Chapter 22

Super Maid & The 13 Dorks


"What's today?"
"Wednesday, October 9th," Ryeowook answered.
"The 9th already? What happened to the 8th...?"
"The 8th was yesterday."
"I KNEW I FORGOT SOMETHING," I jumped, dialing Meela's number.
Ring... Ring... Ring...
"BABY, I'M SORRY!!" I yelled into the phone.
"What? What happened, love?" she asked, confused.
"Mina, I never thought you could be so loud," Sungmin stared wide-eyed. "But who's birthday is it?" he got beside me. "Let's sing them a song~!"
"Happy birthday to youuuuu~! Happy birthday to youuuuu~! Happy birthday to..." Sungmin stopped singing with me and looked at me, asking for a name.
"Happy birthday to Meelaaaaaa~! Happy birthday to youuuuu~!" I finished. "Happy late birthday, love~!"
"Aw, thank you, love! And thanks to whoever was singing with you! Was it... Mr. Simple? Y'know... HEECHUL? Eh? Eh?" she asked excitedly.
"It was Sungmin. Heechul's not in China with us," I said.
"Oh yeah. I forgot you were in Hong Kong... So far away from me," she sniffed.
"Hmm... You seem a bit... Calm today," I realized. "IS SOMETHING WRONG?"
"No, nothing's wrong! It's just that I'm not at home."
"Really? Where are you?"
"You won't believe it. I got a job~!"
"Omo, congrats! Where do you work?"
"At this cafe called 'Handel and Gretel'. It's my first day today... Oh, and break time is about to be over," she added.
Handel and Gretel... Sounds familiar.
"Oh, alright. I'll talk to you later then."
"Kaaaay, have fun! Byeee~!"
. . .
"WHO WAS THAT?" Sungmin got up in my personal space.
"M-My friend," I stepped away.
"Are you sure? You were calling him 'love'," he stepped closer. "And 'baby'. I HEARD YOUUUUU!"
"Didn't you hear me call her Meela? Meela is a girl's name! She's my best friend!"
"Oh... But still... I got my eyes on you," he squinted at me suspiciously.
I laughed, shooing him away for him to finish getting ready.
"Mimi, you said that we're shooting at the amusement park today?"
"Yep, just for a little. If we finish early, maybe we can hang around there for a while. It'll be fun," he smiled.
*                          *                          *
"That's right, Round Two!"
"What's there to do here?" Henry looked around.
"Roller coasters, ferris wheels, merry-go-rounds, everything! Our first game!" Zhou Mi took a slip out of an envelope. "Two members will sit at the two ends of the Corsair, which will go up to 7 floors as it swings. One will ask questions and the other wil answer. The team that got the most correct answers will win."
"Where's the corsair," Henry searched. "Oh, there it is!"
The Corsair was a boat shaped ride that swung extremely high. It looked as if it almost flipped and spun upside down.
"Okay, let's go!" Sungmin raced to the ride.
I watched as the crew quickly set up all the cameras and microphones on the Corsair. They had three cameras on each side, pointing in every direction.
"Who wants to go first?" Zhou Mi asked.
"Me, me, me, Chengmin!" Sungmin bounced up and down.
"Okay, Eunhyuk. Since you're on his team, go with him."
Sungmin excitedly got on the ride as the crew finished setting up. Eunhyuk went to the opposite end and sat down.
"Yaaaaaah~!" Sungmin called.
"Helllooooo~!" Eunhyuk answered back.
"Ready?" Zhou Mi yelled at the two.
"Okay, they're ready," he told the operator, who pressed the button.
The ride started moving, Sungmin's side going up first. He didn't hesitate to start asking the questions. I watched the mini TV screen that was set up with the cameras and microphones on the ride to hear what was going on.
"Eunhyuk-ah!" Sungmin shouted. "It has to be you!!"
"The original singer of 'It Has To Be You'!!"
"Ye... Yesung!!!"
"Okay!" Sungmin gave him a thumbs up. "Aaaaaaahhh!!" he screamed as the ride soared down. "Okay, okay! No license!!"
"Wait a minute, WHAT??" Eunhyuk yelled back, confused.
"Bus driver with no license!" Sungmin pretended steering.
"Bus driver!!"
"No, no, no! Pass!"
They went back and forth, yelling at each other. Eunhyuk passed most of the questions since he was completely clueless of what Sungmin was trying to explain. He didn't get to answer the last question before the ride ended.
"Okay, Team B!" Zhou Mi pushed them foward. "Ryeowook, Kyuhyun, are you ready?"
"I-I don't know," Ryeowook stuttered.
They got on the opposite ends of the ride and waved at each other. Kyuhyun quickly found one of the cameras, stared into it and cutely smiled.
"Oh... Oh, it's starting!" Ryeowook panicked. "The tea that I like to drink everyday!"
"Bubble tea!" Kyuhyun answered.
"Oh, oh, the member! The member who's like that!" Ryeowook started making frustrating gestures. "Hurry, hurry!"
"Our member! THAT member!" Ryeowook yelled, not hearing Kyuhuyn's answer the first time.
"HEECHUL!" he shouted.
"Oh, oh, okay! That female singer that you like!!"
"Chang Hui-Mei!" Kyuhyun quickly responded.
"Okay, okay! The song that Zhou Mi, you, and I sang together!"
"The Whisper of West Wind!!"
I didn't realize these two could be so loud... Especially Ryeowook. I could almost hear him yelling at Kyuhyun from down here...
"HURRYYY!" Kyuhyun rushed Wookie.
"Oh, Oh...! The name of the dumplings we made together!"
"Aaaaaaahh!" Ryeowook clung onto the railing in front of him. "The sentence you say everyday!"
Kyuhyun thought for a second... "'This is ridiculous'!" he answered.
"The longer one!"
"Huh...? AH!" Kyuhyun realized. He let out a long string of Chinese words that sounded like a familiar proverb.
"OKAY! We ride on it at the airport!"
Ryeowook stopped asking questions as the ride came to an end. He walked off with a startled look on his face.
"That was... Kind of fun," he blinked.
"I hope you're ready to ride it again," Zhou Mi told him. "Henry just chickened out and ran off..."
I turned around to see ony Zhou Mi, Sungmin, and Eunhyuk behind me. No Henry in sight. Ryeowook stared at Zhou Mi, dumbfounded.
"Okay!" Zhou Mi pulled Ryeowook back onto the ride.
As they got seated and buckled up, the ride started moving. Zhou Mi leaned over to shout at Ryeowook.
"What are you doing? Start! Hurry!"
"I don't want to," Ryeowook laughed.
Smart Wookie... If he doesn't ask, then Zhou Mi can't asnwer, and he and Kyuhyun will win this round.
"Hurry, hurry!"
"The most handsome Chinese artist!"
"The most handsome Chiense artist!!!" he shouted louder.
"Me!" Zhou Mi laughed.
"Incorrect!" Ryeowook went onto the next question. "The name of our song!"
"Whaaat? Hurry!"
"Our album title!! Super Junior M! Album!!"
"Ah, 'Perfection'!!"
"Okay," Ryeowook said. "We played it last time! Jump from sky high!"
"WHAT? Jump from sky high??"
"Jump from high sk-Aaaaaaah!" Ryeowook screamed as his end dipped down.
"What? What is that?? NEXT!"
"Not subway!" Ryeowook started cracking up.
They both laughed hard as they hung onto the railing for dear life.
"Ryeowook, hurry up! What are you doing?" Zhou Mi laughed.
"Not subway! Not subway!!"
"EXPRESS TRAIN!" Zhou Mi answered.
"You go to this place at night!"
"Only at night??"
"A place to drink and dance!"
"SHRIMP FISHING!!!" Zhou Mi randomly yelled out.
"Tallest building in Taiwan!" Ryeowook went onto the next question.
The ride slowed down, but didn't completely stop yet. Mimi only had a few more seconds to answer this last question.
"Oh, oh, oh, 101!"
"Okay, that's it."
"What were you doing, Ryeowook?" Zhou Mi laughed.
They got off, joining us by the fence. Miss Chan jumped into the scene.
"Alriiiight, everyone had fun~? Were you scared?" she asked.
"It wasn't that bad," Zhou Mi said.
"How do you feel about the rides, Team A?"
"We weren't scared," Sungmin and Eunhyuk stated proudly.
"I was so bored, I even took notes," Sungmin said, showing the camera his notepad. "I love Chengmin~!" he read aloud, pointing at his heart doodle at the end.
"Wow, did you write that yourself? Amazing!" she praised him, surprised that he learned the Chinese characters.
"How about you guys?" she asked Ryeowook and Kyuhyun.
"It was too easy," Kyuhyun said.
"I'm exhausted. It made my head spin. I want to throw up," Ryeowook said, pretending to turn around and puke.
"And you two?" she turned to Zhou Mi and Henry, who came back.
"You mean me, right?" Zhou Mi pointed at himself. "I think we wouldn't been better as a team," he told Henry. "Ryeowook didn't know what he was doing."
"Really?" Henry laughed.
"Like that first question he asked me, 'Who is the most handsome Chinese artist?'"
"It's Gui Xian, right?" Miss Chan joked.
"No, I answered 'me'! That should've been the correct answer!" Zhou Mi argued.
"I was startled when I heard that answer. 'ME?'," Ryeowook imitated Mimi, making everyone laugh.
"Henry! You didn't ride on the Corsair, so you need to do a punishment!" Miss Chan announced. "Please go to Central Park and take a picture with a forgeiner."
"Oh, it's quite easy, actually. Because I'm a Canadian passport holder, so everyone here is a forgeiner to me," he responded cleverly. "BUT I'LL BE FAIR! Come on, forgeiner," Henry linked arms with me, heading to the park.
"Henry, why'd you run away from the ride?" I asked, amused.
"I didn't want to ride it," he looked away.
"Were you scared?" I teased.
"Of course not! There were vedors... Selling ice cream! So I had to go eat ice cream!"
"Riiiiiiight," I went with him.
"Central park! Here we are!" he took our his phone. "Say 'Canadian bacon'!"
Henry showed Miss Chan the photo when we made it back to the group. Then the third round started.
For the third round, they had to get on the "Swinger", which actually does a whole 360 degrees, making you go upside down. The members have 90 seconds to read and memorize facts while riding the Swinger. Again, Henry didn't want to get on the ride, and poor Mimi had to ride it alone.
Afterwards, they had a little game. Whoever ran to snatch the flag first got to answer the question. The whistle went off and they all dashed to the flag. Zhou Mi catch it first.
"Which member has smelly feet?" Miss Chan asked.
"Smelly feet... En He!" he answered.
They all got behind the line, waiting for the next whistle. I watched from afar, seeing that Kyuhyun was up to something...
TOOT! They all ran to the flag. But Kyuhuyn grabbed Eunhyuk, holding him back. Zhou Mi got the flag again.
"Which member likes sleeping without clothes?"
"Gui Xian!" Mimi exclaimed.
"But I haven't been able to do that lately," Kyuhyun frowned.
The process repeated as the other questions rolled in. In the end, Zhou Mi and Henry won with 5 points. Ryeowook and Kyuhyun came second with 2 points, and Sungmin and Eunhyuk with no points.
The camera crew swifty migrated towards a different ride. We followed, curious as to which ride was next... The staff stopped in front of a giant rollercoaster.
"Omo," Ryeowook stared up at the tracks.
"Okaaay, guys! This is the fourth and last round! You guys will get to ride on this glorious rollercoaster here," Miss Chan gestured to the tracks. "The screams of each team will be recorded wihle riding on the rollercoaster! And the team with the lowest combined decibels will win!"
Everyone stared at the rollercoaster, waiting for the group of people to finish the ride. The coaster flew by as we stood behidn the railing.
"Omo, this is too scary," Eunhyuk shivered. "Are we really going to ride on this?"
"How is it so fast??" Kyuhyun stared, wide-eyed.
"Henry, do I need to ride on this alone again?" Zhou Mi frowned at him.
"BYE BYEEE~!" Henry waved at everyone.
"I actually kinda want to ride on this," Kyuhyun decided.
"How does it start so fast?" Eunhyuk asked, fascinated.
"It'll be too fast for you to scream. You won't make a sound," Zhou Mi said.
"But the high speed at the beginning is just..." Eunhyuk panicked. "Normally, it'd be like..." he imitated a normal rollercoaster, going slow at the beginning and eventually getting faster. "But this one is like... ZOOOOM!"
"THIS IS NO JOKE," Ryeowook looked terrified.
"Let's ride it together," Kyuhyun offered Henry.
"No, I can't!" Henry backed away. "I'm even more scared to go on it after seeing it go by," he admitted.
"Okay, how about we'll ride it together, then you can get off halfway?" Kyuhyun suggested.
"What? Say that again?"
"I'll let you off halway and I'll keep riding it," Kyuhyun repeated.
"How do you even get off halfway?" Henry blinked at him, confused.
"Exactly," Kyuhyun laughed. "Come on, just ride it once!"
"No, no thank you, BYEEE~!" he ran off.
I turned around to see Sungmin and Eunhyuk already strapped in the seat. Sungmin smiled adorably, giving the the camera a peace sign before taking off. Then... ZOOOOM!
"AAAAAAAAAAH!!" I heard Sungmin's high-pitched scream.
Ryeowook froze, looking horrified as he observed their blast off. I could still hear Sungmin's scream as they passed back through the tunnel to go around one more time.
We stood, speechless.
The coaster came back, with Sungmin frozen stiff, his arms and legs straight out, and Eunhyuk breathing heavily.
"H-How are you feeling?" Ryeowook stepped over to check on them. "Are you okay??"
"..." Sungmin didn't respond.
"It was too fast. I can't even speak..." Eunhyuk wheezed.
It was time to check their decibels! Eunhyuk's was 120. Sungmin, on the other hand, had 132. He still managed to smile a little as I took a look at him.
Then Ryeowook and Kyuhyun...
"Are we riding now? OMO, WHAT DO I DOOOOOO?" Ryeowook yelled. "Huhuhuhuh, this is no joke! The handle and buckle is like... VERY SCARY," he said, showing how loose it is. "AAAAAAAH, it won't fly off, will it?"
Kyuhuyn laughed at him.
Kyuhyun gave the camera a creep smile as Ryeowook kept screaming in his seat.
"He doesn't look okay," I told Zhou Mi.
"He'll be fi-"
"AAAAAAAH," Ryeowook continued screaming. "...When are we taking off?" Then he let out another scream.
Sigh, Wookie. Screaming before the ride even begins.
All of a sudden...
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Ryeowook's scream got even louder as they shot off.
I kept my ears open, still able to hear Ryeowook's panic attack as they went around, passed by, and went around again.
"Aw, poor Wookie. He looked so scared," I laughed.
They returned, with Kyuhyun looking around at everything and Ryeowook still panicking.
"It was so scary," Ryeowook exhaled. "Agh...." he ran his hands through his messy hair. "HUHUHUH, IT WAS SO SCARYYYY!!" he whined. "AAAAH!"
Kyuhyun was speechless, also breathing heavily. He checked his decibel recorder.
"123..." he read.
"129," Ryeowook checked his. He lifted up his seat and stumbled to the side.
"Are you alright, Wookie?" I asked, holding him steady.
"N-No," he replied. "It was terrible!"
"Let me tell you, I feel the worst going last," Zhou Mi sighed. "I'm even more scared after seeing those two teams go..."
"I'll ride with you," Sungmin got in the seat next to Mimi.
"Isn't this your third time? You were riding behind Kyuhyun just a few seconds ago..."
Sungmin smiled, knowing that he was starting to get addicted. "When I get back... I look at you," he told the camera in his poor Chinese, his face expressionless, holding up a peace sign. "Okay? Okay," he put on a confident smirk.
I crept over to the mini set that was displaying what the camera was recording. I could see both Zhou Mi and Sungmin's faces clearly. Then in three... Two... One...
"AAAAAH!" I heard Zhou Mi's scream.
Sungmin was... Expressionless.
Zhou Mi let out a few more screams as he passed back through the tunnel. The ride seemed quick after watching it a few times already. They came back with Zhou Mi looking as if he was about to faint and Sungmin smiling. The camera man moved the camera to Sungmin's face, displaying no expression with his hands forming a peace sign.
"Did you see me?" he asked cutely.
"I'M GOING INSANE," Zhou Mi said sternly. "I'm going to collapse. Hurry, get me out of this seat..." He sighed, giving the camera a reassuring thumbs up.
"Mimi, you hair is a mess!" I reached up to smooth it out for him. "Was it fun?" I laughed.
"Not at all..."
"You got 126!" Sungmin told Zhou Mi. "But Henry didn't ride with you, so we can't add up your points. And I didn't scream that last time," Sungmin grinned proudly.
"Both Teams B and C got 252 decibels. We'll have to declare this a tie!" Miss Chan announced. "And now it's break time."
"Yaaay," Eunhyuk cheered.
"Minaaaa, it's break time!" Sungmin rushed to my side. "Ride the coaster with me!"
"What? No," I backed away.
"Come onnn, it's fun!" he pulled me.
"N-No thank you," I pulled back.
"Okay, it's fine if you don't want to ride with me," he said, still keeping a good grip on me. "You can ride with Ryeowook then."
Sungmin picked me up and put me into the seat, strapping me up as Kyuhyun did the same to a screaming Ryeowook.
"NO, GUYS, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?" Ryeowook yelled.
"Bye byeee~!" they waved at us.
"NO, NO, NO, NOT THIS AGAIN," Ryeowook panicked.
"I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS! GET ME OUT OF HERE, SUNGMIN! Omo, it looked so scary."
"It IS scary!" Ryeowook exclaimed. "Huhuhuhuh, momm-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!"
One 15 year-old, one 25 year-old, and one 35 year-old...
"Hi, may I ask how old you are?"
"I'm 24," the man responded.
Miss Chan sent me off on a different mission since I refused to ride the rollercoaster with Zhou Mi... I'm absolutely not a big fan of rides.
"Hi, I'm looking for someone who is 15, 25, or 35 years old," I approached a group of girls.
"Oh sorry, none of us are," the girl said.
I've searched high and low in this park. How could no one be 15, 25, or 35...?
"Since Team A and Team B have won first and second place, you guys will get to eat a lavish meal! Congrats, Li Xu, Gui Xian, and Zhou Mi!"
Just then, Henry walked back.
"Ah, welcome back, Henry! How did it go?" Miss Chan asked.
"I couldn't find anyone," he frowned.
"It's okay, Sungmin and Eunhyuk has failed all the rounds too. So you can't have food either."
"Mhmm, you can't eat with us, Henry," Zhou Mi teased. "You made me get on all the rides alone. I thought we were a team!"
"We ARE a team! Let's eat as a team!" Henry nudged him.
"But I helped you win the first round!" Henry interjected.
"It's okay, Henry. You can help us pick up trash in the park," Eunhyuk assured him. "Let's go."
"Actually, I'll be nice. You can get a drink," Zhou Mi said.
Henry squinted at him, not satisfied with his offer.
"Or you can just watch those two clean up."
"Okay, let's go get me a drink," Henry started walking.
*                          *                          *
"Cheers!" Zhou Mi, Ryeowook, and Kyuhyun sang.
"Today was really rough," Kyuhyun sighed.
"And this is very tasty!" Zhou Mi grinned. "Hurry and eat~!"
I went to check on Henry who was sitting at another table... Far away... Being lonely.
"I can't help but be scared to get on a rollercoaster," he sniffed. "But I guess a cup of water is okay."
Chapter 23 Preview:
"Don't talk to me, Sungmin."
I was originally planning on making this chapter longer. But I thought you guys would get tired of 15 paged chapters. So I cut it up. o:
They say you've never seen your bias until you've seen them on a rollercoaster. c:
This chapter was based on episode 5 of Celebrity Tour Guide. Check it out, 'cause Ryeowook's panick attack is worth it LOL.
My author notes are so long, sorry. So I'll stop talking here for a change, haha.
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ayakohana25 #1
Chapter 45: I finished reading all 56 (or was it 57?) chapters on watty then tried to look it up on AFF hoping you continued it here. Hahaha~ I'm soooo hopeless.
AnimeKitty #2
Chapter 45: Author nim~~~~~ I miss this story sooooo much! Please come back soon and update!!! Pretty please???
Please please update please T.T
Chapter 1: I'm rereading this its my favorite fanfics of all :) 7jib fighting!elfs all over the world fighting!SJ oppas fighting! <3
Chapter 45: Just reread all the chapters and dand i miss this story author haha i'll wait for your update author! Fighting!! :))
fyekay918 #6
Chapter 45: Oh my god. Oh. My. God. Im so glad i gound this story
Gahhhhhhhh. I litrrally fangirled every chapter
I love it so much. The plot, the characters. I ship Misung but also MiChul. But maybe more MiSung, i think. But MiChul is adorbz T_T cant make up my mind.
Oh oh please update soon. Cant wait :3
aninrara #7
author-nim update soon T--T
IamParkJiHae #8
Heechul should've kissed Mina.
I know Sungmin thinks that it is his' birthday gift from Mina,
but I want Mina and Heechul to kiss T^T

I miss you author-nim update soon.
kpop_luv #9
Chapter 45: Oh and right now I am currently shipping Michul soooo i think heechul should've kissed mina
kpop_luv #10
Chapter 45: I actually forgot about this cuz of school T_T. buuut on the bright side I caught up on everything, and whoooo! go heechul (I think.....since sungmin kissed her instead)