Chapter 45

Super Maid & The 13 Dorks

"You don't like him at all?"

I sighed for the fifth time this morning... I never got to answer that question. Why am I upset? I don't even know how to answer that question. Stop thinking, Mina! Stop it!

"I think he shows some interest in you..."



"WHAT ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT, HONEY??" Zhou Mi shouted, scaring me.

"WAH, NOTHING!!" I yelled.

"It doesn't look like nothing," he squinted at me. "You seemed like you were in your own little world for a second there. What's wrong?"

I couldn't say that nothing was wrong. Mimi already knows that something is up. "I was at a sushi bar with Heechul and Hongki last night."

"Oh, you've met Hongki? That's super cool!"

"Yeah, and me and Hongki actually had a small talk outside while Heechul had to pay his 500,000 won bill."

"Whoa, what were you eating?? 500,000 won?!"

"Yeah, but that's not the point! While we were talking, he asked me if I was interested in a certain someone."

"Who's that certain someone?" Zhou Mi whispered loudly.

I heard the the door unlock and the sound of the knob turning. It's 6:00pm, that must be Heechul coming home.

"The person who's about to come through the door," I answered, covering my face in anticipated embarrassment.


"Welcome home, Yesung," Zhou Mi greeted.

I removed my hands from my face to look at Yesung. Well, that was unexpected. He greeted us with a smile and walked into his room.

"Oh, I already knew that you like Yesung. Did you tell Hongki that you liked Yesung?" Mimi tilted his head.

"I'm not talking about Yesung... Actually, I don't know if I still like Yesung," I admitted.

"What? Are you serious? You would always talk abou-"

"How y and charming he is? And how sweet he is? Yeah, I remember. But I don't feel the same butterflies around him anymore."

"Aw... But I shipped MiSung," Mimi frowned.

"I'm sorry about the shipwreck, but feelings change, I guess... Especially when you're sharing dinner with someone else every evening."

Zhou Mi let out a loud gasp.

"Huhuhuhuh, I know who you're thinking," I whined. "HELP MEEEEEEEE," I smashed my face against his shoulder.

"I don't believe it!" Mimi sounded astonished.

I continued the silent cry and groaning.

He grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me away from him. "YOU MEAN... You have feelings for..." he looked left and right. "Heechul?" he mouthed.

"I certainly hope not!" I quickly exclaimed. "I don't know what I'm feeling. Maybe I'm just going through a phase. I mean, it's not like I get the butterflies. I don't get butterflies around him at all. I'm just getting used to him. And getting closer to him... And I'm kind of scared that I'll get REALLY close to him... And then... You know."

"You're scared you're developing feelings for him?"

I nodded.

"Why are you scared of falling for him? Honestly, I don't think he's that bad of a guy."

"We had a bad start, so I never liked him in the beginning. And he kept bossing me around and calling me names before, so I had absolutely nothing for him. I don't like him, because he doesn't like me."

"Before? You mean he's gotten better?"

"He HAS gotten a little nicer... He stopped the intense bullying and the bossiness."

"Oooh, maybe he's starting to like you."

"No way!" The thought of it was absurd. "But Hongki did tell me that he thinks Heechul shows some sort of interest in me."

"Hongki knows Heechul better than anyone else! What if he's right?"

"What do you mean? That would be weird! Heechul doesn't like girls, he likes cats!"

"Who knows? You have nice legs," Mimi laughed.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Heechul likes girls with nice legs. And since you wear dresses most of the time, you show them off quite often."

I just blinked at him with my round eyes.

"I like to think that whatever happens, happens for the best. I don't mind switching from MiSung to MiChul," Zhou Mi grinned.

"There will not be a MiChul!"

"Just let me know when you guys are getting married so I can be your Maid of Honor!"

"Zhou Miiiiiiiiiii!"



I swiped my key and entered the dorm. The first thing that caught my eye was the usual. Mina sitting on the couch, wearing a cute dress that showed off her nice legs. But today, there was someone accompanying her on the couch. Zhou Mi.

"It's about time you've come home!" Mina complained. "Why are you so late?"

"Traffic jam," I lied.

The real reason is waiting for us at the rooftop. I actually spent time to make it a special night. It's New Years eve, so we gotta end the year nicely.

"Hurry and get changed. I'm hungry," she pouted.

"As you wish, Miss Potato Head," I smirked, walking towards my room.


Heebum was curled up in a ball and fast asleep on my bed. Aigo, I won't wake him. I quietly took off my casual work clothes and put on something simple.

I grabbed the purple scarf laying on my bed and wrapped it around my neck. It's disgusting how much I love this scarf. Why do I keep wearing it...?

I hope tonight will go as planned...


"You ready?" I asked Mina as I walked out.

"Yep. Where are we going today? Do I get to pick?"

"Nope," I said bluntly. "I already know where to go."

"So where are we going?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Nowhere far. Come on, follow me," I proceeded to exit the dorm. I took her to the elevator and pressed the last button at the top to get to floor 25.

"Whoa, what's on the 25th floor? Are we picking up another friend of yours?"

"No," I answered. "It's kind of where we're gonna eat."



The elevator doors slid open, revealing a boring 6ft by 6ft room with a door at the other end.


"I really hope we're not about to eat here," she pouted.

"Oh, but we are," I joked.


"I was kidding, calm down."

"Stop playing around! I'm hungry!" she whined. I found her whining to be quite adorable... Kind of why I always mess with her.

"Okay, okay."


We walked to the other door and stopped right in front of it.

Should I tell her to close her eyes? Or should I cover her eyes with my hands? Hmm... No, that's so cliche. Let's just not...


"Ready?" I put my hand on the door knob.

"Yes?" she answered, a little confused.


I twisted the door knob and pushed the steel door open with all of my force.


"Welcome to Seoul."


The rooftop had a full view of the beautiful city. You could see each and every building that makes up Seoul. You could hear the car below honking their way through traffic. You could even hear music coming from the rehearsal studio across the street. The glorious sunset completed the whole look.


"Wow..." Mina gazed in awe. "This is even better than the view from our balcony!"

"It is, isn't it?"

"Whoa, look at the sun!" she pointed west.

"It's nice, right?"

"It's so pretty!" she ran to the edge of the rooftop.

"Wait!" I ran after her. She stopped right before the curb. I grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her back. "Don't be the careless person you are and fall over the edge!"

"Hey, I'm not careless!" she yanked her arm away.

"Fine, you're not... But be careful." I put an arm around her in case she loses her balance and tips over. Which is highly unlikely, but y'know... "The sun sets in approximately..." I checked my watch. "Three minutes."

"This is my second official time watching a sunset."

"When was your first time?" I asked.

"A few years ago with Meela back in Busan."

"Oh..." So I'm the first guy she has ever watched a sunset with... Sweet.


We stared at the horizon as the sun kissed the city good night. The sky gradually changed from a yellow, orange, to red...


"Hankyung, what are we gonna do after Don't Don's promotions end?" I asked as the sky turned orange.

"Why are you asking me, Heechul?" Hankyung softly laughed."You should be asking Manager Junghoon," he said in his broken Korean.

"Well, I didn't mean work-wise... When we have time off afterwards and stuff."

"Hmm... I don't know. I might go back to China for a while to visit my parents. That is, if SM lets me... You know how they are."

"Yeah," I nodded understandingly. "But you haven't seen your parents for more than three months! Why would they not let you go visit them?"

"I got scolded the last time I tried to take a day off. It was that one day I was extremely sick, but I had to go practice anyways, remember?"

"Oh, really? I didn't know that they didn't let you take a day off. I just thought you didn't ask. You really do need to take better care of yourself though!"

"I'm trying," Hankyung assured me. "But if I do get to visit my parents, we'll be rehearsing for Super Show 2 by then! And after that, we'll be recording for our third album, our fourth album, then our fifth album. Maybe we'll even release a sixth album!"

"We'll be in our super late twenties by the time we release our sixth album."

"We're gonna grow old together and that prettiness of yours is gonna disappear," he teased.

"I never grow old!"

"Whatever you say, Cinderella."


An unusual violet color covered the sky... I snapped out of my sudden nostalgia and focused back on this dinner date we're about to have. Well not a date... The purple sky set the mood for our dinner. It isn't that dark yet, but I guess I'll light the candles anyways.


"Our dinner is actually over here," I turned Mina around. "I bet you didn't even notice it."

"I actually didn't," she blinked.


Our food were on platters that were hidden underneath a fancy tin cover. I led her over to the table and pulled out her chair so she could take a seat. I lit the first candle at her end of the table and lifted the cover, revealing a dish of grilled salmon decorated with different greens and slices of lemon. The second candle was lit at my side of the table and I removed the cover of the platter containing a mixture of seafood.


"Don't laugh at me when I show you what's under this one," I told her.

"Why would I laugh?"

"Because it's absolutely nothing like the other two fancy dishes," I admitted.

"Okay, I'm ready to see what it is."


I slowly lifted up the cover...


"Is that what I think it is?" she gasped.


I quickly slammed the cover back down on the table.


"Nooo, that is what I think it is, isn't it??" She forced my hand away from the cover and removed it herself.


I turned myself away from her in slight shame.


"It IS egg fried rice!" she excitedly giggled.

"Eh?" I turned back around to see what she was so excited about.

"How did you know I like egg fried rice?"

"I didn't."


"Hey, I'm gonna make breakfast for you guys today!" Hankyung announced.

"Really? What are you going to make for us?" Leeteuk asked.

"I'm going to make Beijing fried rice," he answered.

"What is this Beijing fried rice you are speaking of?" Sungmin jumped in.

"It's just Beijing fried rice!"

"Have you ever heard of Beijing fried rice?" Sungmin asked me.


"Is it some sort of exotic recipe he brought from China? Hmm..."

We all did our morning duties as we waited for kyung to finish cooking for us. Fifteen minutes into my morning routine, I checked up on Hankyung and his Beijing fried rice. The smell of it was awfully familiar.

"What is this?" I peered over his shoulder.

"It's Beijing friend rice," Hannie replied.

I looked into the pan sitting on the stove. Rice and egg?

"Beijing fried rice... Beijing fried rice... Ohhhh, you must mean egg friend rice!" I finally understood what he was trying to say.

"Yeah, egg fried rice!"

This whole time, he was trying to say egg fried rice, but he kept saying Beijing fried rice. I never realized how similar those two sounded in Korean until now. Wow... Hankyung, oh Hankyung... His Korean could use a little tweaking.


"Come on, let's eat!"

"Oh, right..." I shook the memories out of my head.

"This salmon is really good! Did you cook it yourself?"

"Yep. You should let me cook dinner for everyone some day."

"Really? You want to cook dinner for the guys? I will gladly let you do it! I always thought you were too lazy to do anything yourself."

"I am," I snickered. "No way I'll ever cook dinner for the guys."

"Aww," she pouted in disappointment.


She eats her rice with chopsticks... Everyone else in Korea eats rice with a spoon. She's just like Hankyung...


Why am I thinking about Hankyung...? This is a dinner between Mina and I.


Maybe it's because I miss him... I really do miss him.


"What are you thinking about?" Mina asked.

"Nothing," I lied.

"You haven't said a word since that stray firework shot up the sky."

"What, a stray firework was shot?" I raised an eyebrow.

"See! You didn't even notice that! What's wrong?"

"I cooked a delicious dinner for a beautiful girl and now we're romantically eating on a rooftop, what could be wrong?" I smugly smiled.

"Don't you ever use the word romantic to describe any activity we are doing together!"

"I just did. How do you feel about that?"

"Go back to being quiet and eat your food," she ended it.


I softly chuckled at how easily I could frustrate her. But maybe I did come on a little too strong. I should tone it down a bit.

Hankyung used to be like this too...


"This is kind of a personal question, but..." I started. "Have you ever lost a best friend?"

"Not really... Meela has been my best friend since the beginning of time and she's still here," Mina answered. "Why the sudden question?"

"I was just thinking about someone," I simply replied.

"Was this someone your best friend?"

"Yeah... But since you've never lost a best friend, I guess you can't relate to me."

"I haven't lost a best friend, but I've lost someone who can be close to being a best friend," she said. "My father disappeared when he and my mom got divorced. I don't know if he's still in New York or if he moved back to Korea. I haven't talked to him in billions of years."

"Oh..." So she doesn't have a father figure in her life anymore... "So it's just you and your mom now?"

"Yup. Well it's just me now, haha. I'm on my own... But tell me more about this best friend of yours. What is his name?"

"His name was..." I paused. A deep breath was needed to prepare myself. "Hankyung..."

"Hankyung..." she repeated. "Hankyung... Hankyung..." It's been so long since his name has come out of my mouth. Yet it rolls off her tongue of easily. "Hankyung... That name sounds really really really familiar."

"He was a member of Super Junior back in the old days."

"Really? Why isn't he in Super Junior anymore?"

"Because SM Entertainment."

"What about SM? What did they do?"

"Umm..." How do I explain this to her? Should I even explain it to her? It makes me feel nervous every time I bring it up.

"It's alright if you don't want to tell me, I guess... Your face doesn't look like it wants to tell me," she said.

"SM is evil," I told her. "That's all I can say."

She looked a little frightened by my tone.

"Did you know that we have a thirteen-year contract?"

"THIRTEEN?" she widened her eyes.

"Yes, thirteen."

"Ummm... Maybe we should stop taking about this. I want this to be a happy dinner," Mina said. "Talking about this stuff doesn't look like it's making your happy."

"You're right," I agreed. We shouldn't be talking about work during our free time... "Let's talk about something happy. What makes you happy?"

"I'd say that food makes me happy," she giggled.

"Oh, is that why you've been looking like a cow lately?" I teased.

"YAH, I DON'T LOOK LIKE A COW!!" she shouted, getting out of her seat and slamming her hands on the table.

"I was just kidding," I stared at her, wide-eyed. I never thought she could be that loud.

"You better be kidding, Kim Heechul. I was ready to climb across the table to beat your face," she showed me her fist.

"Okay, okay, enough with the jokes," I surrendered.

"Tell me what makes you happy," she calmly said, after collecting herself back into her seat.

"I'm really not sure... Heebum makes me happy."

"That's why you're gonna grow up to be a lonely old cat lady."

"One, I'm already grown. Two, I'm not lonely. And three, I'm not a lady, therefore, I can't be a lonely cat lady," I corrected her.

"Okayyy, smarty pants. Don't come back to me in fifty years and say I didn't predict your future."


I laughed. We're always quarreling. Even over the smallest things. I wonder... If it would be like this if we were dating. How would a relationship work if we were always arguing? I do wonder...


"Hey, so you know how it's New Years tonight and people kiss on New Years?"

"Yeah," she replied. "What about it?"

"What if I told you that I wanted to kiss someone tonight?"

"What does that have to with me?" she raised an eyebrow. It was dim but I could almost see a light blush on her cheeks.

"There's a girl I want to kiss... But I'm a little nervous and I don't know how to do it."

"Nervous? Kim Heechul is nervous?"

"A little. Maybe it's because I like this girl a lot." Gee, I'm letting out an awful lot of feelings tonight... "What should I do?"

"Umm... I don't know," she shrugged. "Maybe you should stick around her when the countdown is going and take her by surprise."

"But I don't know if I should do it in front of the guys. They might say something about it."

"Wow, I never really thought you could ever be worried about anyone judging you."

"I'm actually not. It's just that this particular girl is someone they would never imagine I would have feelings for."

"A New Years kiss doesn't really mean much. It just happens for fun," she reassured me. "The guys wouldn't think much of it."

"I would hope not..." Maybe this is my chance.

"But who is this girl?" Mina asked with a hint of concern in her tone.

"It's a secret."

"Is she going to be at Suju's New Years party?"

"Yep. Our New Years party and Sungmin's birthday party."

"Oh yeah, Sungmin's birthday... I didn't get him anything. I hope he accepts late presents," she pouted.

"Just give him food," I suggested. "Sungmin loves food."

"You're right... I should cook him a special breakfast tomorrow morning."

"You never make me any special breakfasts," I pretended to pout miserably.

"You're not cute like Sungmin or Donghae... I only spoil the cutest," she smirked.

"I'm as cute as I want to be."



"Are we done eating?" Heechul asked.

"Yeah, I guesso."

The plates of food have been cleared. We've been sitting and talking for what seems like hours now.

The thought of Heechul being in deep like with a girl lingered in my mind. It poked at my heart a little when he first said it... NOT THAT IT WAS SUPPOSED TO! I'm really curious as to who it may be. I suppose I'll find out tonight.

We stacked up the plates and cleaned up the table. He let me blow out all the candles, leaving us in darkness with a small light hanging from the door that we came out from.

"Just put everything in a pile. I'll come back for it later," Heechul said. "We're gonna be late for the party."

"Alright," I set it on the table.

"Come on, let's make our way back to the dorm. Everyone's probably already there," Heechul said. "Can you see in the dark?"


"No, you can't," Heechul grabbed my hand.

"I can see perfectly fine!" I exclaimed, trying to hide my nervousness.

"Just follow me," he pulled me towards the door.

"How are you gonna kiss that girl after holding my hand? That's like cheating!"

"Is that what you think?" he came to a sudden stop.

My forehead hit his the side of his jaw.

"Why is your face so hot?" he placed a hand on my forehead. "It's really cold out here... Did you catch a fever?"

"N-no," I bit down on my lip in attempt to stop my blushing.

"We need to get you inside," he quickly decided.

He kept a hard grip on my hand and dragged me into the building. I didn't hold his hand, but I didn't want him to let go. It's a little bit awkward... But I kind of like it.

Sigh, I really hate that I like this awkward hand holding...

I was practically dazed the whole way back. I didn't snap back into reality until Heechul knocked on the door.

"Oh, you're back."

My eyes widened when I realized who opened the door for us. I quickly shook Heechul's hand off of mine.

"Why aren't you at the party?" Heechul asked.

"I'm a little tired right now," Yesung responded. "It's only ten o'clock... I'll be there somewhere around midnight."

"Cool, I'll see you there then," Heechul said. "Mina, do you want to rest too, or do you want to head to the party?"

"I think I want to change into something different first."

"Okay, I'll wait for you."

Yesung just stared at us, with stress in his eyes. He sat back down on the couch and scrolled down his phone. I felt some sort of guilt inside.

In the back of my closet was a strapless white dress. The upper area was embedded with sparkly gems and rhinestones of all sizes. The sides of waist were cut out. The dress was very form-fitting. Perfect for a New Year's party.

I slipped it on and made sure it still fit me well. I dug through my closet for a pair of sparkly heels. Instead, I found the red stilettos that Leeteuk gave me. To match the heels, I grabbed a red clutch and threw my personal belonging in there. I touched up my makeup a little and checked in the mirror one last time.

"Perfect," I smiled.

I strutted out of my room and into the living room, where Heechul and Yesung where apparently talking.

"It's not who had it first, it's who-" Heechul stopped mid-sentence when I stepped out.

"Mina, you look stunning," Yesung complimented me.

"Why thank you," I grinned.

"Yeah, you look nice," Heechul agreed, blinking at me. "Ready to go?"

"Mhmmm," I nodded. "I'll see you later, Yesung oppa," I waved.

"Alright, have fun," he wearily waved back.

Heechul and I exited the dorm and got into the elevator.

"I never realized the party was in the ballroom," I said.

"I never realized you called Yesung 'oppa'," Heechul retorted.


"You never call me oppa," he pouted sadly like he did earlier during dinner.

"I told you I'm never going to call you oppa!" But why did I call Yesung oppa? Perhaps it slipped out of pity.

"Just once?"

"Nope, not even after we've gotten married... Which will never happen, by the way."

"Whatever," he chuckled.


"Just tell everyone we arrived fashionably late, when they ask where we've been," Heechul told me. "We're an hour late."

I could hear the music blasting from inside the ballroom. When the door was opened, lights of every color flashed and flew everywhere. It was just like a club.

Everyone seemed to be staring at Heechul and I walking in together. I recognized the faces of F(x), SHINee, some SNSD girls, and that dude Yunho. Heechul's friends quickly separated him from me. It was only a second later when someone I knew found me.

"Mina! It's been too long!" Amber hugged me.

"It really has," I hugged her back.

"Happy New Years Eve! Ready to lift the roof off of this twenty-five story building?" she joked.

"Ahaha, I can't even lift a table and you expect me to lift a roof?"

"You're such a girl," Amber laughed.

"I'll take that as a compliment!"

"Ahhhh, I recognize you!" a new voice jumped into our conversation.

"I recognize you too," I said to the SHINee member.

"My dinosaur twin!" Amber exclaimed.

"Eh?" I cocked my head.

"He's a dinosaur and I'm a dinosaur, so we're dinosaur twins," Amber explained.

"Oh, that's funny," I laughed. If you looked really hard, you could somewhat see their resemblances to a T-rex.

"Where's little Taemin?" I asked.

"He's somewhere out there with his fifth plate of cake," Jonghyun replied. "He's gonna start off the new year with a stomach ache."

"Oooh, there's cake?" I grinned.

"Yeah, there's all kind of cake on that table over there," he pointed to the side of the room.

The table was big enough to hold fifty thousand wedding cakes. There were vanilla cakes, chocolate cakes, strawberry shortcakes, red velvet cakes, fruit cakes, yellow cakes, blue cakes, ice cream cakes, ALL KINDS OF CAKES. It's cake heaven.

But right next to the cakes was Heechul. And right next to Heechul was... Jessica.

He's talking to Jessica.

Ugh, I should have known...

Of course it had be Jessica. My least favorite person in the whole wide world. Geez, she's pretty, but does he not see her ugly personality? Or is she just ugly to me? I can't believe he likes Jessica.

"What's with the face, Mina?" Jonghyun blinked at me innocently. "Does the cake not satisfy you?"

"Oh no, I love the cake. I just thought I saw a fashion disaster," I laughed it off.

"The fashion police is on the lookout, haha!"

"MINAAAAAA, MY SWEET HONEY BEE~!!" my favorite person in the whole wide world sang loudly. He flung his arms around me, then backed off to look me up and down. "Wow, you look so y. Who are you trying to impress?" Zhou Mi winked.

"Oh, y'know..." I smiled widely, flustered.

"When did you get here? I was looking for you since nine-thirty!"

"I was having dinner with... Y'know."

"Is 'y'know' his name now? I mean, we have a Yunho here and he goes by U-Know. We can't have people with the same names in this company. It gets confusing!"

"Zhou Mi, did you not see me conversing with Mina before you?" she playfully bumped Zhou Mi away with her shoulder and smiled at me. "Shall we continue our conversation?"

"Oh, excuse me!" Zhou Mi moved her aside. "Amber, do I need to lock you in a closet?"

The two of them were play fighting as Jonghyun and I stood awkwardly looking at each other. I decided that it was time to go and find Sungmin to wish him an early happy birthday. Luckily, he wasn't far.


"Minaaaa, you're finally here!" Sungmin jumped in joy. "I was looking for you!"

"You were?"

"Yeah, I was hoping we could celebrate New Years and my birthday together!"

"Five minutes until you're twenty-two!"

And five minutes until Heechul kisses Jessica... I really don't want to be there to see it.

"I'm getting so old," he whines. "But my aegyo won't be disappearing anytime soon!"

"That's good," I rubbed his head. "Don't you ever change."

"I won't ever change! I'm always going to be the King of Aegyo!" he exclaimed.

Some other people found Sungmin to wish him a happy birthday, eventually pulling him away from me. I didn't have to walk far before I ran into Leeteuk.

"You're wearing my heels again!" Leeteuk cheered.

"Yessss, I love them!"

"I knew they were the right pair of heels!" he flashed his winning smile. "One minute and six seconds until twelve o'clock!"

I glanced at the TV in the corner of the room, now displaying one minute and two seconds.


"59... 58... 57... 56..." Everyone starts chanting.

The crowd shifts and I somehow end up in the middle of the room.


"43... 42... 41... 40..."

Is Heechul still with Jessica?


"35... 34... 33... 32..."

I can't believe he likes Jessica.


"20... 19... 18... 17..."

I feel my stomach twisting in jealousy.


"10... 9... 8... 7..."

Someone grabbed my hand.


"6... 5... 4..."




He pulled me in close.



Heechul stared straight into my eyes.



"Happy New Years..."



Everyone's cheers were blocked out as he leaned in for the kiss that he had been wanting.



Another hand grabbed me by the waist and pulled me away from Heechul.


My lips were pressed against another pair of lips...


Lips that weren't Heechul's.




"SUNGMIN!!" I gasped for air when he finally let go of me.

"Happy New Years, Mina!!" he cheered.

I froze in shock at what he had just done.

"Am I that great of a kisser? Why are you just staring at me?"

No words came out of my mouth.


I turned around.


Heechul was gone.


"I know you didn't get anything for my birthday. But that kiss makes up for everything!"

I just covered my mouth and walked away in embarrassment.


My brain told me to go eat some cake in the corner of the room. Because cake makes everything better... But what just happened??

Zhou Mi came to the rescue when he saw me all by myself in the corner.

"What happened, Honey?"

"Sungmin kissed me," I stated simply.


"But... Heechul was supposed to kiss me."


I stared blankly at the half-eaten cake on my plate. I caught a blur of Jessica across the ballroom. Heechul was in the same spot, still talking to her.

"Maybe I'm imagining things..." I pondered aloud. "Yeah... I'm ust imagining things."



What a disappointment...

Everyone was laid out on the floor, drunk and unconscious.

Mina was going around the room, picking up stray paper plates, while I swept up the scattered confetti.

I honestly hope things are't awkward.


"Hey, about that..."

"About what?" she laughed nervously

"About me... trying to...

"I don't know what you're talking about," she laughed nervously, trying to play it off.

"Well, you can act like you don't know what I'm talking about," I said. "But what I told you during dinner... The girl I wanted to kiss. I like her a lot..."

She blushed, trying not to look at me.

"You should get some rest," she said. "I'll finish cleaning up here. I know cleaning isn't your thing."


She took the broom from me and set it aside. She wrapped her arms around me and softly hugged me.

"Thanks, Heechul. That's all the help I need. I know you're tired."

"I know you're tired too."

"I am..." she groaned weakly. "I'll see you in the morning."

"Okay," I gave in. "Good night... Beautiful."




It's 7:45pm... Where is Heechul?



Two months since I've updated... TWO MONTHS!! *cries*

I'm such a terrible person. :(

A lot has been going on lately. Let me tell you about my life: My iPhone got stolen, I'm almost positive that I'm failing AP Calculus, I'm running for JROTC Homecoming Princess, I'm already slacking in school, and I've lost like three flash drives. On top of that, SUPER JUNIOR ISN'T HAVING A COMEBACK ANYTIME SOON (TELL ME IT ISN'T TRUE???)!!

This chapter is pretty long. Long enough to make up for a two-month hiatus? Eh? Eh? Yes?

Brownie points for those who knew about the Beijing Fried Rice incident!

I miss Hangeng :(






Kyus_Evil_Uniccorn: Heechul Oppa why are you so hard to figure out at times??

Heechul: I'm just that kind of person. Only Heebum understands me.


ShineeJunior599: Do you like Mina? And if Mina were to be Yesung's girlfriend what would you do?

Heechul: So what if I did? Not saying that I do... I wouldn't care if she was his girlfriend... *pouts and crosses arms*

Author Rinnie: LIAR!!

Heechul: Okay, maybe I would feel some type of way, but GEEZ, STOP TRYING TO EXPOSE ME!


kelly2010: Heechul, when are you gonna tell her you like her? Piece of advice: tell her before Hongki or Yesung do because they like her as well.

Heechul: Who said I like her? Yesung doesn't have the courage to tell her anyways, so it doesn't even matter...


AnimeKitty: Heechul oppa, if you like Mina so much, why don't you just tell her? I mean, I think you're giving mixed messages by calling her Potato Head (if you catch my drift)

Heechul: Fine, you caught me! This chapter already tells you everything. I do like her. I call her Potato Head, because she still hasn't realized that I like her...


j931218: Questions for Heechul: 1. When are you going to confess to Mina? 2. Can you be a little nicer to Mina? 3. Did you lose purposely to the bet

Heechul: 1. I just did, but I don't think she got the message! *covers face in shame* 2. I've been as nice as I could to her for the past week! What more could you ask for?? 3. That cupcake looked magnificent on her face. I didn't lose on purpose, but it was completely worth it. *evil laugh*


Question of the Chapter: Who should've really kissed Mina? Heechul? Yesung? Sungmin? SIWON? WHO??

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ayakohana25 #1
Chapter 45: I finished reading all 56 (or was it 57?) chapters on watty then tried to look it up on AFF hoping you continued it here. Hahaha~ I'm soooo hopeless.
AnimeKitty #2
Chapter 45: Author nim~~~~~ I miss this story sooooo much! Please come back soon and update!!! Pretty please???
Please please update please T.T
Chapter 1: I'm rereading this its my favorite fanfics of all :) 7jib fighting!elfs all over the world fighting!SJ oppas fighting! <3
Chapter 45: Just reread all the chapters and dand i miss this story author haha i'll wait for your update author! Fighting!! :))
fyekay918 #6
Chapter 45: Oh my god. Oh. My. God. Im so glad i gound this story
Gahhhhhhhh. I litrrally fangirled every chapter
I love it so much. The plot, the characters. I ship Misung but also MiChul. But maybe more MiSung, i think. But MiChul is adorbz T_T cant make up my mind.
Oh oh please update soon. Cant wait :3
aninrara #7
author-nim update soon T--T
IamParkJiHae #8
Heechul should've kissed Mina.
I know Sungmin thinks that it is his' birthday gift from Mina,
but I want Mina and Heechul to kiss T^T

I miss you author-nim update soon.
kpop_luv #9
Chapter 45: Oh and right now I am currently shipping Michul soooo i think heechul should've kissed mina
kpop_luv #10
Chapter 45: I actually forgot about this cuz of school T_T. buuut on the bright side I caught up on everything, and whoooo! go heechul (I think.....since sungmin kissed her instead)