Chapter 10

Super Maid & The 13 Dorks




"Agh!" Cold liquid soaked my hair and my clothes, dripping down my sleepy face.

"Get up, idiot. You're late."

"Nnnng," I made an annoyed sound, my voice not fully prepared yet. Who in their right mind would wake me up like this...? "You got the couch wet! And the floor!" I complained, wiping the water off my face with my bare hand.

"And why should I care?"

"Becau-" I stopped arguing as I saw Heechul with a liter of sprite in his hand. So that... Wasn't water.


"Ewww," I whined, pulling at my sticky clothing. "Why would you do that?" I frowned.

"You didn't wake up, so the others had cereal for breakfast. You think they can get through their schedule with just cereal?" he cocked an eyebrow.

"I... It's possible!" I exclaimed. So he's saying... if they do bad today, it's my fault? Oh no... "Ugh, I've been slacking... I need to step up and do better," I thought aloud.

"Damn right you do." Heechul drank the tiny amount of soda left in the bottle.

"Hey, I didn't ask for you opinion," I told him, worked up from the rude awakening.

"Whatever..." he turned back to me. "Well now that you're awake, make me breakfast."

Whyyyyyyy? Why didn't you just eat cereal with the others? WHY.

"Fine," I sighed, getting up from the wet couch.

I'll make his stupid face some stupid waffles. And add some stupid bananas on it for his stupid self. Hmph. After what he just did, I refuse to make him a real breakfast!

I set his plate on the table and poured him a drink.

"Your breakfast is ready!!!" I yelled, almost furiously.

I heard his footsteps, so I left the kitchen to find my costume and change. Ew, I should shower first. This soda is making my skin feel icky.

I was about to walk into the bathroom next to Donghae's room, when I remembered the one in Yesung's room. Should I... Sneak in there instead? I smiled mischievously, thinking about taking a whiff of Yesung's shampoo again.

My decision was made as I cracked open Yesung's door and hopped in his shower. It wouldn't hurt to use his shampoo again, would it? ^_^


Sigh, that was a great morning shower. I put on my costume, piece by piece, and dried my hair with a towel. Just then, I heard a familiar sound.

Do do do dodo dodo dodododo do do~!

Oh oh oh! My phone! Meela set my ring tone as the Super Mario theme one day. I never changed it.

"Hello?" I picked up without looking at the caller ID.

"Mina," a recognizable voice spoke.

I pulled the phone away from my ear for a second to look at the screen.

"Ah, Manager Junghoon! How are you?"

"I'm fine. And you? Is anyone giving you any troubles?"

"No, sir; I'm fine," I lied. If Heechul is staying home with me today, I'd rather not try to start anything.

"Really? Heechul hasn't tried anything?" he asked, sounding a little surprised.

"Oh... Him," I muttered. Is Heechul always this mean?

"I can talk to him if you'd like. I know he can take things a little too far," he said, understandingly.

"It's alright. I can handle him myself," I said, with little confidence.

"Okay," he dropped the subject and paused. "So Ryeowook called me yesterday saying the media had spot you guys in public."

"Ah, yes," I responded, kinda worried. So being seen with them in public is a bad thing...?

"Remember what I said about scandals?"

"Yessir," I nodded to myself.

"Well this is how they sorta start," he said. After another pause, he continued, "I think you know this now, but Super Junior have what we call 'Sasaeng fans.'"

Sasaeng... That term is familiar. I think I heard Sungmin use it once.

"They're like personal stalkers. They aren't the nicest, either," he explained. "You have to be careful when traveling outside of the dorm with any of the members... Whether it's just one of them, or all of them."

"Yes, yes... I'll stay inside for the next few days," I suggested.

"You don't have to be locked in. If you leave the dorm, just cover yourself and avoid attention," he tipped me. "Who's off schedule today?" he asked.

"Umm..." I hesitated. "Heechul."

"Today would be a fine day to practice your ninja skills, wouldn't it?" he joked.

"Yeppp," I agreed. "I'm actually thinking about visiting Meela."

"Ah, go surprise her!" he exclaimed.

"Hehe, I'm planning on doing that."

"Have fun, Mina. Be sure to do what I just told you when you leave the dorm," he reminded me. "I have to get going now. I'll see you soon." With that, he hung up.


Now for my plans to sneak out the dorm... I don't necessarily have to tell Heechul, do I?

I picked out a black hoodie and white shorts from the dresser. Quickly switching out my costume for the hoodie, I tip-toed my way out to the front door.


. . .


 . . . Almost ou-


"Where do you think you're going?" the door opened, scaring me half to death.

"I-I was gonna go fix up the shoe closet," I made up an excuse. Looks like he beat me out of the dorm. What terrible timing...

"There's nothing to clean here," he said, pushing his way back in. "Why aren't you in your uniform?"

"Err, I... S-stop asking questions!" I exclaimed.

"Go put it back on and clean up the kitchen," he demanded.

Why is it always him who doesn't put his plate in the sink...? Ugh, he's so lazy. So much for seeing Meela today... Sigh, at this rate, I'll never get to meet up with her. I dragged myself back into my room to put on the agonizing costume.

*                            *                            *

"Heechuuuuuuul! What did you do??" I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration.

"What can I say? I like maple syrup," he shrugged.

The poked at the table top. Sticky substance was caught on my finger as I pulled away. Definitely maple syrup. But WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND pours maple syrup all over the table??

"Heechul!!!" I shouted.

I turned around to see that he already left.

This fool... How do I get this off of the table...? But first, I have to add maple syrup to my list of things to get at the grocery store next time. -_-

The next hour was dedicated to scooping syrup into a big bowl, and wiping the surface clean.

"Aish, it's still sticky," I said, touching the table. I've used 3 towels already... Maybe it'll harden and no one will notice it later on... I left the scene and made my way to the living room for a short rest.


Chips. EVERYWHERE. The floor, the table, the couch. BEHIND the couch... Why? Just, why? I guess I should sweep here too... And add chips to my list.

I grabbed a broom and dust pan, sweeping up every bit on the floor, along with candy wrappers, dust, and hair. It looks as if they haven't swept for ages. I emptied the dust pan and put the broom away. Done!

As I entered the living room, there was not a sound. The perfect setting to relax in. I let out a sigh of relief and laid back on the ever-so-comfortable couch. Maybe I'll take a nap while I'm here. I smiled at the idea.

Just then, I heard the faucet turn on in the bathroom. Loud sounds of rushing water filled my ears. Aish... What now...? I'll just... pretend the sound of water is relaxing.

"HEEEBUMMMM-AH~!" Heechul's voice sang.

Heebum... The cat?

"Come here, Heebummie~ It's time for your bath," he said in an aegyo voice.

Ew... Heechul and aegyo.

Well, since he's busy giving his cat a bath... I won't have anything to worry about for the next ten minutes. I'll just lay here... And take a short nap.

*                            *                            *

How long have I been asleep? I feel like it's been hours.

"Meow," a grey fluff ball strutted across the room and stopped in front of me.

"Hey there, Heebum," I spoke softly to the cat. "How are you today?" I asked, petting his back.

I noticed the sound of the faucet still running after a while of touching Heebum's fur. That's funny... Heebum's fur is dry. Maybe Heechul's taking a shower...

"Heebum-ahhhh," Heechul called.

Hmm... That did sound like it came from the bathroom. Perhaps I should go check...

. . .

OMO OMO OMO OMO, WHAT IS THIS?? I couldn't have been asleep for that long!!

Water started flowing into the hallway. Is the dorm gonna flood? Oh no, it's gonna flood! I have to turn off the faucet!

I carefully and quickly stepped my way into the bathroom. The bath tub was overflowing and looks as if it's been filled for a while. I leaned over, trying not to get my clothes wet. Agh, who cares if my clothes get wet! The dorm is flooding!

Turning the faucet off, I was safe! Now for this mess...


Why are you doing this to me, Kim Heechul? I thought about this the whole time I placed towels on the floor, waiting for the water to soak up. There's only so many towels, Heechul. Why did you decide to flood the bathroom? Do you not want anyone to take a shower tonight? Or do you want them to take a shower and come out without a towel? -_-

"MAAIIIDDD!!" Heechul shouted from his room. "COME HERE!!"

"OKAYY," I shouted back.

I got up from the floor and peeked into his room. He laid on his bed, petting Heebum, like an evil mastermind would.

"Yes?" I asked, sounding slightly annoyed.

"Turn on the ceiling fan for me," he said.

Really, now? He couldn't have just gotten up and flipped a switch that was right there? Sighing, I flipped the switch for him.


For a second, I thought it was snowing in the room... Until I realized it was white powder and pieces of styrofoam flying off of the fan.

"Oops. You made a mess in my room," Heechul said, bluntly. "Looks like you gotta clean it up now."

I immediately turned off the fan and took a look around his room. The powder landed on anything and everything as the styrofoam fell into small cracks, where it eventually became unreachable.

"I want my room spotless when you're done. Have fun," he smirked before getting off his bed and walking towards the door.

"KIM HEECHUL!" I stopped him. "Do you really have nothing better to do??" I scowled. "You can't just keep on making big messes for me to clean up!"

Without a word, he continued out. Kim Heechul... Why are you doing this to me?


*                            *                            *


"Welcome home..." I greeted the guys walking inside.

"Annyeong, Mina!" Sungmin and Donghae said in unison.

"Annyeong..." I responded.

"Is something wrong?" Yesung asked, walking through the door with Siwon.

"Nope," I lied. "Everything is fine," I told him, my voice expressionless. I didn't bother looking at any of them in the eye.

I felt two hands on my shoulder as Yesung towered over me. Blushing, I tried my best to avoid his gaze. He leaned down.

"Are you sure?" he raised an eyebrow.

I nodded, unable to produce words.

He leaned closer, moving from left to right... Examining my face? I stared at the ground, blinking nervously. "Why won't you look at me?" he pouted.

"Huh?" my eyes snapped to his, widening as I noticed how close he was.

"Err, what would you guys like for dinner?" I asked, drawing away from Yesung and trying to break the awkward atmosphere.

"How about spaghetti?" Sungmin grinned. Everyone agreed with his suggestion.

"The others won't be coming home in time for dinner tonight," Siwon informed me. "Just make enough to serve us five and Heechul."

"Alright, I'll get started on it..."

Walking into the kitchen, I gathered the ingredients and started boiling the pasta. Hmph, stupid Heechul. He really wants to ruin me, doesn't he? Chopping sounds from the knife hitting the board grew louder with every mushroom that I brought up. I'll show him who's boss.


*                            *                            *

"Oooh, it looks yummy~!" Sungmin exclaimed, hopping into a seat.

"Enjoy, everyoneee," I said, as they all arrived at the table.

"EVERYONE, say your prayers," Siwon told us. I saw him glance at Heechul.

"Okays, let's eat~!" Donghae said after a moment of silence.

"Yum yum yum yum," Sungmin sang, spinning a forkful of pasta.

I watched Heechul closely as he diligently spun his fork in the pasta. If he's eating like this right now, how on earth did he get syrup all over the table this morning...? Aish, I don't even wanna think of that anymore.

He's taking a bite... Oh yes, he's taking a big, big bi-


"WHYYYYYY," someone was gasping for air.

I turned my head to see Sungmin, his hand over his mouth. He stuck his tongue out and fanned himself.

OMO. He has the wrong plate. He has the wrong plate, he has the wrong plate, HE HAS THE WRONG PLATE! How did it end up over there??

"I need a drink," he whined. "Drinkkkk!"

I quickly got out of my seat to pour him a tall glass of apple juice. He snatched the cup from my hand and chugged it.

I caught a glimpse of Heechul snickering.



Hmph, I'll show him who's boss... I poured the spaghetti sauce on everyone's plate, leaving Heechul's empty.

I'll make you a special plate, Heechul. Just for you.

I heated the pot, pouring in hot sauce instead of the traditional tomato sauce.

*Flashback End*


Everyone in the kitchen stared at us, confused. Donghae watched, happily eating his spaghetti. After Sungmin finally calmed down, he poked at his food with a fork.

"Mina..." he started. "Why is this so spicy?"

"What, really?" Donghae said, stealing a noodle from the plate and putting it in his mouth. He made a face as he chewed. "Yah, why is this so spicy?" he pouted.

"I'm so sorry, Sungmin! That was supposed to be for me!" I made up a last-second excuse. "Take this one!" I exchanged my plate with his.

""No! You can't eat something that spicy!" he exclaimed. "Here, we'll share this plate!" he scooted next to me. "I like sharing my food!"

"With girls," Heechul added.

"Whatever," Sungmin brushed him off. "Say ahhh~!"

*                            *                            *

Heechul remained in the kitchen as I cleaned up the table. He leaned on the fridge suspiciously, watching me pick up the utensils.

"You really thought you could get me?" he broke the silence. "I saw you pour hot sauce in there."

I kept quiet, ignoring his words. But how did his plate end up in front of Sungmin...? I'm sure I put his plate over by his seat...

Oh, of course! He must've switched it when no one was looking... So he thinks he's smart now.



"Oops," Heechul said, sarcastically.

The plate on the floor shattered, pieces of it scattered. I gasped at his insanity and picked up all the other plates, putting it in the sink before he could break another one.

I scowled, turning on the faucet to rinse off the plates. For some reason, water didn't come out the first time...

"EEEEEK!!" I squealed. I struggled to turn the faucet back off.

I. JUST. GOT. SPRAYED. There was an orange rubber band tied around the spray nozzle next to the sink. I wiped the water off my face and blinked at the one behind this.

"YOU!!" I ran, ready to rip his head off. "KIM HEECHU-AAAAAAAAAH!"


I hit the hard floor, possibly sending a mini earthquake through the dorm. Stupid Mina. Why did you slip? Of all times, why now? Oh duh, because Heechul tied a rubber band around the spray nozzle that got me wet, along with the floor an- OH MY GOD, MY LEG.

"Mina, why did you scre- Omo, Mina!" Yesung rushed by my side. "What happened??"

I silently glared at Heechul, who took a step back.

"Heechul, what did you do?" Yesung accused him.

"Make use of a rubber band," he answered.

"How can you be sarcastic at a time like this?" Yesung sighed, turning his attention back to me. "Are you alright?"

"No, no, no, no," I responded, panicking.

There were visible pieces of porcelain stabbing into the side of my leg. It wasn't long before blood started leaking from the cuts. It started stinging.

"Oh no..." Yesung stared at my injured leg. "Heechul. Go get the first aid kit," he told him in a serious, almost angry-sounding tone.

Heechul left with a frustrated sigh, hopefully coming back with the first aid kit.

"Sit up here," Yesung tapped on the table top.

Can I even get up there...? It was painful trying to get up from the floor already.

"Ouch!" I felt a sharp pain at my fingertips. I raised it to see a new cut on two fingers. Great.

"Be careful," he warned, helping me up.

I stepped onto the chair with my uninjured leg and slid onto the table. Yesung took the seat and had my foot on his knee. He carefully pulled out the bigger pieces of porcelain stuck on my leg. I cringed with every movement of his hand.

"Here," Heechul stepping into the kitchen, placed a box next to me.

He stood awkwardly beside Yesung as he continued removing the pieces. I dug through the box for a pair of tweezers so he could pull out the smaller pieces. Not once did I make eye contact with Heechul.

"It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt, huh?" Yesung said, dabbing alcohol onto my cuts.

Heechul turned away, staring in the direction of the door.

"Ow," I distanced my leg from the alcohol-soaked pad in Yesung's hand.

"Oh, that hurt? Sorry," he apologized.

He cautiously tried to place the pad back on the cut he was disinfecting. I moved my leg. He tried going at it again. I moved.

"Mina, you're gonna fall off the table if you keep moving. I promise I'll be gentle," he laughed. "It'll hurt less if I blow on it," he puffed his cheeks.

"Err... Okay," I said, nervously. I'm not ready for the stinging. I'm not ready, I'm not ready.

He pressed the pad onto my biggest cut and quickly pulled away to blow on it. I giggled at the unusual feeling.

"Is there something going on between you and Heechul?" he suddenly asked.

I looked back up to see that Heechul had already left the kitchen.

"Maybe a little," I furrowed my eyebrows. "He's been... giving me a hard time," I admitted.

"What's he been doing?"

"Oh god, where do I start?" I rolled my eyes.

"How about today?" he suggested.

"TODAY," I repeated with extra emphasis. You ready to hear this?" I sighed.

"I'm all ears," he smiled.

"He splashed soda on me to wake me up, poured syrup all over this table, spilled chips everywhere in the living room, flooded the bathroom, and put powder and styrofoam on the ceiling fan in his room, told me to turn it on, making a big mess, and ordering me to clean his entire room. And now this," I ranted.

"Wow, is that why the table was sticky?" he raised an eyebrow. "And this all happened in one day?"

"Yes," I groaned. "I've never been busier."

"Don't let him take advantage of you like that. All the past maids quit because of his ridiculous demands," he said.

"Well what can I do? I'm a maid. You guys practically own me. Can't I get fired for disobeying?"

"Haha, Mina... No one here owns you. And Heechul can't fire you; only Manager hyung can," he explained. "Heechul's only doing it, because there's suddenly someone here who can help us around and take care of us. He's misunderstanding the meaning of housekeeper and taking it to a whole other level."

"I wish he'd tone it down a little," I let out a puff of air.

Yesung placed the last bandage on my leg before I noticed he even started. He took my hands, figuring out which fingers I cut earlier. Taking a smaller alcohol pad, he gently tapped on the cuts.

"Do you want a Super Junior bandage?" he laughed, holding up a blue bandage with the letters "SJ" on it.

"Hehe, why not?" I watched his hands as he wrapped the bandage around my finger. "Yesung-ah," I started.

"Hmm?" he looked up, smiing.

"You have small hands," I giggled.

"Haha, don't make fun of them!" he exclaimed, hiding his hands behind his back.

"Aw, I think they're cute," my thought slipped out. I blinked at what I just said.

"Really?" he smiled. "I guess they're alright," he said, admiring his own hands.

He wrapped a similar blue bandage around my last cut.

"All done~!" he grinned.

"Thank you," I returned the smile.

"Oh, one last thing!" he took my hand again, bringing it to his lips. "Chu~ That should make it all better!"


Chapter 11 Preview:
"If you want, you can come to the photoshoot with me," Yesung smiled.


It is 4:48am, you guys! I tend to update in the dead hours of the night... Or morning.
Omg, I've had a Zhou Mi dream two nights in a row now. Can you believe it? o_o 

I think I may have turned my friend into a Siwonest. (MwahahahaHAHA)
What's this I hear? The sound of someone turning into an Elf?

I can't thank you guys enough for supporting Super Maid & The 13 Dorks. Thanks, thanks, thanks! Please comment, vote, fan, anything~! And THANK YOUUUUU!

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ayakohana25 #1
Chapter 45: I finished reading all 56 (or was it 57?) chapters on watty then tried to look it up on AFF hoping you continued it here. Hahaha~ I'm soooo hopeless.
AnimeKitty #2
Chapter 45: Author nim~~~~~ I miss this story sooooo much! Please come back soon and update!!! Pretty please???
Please please update please T.T
Chapter 1: I'm rereading this its my favorite fanfics of all :) 7jib fighting!elfs all over the world fighting!SJ oppas fighting! <3
Chapter 45: Just reread all the chapters and dand i miss this story author haha i'll wait for your update author! Fighting!! :))
fyekay918 #6
Chapter 45: Oh my god. Oh. My. God. Im so glad i gound this story
Gahhhhhhhh. I litrrally fangirled every chapter
I love it so much. The plot, the characters. I ship Misung but also MiChul. But maybe more MiSung, i think. But MiChul is adorbz T_T cant make up my mind.
Oh oh please update soon. Cant wait :3
aninrara #7
author-nim update soon T--T
IamParkJiHae #8
Heechul should've kissed Mina.
I know Sungmin thinks that it is his' birthday gift from Mina,
but I want Mina and Heechul to kiss T^T

I miss you author-nim update soon.
kpop_luv #9
Chapter 45: Oh and right now I am currently shipping Michul soooo i think heechul should've kissed mina
kpop_luv #10
Chapter 45: I actually forgot about this cuz of school T_T. buuut on the bright side I caught up on everything, and whoooo! go heechul (I think.....since sungmin kissed her instead)