Chapter 21

Super Maid & The 13 Dorks


"You don't have your phone on you?" Zhou Mi gasped.

"No...! I must've dropped it somewhere!" I panicked. "Omo, my phone, my phone!"

"Someone must've picked it up already, if they're using it to call us..." SIwon said.

"My phooooooooooone!" I wailed. "Omo, my texts! My texts with Meela!"

"Why would they go through someone's contact and immediately assume that it's really our numbers?" Ryeowook added.

"Anyone can set their contacts under Super Junior's names... Did anyone recognize you or something?" Siwon asked.

"Well... There were these girls..." I remembered.

"Oh, the ones that tried throwing stuff at her!" he exclaimed over the ringing of their phones.

There was a moment of silence that wasn't very silent. The phones kept ringing and ringing and ringing... It quickly became aggravating.

"Okay, everyone turn off your phones," Mimi pleaded. "Turn it off and take out the battery!"

"What do we do now...?" Henry puffed his cheeks. "How are we gonna communicate? Like if we get lost or something? Omo, I don't wanna get lost in Hong Kong. It's so big here."

"Everyone give me your phones. I'll take care of it," Siwon said. "You guys walk home together, alright? Don't get separated or lost."

"Oh... Alright," Ryeowook responded. "But where are you gonna go?"

"I'm gonna go take a quick trip to the phone store."


*                          *                          *

"I'm sorry, Mimi. I feel so irresponsible," I pouted.

"It's not your fault, Honey. There are some fans who go a little... overboard," he replied.

"I don't know..." I frowned. "I feel like... like you're taking better care of me than I'm taking care of you. And I'm the one that's supposed to take care of you guys..."

"Mina, I'm GENTLEMAN Mimi, remember?" he smiled. "By the way, you never told me what you bought earlier," he changed the subject.

"Oh!" I grabbed my bags. "Look!" I shoved the doll in his face.

"Is that me?" he stared in fascination.

"Yep!" I grinned. "Cute, right~?"

"Aw, my little Mina's becoming a fan~!"

"Oh! And I got this bracelet!" I showed him the elegant Super Junior part of the bracelet. "But I can't put it on by myself..."

"That's gorgeous! Here, lemme help you~"


"Yah!" Henry exclaimed.

I looked over to see Donghae smacking him with a pillow. Then Henry grabbed his own.

"Go away, fishie!" he hit Donghae.

"Raaaaaaaaah!" Kyu slammed into Henry with a pillow.

"That's not fair! You guys have two people! Ryeowook! Ryeowook!" Henry called for help.

"I'm too tired to pla-" Kyuhyun's pillow cut Wookie off. "Go back to playing your Starcraft!" Ryeowook wailed.

Kyuhyun didn't listen. Instead, he threw another pillow at Wookie.

"Kyuhyun, LOOK!" I pointed waaaaay over there.

Taking a pillow from Ryeowook, I threw it at Kyu's head.

"Hey!" he prepared to attack me.

Just then, Donghae got up to smack him repeatedly.

"THIS IS WARRRRRR~!!!" Kyuhyun shouted.


*                          *                          *

"What's on our schedule for today?" Henry asked.

"Hmm, lemme see..." I flipped through his schedule. "You and Zhou Mi are going to the Yahoo Headquarters."

"What are we doing there?" he raised an eyebrow, confused.

"I don't know... It says 'filming'," I replied.


There was a knock on the door. Ryeowook rushed to it and welcomed Siwon inside.

"I got you a new phone, Mina," Siwon smiled. "And I changed everyone else's numbers."

"Thanks, Siwon," everyone said, taking their phones back.

"Welcome to Team Apple," Siwon handed me a device.

"Omo," I stared wide-eyed. "This is an iPhone... No, no, no, this is too expensive! Why'd you get me an iPhone? I-I can't pay you back. I used my paycheck on everything else! Oh no," I panicked. "What if I lose it again too?!"

"Don't worry about it," he said. "The protection plan with replace it."

"But, but, no! But, no!"

"? No ? You mean Zhou Mi, right?" Siwon pointed at Zhou Mi's flat behind.

Mimi turned around to give him a death glare.

"Anyways, I have to get back to my room and get ready. We're leaving in thirty minutes, right? Okay, bye!" Siwon put the phone in my pocket for me and walked away.

"Oh! Err, umm, SIWON! Thank you..." I yelled after him.

All of a sudden, there was a familiar tri-tone sound coming from my pocket. I checked the screen... A text. Already?

The screen read "Sungmin". Ah, Siwon must've kept my phone number... All my contacts are even in here!


"So how about it, sweetie? Dine with me tonight? ;) -Sungmin"


"Ming-ah, did you send that text to the right person? -Mina"

I don't remember him calling me sweetie... Or talking about dinner or anything.

"Mina! I'm asking you, Mina~! D: -Sungmin"

"But... How are we gonna have dinner together? I'm in China... -Mina"

"But you kept sweet talking me into taking you out to dinner. o.o -Sungmin"

AHAHAHA, so the people who stole my phone decided to text Sungmin?

"Sungminnie, I lost my phone last night. It was my phone's kidnapper who was texting you! Sorry. D; -Mina"

"Aw, really? I thought I won you over! T.T -Sungmin"

"It's okay, you're still my favorite oppa. :) -Mina"

"Yay! That's great! But your favorite oppa has to go get ready now. I'll see you soon, Minaaa! :D -Sungmin"

I put my phone back into my pocket. Poor Sungmin... I wonder what those girls texted him.

"Hey, we actually have transportation today," Ryeowook said. "Manager hyung said there's gonna be a small staff who will be driving us around and getting us to our event locations."

"Yesss," Kyuhyun sang. "All that walking got my legs sore."

"You're just lazy," Ryeowook teased.

"So we're gonna get picked up today?" I asked.

"Yup," he responded. "In a few minutes. Let's go down to the lobby."

Hopping onto the elevator, the seven of us headed down. As Ryeowook said, there was a lady waiting for us. She wore a white blouse with a blazer over it, along with a pencil skirt. Her hair was cropped to an asymmetrical bob.

"Hellooo~! I'm Miss Chan and I'm going to be your guide here in Hong Kong!"

"It's nice to meet you," everyone said, getting into a horizontal line. "We are Super Junior... M!" they did their introduction.

"Yes, yes," she said. "Donghai, Henry, Li Xu, Zhou Mi, Gui Xian... and Shi Yuan, right?" she took an extra second to smile at Siwon. "Right, I'll be taking you guys to the Yahoo Headquarters today. Shi Yuan and Donghai, however, will be going to a different location to film a trailer for their new drama."

"Really? You didn't tell us that we were gonna be separated," Kyuhyun got all up in Donghae's personal space.

"M-Mina had my scehdule," Donghae laughed nervously, sliding away.

"Quit bullying your hyung, Kyu," Siwon squinted at him. "What ever happened to respect?"

"Respect?" he let out an evil laugh.

"Okay, are you guys all set?" Miss Chan asked.

"Yes," we all answered.

"Jump into the van, guys!"


The ride to the Yahoo place wasn't too short. But it would take quite a while if we walked there... We entered the building and was led into a plain, yet modern room.

"Okay," Miss Chan started. "Zhou Mi and Henry will be filming a short video for Yahoo first. Then everyone else will further promote your new Perfection album. Alright?"

"What's the video gonna be about?" Henry asked.

"It says 'Style' on here," she responded... "Nothing else. And you guys won't have directors or anything. You get to talk freely and film it yourselves."

"That sounds fun!" Zhou Mi exclaimed. "Can we get started?"

"Yes, after everyone changes into those," she pointed at the clothes hanging on a rack.

I sat alone on one of the chairs as I waited for them to change. Kyuhyun came out first, wearing all black. Black dress shirt, black pants, black belt... Henry also came out dressed the same way. Then Ryeowook and Zhou Mi.

I played around with the camera, setting it up for them. And in three... Two... One...!

"Hello everyone! I'm Zhou Mi~!"

"And I'm Henry!"

"We're gonna be changing it up today," Zhou Mi said.

"Change what? I don't want to change..." Henry looked at him.

"You have to change it."

"I have to?"

"Yes, we're supposed to."

"Okay, then what am I changing?" Henry blinked.

"Okay, let's stop," Zhou Mi laughed. "Today, we're gonna tell everyone about our usual dressing styles."



"Ah, fashion... I have style," Henry winked at the camera.

"We're gonna have a big makeover. For example, you put your feel on me, and I put my feel on you," he told Henry.

"What if I don't agree?" Henry gave him a face.

"If you don't agree, then you can slowly walk away. Then I'll talk to our Yahoo friends about clothes myself. So do you agree?"

"Okay, I'll agree. For Yahoo!" Henry grinned.

"Okay, let's get started. Do you ever feel like you can't open your eyes?"

"Are you talking about me?" Henry glared at him.

"Do you feel like your eyes are perplexed?" Mimi continued, ignoring Henry. "That's right, what do you need now?" he turned to his bag on the floor. "You need sunglasses!"

Zhou Mi took a case out of his bag and placed it on the table, taking out a pair of shades. Henry stole his case and played around with it.

"This is something stars have to bring when they go out. Why? When you wear them, your imposing manner becomes very strong! And they especially suit people who look like they can't open their eyes," Zhou Mi teasingly looked at Henry. "Here, try them."

Henry turned away. "I don't want to," he pouted.

"Believe me, when you wear them, you'll become different!"

Henry turned back around for Zhou Mi to put the sunglasses on him.

"See?" Zhou Mi said as Henry made a derp face. "Doesn't he look impressive? Now you have the feel of the sunglasses!"

Henry smiled around, looking flattered.

"And what do we have to go with sunglasses? We have a hat!" he placed a fedora on Henry's head. "Very cute, right?"

Henry stood up, staring around the room.

"There's more, there's more. We can change clothes too," Zhou Mi got up and dug through his bag, pulling out a blazer.

Henry turned away, laughing as he saw the blazer.

"Here, I specially prepared clothes for you today," Mimi laughed.

"What is that?" Henry stared at the piece of clothing.

"Our Henry goes with the very... very simple style. Relaxed style, right? So today, in order for you to look like me, we're going with the resplendent style! So I prepared extremely resplendent clothing for you," Zhou Mi explained.

"You want me to wear this?" Henry picked up the blazer with two fingers.

"Yes, take that off," Zhou Mi pointed at the black blazer that Henry was already wearing.

"Where did you buy this?" Henry examined Zhou Mi's clothing again.

"This is a very nice piece of clothing. Lately, vintage is 'in'," Zhou Mi said, making Henry laugh aloud. "So I prepared this for you. Do you not like it?"

"So you want me to wear it?" Henry sighed in amusement.


Henry ed his blazer and took Zhou Mi's blazer, putting it on. He stopped halfway.

"...Did you purposely bring something weird for me to wear?" Henry squinted at him.

"No, no, no, I really did buy this myself!" Zhou Mi shook his head laughing.

"You're purposely bringing weird clothes for me to wear," Henry pouted, continuing to put it on.

"No, no, no. Fashion is a good thing, but fashion varies with people!"

Henry finished putting it on, and started strutting around.

"Wow, very handsome!" Ryeowook shouted at Henry. For a second, I forgot that he and Kyuhyun were behind me...

"Yes, very handsome!" Henry complimented himself.

Zhou Mi stepped back to observe Henry and started laughing hysterically.

"Isn't this... Isn't this like..." Henry started.

Suddenly... "Rokkugo, Rokkugo, Rokkugo, MARHE MAL~!" Ryeowook and Kyuhyun sang. Zhou Mi started dancing to it.

"Anyways, isn't this old peoples' style? Really like a grandpa," Henry looked at his clothes.

"Okay, don't wear this... But I have more!" Zhou Mi stopped dancing and went back into his bag. "A vest! Put this on, Henry!"

"Ah, this. This is okay," Henry agreed.

He took off the vintage blazer and let Zhou Mi put the vest on him.

"See, this is a very simple vest, but with DIY, I put studs and feathers on it, and it immediately feels different!"

"Wait, you made this?" Henry pointed at the studded and feathered shoulders.


"Really? You added this?" Henry stared at him in amazement.

"Look on the inside. It's sewed on," Mimi showed him.

"Wooow, coool~!"

"So what am I called? What am I called?" he asked Henry excitedly.

"Gentleman Mimi... Did you want me to say that?"

"No. FASHION Gentleman Mimi," he corrected him.

"Fashion Gentleman Mimi..." Henry cracked up.

"And just to let everyone know, you can easily DIY normal clothing to make them look very fashionable and very nice."

"But what's DIY?" Henry turned back to him.

"DIY? You speak English and lived in Canada, how do you not know what DIY is? DIY is like... Hand-making things. It stands for 'do-it-yourself'," Zhou Mi explained. "So if you have time at home, you can try making some nice clothes."

Henry nodded cutely.

"And clothing style isn't neccessarily the same for everyone, but as long as you have self confidence, when you wear it, you'll feel like 'I'm handsome! I'm handsome!' Like me." Zhou Mi smirked.

"Okay, now it's my turn!" Henry exclaimed, taking out his own bag. "My style is actually..." he stopped to think.

"No style," Zhou Mi finished his sentence.

"No, no! It could be a style... Kind of like a normal style... So this is what I wear," Henry started taking out items of clothing from the bag.

"This is cute," Zhou Mi picked up the snapback hat.

"Okaaaay," Henry started. "This hat!" Henry put his snapback on Zhou Mi's head. "Wear it like that. And take this off," he pulled on Zhou Mi's blazer. "Then wear this," Henry put his hoodie against Zhou Mi's chest. "His head is kinda big," he removed the hat on Zhou Mi's head.

Ryeowook erupted in laughter.

"It fits perfectly!" Mimi retorted. "Don't you wear it like this? No?"

"Put the hoodie on first~!"

"I don't want tooooo..."

"You don't want to? I just wore your clothes!"

"Mine were easy to put on! This goes over my head! I just got my hair done... Look, the stylist is glaring at me!"

"It's fine, it's fine," Ryeowook told him.

"Does Ryeowook do hair? Why is he answering over there?"

Henry put his hoodie over Zhou Mi's head and pulled it down.

"Hey, you're not letting me put my arms through!" Mimi squirmed.

"And the hat. You can't wear it straight," Henry placed the hat back on Zhou Mi's head.

"Why can't it be straight?"

"Because, you gotta have... Swagger," Henry answered.

"What kind of feel is this... It's been three years and I still don't get your style."

"Very handsome!" Henry put his thumbs up.

"Am I? Am I handsome?" Zhou Mi asked everyone.


"Louder... Even a sound is okay..." he cutely blinked. "They're not saying anything, Henry!"

"Handsome, right?" Henry asked, turning to me.

I nodded, trying not to laugh. Zhou Mi looked awkward in Henry's clothing.

"You guys! It's okay to say that I'm not handsome right now!" Zhou Mi laughed nervously. "In this... THING. But does it look good?" he turned back to Henry.

"Well it's... It depends on the person!" Henry adjusted his clothing on Zhou Mi as he dug through the pockets of the hoodie.

"What's this? There's 100 yuan in here," Mimi laughed. "Is this my payment for trying on your clothes?"

"No, haha, no!"

"Really? Thank you," Zhou Mi joked, putting the money back into the pocket. "So this is how Henry dresses. Let me show you a few of Henry's poses when he tries to act cute!"

"What, I don't have any poses!" Henry exclaimed.

It was too late for Henry to argue. Zhou Mi began imitating Henry's poses that were very much like Henry. Eventually, he stopped embarrassing Henry and took off his hat.

"So what did you think about today's clothing trade?"

"I think I learned a lot from the fashion teacher," Henry answered.

"Yes, yes. And clothing really does depend on the person! Not every style will suit every person. As long as you wear it and you feel relaxed, that's what's most important. No matter if it's a cute style, or a fashionable style, or a cool style, or a normal style, as long as you feel like it's you, then it's you. Right?"

"That's right. You said that well," Henry gave Zhou Mi a thumbs up.

"Okay, you do the ending, and then we're done."

"Okay. Ending," Henry started.

"The ending is really important! Because if the ending isn't good, people won't come back!"

"Okay, okay... What do you want me to say?" Henry turned to Zhou Mi.

"Freely express yourself."

There was awkward silence...

"So... What do you want me to say?" Henry asked him again.

"Okay, then we'll see you next time!" Zhou Mi finished it for him. "Bye bye~!"

"Bye bye~!"


"Yaaaaay," I applauded as the camera shut off. "That was amazing!"

"Can I take this off now?" Zhou Mi pouted, pulling at the hoodie. "Help meee!"

I went over to Zhou Mi's side as he got the hoodie over his head. He was too tall for me to reach, so I told him to crouch down. I yanked the hoodie off of his head, leaving his hair a mess.

"Sorry," I smoothed out his hair.

"How long was that? 10 minutes?" he asked.

"About 12 minutes," I checked the time. "You're up, Ryeowook~!"


Zhou Mi, Henry, and I sat back and watched Ryeowook talk about the Perfection album and the repackage album. I've never really noticed it until now, but Wookie was really cute. I feel like he should be the maknae of Super Junior, rather than trouble-making Kyuhyun.

"How old is Ryeowook?" I asked Kyuhyun.

"He's 20," he answered. "About 8 months older than me..."

"So he's the second youngest?"

"Third, if you count Henry," Kyuhyun said. "There's three maknaes in Super Junior! Me, the evil maknae~! Ryeowook, the eternal maknae... And Henry the real maknae. Oh, and Donghae the 5-year-old," he added.

"Sungmin's not one of the maknaes?" I blinked.

"No way, he's old! Sungmin is one of the older 21-year-olds!"

Oh yeah, I forgot Sungmin was 21...

Kyuhuyn stepped up right as Ryeowook finished. Their videos were shorter than Zhou Mi and Henry's, so we didn't wait so long for them. Kyu wrapped it up quickly and went back to sit down.

We took the camera and recorded footage to Miss Chan, who led us into the reviewing and editing room.

"You look ridiculous, Henry," Zhou Mi snickered as we watched the video over.

"But look at you in my hoodie..."

"Okay, now they're gonna edit the video and upload it online. So your job here is done for today and you may go back to the hotel," Miss Chan told us.

"Alright, that sounds cool," Kyuhyun said.


We were dropped off back at our hotel within 20 minutes. Henry and Kyuhyun raced to the elevator, going up together and leaving me with Zhou Mi and Ryeowook to catch a different elevator. They were found plopped on both of the beds as we entered the room.

"You guys are too slow," Kyuhyun said in a muffled voice.

Ryeowook went over to him and playfully dragged him off of the bed, pulling him by his feet. I waited for the perfect moment to jump on the bed and claim all of it to myself.

"Wah," Kyuhyun dropped off, and I dove onto the bed.

"Kay, bye, I'm gonna take a nap," I grabbed my Zhou Mi doll and hugged it.

"Yah, I got to the bed first!" Kyuhyun poked me. "Hey!"

"Let the princess sleep," Zhou Mi laughed. "Go play Starcraft."


*                          *                          *

"Mini min mini min mini min miniminminiminminiminminimin~!"

I felt this weird feeling in my stomach.

"Miniminminiminminimin~!" the cute singing continued.

The weird feeling became more realistic as I opened my eyes. A pair of hands and fingers were wiggling around my tummy area... Tickling me.

"Ahahaha, stop it!" I weakly laughed. My laughing got louder as I kept getting tickled. "STOP HAHAHAHA~! STOP, STOP!"

"Never! Miniminminiminminimin~!"

Why does he keep singing?? Better yet, WHAT is he singing?? With me flailing around, I couldn't get a good look at who was attacking me.

"Stooooooooooop!" I wailed.

Not being able to take it anymore, I punched whoever it was in the chest. He groaned and fell onto the bed beside me. Not caring for who it was, I rolled on my back and attempted to go back to sleep.

"Yah!" a familiar voice exclaimed.

My eyes opened to see a figure hovering over me. I blinked a few times to focus on his face.


He pinned me down on the bed, pouting and giving me his puppy eyes.

"W-What are you doing here, Sungmin? I thought you were in Seoul..."

"I was," he grinned. "But I flew over here just to see you~!"

"No he didn't," a new voice chimed in. It was Eunhyuk.

"Oh, you're here too, Eunhyuk?"

"Manager hyung 'forgot' to send us off to China with you guys," he did the quotations.

"What are you doing with this??" Sungmin took my Zhou Mi plush from me. "Why are you sleeping with Zhou Mi?" he glared back down at me.

"Sungminnnnn, get off of her!" Zhou Mi exclaimed. "I leave you guys here for less than five minutes and I come back to this? Unacceptable!"

Sungmin got up, taking my Zhou Mi plush with him.

"This should be me," he puffed his cheeks. "Why'd you buy Zhou Mi and not me?"

"There... There weren't anymore Sungmins left, so I had to buy a Mimi," I lied.

"Aw, really? I must be quite popular then," he grinned proudly.

"What time is it?" I blinked.

"It's 7:42pm," Zhou Mi answered.

"Whoa, I didn't know I was sleeping for that long..." I said. "And when did you get here?" I turned back to Sungmin.

"About half an hour ago," he smiled.

"WAIT, does that mean you're gonna share a room with us too?" I gasped.

"Yup. Unless you want me to book a room just for the two of us. That'd be fine too," he said with a suggestive smirk. "Hehe, I'm kidding. Manager hyung got another room for us."

"Really? So we can all split up and actually sleep on beds now?"

"Where else have you guys been sleeping?" Sungmin raised an eyebrow.

"The floor."

"Wow, was it fun?"

"Mhmm. Where's Wookie, Henry, and Kyuhyun?"

"They're bugging Siwon in his room," Zhou Mi laughed.

"Oh, haha..."

"SOOOOO, MINAAA," Sungmin sat back down next to me. "How about dinner with me tonight?" he flashed an adorable grin.

"I thought I told you that it wasn't me who texted you that," I turned to him in amusement.

"But I'm already here in China... And I'm hungry. Pwease? Pwetty pwease?" he put his head on my shoulder.

"Err... A-Alright," I gave in to his cute act.

"Awesome! Where do you want to eat?" he jumped excitedly.

"Actually..." I remembered the ice cream that I didn't get to eat at the fan sign event because of those girls chasing me. "I want some ice cream."

"Ice cream? Okay, ice cream is alright too! I think we passed by a parlor on our way here! Let's go, let's go, let's go~!"

Sungmin pulled me out of the room, leaving me no time to get myself ready. Dragging me to the elevator, the doors opened just as we got there. I fixed my hair using the reflective walls in the elevator.

"Your hair is fine," Sungmin assured me. "Just a little..." he put his hand on my head. "Right here!" he ruffled my hair, turning it into a bird's nest.

"Sungmin!" I whined. "You're terrible!" I reached up to mess with his hair too.

Too lazy to continue combing through my hair with my fingers, I threw it up in a bun using the hair tie that Zhou Mi gave me.

We arrived at the dainty ice cream parlor after walking a block or two through the busy streets. Squeezing through the crowd, we made it into the parlor.

"So many flavors!" Sungmin gasped. "They all look so good..." he said, his lips. "I don't know what to pick!"

Blue ice cream, pink ice cream, yellow ice cream, orange ice cream. Everything from banana to birthday cake.

"Omo, they have Nutella ice cream??" I pointed at it.

"What's Nutella?" Sungmin blinked.

"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT NUTELLA IS?" I took him my his shoulders and shook him.

"N-No, what's Nutella?" he stared at me with his wide eyes.

"THEEEEEEE most amazing thing on Earth!" I exclaimed.

"Can I... Two," Sungmin held up two fingers. "Nutella?" he pointed.

"You don't know Chinese, Ming?" I giggled.

"No," he pouted, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

"AWWWW, are you blushing, oppa?" I teased. "Aigooo, you at you!"

"Hey, I'm supposed to be the one teasing you!" he interjected.

"But you're blushinggggggg~!" I squealed.

"You blush in front of Yesung hyung!" he squinted at me. "I SEE YOUUU!"

"W-What are you talking about?" I laughed nervously. "I don't blush, haha!"

"You're blushing right now," he pinched my cheeks.

"Here you go~!" the girl held out our ice cream cones. "That would be 12 yuan," she added.

"12 yuan... 12 yuan," Sungmin pulled out his wallet and exchanging his money for our ice cream cones.

"Here," Sungmin held one of the cones at me.


He pulled it back as I reached for it. He put it back out and I reached for it. He pulled it back again. This went on for several more rounds before I stopped trying and stared at him, dumbfounded.

"Beg for it," he let out an evil laugh.

"Yah, that's unfair!"

"You want it?" Sungmin his ice cream. "Wow, Nutella really is good," his eyes lit up.

"Oppa..." I pouted.


"Please, oppa?" I slowly blinked at him.

"Aegyo! Aegyo!"

Aegyo? I only do aegyo around Meela... Because I look stupid when I aegyo! Sigh, and at times like this... I want my Nutella ice cream!


"I'm waiting," he smiled, his ice cream again.

I looked around to see if anyone was staring...

"Buing buing," I quickly did a little cute dance.

"Aigo, you're adorable~!" he held out my ice cream cone. But he pulled it back as I reached for it, yet again. "Hehe, just kidding," he handed it to me.

"I'm not letting you eat after 7pm anymore, Ming."

"Nooooo, I was playing, Mina! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"


We enjoyed our delicious ice cream while walking back to the hotel, so it wouldn't get too dark outside by the time we made it back.

"Since Kyuhyun is Gui Xian and Donghae is Donghai... Does that mean you have a Chinese name too?" I asked.

"I think so," he answered.

"What do you mean, 'I think so'?"

"I think my name is something like... Chengmin. Something like that," he replied.

"Haha, so you're unsure of your own name?" I laughed at him.

"Eunhyuk's Chinese isn't that great either. You can make fun of him instead!"

"But it's more fun making fun of you, oppa~!"

"Since when did you become so daring? Have you been hanging out with Kyuhyun too much? Did his evil maknae personality rub off on you? Omo, it's only been three days and he already influenced you the wrong way?" Sungmin panicked.

"No, he didn't do anything, haha."

"He's not getting anywhere near you with ME around!"

"Oh yeah, did you bring your agenda with you?" I turned to him.

"Yeah, it's in one of my bags," he responded.

"What are you gonna be doing here?"

"Hmm... I think we're gonna be filming a show tomorrow."

"A variety show?"

"Some show called 'Celebrity Tour Guide'..."


*                          *                          *

"I'm glad you guys made it here last night," Miss Chan said to Sungmin and Eunhyuk. "According to your schedules, you all- excluding Shi Yuan and Donghai- will be filming 'Celebrity Tour Guide' today. So here we are!"

"In... A classroom?" Eunhyuk asked, confused.

"Of course, if you guys wanna get around, you need to learn your basic Chinese!"

I smiled knowingly, glancing at Sungmin.

"And I am your teacher, Miss Chan! Let's get started!" she held up a board with Chinese characters and the pronunciation underneath. "Qing wen zen mo zou," she read aloud. "That means 'May I ask how to get there?'"

"Qing wen... chen mu zou," Sungmin tried.

"MO zou," Ryeowook corrected him.

"Repeat after me. Qing... wen zen... Mo zou," Miss Chan said.

"Qing... Wen zen... Mo zou," everyone said slowly.

"Chengmin, try it again."

"Qing wen zen... Mo zou?" he said in an adorable tone.

"Aww, so cute! If you're gonna ask for directions, you have to be cute like Chengmin. That way, they'll like you and tell you where the place is!"

Sungmin smiled proudly.

"I can be cute too!" Henry exclaimed. "QING WEN ZEN MO ZOU~!" he forced a cute voice.

"Sit down, Henry; you already know Chinese!" Sungmin squinted at him.

"Okay, next is 'Qing wen duo shao qian?' That means 'May I ask how much it is?'"

"Qing wen... duo shao qian," everyone repeated.

"Very good! And next is a very important phrase. 'Bai tuo la' means 'please'. It's the magic phrase!"

"Bai tuo la, bai tuo la, bai tuo la," everyone said to each other.

"Okay, now this is something Chengmin and En he can use a lot. 'Wo mi lu le', which means 'I'm lost.'"

"WOH meeeee LUUUU luh," Eunhyuk put emphasis on the words.

"Yes, so every time you get lost, you can say 'wo mi lu le'!" she pulled out a different board. "Transportation!"

"Oh, I know that word!" Ryeowook pointed. "Gongche means bus, right?"

"That's right, Li Xu! Chengmin, try this word," she pointed at the second word.

"Ji chengche... Taxi?" he asked excitedly.

"Yes, you got it!"

"And that next one... Feijichang," Eunhyuk started. "Airport?"

"Yes, airport! But did you guys know? Airport has another meaning! Here, 'feijichang' can not be said to a girl."

"Why not?"

"Because the runways on airports are really flat, so you can't say that to a girl," Miss Chan explained.

I looked over at Henry to see him whispering into Kyuhyun's ear.

"You're a feijichang!" Kyuhyun shouted.

"Gui Xian, how could you?" Miss Chan jokingly threatened to throw her board at his head. "Moving onnn," she flipped the board over. "This one is a little extra... 'Normal', 'half sugar', or 'no sugar'. 'Zheng chang', 'ban tang', or 'wu tang'."

"Oh, Gui Xian is really good at this one!" Henry said.

"One large milk tea, half sugar, no ice," Kyuhyun grinned. "And more bubbles," he added.

"Ah, wonderful! That was very precise!"

"I'm prince of the Bubble Tea Kingdom," Kyuhyun announced.

"What does that make me?" Miss Chan laughed.

"You're an airport!" everyone chimed in. "Feijichang, feijichang!"

"Okay, okay, moving on! This is the last one!"

"Yaaaaay," Eunhyuk cheered.

"'Pei fu, pei fu', that's like 'amazing, amazing!' Or if someone does something that surprises you, you say 'pei fu, pei fu!'"

"Pei fu, pei fu," Eunhyuk waved his finger.

"And that's all for your Chinese lesson!" Miss Chan stated. "Now, you guys will be split up into teams and given some tasks to complete in Hong Kong."

"I want to be on Zhou Mi's team," Eunhyuk exclaimed, knowing that Zhou Mi has the best Chinese skills.

"Then I also want to be on Zhou Mi's team," Kyuhyun said.

"Okay, okay, we'll be on Zhou Mi's team together," Eunhyuk nodded.

"That's fine," Mimi agreed. "You be by yourself," he pointed at Henry.

"Actually," Miss Chan started. We're going to be putting you in teams based on your speaking abilities," she announced. "That means the worst is going to be pair with the worst. Chengmin and En He."

"Teacher, what are you saying?" Eunhyuk stood up. "I'm really awesome at Chinese! Pei fa, pei fa," he said.

"Pei FU," the members laughed, correcting him.

"Did you learn anything today?" Miss Chan asked him, amused.

"Pei fu..." Eunhyuk buried his face in his hands.

"Alright, Chengmin and En He are the low-level team. Li Xu and Gui Xian are the mis-level team. And of course, Zhou Mi and Henry are the high-level team," she declared. "Basically, what you'll be doing is exploring Hong Kong. But first, you have to make money. Then you can spend it on the glorious foods you'll be able to taste. However, be careful not to go over your limit. The first team to complete all their tasks, wins. You guys will receive your tasks outside."

The members got up and walked out to the exterior, followed by the staff and camera crew. One of the staff people gave me task boards to hand out to them. When they received it, the cameras started rolling again.

"We are Super Junior... M!"

"Today, we have come out to this place called... What's this place called?" Henry blinked.

"We are at Sha Tin Plaza!" Zhou Mi said.

"Sha Tin Plaza!" Henry exclaimed.

"Yes," Zhou Mi nodded. "What exactly are on our task boards? We can only see after we arrive at the location!"

"Hurry, hurry!"

"Okay, now we have to... Err..."

"Team EunMin fighting!" Sungmin fist pumped.

"ZhouRy fighting!" Henry shouted in a louder voice.

"Wait, wait, Kyuhyun has something to say," Ryeowook hushed us.

"Get ready to lose," Kyuhyun smirked.

"What did he say? I don't understand Chinese," Sungmin whispered to Henry.

"You guys have to work hard, okay? Because you guys are weak, weak, weak," Zhou Mi told the two teams.

"And you guys are really old, old, old," Kyuhyun retorted.

"Hey, your pronunciation wasn't even that good," Henry stopped him.

"Be quiet," Kyuhyun demanded, pointing directly at him, making Henry slowly back away.

"Alright! Let's hurry and get started. We all have to split up and go to our locations! See you later!" Zhou Mi waved at the camera.

"Bye byeee," everyone sang.

Sungmin stayed behind to crouch down and smile at the camera. Eunhyuk pushed him over and smiled at the camera himself. These two... Stealing scenes.

"Let's go, let's go!" Henry shouted.

Sungmin shooed Eunhyuk away with the task board. But he remained standing in front of the camera, making cute faces.

"Hurry, hurry!" Henry called again.

Sungmin didn't budge. Eunhyuk came back to pull him by the collar.

"Bye bye," Sungmin waved at the camera one last time as it shut off. "Mina! Come with us," Sungmin took a hold of my arm.

"Where are you guys going?" I asked, taking a look at their task board.

"Infinite Nightclub."


*                          *                          *

"Whoaaa," Sungmin stared around the room as he walked in.

"Wait, wait, wait," Eunhyuk pointed at the ground.

There were green lasers pointing in every direction of the nightclub. It looked really intimidating... Like you would get electrified if you touched one of them.

"This is like... Dan dan dan daaan," Sungmin started imitating a James Bond song. "We have to go forward!"

"Will anything happen if we touch this?" Eunhyuk reached down.

"Wait, wait... No, don't touch that... Don't tou- DON'T TOUCH THAT!!" Sungmin stopped him.

"What do we do, jump over...? How do you have a club like this?" Eunhyuk scratched his head, confused.

Sungmin began slipping through the beams. Careful not to hold his head up too high or swing his arm out too far.

"I got this, I got this! Try it!"

Eunhyuk stepped in and over the first beam on the floor. Then, showing off his flexibility, he bent and played limbo with the lasers. Just as he tried sliding under one of the floor beams, Sungmin took a hold of his legs and lifted them, making them pass through the beam. He pretended to be hurt, making Sungmin and the rest of us laugh aloud.

"Okay, what's our first task?" Sungmin asked when they finished having fun in the laser court.

Eunhyuk peeled off the first one. "Learn flairtending."

"That's like bartending... But with flair, right? Dancing while bartending?"

"Hi, can i help you guys?" a female walked out.

"Oh! Umm... We are Super Junior... M!"

"Ah yes. And you guys are here for...?"

"Uhh... Learn... Learn bartending," Sungmin gestured with his hands.

"Flairtending," Eunhyuk said.

"But you gotta have a lot of skill for flairtending. It might be really hard for you guys."

"I think I heard the words 'really hard' in there... Yeah, she said it's really hard," Sungmin concluded.

"But... He," Eunhyuk pointed at Sungmin.

"Me? I didn't say anything," Sungmin blinked at him.

"Knows..." Eunhyuk continued. "Umm... Martial arts!"

SUNGMIN KNOWS MARTIAL ARTS? No way, he's too cute for that. Ming only knows aegyo and dancing. Pfft, martial arts...

"Oh, martial arts!" Sungmin suddenly busted out a few moves.

I stared at him, wide-eyed and surprised.

"Pei fu, pei fu!" Eunhyuk used the Chinese he learned earlier.

"And he..." Sungmin pointed at Eunhyuk. "He can... How do you say dance?"

"Dance?" he responded with the correct Chinese word.

"Dance," Sungmin repeated. "Yes, dance."

Eunhyuk busted out a few moves of his own.

"Then you guys might actually be able to learn it," she applauded. "Let's go inside."


"Yeah, we'll ask our bartending teacher."



Ryeowook looked at himself in the mirror, laughing his head off.

"Do we have to wear this?" he continued to laugh. "Ah, audience... Even though our outer appearance is very important, the more important thing is to complete our task and make good and sanitary food... So we're wearing hair nets and washed our hands."

"We're making xiaolongbao!" I stated, taking the mirror from him to adjust my hair net.

"You look foreign," Ryeowook turned to me. "European. Really aristocratic."

We moved into the kitchen, to where the dough and rolling pins were set up. The teacher awaited us with a smile on his face.

"Welcome, welcome," he greeted us.

"Hello, teacher~" Ryeowook sang.

"Let's get started, alright? We're going to take this one step at a time."

"Okay," we answered.

"Pretty much, when we roll out the dough we put our hand in the middle of the rolling pin."

I watched as Ryeowook perfectly rolled out the dough.

"I've done this when I was little," he smiled. "Is this your first time?" Ryeowook looked at my deformed piece of dough.

"First time. I haven't completely done this before," I replied.

Of course, I didn't spend my childhood playing with clay or dough. I played video games in my room all day... Kind of like how I still do now.

"I really think this hair net looks funny," Ryeowook started laughing again.



"One... two..." Sungmin juggled a bottle of liquor and a cup. "Three... Four!" he tossed the bottle up, flipped it, spun in a circle, and dunked it into the cup.

"Yaaay," I applauded him.

"You have to do the dance too!" Eunhyuk exclaimed, dancing. "My turn! One... Two..." he tossed the bottle and cup around. "Three... Four!" he did as Sungmin did, making sure to do the little dance at the end.

"Okay, now you guys have to mix a drink for us like that," the teacher said. "Chengmin first?"

"Alright," Sungmin stepped up.

He juggled four times, this time with a bottle that wasn't empty. Toss, flip, spin, dunk. Dance~! Taking the bottle out, he switched it with a different bottle and poured the liquid in the cup into a different cup, mixing it with what looked like orange juice.

"There!" Sungmin put a straw in it. "Sungmin's Love Alcohol," he grinned, handing the glass to me.

"I can't drink alcohol at a time like this, Ming!" I declined.

"Just a sip! Tell me how it tastes," he pouted.

"Alright," I took a tiny sip. "Orange juice," I laughed.

It was then Eunhyuk's turn to mix a drink. He successfully did the cool stuff and poured cola in it. The drink was given to the teacher.

"It tastes like Coke... Just Coke."

"Is that... Bad?"

"Too weak," he replied. "Next trick!" he picked up two cups and a bottle. Tossing the bottle in the air, he caught it on the cup as it kept spinning, and threw it over, catching it on the other cup.

"Whoaaaa," Eunhyuk and Ming stared in amazement.

"You can wait for it to stop spinning and when it stops, you can toss it onto the other cup."

"Okay, I got this!" Eunhyuk said, taking up two cups and a bottle.

Tossing the bottle up, he caught it on the cup. Unfortunately, it fell onto the floor as he tried to toss it onto the other cup.

"O-One more time..."


"Hey Mina, you ready to go check up on Gui Xian and Li Xu?" Miss Chan asked. "They're not too far right now."

"Sure," I agreed. "Byeee, Sungmin," I whispered.

We got into the car and drove three blocks to a... Restaurant? I exited the car and walked in. The smell of dumplings wafted through the air.

"Mina! You're here!" I heard Ryeowook's voice. "Come, come!"

I approached the table they were sitting at. Kyuhyun had a pair of chopsticks in his hand, prepared to devour whatever was inside the stacked bamboo baskets.

"We made xiaolongbao!" Kyuhyun lifted up the lid, revealing little dumplings.

"Those are so cute," I giggled.

"I made them," Kyuhyun grinned proudly.

"Mine look better though," Ryeowook showed me his.

Kyuhyun picked one of his up and put it in his mouth. "Mmm."

"Is it good?" I asked.

Instead of responding, he leaned back with a sigh of satisfaction.

"It tastes exactly like the ones I buy at the store," Ryeowook stated.

Kyuhyun came back to reality. "I have tens of thousands of words... But silence means everything," he sighed, putting another one in his mouth.

"I'm gonna try one of yours," Ryeowook said to Kyuhyun. "It doesn't look all that great," he teased.

"What? Look at the ones you made. What is this?" Kyuhyun retorted, picking up one of Wookie's dumplings.

Ryeowook popped it in his mouth and chewed. "It... It tastes undercooked!"

"Your's too," Kyuhyun responded.

"No it's not, it's yours."

"No," Kyuhyun fought back.

Wookie covered his mouth, laughing. "Okay, it's good. Mina, taste mine though. Ahh~!"

I leaned over, letting him feed me. "Oh, it's really good!" I gave him a thumbs up.

"Now eat the ones I made," Kyuhyun fed me.

"It's good too!" I smiled.

"Which one tasted better though?" Kyuhyun questioned.

"They both tasted the same..." I responded.


"HEY, we finished our first task! We have to get going and beat the others! Hurry, hurry! Eat, eat, eat!" Ryeowook rushed.


"Alright, now let's go see how Zhou Mi and Henry are doing. They should still be on their first task also..." Miss Chan said.

We got back into the car and drove a litter farther, stopping in front of a tea house.


"Hi, hi," a friendly voice welcomed me in. "Are you here for tea?"

I looked up to see who the voice belonged to... None other than Gentleman Mimi.

"Err... Yes, I'm here for tea," I went along with him.

"Please come this way," he led to to a tea table. "Would you like for me to introduce the teas to you?" he set a menu in front of me.

"Yes, please."

"Alright, here we have our high mountain tea. It's 13 yuan for 15 grams. Also, alpine oolong for the same price and same amount," he pointed on the menu. He went on, quickly explaining to me the overall menu.

"Mmm... I'd like to drink Tieguanyin."


"Mhmm," I nodded.

"Okay. Do you need... any other sort of services?" he asked.

"What other services do you have?"

"We can do a full body massage. Or things like spa services," he laughed.

"Really?" I laughed with him.

"Yes, because our owner said that the customer is always first! So oolong, miss?"


"Oh, right, Tieguanyin," he laughed. "Tieguanyin is good for your body! I'll go prepare it for you now, please wait a moment. Thank you!" he took the menu up and left.

Poor Mimi seemed so nervous. I wonder if he learned to serve at a tea house, like how Eunhyuk and Sungmin learned to flairtender...

Within a few seconds, Zhou Mi came back with a tray of tea cups and pots. He set it down on the table, taking a seat across from me.

"Do you drink tea?" he asked. "Ah, you must have had tea before," he answered his own question. "Do you like Tieguanyin?" he asked again.

"It's my first time trying it," I responded.

He poured boiling water from the big teapot into a smaller pot. Then he swept the tea leaves into the pot with a tiny stick.

"Why do you keep shaking?" I asked him.

"Am I shaking? I'm not shaking..."

"Are you new?" I teased.

"I'm not," he quickly answered. "Do you smell the fragrance from the tea starting to come out?" he changed the subject.

"No," I replied.

"No?" he laughed nervously. "It's okay, you can smell it like this," he started fanning his hands over to my side of the table. "Do you smell it yet? It's really fragrant," he laughed. "Haha, why do I keep laughing."

"I can't smell it," I said, making him crack up.

"It's okay, you'll smell it in a bit," he turned his head away, continuing to laugh. "The customer is really funny! Funny...!" he put his head on the table. "Aiya..." he tried picking up the small teapot, but it only resulted in more laughing.

I giggled at his laugh attack. He was really out of it.

"I'm normally like this!" he struggled the words out. "When I meet people, I always start laughing! Once I start laughing, I can't hold it in!" he exclaimed. "Don't see me as an outsider," he calmed down a little.

I pressed my lips together to prevent further laughing.

"Savoring tea is an elegant process, right? See, when I'm pouring your tea, I'm still... Very... Calm," he started shaking with laughter again. "So now, do you still not smell it? It's okay, you'll smell it soon," he set the teacup in front of me. "Here, here, try it. The first cup of tea I poured for you."

"Thank you," I smiled, picking it up.

"I have a unique way of letting you enjoy the flavor of your tea while you drink."


"I can sing a song for you. This is SJ-M's song, 'Destiny', okay?"

"Okay," I nodded, excited to hear his voice.

"Meeting your string of fate," he started singing in a sweet voice. "Heaven means- Why aren't you drinking yet?" he stopped.

"I'm getting ready to drink," I laughed, infatuated by his singing.

"Oh, okay, okay, let's try that again," he prepared his voice. "Meeting your string of fate, heaven means being right by your side~ How was it?" he asked as I finished taking a sip.

"A bit better," I smiled.

"A bit better? Okay, let's do it again, then. Meeting your string of fate," he began.

"Do you only have that one line?" I giggled.

"I don't remember the next line," he laughed nervously. "Oh, how embarrassing, it's my own group's song too... But I think you should know the feeling that I want you to have, right?"

"Yes," I nodded.

"Alright, I'll clear this up," he said as I finished my cup of tea. "You're pleased, yes?"

I nodded, smiling at him.

"Remember to say good things about me in front of the owner. Say that I'm the new one, okay?" he whispered.

"Alright," I agreed, laughing.

"Okay, thank you," he put all the things onto his tray and carried it to the back.

I got up from my seat to join Miss Chan, who was watching from the front. Another customer came in, and was welcomed by Henry. I suppose he's about to do the same thing.

"Ahhh, Mina, I'm sorry about my laughing fit," I felt Zhou Mi pull me into a hug. "I'm glad it was you who walked in, and not anyone else."

"It's okay, you did great," I praised him. "Was your task to learn tea making skills?" I guessed.

"Yeah, and we have to serve a customer. It was harder than I thought it'd be," he pouted. "How many tasks have the others finished?" he asked, whispering.

"I'm not supposed to tell you," I laughed. "How many tasks do you have to complete in all?"

"High-level has 5, mid-level has 4, and low-level has 3..."

"Sounds fair," I said.


"I suppose I should go back to check on Sungmin and Eunhyuk..."

"Nooo, don't leave yet~!" Zhou Mi held me back. "At least wait until Henry finishes our task!"

"Okay, okay," I stayed by him. "Are you having fun?"

"Kind of, not really. I hope our next task is something more exciting..."

"Hehehe," Henry walked back with his tray of tea.

"Aw, he's already done," Zhou Mi frowned. "Oh, here's the owner!"

"Hello," the lady greeted me. "Were you pleased with your service?"

"Yes, yes, Zhou Mi did a very good job!" I responded.

"That's good. Here's your small paycheck for your next few tasks," she handed Zhou Mi an envelope.

"Thank you," he said. "Henry... Where's Henry?"

"Hereee," he came back out. "Are we ready to go?"

"Yep, let's head out," Zhou Mi led us out the door. "Our next mission is... At Taichung park," he looked at the bottom of the task board.

"Hmm... Where is that?" Henry wondered.

"We can ask for directions," Mimi said.

I looked across the street and spotted Ryeowook and Kyuhyun walking in search of their next location. How'd they walk over here so fast?

"Mimi, I'm gonna go now, okay? I'll see you later~!" I waved, walking away.

"Byeeee," they both waved.

I caught up to Ryeowook and Kyuhyun, who were looking lost.

"Mina, you're here again!" Ryeowook grinned. "Are you thirsty?"

"Thirsty? No," I replied.

"Oh well, it looks like we'll have to take a trip here anyways," Ryeowook turned into a market. "Look, bananas!" he dashed over to the bananas. "I want to buy bananas to eat," he bounced excitedly.

"Actually, the last time I went to the market to buy things, Wook told me to get him bananas. But when I bought them, he didn't eat them," Kyuhyun told me a story.

"I ate them!" Ryeowook interjected. "I like bananas."

We hurried to pay for them and went back out. Wookie happily ate his banana as we walked down the street.

"Excuse me," Kyuhyun asked someone. "You... Do you know... Sun cakes?"

"Sun cakes? Down over there," the lady pointed.

"Oh, okay, thank you. It looks like we're headed in the right direction."

Walking past several more shops, Ryeowook finished his banana and wanted Kyuhyun's water bottle. Then he stopped to look at a store.

"Is it here? It seems like it's here," he entered. "Hi~!" he greeted them cheerfully. "This place... have sun cakes?"

"Yes, we do have sun cakes," the girls answered.

"Oh, look! Free samples," Kyuhyun approached the stand. "Here," he stuffed half a sun cake in my mouth.

"Is it good?" one of the girls asked.

"Yes, yes, good," Kyuhyun gave them a thumbs up.

"This is our treat to you guys," another girl held out an already packed bag.

"No money?" Kyuhyun asked, surprised?

"No money," she replied. "Our treat, here."

"No money?" Kyuhyun asked again. "Why?"

"Because we're treating you."

"Really?" Ryeowook chimed in.

"But can you autograph something for us?" all of them asked.

"Of course, of course! And he'll even sing!" Kyuhyun gestured to Ryeowook.

"Okay..." Ryeowook stepped back from the counter. "As time slowly flows away, I only care about you~" he began singing.

"Are you shy?" Kyuhuyn , making him blush a little.

Ignoring Kyu, he continued singing with his beautiful voice. "Even losing my life's strength would not be a pity~ So I beg you, don't let me leave you~ Apart from you, I can't feel a bit of affection~" he reached over to sign the sheet of paper.

"Yaaaaay," everyone cheered and applauded.

After thanking the shop owners again, we made our way out with the bags of sun cakes.

"We didn't have to spend any money to complete that task," Kyuhyun laughed. "We still have a lot of yuan left."

"Two tasks completed!" Ryeowook celebrated. "Where's our next location?"

"Museum of Natural Sciences," Kyuhyun answered. "Should we take the bus?"

We headed towards a bus stop and stared at the sign, covered with tiny, complicating Chinese characters.

"We have a problem!" Kyuhyun declared. "We can't read this."

Ryeowook took a look at the sign. "We really can't read it," he whined. "What if we just look and see which one looks like 'Museum of Natural Sciences'?"

"Okay, we can do that," Kyuhyun agreed.

"Ohhhh, look at who it is!" a familiar voice called from behind us.

Sungmin and Eunhyuk approached us, flapping their task board around.

"Minaaa, what are you doing with these guys? Come with us~!" Sungmin clung to my shoulders.

"Yah, Mina wanted to tag along with us, so she's with us," Kyuhyun said. "How many tasks have you completed?"

"One," Sungmin responded.

"But we have this big big big paycheck here," Eunhyuk showed them the envelope. "How many have you completed?"

"Two," Kyuhyun grinned.

"That means we both have two missions left to complete," Ryeowook realized.

"We're still gonna beat you though," Kyuhyun held his head high.

"Whatever," Sungmin pouted. "We have Mina to cheer us on. We're definitely gonna beat you guys! Let's go, Mina!"

"We're taking the taxi," Eunhyuk said.

"Yah, bring her back here!" Kyuhyun shouted.

"Ji chengche, ji chengche! Taxiii!" Sungmin waved his arm out and a yellow taxi pulled up in front of us. "Hi, hi... Take us here... Is that okay?" Sungmin showed him the location on the board. "Thank you," he said after the taxi driver nodded.

Squeezing into the taxi, I looked at their second task. "Hong Kong Sandwiches"? I wonder if they'll be working there or buying sandwiches with their paycheck...


"Idiot," Eunhyuk said in Chinese, pointing at Sungmin.

"Huh?" he did a double-take at Eunhyuk.

"Idiot," he repeated. "You is idiot. I is smart," he said with his poor Chinese skills.

"What?" Sungmin stared at him, confused.

"I am chongmin. You are idiot."

"Chongmin means smart," I told Sungmin.

"Yes, so I am chongmin and you are Chengmin," Eunhyuk said.

Sungmin sat, dumbfounded.

"You're Chengmin, Sungmin. Your Chinese name? Chengmin?"

"Oh," he sighed. "Yes, yes, yes, yes... Okay, you are chongmin," he turned to Eunhyuk. "And I am Chengmin."

"Yes, you are Chengmin," Eunhyuk nodded.

"And I am... Idiot?"

"Yes, you are an idiot," he agreed.

"Ahhh.... Thank you, thank you."

"Also... Weird person," Eunhyuk added.

"Thank you, thank you..."

"And you are abnormal," they both said at the same time.

I wish someone would tell them how stupid they sound right now... It looks like their Chinese abilities are just about the same... Terrible.

"We're here. That would be 120 yuan," the taxi driver announced.

Sungmin took the money out of the envelope and handed it to the driver. We thanked him as we got out of the taxi and to the front of the sandwich shop.

"Okay, peel it!" Eunhyuk said excitedly.

"Yah!" Sungmin peeled off the pink sticker, revealing the second task. "Buy sandwiches!"

Entering the shop, we got warm welcomes, as some of the workers recognized Super Junior-M. As always, they did their usual greeting.

"What would you like to buy today?" the guy at the register asked.

"Uhh... Sandwich," Sungmin pointed at the word on the board.

"Sandwich? How many?"

"Two," Eunhyuk held up two fingers.

He quickly put out two wrapped sandwiches for them.

"May I ask how much it is?" Sungmin used the phrase he learned today.

"18 yuan each," he responded.

"Okay, so 36 yuan?"

"Yes," he said as Sungmin got more money out of the envelope.

"Yaaay, mission success!" Sungmin grinned. "Let's share this sandwich, since I'm not supposed to eat so much," Sungmin turned to me.

"You've NEVER shared food with me," Eunhyuk stared at him. "And you always get stubborn when someone mentions your diet!"

"What are you talking about?" Sungmin laughed. "Here, Mina. Say ahh~"

I carefully took a bite of the sandwich, making sure not to make a mess.

"Thanks, Ming," I smiled.

"Do you want another bite?" he smiled.

"Do you hear that?" Eunhyuk froze in place.

"Hear what?" Sungmin blinked at him.

"Zhou Mi's voice," he responded.

Zhou Mi? He's somewhere here? That's great! I was starting to miss him.

"In here," Eunhyuk crept outside of a restaurant.

"A French cuisine... Does he and Henry really have enough money to dine here?" Sungmin looked inside, surprised. "Ah, Zhou Mi!" he spotted him.

"Sungmin, Eunhyuk! We just ate something super yummy!"

"Really good! Delicious!" Henry gloated.

"They completely waited for us! They treated us good food and gave us money! Look!" Zhou Mi showed them an envelope.

"They can't do that, can they?" Eunhyuk squinted at them suspiciously.

"They gave us a lot of money!" Henry showed them the inside of the envelope.

"Why did you take their money?"

"This isn't right, why'd you take their money?" Sungmin laughed.

"Owner, owner! These two want to eat," Henry pushed them towards a table and pulled out a seat for Sungmin.

"Yes, yes, these two want to eat," Zhou Mi pulled out a seat for Eunhyuk.

"Yah, don't mess with me," Eunhyuk continued to look at them suspiciously.

"Don't worry, just sit down, we'll have this figured out!" Henry assured them. "Sit, sit!"

Eunhyuk put his on the seat. "Okayyy, I sat! Now let's goooo~!" he sang, pulling Sungmin with him.

"Since you're here already, can we take a photo with you guys?" the owner man asked.

"A photo? Are these two trying to use us to get a lower price?" Sungmin looked at them.

"No, no! It doesn't even matter with us two! They still treated us! There's nothing to pay! But we promised them a photo. And now you two came! Perfect timing," Zhou Mi sputtered.

"How many tasks do you guys have left?"

"We're finished! This was our last one!" Zhou Mi exclaimed.

"What, already? Then we should get going just to beat the other two," Sungmin walked away.

"After you eat!" Henry pulled him back. "Go after you eat!"

Suddenly, the restaurant staff crowded around the four members.

"Take a picture!" one of the ladies said.

"Yes, take a picture! Eat and then go! Yes?" Henry said in English, thinking Sungmin and Eunhyuk would understand.

The staff got into their positions for the picture.

"Why is this so sudden?" Eunhyuk laughed nervously.

"This is our mission," Zhou Mi told them in a low voice.

Flash! The picture was taken.

"Yah! That was cheating!" Sungmin exclaimed.

"Okay, onto our next mission~!" Zhou Mi took a hold of my wrist and dragged me out of the restaurant, leaving Sungmin and Eunhyuk in there, speechless.

"So you're not done with your tasks yet?" I looked at the board Henry was holding.

"Nope, we have two more."

"THAT FRENCH CUISINE. Was SOOOO expensive. SO EXPENSIVE," Zhou Mi groaned. "How much do we have left?"

"Hmmm... About 130 yuan," Henry looked in the envelope.

"I hope we have enough to make it through our last two missions..."

"Where are we headed to?"

"The open market... That's not too far from here. We can walk," Zhou Mi decided.

Walking two blocks, we arrived at the location. There were stands everywhere, selling every kind of food. Henry peeled off the sticker.

"Daikon cake? That's like... Turnip cake, right?" Henry asked.

"Look, it's over there!" Zhou Mi pointed at the sign, rushng over. "Hello, ownerrrr. We would like daikon cake, please! Is it expensive with an egg?"

"Nope," the man answered.

"With egg then, please... Hey, wait, no, we can't!" Mimi changed his mind. "Right now, we have to save every cent, every yuan, and we have to calculate it all!"

"How much could an egg cost?" Henry laughed at him.

"We have to save money to complete our last mission too! Saving every cent is okay!"

"Okay, okay, with no egg," Henry said.


Within minutes, the daikon cake was set in front of us.

"Yum, yum," Henry took a bite. "With hot sauce," he took another piece and dipped it.

"You want some, Mina? Ahh~" Zhou Mi fed me.

"I've been fed all kinds of food today... It's been great," I laughed.

"Really? You should've been with us at the French cuisine. The food there is really worth the price you pay... Speaking of which, this daikon cake would be great with an egg..." he turned to Henry.

"Yeah? Should we get an egg then? Or should we... Save?" Henry debated.

"This is already 30 yuan..."

Henry took out the money to pay the owner and counted the rest in the envelope.

"We have exactly 102 yuan left," he stated. "Where's our next task?" he looked on his board. "Oh, it's also here," he yanked off the sticker. "Buy bubble tea..."

"Look, the stand is right over there," Zhou Mi pointed. "Wow, our tasks last tasks are pretty easy, since they're practically next to each other."


"Which flavor do you want?" Zhou Mi asked me.

"Mmm... I'm fine with anything," I replied.

"Does that mean passion fruit or mango?" he laughed.

"Mango," I chose.

"One large mango bubble tea, please!"

"Yay, more food." I celebrated sarcastically as the bubble tea was handed to us.

Zhou Mi was about to put his straw in, when Henry suddenly bumped his hand away.

"Okay, you go," Zhou Mi let Henry stick his straw in first.

"Hehehehe, why thank you," Henry grinned cheesily, stabbing his straw into the cup.

"Where do you find such a pointless child..." Mimi sighed.



"...Did a human make this?"



"How is it this good~? What was exactly used to make this~?" we sang our song.


"How much money do we have left?" Eunhyuk asked.

"Mmm," I checked the envelope as I chewed my delicious food. "500 yuan. About 570 yuan," I answered with my mouth full.

"Okay... Everyone!" Eunhyuk asked the staff. "Hungry? Everyone Hungry?"

"Yes~" the crew chorused.

"How much... This all?" I gestured at our table of food.

"238 yuan," the waitress answered.

"Oh, so we'll still have around 330 yuan..." I calculated.

After figuring out the exact costs, we ordered a big meal for our staff and camera crew. But when the waitress came back with the check...

"This is 631 yuan," she told us.


"631 yuan," she repeated.

I took a good look at the check and fell back onto Eunhyuk, refusing to believe it.


"Yes, 600 yuan. 631," she laughed.

"WAIT! The Coke doesn't count!" Eunhyuk exclaimed.

Giving up after staring at the check for too long, we sighed. How could we have possibly overspent...?

"How much money do you have?" she asked us.

"570 yuan," we answered.

"Hmmm... You can give it all so me. And sing me a song," she suggested excitedly.

"Really? Okay, okay, take this," I handed her the envelope. "All for you."

"Okay, now we sing? What song? Wait, I can't even sing. I rap... Sungmin, sing!" he told me.

"Okay, I got this!" I said confidently, grabbing a spoon. "Well you done done me and you bet I felt it~" I began. "I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted~ I fell right through the cracks, now I'm trying to get back~" I sang, holding the spoon as a mic.

Eunhyuk snapped to the beat for me.

"Before the cool done run out I'll be giving it my bestest, And nothing's gonna stop me but divine intervention~ I reckon it's again my turn-" I stopped to look at Hyuk, forgetting the lyrics.

Why am I even singing a song in English when I can't even properly speak Chinese? Aish, stupid Ming, stupid Ming!

"To win some or learn some~" I continued. "But I won't hesitate no more, no more~ It cannot wait, I'm yours~"

"Yaaay," everyone applauded.



"Okay, now that everyone has completed their tasks, we are at our meeting spot," Zhou Mi told the camera.

"And guess who finished all of their tasks first?" Henry put a big cheesy smile on his face, pointing at himself.

"That's right!" Zhou Mi shouted at the other four.

"But we were second place!" Kyuhyun stated.

They all laughed at Sungmin and Eunhyuk who finished last.

"Who still actually has money, though?" Zhou Mi asked.

"We have 76 yuan," Henry took the money out of his envelope.

"We have... A receipt," Ryeowook threw it out. "120 yuan!"

"What about you guys?" Kyuhyun nudged Sungmin.

Sungmin pulled out an envelope, opened it, and flipped it upside down.

"Nothing??" everyone exclaimed, laughing.

"Nope," Sungmin frowned.

"It's okay, losers," Kyuhyun said. "We still have tomorrow."

"That's right, folks! Stay tuned!" Henry told the camera.

"Because tomorrow, we're going to be at the amusement park!"



Chapter 22 Preview:



Hello, ELFs~!

Most of this chapter was based off of SJ-M's Celebrity Tour Guide. I put five episodes into one chapter for you guys! And I highly highly highly recommend watching it! It's awesome!

I've linked the Yahoo video for Zhou Mi's dress up game with Henry on the side. You can also search up the video where Henry dresses up Zhou Mi. They're both so cute. :3

For reference, $1 USD is approximately 6.3685 yuan. And if anyone else is confused, Kyuhyun is Gui Xian, Siwon is Shi Yuan, Donghae is Donghai, and Ryeowook is Li Xu.

Also, I didn't get to mention this last chapter, but... OHMUHGAW, one of my REAAAAL-LIIIIFFFEEE friends have read this story of mine. And she's capable of becoming an ELF. OMG,IMightHaveSomeoneToFanGirlWithNow. I loves you, Catherine. May fishies be in your dreams tonight. <3


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ayakohana25 #1
Chapter 45: I finished reading all 56 (or was it 57?) chapters on watty then tried to look it up on AFF hoping you continued it here. Hahaha~ I'm soooo hopeless.
AnimeKitty #2
Chapter 45: Author nim~~~~~ I miss this story sooooo much! Please come back soon and update!!! Pretty please???
Please please update please T.T
Chapter 1: I'm rereading this its my favorite fanfics of all :) 7jib fighting!elfs all over the world fighting!SJ oppas fighting! <3
Chapter 45: Just reread all the chapters and dand i miss this story author haha i'll wait for your update author! Fighting!! :))
fyekay918 #6
Chapter 45: Oh my god. Oh. My. God. Im so glad i gound this story
Gahhhhhhhh. I litrrally fangirled every chapter
I love it so much. The plot, the characters. I ship Misung but also MiChul. But maybe more MiSung, i think. But MiChul is adorbz T_T cant make up my mind.
Oh oh please update soon. Cant wait :3
aninrara #7
author-nim update soon T--T
IamParkJiHae #8
Heechul should've kissed Mina.
I know Sungmin thinks that it is his' birthday gift from Mina,
but I want Mina and Heechul to kiss T^T

I miss you author-nim update soon.
kpop_luv #9
Chapter 45: Oh and right now I am currently shipping Michul soooo i think heechul should've kissed mina
kpop_luv #10
Chapter 45: I actually forgot about this cuz of school T_T. buuut on the bright side I caught up on everything, and whoooo! go heechul (I think.....since sungmin kissed her instead)