Chapter 9

Super Maid & The 13 Dorks


"Aww, look! She's asleep~!"

My eyes fluttered open to the familiar aegyo voice.

"Oh no, did I wake you up?"

"Eeek!" I squeaked, seeing Sungmin's face 3 inches from mine. I jolted up to a sitting position, rubbing my eyes.

"What are you doing on my bed?" he squinted at me.

"Huh?" I looked at my surroundings. I'm still in Kyuhyun and Sungmin's room... And these pink sheets. "S-sorry, I was watching Kyuhyun play games. I must've fallen asleep," I rubbed my head.

"Haha, it's okay. We can share a bed, since you don't have one," he suggested, grinning widely.

"Oh, you don't have a bed?" Kyuhyun jumped in.

"Nope. Like when you moved in, Kyu! You were bedless for 8 months," Sungmin said. "Ahahaha, and you slept in a Dunkin Donut tent!!" he laughed loudly.

A tent? For 8 months?? What if... What if I have to sleep on the couch for 8 months too... What if I have to sleep on the couch forever?? Should I use my first paycheck to buy a bed?

"It was because I'm the maknae, isn't it?" he argued.

"Of course not! There wasn't any room in the dorm," Sungmin assured him.

"Mina, do you want me to teach you the bed song?" Kyuhyun turned around.

"The bed song? What's that?" I blinked at him.

"Ahem... I was lucky to meet bed~" he started singing. "Because it makes me laugh just by standing beside me~ I can find bed even if it's far away~ Because the bed inside me is smiling~"


"PUAHAHAHAHA," Sungmin busted out laughing. I also let it all out, my uncontrollable laughter joining his.



Loud laughter erupted in Sungmin and Kyuhyun's room. Hmmm... I wonder what's so funny.

"Just sing that and you'll get a bed!" I heard Kyuhyun's voice as I passed by the room.

Oh, the last time I checked, Mina didn't have a bed... He must be teaching her his bed song haha. I plopped on the couch, grabbing the remote and turning the TV on.

"On today's episode of-" click "And what you ha-" click "NOOOOO-" click "The dolphin finds fish by-" Oooh, fish. I stayed on the animal channel, until they switched over to lions. Click. "Good evening everyone!"

Ew, gossip channels. They only spread rumors and make our lives even more complicating.

"...Sungmin and a girl at a bakery eating cake," the reporter said.

"Huh?" I turned my attention towards the screen. It isn't our Sungmin, is it? They must be talking about a different Sungmin...

"Photos of them sharing a drink- supposedly a mango smoothie- were also sent it."

A picture popped up. The girl wore a light pink shirt and blue shorts. The guy... Omo, it really is Sungmin. Lee Sungmin, the fashion terrorist! They went to the bakery without me... I unconsciously pouted. Maybe this was on the day that Sungmin was off.


I quickly changed the channel, seeing that Mina was coming out of the hallway.

"Minaaa, hello," I smiled.

We casually talked while watching TV, commenting about the funny little commercials passing every few seconds. She wasn't able to go back to sleep since she took a long nap earlier. I decided to stay up with her, since I don't have anything on my schedule for tomorrow.

"So... Donghae," she said, out of the blue.

"Yep?" I turned to her.

"By any chance..." she paused. "Do you know when Zhou Mi is coming here?" she giggled.

"Zhou Mi?" Huh, she's interested in Zhou Mi?

She nodded, pressing her lips together with a slight smile.

"Well... He left earlier last week. So he should be coming back soon. Maybe tomorrow or the day after," I answered. "Hehe, you haven't met Zhou Mi yet. How do you know about him?... Has someone been doing their research?" I rubbed her head, grinning widely.

"Haha, Sungmin showed him to me the other day!" she exclaimed, fixing her hair. "He seems really cool," she said with twinkling eyes.

"I'm cool too, Mina!" I told her, showing some aegyo.

The rest of our night went on, joking around and talking about the most random things. She made me feel like I've known her for much longer than just 4 days. Maybe she can be more than just a maid to us.

"Donghae-ah, what are you doing at a time like this? It's 2:00am," Yesung came into the living room.

"I'm staying up with Mina, hyung~" I replied.

"Really? She's already asleep," he said, pointing to the side. Mina was leaning on the arm rest, her eyes closed.

"Oh... I didn't realize," I chuckled.

Yesung went back to his room and came out a moment later with two blankets. He covered Mina with the first blanket and handed me the second one.

"Thanks, hyung," I said, curling up in the other corner of the couch.

"Are you really going to sleep here?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Oppa..." Mina's sleepy voice called. "Go to sleep... It's late," she said.

"Mina?" Yesung turned to her, surprised.

No response.

"Is she talking in her sleep?" I stared at her. "Mina?" I waited for a response.

*                            *                            *



Yaaaaaaaaaawn~! It's... 8:23AM?! OMO, I'm late! I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!

I yanked the blanket off of me and rushed into my room. Wait, where'd the blanket come from? Wahhh, who knows! I have to changeeeeee!

"Good morning, Mina~!" Donghae stepped out of his room as I was about to walk into mine. "What's the rush?"

"Late, late, late," I repeated, hurrying into my room and looking for my maid uniform.

"Late for what?" Donghae opened my door, peeking in.

"Breakfast and schedules!" I panicked. I put on the headpiece first, considering the fact that Donghae was looking in.

"But all the members left already," he said.

"Huh?" I stopped in my tracks to look at him.

"Don't worry about breakfast; Ryeowook made it this morning," he told me.

"Oh... I'm so sorry," I bowed, frowning at myself.

"I'm the one that kept you up late; it's my fault."

"Erm..." I stood in the middle of the room, awkwardly. "Can you... shut the door?" I asked him. "So I can..." I held up my costume.

"You don't have to change into that yet!" he said. "We're running out of food, Mina! We have to take a trip to the grocery store!"

"Grocery shopping?" I gasped. "I love grocery shopping!" Honestly, I love all kinds of shopping. I especially miss grocery shopping with Meela.

"That's great! Wear something that can hide your face. We'll be waiting in the living room," he closed my door.

Wear something that can hide my face? Well okay... I put on an orange shirt, reading NYC, and a pair of shorts. This white hoodie should be able to hide my face.

*                            *                            *

"Why are we going to sucha faraway store?" Ryeowook complained as Donghae drove. "There's one down the street from our dorm, one two blocks away," he listed.

"So no one will recognize us," Donghae said. "I know this one store that not many people go to. And they have the same food!"

"The ice cream melted before we could make it out of the store last time," Ryeowook puffed his cheeks.

I sat in the back seat, staring out of the window. There was no music playing- just Donghae and Ryeowook talking.

"Mina~!" Donghae called me. "Were you talking in your sleep last night?" he asked.

"W-wha? Me? Talking in my sleep?" I blushed. I didn't say anything weird, did I?

"Yeah, Yesung came to tuck us to sleep. And you were like 'Oppa... It's late, go to sleep,'" he reenacted me in a high pitched voice. "Haha, you remember saying anything like that?"

"I... No," I responded.

"Now the real question is... Who were you calling oppa?" I saw him smirking through the rear view mirror.

"Uh..." I stared, speechless. The only person I called oppa so far is Sungmin. Only because he asked. I must've called Yesung "oppa"... But I was sleep-talking. So it was an accident!

"We're here?" Ryeowook pointed at the store.

"Yuppp, let's go!" Donghae exclaimed.

We jumped out of his van and grabbed a shopping cart. I pushed it down the aisle, following Donghae's lead.

"We need bread, eggs, water, milk," Ryeowook listed.

"Strawberry milk, ice cream, cookies, and juice," Donghae added.

Ryeowook scolded him for not eating healthy, but Donghae reminded him that he was his hyung. It kinda took me by surprise. Donghae acts like the youngest one... Sungmin too! But Kyuhuyn's the youngest... Weird.

We walked down every aisle, throwing things we needed into the cart. 2/3 of the cart contains the food we need and the other 1/3 contains food that Donghae wants. He shops like Meela, hehe.

"What flavor ice cream should we get this week?" Donghae pondered.

"Chocolate almond?" Ryeowook suggested, grinning.

"We had chocolate almond last week!" Donghae pouted. "Mina, what do you think?"

"How about mint chocolate chip?" I answered.

"Mint chocolate chip~ That's Leeteuk's favorite," he said, putting the carton into the cart.

"We should get some lychee for Henry," Ryewook announced as we passed by the fruit aisle. "Henry loves lychee~"

"Henry... He's a member of Super Junior M, right?" I wondered aloud.

"That's right!" Donghae exclaimed.

"So... What kind of food does Zhou Mi like?" I asked, smiling creepily.

"Err... I think he likes fortune cookies," Ryeowook answered.

"Okay~!" I exclaimed before running towards the cookie section.

Fortune cookies, fortune cookies, fortune cookies... Ah-ha! All the way on the top shelf... I tip-toed and reached up for the biggest box. Just a little more... Got it!

"Owwie," I rubbed my head after two other boxes fell off the shelf.

Chocolate fortune cookies... Omo, they have chocolate fortune cookie! Do I get these too? Gasp! Cappuccino fortune cookies! I have to get all of this!


*At The Cash Register*

"No no no no no, lemme pay for these!" I held onto the boxes of fortune cookies. "They're my gifts to him as a fan!"

"As a fan?" they both said in unison. "What about us? D:"

"I... Er..." Then I started mumbling a weird mess of words and went to a different cash register.

Pulling out the money I received on the day of my job interview, I paid for the boxes and met up with Donghae and Ryeowook outside. We packed the bags into the car and I went to return the cart.

"Haha, it's gonna be a challenge bringing all this back up to the dorm," Donghae said, pulling back his hood and fixing his hair.

The ride back to the dorm was awfully quiet, as everyone just enjoyed the scene. There was 5 minutes of no buildings- just regular houses and trees. I wonder if we went out of town or something...

"So who's ready for this?" Donghae challenged us, lifting the trunk of the car.


*At The Elevator*

"So who's gonna push the button?"

We stood in the middle of the lobby, looking at one another. Each of our fingers on each of our hands held two or three bags.

"I-I'll do it," Ryeowook stepped up.

He bent his elbow in a weird position and jabbed the upper button. Just then, a familiar blonde head bobbed her way into the building.

"Quickly, quickly, get in," I gasped, pushing and shoving my way into the elevator.

Donghae also looked in the direction of the entrance and hurried in. "The button!"

We panicked for a second before Donghae bent down and pushed the number 8 with his nose. The door close before she made it into the elevator lobby.

"She was probably gonna ask to borrow one of my shirts again... And never return it. Like my last shirt," he pouted sadly. "It was my favorite," he sniffed.

"Aww, what kind of shirt was it? Mina will get you a new one," I attempted to cheer him up.

"It was a black and white striped shirt... With Snoopy on it!"

He babbled on about how he wore the shirt to one of Super Junior's concerts until we made it back safely into the dorm. How did we open the door, you ask?

"Wait, wait, wait," you have to tilt your head like this, Ryeowook said, adjusting the card key that was held between Donghae's lips.

"Mmmph mmpt mmph mmphht?" Donghae mumbled.

"What'd you say?"

"Mmmphh! Mmpt! Mmph! Mmphhhttt?" he repeated. "Mmph mmph mmnn," he hummed, sliding the card. No click... He slid it again.

"It's on the wrong side!" I pointed out.

"Oh," Donghae said, letting the card drop on the floor.

So why didn't we just set the bags down and use our own hands to open the door? We were all too lazy to put our fingers back through all the loop holes... -_-


"Okay, the bread goes here, the snacks here, and the fruits there," Ryeowook showed me. "I'll be right backkk," he said, leaving the kitchen.

I organized the newly filled fridge and junk food cabinet. Should I move the snacks somewhere else so Sungmin can't get to them...?

"Mina, what's for dinner?" Donghae snuck into the kitchen, taking a seat.

"Haha, it's only 3:00pm, Donghae. You're already thinking about dinner?" I laughed. "What would you like though?" I asked, smiling.

"I want to eattttt..." he paused to think for a second. "Dakdori tang."

"Dakdori tang... Your favorite, right?" I remembered reading something like this off of a fan site.

"Yuppp," he grinned. "Can you make it tonight?" he turned his aegyo switch on.

"Of course, Hae~!" The cheery atmosphere suddenly made me think it was an appropriate time to call him "Hae." I hope he's fine with it.

 "Awesome! Thanks, Minaaa~" he sang.

*                            *                            *

By 8:30pm, all the members arrived home to dinner already set on the table. Donghae was happily eating his food, while Eunhyuk muttered "This again..."

This is a great time to call Meela! I miss that girl so muchhhh! Making my way back to my room, I grabbed my cellphone and dialed her number. Ring... Ring... Ring... Ri-

"Minah-ah-ah-ah-ah," she sobbed.

"Meelaaaa, how are you?"

"It's been so lonely... Soooo looonelyyyyy!" she bawled.

"Aw, I'm sorry I can't visit you, love."

"Do you know what I've been doing for the past few days?..."

"Hmm?" I waited for her answer.

"I've been visiting the same cafe every morning and ordering the same thing," she answered. "It's... It's terrible without anyone to wake me up every morning and cook me breakfast."

"I'm sor-"

"MINAAAAA, COME BACK TO MEEEEE!!" she wailed, cutting me off.

"Shhh, calm down, Meela," I hushed her. "I'll try my best to sneak out," I told her, as if I were living in jail at this moment.

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you," she said with a sigh. "How's it been over there?"

"Meh... It's been alright, I guess," I answered in a depressing tone.

"You don't sound alright," she took notice of it. "Come on, tell Meela how your week was."

"Well... Sungmin took me to a really cute bakery the other day," I recalled the delicious strawberry cake. "I watched Kyuhyun play games yesterday... And I went grocery shopping with Ryeowook and Donghae today," I said.

"Ah, Ryeowook's the short one, right?"

"Yep," I responded. "We went to a super faraway store just to get our groceries!"

"Ooh, what about that Mr. Simple?" she asked with a low, foxy voice.

Hmph, she must be talking about Heechul. She doesn't know his name yet? Pfft, it's about time I tell her about his evil actions.

"Heechul," I sighed. "He's just so-"

"Yah!" a new voice came into my room.

I quickly turned around to see Heechul leaning on my door that just slammed open. Did... Did he hear me say his name?

"Maid, go clean up the kitchen table and wash the dishes," he commanded.

"OHMYGAAAAAAAWSH, WAS THAT HIM?!?!" Meela's high pitched voice shrieked through the phone.

"I... Uh... O-Okay," I responded, covering the speaker on my phone.

"Hmph, hurry up," he complained, leaving my doorway.

"Meela, I'll call you tomorrow. I have to go," I told her.

"NO, NOT YET! WAIIII-" her voice got cut off when I pressed the End Call button.


Sigh... Time to do the dishes.

"Mina, let me help you," Donghae stepped beside me.

"Oh, you don't have to," I said, politely.

"Hehe, it's a thanks for making my favorite dish. And it was delicious~!" he his lips.

"Aw, I should be the one thanking you," I gave him a smile.

We decided that I was gonna scrub the plates and he was gonna rinse them. He had a little fun, flicking water on me... So I blew bubbles at him. Then out of the blue...

"I'm sorry about Heechul hyung. He keeps bossing you around like this," he apologized.

"Oh, it's fine," I lied. "After all, I'm the maid. No one should be telling me to do things in the first place. I should already have done them myself," I said. Although... this part is true.

"But he's being really rude," Donghae furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yeah, kinda," I sighed. "I guess I'll just have to deal with it."

After we finished drying the dishes, we headed to the living room where Ryeowook and Heechul were already sitting. I took a seat next to Ryeowook, avoiding Heechul's gaze. He flipped through the channels, not caring who wanted to watch what, but suddenly stopped on one.

"Earlier this week, fans have spotted Super Junior's Sungmin in a cafe with an unidentified female. Yesterday, the same girl walked out of Go Games after buying Diablo III, a game Kyuhyun tweeted about, and walked back towards the SM dorms," the news anchor announced. "Just in today, someone sent us surveillance tapes of Ryeowook and Donghae grocery shopping with her. Who is this mystery girl?"




What did I just hear?


My eyes glued to the screen as photos were being passed. In the first photo... That bright colored bakery is unmistakably Pink Sprinkles. And that's Sungmin eating his cupcake. AND THAT'S ME.

The next photo passed, showing the Diablo III box. The picture slowly zoomed out. That's my hand. And that's my maid costume. That's my hair. That's my face. Gasp, that's me too.

"Here's a clip of them shopping for their food. In their cart, they have bread, lychee, strawberry milk, strawberry pocky, strawberry pudding... Oh my, what a sweet tooth!"

They showed a different clip; this time, of a girl, dashing towards the cookie aisle... ME.

"And here, the girl takes a gigantic box of fortune cookies and many small boxes of different flavored ones. Is it for luck? Because she will need some!"

The next clip. This time in the parking lot.

"As you can see here, it is clearly Lee Donghae that is removing his hood to fix his hair."

We sat on the couch, speechless... Unsure of what to say, unsure of what to do.

"And there you have it, folks! We'll be back after these messages!" the news anchor went off, and commercials started playing.

"A-are you serious?" Ryeowook broke the silence. "Is this even legal?"

"I-I don't think it is..." Donghae answered him.

"This is most definitely not legal!" he decided. "They can't release surveillance clips! I'm calling Manager hyung!" he got up out of his seat.

That left Donghae, me, and Heechul on the couch. Just as it got extremely awkward, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

"Mina, you're on TV! :D -Meela," the text read.

I put my phone back in my pocket after choosing not to reply. This isn't good, is it?


"Hmph... You guys are so stupid," Heechul scoffed.


Chapter 10 Preview:
"It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt, huh?" Yesung said, dabbing alcohol onto my cuts.


Well that was an awkward ending to this chapter o.o
I'm gonna continue portraying Donghae as the 5-year old fishie he is... Because Donghae told me his age is B.

Today, July 25th, is one of the most happiest days of my Wattpad life. Why? I have to thank these two readers for messaging me and leaving the most beautiful compliments in my inbox. LaylaDark and smexycow! They were *sniff* my first messages ever sent to me on Wattpad. T_T

Also, my friend whom I have intended to hide this fan fic from... has discovered it today. She has NO interest in Super Junior, and pokes fun at my fandom. But I'm planning on changing that with this story. Eventually, she'll learn all their names (mwahahahaha).

Thank you so much for supporting Super Maid & the 13 Dorks~! Please comment, vote, and inbox me any questions (or if you just wanna start a convo with me)!

All I really have to say is THANK YOU, GOMAWO, AND KAMSAHAMNIDA! <3

(Oh, and I linked Kyuhyun's Bed Song on the side bar for you guys. Must watch!)

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ayakohana25 #1
Chapter 45: I finished reading all 56 (or was it 57?) chapters on watty then tried to look it up on AFF hoping you continued it here. Hahaha~ I'm soooo hopeless.
AnimeKitty #2
Chapter 45: Author nim~~~~~ I miss this story sooooo much! Please come back soon and update!!! Pretty please???
Please please update please T.T
Chapter 1: I'm rereading this its my favorite fanfics of all :) 7jib fighting!elfs all over the world fighting!SJ oppas fighting! <3
Chapter 45: Just reread all the chapters and dand i miss this story author haha i'll wait for your update author! Fighting!! :))
fyekay918 #6
Chapter 45: Oh my god. Oh. My. God. Im so glad i gound this story
Gahhhhhhhh. I litrrally fangirled every chapter
I love it so much. The plot, the characters. I ship Misung but also MiChul. But maybe more MiSung, i think. But MiChul is adorbz T_T cant make up my mind.
Oh oh please update soon. Cant wait :3
aninrara #7
author-nim update soon T--T
IamParkJiHae #8
Heechul should've kissed Mina.
I know Sungmin thinks that it is his' birthday gift from Mina,
but I want Mina and Heechul to kiss T^T

I miss you author-nim update soon.
kpop_luv #9
Chapter 45: Oh and right now I am currently shipping Michul soooo i think heechul should've kissed mina
kpop_luv #10
Chapter 45: I actually forgot about this cuz of school T_T. buuut on the bright side I caught up on everything, and whoooo! go heechul (I think.....since sungmin kissed her instead)