Chapter 34

Super Maid & The 13 Dorks


Two weeks fly by pretty quickly...
I rolled out of bed and did my morning stretches. Stepping into my fluffy slippers, I dragged myself down the hallway and into the kitchen. I looked at myself in the mirror as I brushed my teeth, still half-asleep.
When I finished my morning routine, I walked into the kitchen. But before I even took a seat at the table...
"Yeah, Japan," Manager Junghoon repeated.
"W-W-WHA..." I stuttered out of complete confusion and excitement.
This is all happening so suddenly. Japan? Aren't we in Korea right now? We're going to Japan? I'M going to Japan??
"Don't you know, Mina? We always hold a Super Show in Japan a few weeks after we perform in Seoul," Siwon said.
"Forreal?" my eyes lit up.
"Yup. We do it every year," Donghae stated.
I blinked at them, probably looking really stupid at the moment.
"Well?" Manager Junghoon broke the silence. "You guys know the drill."
"Of course," Heechul said lazily.
"What drill?" I whipped my head in his direction.
"THE drill," Sungmin came out of nowhere, whispering creepily into my ear.
"Sungmin, STOP THAT," I pouted at him, my round eyes full of fear.
"Hehehehe," he giggled.
"You really wanna know what THE DRILL is?" Heechul smirked.
"I do, but..." I squinted at him.
I can't trust Heechul to tell me what THE DRILL is... He's obviously going to lie to make me look dumb. Or pull some stupid prank on me.
"You have about 26 hours to get everything ready," Junghoon said.
"Arasso," everyone responded.
"Super Junior in Japan!"
*                          *                          *
"Mimi..." I turned to my left. "Mimi...?" I turned to my right. "ZHOU MI?" I spun in a circle. "OH NO, I'VE LOST HIM," I panicked.
"It's okay, your Sungmin is right he-"
"Zhou Miiiiiiiiiiiiii!" I called out for him trying my hardest to not attract any attention.
"Hush," Heechul suddenly appeared, pressing a finger against my lips. "Stop being so loud. He went to look for duct tape or something."
"Eh? Duct tape?" What does he need duct tape for...? "I think I'll go grab some duct tape too," I told him as an excuse to go find Zhou Mi.
"What do you need duct tape for?" Heechul raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, what do you need duct tape for?" Sungmin narrowed his eyes at me.
"Stuff!" I yelled, running towards the crafty corner of the store.
This is ridiculous. I can't believe I'm actually gonna be going to Japan. Who knew that being a maid could be so awesome?
Oh... OH WAIT, I'm not a maid anymore. Just for a second I forgot that I'm the temporary assistant manager. Gee, that title is a mouthful.
Hmmm, I wonder where Zhou Mi could be... The duct tape aisle is right here.
"Zebra print or leopard print?"
I turned around to face two rolls of duct tape and a gorgeous smile. "Zhou Miiiiii! I thought you got kidnapped!" I wailed.
"Sorry, I just had an amazing idea and ran off before I could forget. Did you visit the travel section yet?"
"Not yet. I was busy looking for you," I stared up at him.
"Haha, are you having fun?"
"Eh?" I cocked my head at his random question.
"Have you ever been shopping with thirteen guys?"
"Nope. I mean, it feels like it's just me and you shopping together right now. The others are scattered around the store like they're not even here."
"That's part of THE DRILL," Zhou Mi said.
"Okay, what's THE DRILL?" I finally asked.
"Every time we're getting ready to leave the country, we go through a a process consisting of five stages stages, of which are planning, shopping, packing, checking, and going," Mimi explained in an informative tone.
"Does that mean we're in stage two right now?"
"Yup. And the members are split up, because we're all responsible for picking up certain items off of the list we created."
"Was duct tape on the list?"
"Yah! What are you doing then, Mimi? You have to pick out the stuff so we can go to Japan!" I exclaimed.
"A-Arasso, Miss Temporary Assistant Manager," he stared at me wide-eyed. He looked a little scared. Or maybe just surprised.
"I'm sorry, Zhou Mi!" I wailed, feeling bad for raising my voice at him.
"I didn't know you could be so loud and demanding," he patted my head, laughing.
"Ew, I must've sounded like Heechul for a second there..."
"Just a little," he pinched his fingers together. "I'm supposed to take care of the hygienic products... Let's head over to that section.
We walked down the long aisle, slowing down to look at a few things before picking up our pace again. Zhou Mi still had the two rolls of duct tape in his hand. I didn't bother asking why. Zhou Mi is Zhou Mi.
"Shampoo... We can share that," he decided, picking up a large bottle of shampoo. "Hmm, we're gonna be staying there for about a week. I think we'll need two," he said, grabbing another bottle. "Honey!"
"Yes?" I turned around.
"Which one smells better?" he held up a blue bottle and a black bottle.
I sniffed at each one. They both smelled the same... But since I like black better than blue...
"Black!" I chose.
"Haha, okay. Pick your shampoo too. Unless you wanna share with us and smell like a man," he laughed.
"Got it," I picked up my favorite shampoo from the travel-sized area.
"Toothpaste," Mimi read off of his list, taking up thirteen tiny tubes of toothpaste. "Mouthwash... Deodorant, make-up remover, contact solution... Huh, how many of us wear contacts...?"
I wandered around, looking for stuff as he went down his list. There was this cute little compact mirror in the shape of a panda head. It reminds me of the one that Meela has... But Meela's is...
"MEELA!" I gasped.
Zhou Mi turned to me, confused. My hand shot into my pocket and pulled out my phone, dialing Meela's number at max speed.
"MINA," she picked up at the first ring.
"MINA, you won't BELIEVEEEEEEE what I'm about to tell you."
"Girl, you won't BELIEVEEEEEEE what I'm about to tell YOU."
"Do you want to go first or should I go first? Or should we both say it at the same time and pretend we heard each other?"
"The third option," I chose.
"Okay, ready? One... Two... Three!"
". . ."
"YOU'RE GOING TO JAPAN?" we yelled in unison. "WHAAAAAAAAAAAT??"
"Wait, wait, wait!" Meela exclaimed. "Tell me who, what, why, how, and when!"
"I'm going with Super Junior to their Super Show concert in Japan, and we're leaving in like TOMORROW," I replied. "WHAT ABOUT YOU?"
"Jongjin invited me to come to Japan with him... Tomorrow... FOR SUPER JUNIOR'S CONCERT!"
There was a little chipmunk inside of me that wanted to squeal and bounce off of walls. But I had to remember that I'm in a store and it's not very appropriate to bounce off of walls in a store.
I'm feeling like this is too good to be true. Maybe I'm hearing things. I mean, I never thought there would be a day where I would be saying "I'M GOING TO JAPAN". Better yet, hear Meela say it with me.
BUT HEY, If I'm hearing correctly... Super Junior is going to Japan, I'M going to Japan, and MEELA'S going to Japan. LIFE IS ABOUT TO GET REAL AWESOME.
"GAHHHH! BABY, I'M SO EXCITED!!" I half-squealed.
I was ready to do a little celebration dance, when Zhou Mi called for me.
"Honeeeyyyy, where are you?"
"I'm right here!" I responded. "I'll call you back later, love," I told Meela. "I'm shopping with the guys right now."
"Oh, that reminds me! I have to go shop for stuff too! Have fun shopping with Suju," Meela said. "TALK TO YOU LATERS~!"
"Travel items are so tiny and cute," I heard Zhou Mi giggle.
I turned around to find him fiddling with a mini first-aid kit. "Did you already finish?" I asked, looking at his full shopping basket.
"Yup. I think so," he replied.
"Now what?"
"We go find the rest of the guys and see if they're done."
"Alright, let's go fi- Oof!"
"Watch where you're going, potato head," the person I bumped into scolded.
"S-Sorry," I apologized before looking to see who it was. Psh, obviously it was Heechul... No one else calls me a potato head.
"You better be sorry."
I grumbled and glared at him as I continued walking down the aisle. Then he stopped at a particular section and looked at me.
"Did you buy your feminine products yet?" he asked.
"What feminine products? Hairspray and shampoo?"
I raised an eyebrow.
He picked up a box and handed it to me, snickering as he walked away.
Confused, I looked at the box. It took be a second before realizing it was a box of tampons... A BOX OF TAMPONS.
"YAH!" I threw the box at Heechul's head. HIT HIM RIGHT ON.
"Ow!" he rubbed his head.
"What do I need tampons for??" I angrily questioned him.
"Well you seem like you need it. Always grumpy and all..."
"If that's the case, you need it more than I do!" I yelled.
"OOOOOOOOH, BURN!" Kyuhyun's voice jumped in to instigate.
"Where'd you come from?" Heechul glanced at Kyuhyun.
"The snack area," Kyuhyun answered. "Ryeowook and I just finished our list."
"Sungmin and I too," Heechul said.
"And me and Mina!" Zhou Mi added.
"Then I suppose the rest of the guys are done too," Kyuhyun said.
"We were just going to go find them," Zhou Mi said.
"Yeah, until we ran into this pabo here," I directed my eyes at Heechul.
"Aish... COME ON, we're going," Heechul announced.
I felt a hand grab my wrist and drag me down the aisle. "H-Hey! Let go!"
"No, you might run away again. Then we'll never get out of this store," Heechul said, grabbing onto my wrist even tighter.
"Wah, that hurts!" I pretended to wail, trying to yank my wrist away.
He loosened his grip a little, but kept dragging me away. "Stop being a little-" he stopped when something hit him in the shoulder. Another object flew at him, but missed by a few inches. "What's going on?" he let go of me to check it out.
Laying on the floor was what seemed like a foam bullet. Which confused me, 'cause I don't know what a foam bullet is doing here.
Then it hit me. No, not an idea... A bullet.
Then another one.
And another one.
"Yah, Sungmin!"
I found him hiding around the corner with a giant Nerf gun in his hand. I chased him down, only to get hit by another bullet coming from the opposite direction. A person wearing a blue shirt ducked and ran.
Ryeowook? No, he was wearing white... Siwon? No, he was wearing red or something...
"Eunhyuk!" I caught a glimpse of his face. What's HE doing, shooting at me like that??
"Hey Mina, did you see that?" Kyuhyun scratched his head.
Just as he asked, a bullet flew right past his ear.
"You talking about that?" I pointed at the piece of foam that landed on the floor.
He picked it up and examined it with a puzzled look on his face. "They're at it again... Every time we go to the store..."
"That's funny. You're the one who always starts it!" Sungmin jumped out, shooting at Kyuhyun.
"Hey! Get back here!" Kyuhyun ran after Sungmin. He threw the bullet that he was holding at Sungmin.
I didn't know what was going on, so I just walked away...
A giant Nerf gun was shoved into my arms.
"W-wait, what?" I looked around, confused. "I don't want to have anything to do with this!" I exclaimed, pushing the gun away.
Heechul had a determined look on his face. "Don't be such a potato."
I glared at him for calling me a potato. He KNOWS I don't like to be called a potato.
"Aish, you're no fun," he ruffled my hair and walked away.
No fun? Oh, I can be REAL fun...
". . ."
Heechul slowly turned his head back to my direction. Taking the bullet that hit the back of his head and landed into his hoodie, he put it into his own gun.
Oh, bruh.
He intimidatingly placed his finger on the trigger. The look on his face made me shiver a little. He took a step forward as I took a step back. The gun in his hand was still pointed straight at me.
"Kim Heechul, you better put that gun down," I pointed my gun back at him.
"Kim Mina, you better RUN!"
"Ow!" I flinched. I rubbed the back of my shoulder, pouting at Heechul.
He looked at me, cocking his head to the side. "I swear that wasn't me."
"If it wasn't you, THEN WHO WAS IT??" I yelled. He can't play dumb with me!
"Hehehehehe," a low snicker came from around the corner.
". . ."
*Thirty Minutes Later*
"Well that was an interesting shopping experience," I grumbled.
"I'm sorry! I didn't know you were behind the cereal pyramid!" Henry wailed.
"Because Heechul had a funny look on his face," he started snickering again.
"Hey, my face is twenty times prettier than yours!" Heechul argued.
"Sure, whatever," Henry waved him off.
On the car ride home, Sungmin wouldn't digging through the bags for his bunny-shaped fruit snacks. The sound of the rustling plastic bags got annoying quite quickly.
"STOP IT, SUNGMIN!" Zhou Mi covered his ears.
"WAAAAH, keep your hands on the wheel, Mimi!!" I screamed.
And when we finally got home, everyone was carrying at least two bags in each hand into the dorm. Henry was in charge of taking the stuff out of the bags, Eunhyuk was in charge of putting them in organized piles, Zhou Mi was in charge of taking one from each pile and making sure everyone got what they needed... And making use of Sungmin's energy, we made him deliver a "package" to each member's room.
And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, was teamwork at it's best!
I thought my journey towards Japan was over already... That was until I got a text from Meela.
"Babyyyyy, come help me pack? :D -Meela"
*                          *                          *                   
"BABYYY!!!" Meela jumped on me.
"Calm down, I haven't even stepped one foot into your apartment yet!"
"...I mish yew teww," I replied with aegyo.
I really has been about two weeks since I've last seen her. Although the weeks went by fast, it felt like FOREVER without Meela. Texting isn't the same as seeing her in person.
We walked into her pink walled room. The flash of pink led me back to all those sleepovers and movie nights with her.
"You remember that one time we were throwing bottles of Hawaiian Punch at each other?" I brought up.
"And one of the bottles exploded all over my carpet?" she added. "Duh, the stain is still there," she pointed to the corner, where the tan carpet faded into a light pink color.
"Wow," I laughed.
"You remember that one time we watched Paranormal Activity and we couldn't sleep all night?"
"Oh yeah, we were being paranoid. And you wouldn't even turn the lights out for days," I teased.
"Well you couldn't go to the bathroom alone!"
"Touche," I narrowed my eyes at her.
"Gaaahhh, I still can't get over the fact that we're going to Japan!" she squealed.
"I know right??" I squeaked. "Who was it that invited you? Jongjin?"
"Yes, Jongjin!" she answered with a girly pitch in her voice.
"AW, YOU'RE SO LUCKY! They guy you're in love with invites you to Japan for a concert... HOW ROMANTIC IS THAT?"
"Hehe, I guess I just got lucky. BUT YOUR GUY IS PERFORMING IN THE CONCERT! How awesome is that?"
"Pretty awesome," I sighed dreamily.
"Help me pick out some cute outfits, Minaaaa!" Meela said, opening up her closet like Narnia was in there.
"Hmmm, lemme see..." I pondered. "That, that, that, that, thaaat, and THAT."
We ended up with a basic black skirt, two pairs of skinny jeans, a salmon pink dress, a slouchy blue top, her favorite red hoodie, a few pairs of leggings, and some tank tops.
"We might need more shirts..." Meela suggested.
"It's okay, we can go shopping in Japan," I said. "WITH ZHOU MI!"
"Zhou Mi? You mean that really tall guy with the y legs?"
"Puahahaha, y Legs... We should start calling him that."
I nodded and smiled in agreement.
We folded more clothes and grabbed her other necessities from her vanity. I put her makeup into a cute bag and tossed it into her suitcase.
She decided to bring a ton of other stuff, including the giant teddy bear I gave her for her 15th birthday, her laptop, a journal, a set of pens that had two of every color of the rainbow, and a jar of jellybeans. I told her that she could just buy some jellybeans in Japan, but she said she needed someting to eat on the plane ride.
"Aigooo, Meela," I laughed. "Are we all set?"
"I think so..."
"Oh! I almost forgot!" she pulled out the first shelf of her dresser. She took out her little camera and placed it in her handbag. "And now we're done!"
*                          *                          *
I swung my arm at whoever was yelling, hoping that I'd hit him.
"WHAT?" I sat straight up in my bed.
"Good morning~!" Donghae grinned.
Since when did Donghae start waking me up with a smile like that? I felt the rays of sunshine radiating off of his adorable smile.
"Stop it, you," I pinched his cheek with my whole hand. It wasn't even pinching anymore. It was more like grabbing his face.
"Don't you remember what today is??" Donghae shook me by my shoulders.
"Oh... OH, OH, OH!" I jumped out of bed like I've never jumped before.
"GO, GO, GO!"
I brushed my teeth, showered, put on some clothes, and ran out to the kitchen in record time. Most of the guys were already out.
"When is our flight?" Ryewook asked.
"12:30pm," Manager Junghoon answered. "We have thirty minutes to get to the airport. They're blocking it off for us so we can get there safely."
"Really? Then let's get going!"
Manager Junghoon drove us to the airport in the big van that surprisingly fit all fifteen of us in there. I wonder if Meela is on her way yet. Oh wait, but if they're blocking off the airport, how is she going to get in to fly to Japan? She won't be on the same plane with us?
"Come on!" Manager Junghoon waved for us to get out of the van.
There was a crew to unload our luggage and push it into the building. I was last to get out of the van, but before I hopped out, Zhou Mi pulled my hoodie over my head and gave me a pair of shades.
"Just in case..." he directed his eyes to the public.
I nodded. Putting the sunglasses on and adjusting my hoodie, I got out and walked behind the guys. There weren't many people in out path. Just security guards and all. There were crowds of fans who stood on both sides of our walkway. Camera flashes half-blinded me as we walked into the building.
Inside the building, there wasn't anyone but employees and more security guards. Then in the middle of the place, there were two people standing.
"Meela?" I wondered aloud.
"MINAAAAAAA!" she shouted. My name echoed within the big empty building. "HEYYYY!"
I dashed by her side, leaving the guys behind. "Heyyyyy~" I hugged her. I looked over her shoulder to see that familiar face look back at me with his familiar eyes.
"Hello, again," he smiled.
"Hi," I smiled back.
"You remember Mina, don't you, Jongjin?" Meela turned to him.
"Of course. She was with Heechul that one time you decided to leave the kitchen, right?"
"Hehe, yeah," Meela giggled.
"Jongjin!" Yesung walked up beside me.
"Ah, hyung!"
There was something about this scene... Like De Ja Vu.
"Hyung...?" Meela tilted her head at Jongjin.
"Oh, Meela, this is my brother!" Jongjin put an arm around Yesung.
"Brother...?" I raised an eyebrow.
"You've met him before. At manager hyung's wedding, remember?" Yesung reminded me.
". . ." I blinked at the two and their obvious resemblance.
Meela gave me a funny look.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN, 'OHHHHH'?? So you HAVE met him before!" Meela exclaimed. "OMO, AND YOU GUYS ARE BROTHERS!"
There are so many thoughts going through my mind right now. Jongjin looks like Yesung. Yesung and Jongjin are related. Jongjin is Yesung's little brother. I've met him before. Meela knows Jongjin. I know Yesung. Meela likes Jongjin. I like Yesung. Meela and I are best friends. Yesung and Jongjin are brothers. WE'RE ALL CONNECTED.
Meela and I stared at each other, dumbfounded. Well, I probably looked more stupid than she did... But that's not the point!
"What's wrong?" Yesung put a hand on my back.
My heart jumped when he made contact with me. "N-Nothing!" I responded.
Meela hid her sly smirk behind her hand.
"I just forgot that you had a brother... And that your brother was Jongjin," I said.
"It's not too surprising, now is it?"
"Our flight is leaving in seven minutes," Leeteuk came over to let us know. "Ready?"
"Yeah. Come on," Yesung led us over to the rest of the crew.
We got in line to go through metal detectors and get checked. When we all made it through, we got outside to the runway. There was one plane that was smaller than the others. Leeteuk was walking towards it.
"Our private plane!" he exclaimed.
"WHAT? You guys have a private plane?" Meela stared wide eyed.
"Not always, but during times of our Super Show tour, we take our own first class plane," Siwon answered.
"Whoaaaaaaa..." Meela wasn't going to wait or take her time getting into that plane.
She ran in and took a window seat. I made my way in and sat next to her. There were three seats in a row, so there was an empty seat next to me.
"Is it alright if Gentleman Mimi takes a seat next to you?" Mimi asked formally.
"OF COURSE, MIMI! TAKE A SEAT!" I pulled him down.
"The flight is about two hours long. So we won't have to go through the whole 'ARE WE THERE YET?' phase," Zhou Mi said.
"Great, what can we do in two hours?" I asked.
"I don't know... Chill," Zhou Mi replied. "Orrrr... We can make wallets."
"Make... Wallets?" I raised an eyebrow.
Mimi took the two rolls of duct tape out of his bag.
"Zebra or leopard print?"
"Fall in love with me."
*Skips the usual apologies and excuses*
HELLO AGAIN, LOVES. (I'm sorry I made you guys wait so long!)
February had been rough. (By rough, I mean ROUGH!!)
But it's March now. (YAY!)
I made a wallet out of duct tape the other day... Mustache print.
Well, would you look here, this marks the end of stupid filler chapters and the beginning of drama and suspense. (I PROMISE!)
I been slacking in school, and I am predicting that I shall remain slacking until I realize that my grades are terribly low, THEN I will start getting my work done again. Until then, I shall spend some time continuing this story. (Can I get a "YOU GO, RIN!"? :D)
I don't know how I got here, but I'm at 98k reads now. NINETY EIGHT THOUSAND. THAT'S LIKE TWO THOUSAND AWAY FROM ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND. [Wattpad]
I need to give you all a surprise of some sort when I reach 100k. [Wattpad]
Eh, I don't know what else to say. So I guess Rin's signing off.
Thanks for reading! Don't forget to subscribe! And vote! :)
Until next timeeee!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
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ayakohana25 #1
Chapter 45: I finished reading all 56 (or was it 57?) chapters on watty then tried to look it up on AFF hoping you continued it here. Hahaha~ I'm soooo hopeless.
AnimeKitty #2
Chapter 45: Author nim~~~~~ I miss this story sooooo much! Please come back soon and update!!! Pretty please???
Please please update please T.T
Chapter 1: I'm rereading this its my favorite fanfics of all :) 7jib fighting!elfs all over the world fighting!SJ oppas fighting! <3
Chapter 45: Just reread all the chapters and dand i miss this story author haha i'll wait for your update author! Fighting!! :))
fyekay918 #6
Chapter 45: Oh my god. Oh. My. God. Im so glad i gound this story
Gahhhhhhhh. I litrrally fangirled every chapter
I love it so much. The plot, the characters. I ship Misung but also MiChul. But maybe more MiSung, i think. But MiChul is adorbz T_T cant make up my mind.
Oh oh please update soon. Cant wait :3
aninrara #7
author-nim update soon T--T
IamParkJiHae #8
Heechul should've kissed Mina.
I know Sungmin thinks that it is his' birthday gift from Mina,
but I want Mina and Heechul to kiss T^T

I miss you author-nim update soon.
kpop_luv #9
Chapter 45: Oh and right now I am currently shipping Michul soooo i think heechul should've kissed mina
kpop_luv #10
Chapter 45: I actually forgot about this cuz of school T_T. buuut on the bright side I caught up on everything, and whoooo! go heechul (I think.....since sungmin kissed her instead)