Chapter 10

The Reason I Live [Abandoned]

Third Person POV


Aron and JR sat in a comforatble silence. JR had his head buried between his knees and Aron was watching him with sympathetic eyes.

It was very quite, only the sound of their breaths and JR's sniffles interuppted the silence.

Aron rubbed the back of his neck. He couldn't take the silence anymore. He had too many questions and comments to JR.

"So, Jonghyun-"

His eyes snapped at at Aron. "Don't call me that name." he warned.

Aron blinked in surprise. "Why not, JR?"

"My mother gave it to me. I don't like it." he said simply.

Aron scooted closer to him. "I'll make you like it, Jonghyun." he emphasized on JR's real name, purring in his ear and nibbling on his earlobe.

He saw a small smile play on JR's lips.

"Smile, little boy. I love it when you smile." Aron complimented as he lightly traced JR's bottom lip with his index finger.

JR's smile grew, making Aron smile as well. "I love it when you smile." whispered Aron.

JR softly laughed.  "Thank you, hyung. You're so adorable." 

Aron hated to change the subject, but he had to get a point out to JR.

"Jonghyun, promised to me." he laced his fingers through the leader's hands.

Jonghyun looked down at his hands. 

"You promised to try. And you broke it so fast." Aron pursed his lips.

"Are you disapointed in me?" Jonghyun put his head on Aron's shoulder.

The eldest craned his neck and kissed Jonghyun's temples. "I would never be. Not in a thousand years. But, I would be-"

Jonghyun finished. "Strong."

Aron nodded.




I looked down at my hands again. Aron rubbed his thumbs over my hand.

"Hyung," I lifted my head off his shoulder to look him in the eyes. "You have to understand something. I've been self-harming for 4 years now. You can't break a habit you've had for many years."

I saw Aron his bottom lips. "Yeah. I know. I thought you would try harder though."

"I did try. You have no idea how much effort I put in." I said, maybe a bit too harsh.

"Put in more effort." Aron pressed his lips together after he seemed to say in frustration. (Maybe I was just imagining it.)

"I do." I insited. "I always let people down."

Aron changed the subject. "How many cuts do you have?" His hands left mine to trace the gashes on my side. His hands were warm and tender.

I took a deep breath, preparing for the shock on his face. "157."

His hands immidiantly dropped from my side and surprised me by caressing my face. "157? How could there be so many?" he asked softly. His hand rubbed my left cheek. I saw the one thing I saw in everyone's eyes when they saw me: pity.

"I cutted off and on throughout my teenager years." I stated.

"So you would actually have more if you cut continuoslly for 4 years straight?" Aron's eyes widened at his thought.

I nodded, feeling ashamed of myself.

As if he read my mind, Aron gave me an assuring smile. "Don't be ashamed. We all struggle with something." He threw himself on me, making me fall on my back onto my bed. Him on top of me, he blushed along with me. "I'll always be here for you, Jonghyunnie." Aron promised. He planted a nice firm kiss on my lips before making his way down my neck, reaching my collarbones. I moaned softly, making sure the others wouldn't hear us.

"So, Jonghyunnie. Would you like to" Aron asked me shyly.

I beamed. "Yes. Yes. Yes."

His smile grew wider, stretching ear from ear. He rubbed his hands all over my sides and abs, seeming to not be able to contain himself.

"Oh, Jonghyun, you're so perfect. Why must you ruin you're body." Aron asked sadly. He rubbed his hand on my chest affectionatly.

"Perfection does not exist in this world." I mumbled to myself.



3 weeks later.......



Minhyun's POV


JR and I sat in the livingroom of Nu'est's dorm. Both of us were telling each other the lamest jokes, but still laughing. Aron was in the kitchen, cooking for us.

Bakeho and Ren were doing who-knows-what in Baekho's room.

I heard JR finish his joke, immidiantly laughing. 

My laugh came out more of a snort as I laughed at JR who was laughing so hard at his own joke that tears formed in the corner of his eyes.

"Min! You just snorted!" JR exclaimed. He burst into laughter again.

"Leader, you're literally crying!" I giggled.

Aron's phone vibrated, making both of our laughter die. JR eyed me and I knew what his eyes said.

'First one to get Aron's phone, wins!' CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.

I lunged for the cell phone, but JR beat me. I my heels to chase him around the livingroom. 

"Get back here!" I laughed loudly.

"No!" He circled the couch. I turned to go the other way around the couch. JR dashed past me, heading towards the door.

I quickly caught up to JR and grabbed him by the waist. Both of us fell to the ground, giggling. Aron's phone slid away from both of us, about 5 feet away. JR and I exchanged quick glances again before crawling on all fours towards the cellphone.

I reached it first. "Sucess!" I hollered as my fingers wrapped around the base of the phone. Just when I thought I had it, JR's strong hands dragged me across the floor. I whined loudly, kicking and pouting. When I was still laying on my stomach on the ground, JR ran towards the phone and scooped it up in his hands.

He punched a fist into the air. "I won, MIn!" he panted. Both of us were out of breath and laughing hysterically.

"Help me up, JR." I sat up, grabbing his hand. When I was on my feet, I brushed the dust from my pants.

"Wow I'm tired." I panted, trying to catch my breath.

I noticed JR was paying no attention to me, for he was reading Aron's text message he had recieved that made both of us fight wildly for the device.

"What is it?" I peeked around him, to look at the phone screen.

His eyebrows knitted together. 



From: Aimee

Aron bby <3 Remember 2 Meet me tommorow in the park, the 1 near your dorm @ 4 pm, just like you said you would last week. Luv u:)


I saw the hurt in JR's eyes.

"Are you and Aron...?" I began to ask, piecing it all together.

He solelomnly nodded. I saw him grit his teeth together.

Well, Aron-hyung had a lot of explaining to do.

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I'm so sorry guys ;;n;; I haven't updated in fOREVER AND I;M RLLY SORRY


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Alex_Vensel #1
Chapter 41: I shouldn't be lauging that hard at "I hate trains" I think I just woke up my parents... Whoops
Chapter 44: you know even though i liked reading the fic im happy its filled its purposes. maybe there are reasons for things and when the right actions are completed those reasons dont particularly matter anymore because they arent needed.

anyways see you in another story another place or another time
Chapter 44: Hey ^^
I don't know if you remember me but we chatted some time ago :)
Somehow we stopped...
It's sad that you stop writing this but since it fullfilled it's reason xD
Have you been fine?
andromeda_eiz #4
Chapter 44: Hi! Long time no news(?) How have you been? Have done a new fic under this new name? ^_^
Chapter 44: This was an amazing fic and I'm glad I got the chance to read it. I'm sorry that you have to abandon it, you did very well with it. <3 Thank you for putting so much thought into this fic <3
Chapter 43: This is amazing, jr's mother needs to die already,if she harms his sister's,I'm going to flip tables-_- Im looking forward to the next Update^o^
Chapter 43: I made an account soon as I starting reading this it's too good. JRON hwaiting!
Chapter 43: Andwae (no) this chapter doesn't at all! It's full of emotion and you showed how hard it is for Baekhyun! I just hope he realizes that it doesn't help to cut. The moment he does it, okay... Well, what can I say than: It's true for that moment you forget anytthing that bothers you.
But he should know that cutting doesn't solve the problem.
It just makes you forget about it for a short time. It would be better to scream and cry sorrows out or to sing really loud or to go jogging.

Anyways great chap^^ looking forward to the next^^