ground, along with my shattered phone. A chair was toppled over it's side. The fruit basket was knocked off the counter.

Good thing manager-hyung didn't come check on the place everyday.

I decided to clean the kictchen tommorow.

Yawning, I stepped onto the first stair to go upstairs into my room. On the fifth step, I saw a fresh blood drop on the carpet-lined staircase. Then on the 8th step, I saw another one. Then  on the 13th step. All the way up to the last step.

Puzzled, I bent down to look at it.

An image of a bleeding JR holding his side from his cuts filled my head.

'Oh , JR. Tell me you did not cut again.'

As I straightened my back to stand in a walking posisition again, I saw JR suddenly in front of me.

Not surprisingly, his white t-shirt was lightly stained in dabs of red on his right side.

"JR. Are you okay?" I asked gently.

"I'm fine as ." he snapped. "But, you won't be."

I don't know what got into him all of sudden, but his eyes grew darker. His fist came flying at me. My reaction time was too slow, casuing him to hit the side of my face.

I groaned. "JR! What the hell!"

I remembered JR a few weeks ago as he confessed his personal problems. When he punched the pillow fiercely, it had made me flinch at his strength.

And suddenly, I was fearing the boy whom I thought would never hurt me.


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I'm so sorry guys ;;n;; I haven't updated in fOREVER AND I;M RLLY SORRY


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Alex_Vensel #1
Chapter 41: I shouldn't be lauging that hard at "I hate trains" I think I just woke up my parents... Whoops
Chapter 44: you know even though i liked reading the fic im happy its filled its purposes. maybe there are reasons for things and when the right actions are completed those reasons dont particularly matter anymore because they arent needed.

anyways see you in another story another place or another time
Chapter 44: Hey ^^
I don't know if you remember me but we chatted some time ago :)
Somehow we stopped...
It's sad that you stop writing this but since it fullfilled it's reason xD
Have you been fine?
andromeda_eiz #4
Chapter 44: Hi! Long time no news(?) How have you been? Have done a new fic under this new name? ^_^
Chapter 44: This was an amazing fic and I'm glad I got the chance to read it. I'm sorry that you have to abandon it, you did very well with it. <3 Thank you for putting so much thought into this fic <3
Chapter 43: This is amazing, jr's mother needs to die already,if she harms his sister's,I'm going to flip tables-_- Im looking forward to the next Update^o^
Chapter 43: I made an account soon as I starting reading this it's too good. JRON hwaiting!
Chapter 43: Andwae (no) this chapter doesn't at all! It's full of emotion and you showed how hard it is for Baekhyun! I just hope he realizes that it doesn't help to cut. The moment he does it, okay... Well, what can I say than: It's true for that moment you forget anytthing that bothers you.
But he should know that cutting doesn't solve the problem.
It just makes you forget about it for a short time. It would be better to scream and cry sorrows out or to sing really loud or to go jogging.

Anyways great chap^^ looking forward to the next^^