Chapter 37

Super Maid & The 13 Dorks


Beep... Beep... Beep...


Is that my alarm clock?

It can't already be time to wake up...


My eyes fluttered open to an unfamiliar setting. White walls and tan curtains. The lights were dim and the atmosphere was strange.

There was a person in the corner of the room with their face buried in their hands. My eyes took a second to focus in on him. His dark, chocolaty brown hair that fell across his fingers was a tad messy.



"M-Mina!" a girl's voice called. I turned my head to my left to see Meela. "You're awake?" she asked. "You're finally awake!"

Someone from the other side of the room got up from his seat. It was Zhou Mi. And Yesung was sitting next to him.

"Honey!" Zhou Mi rushed over.

"Let me go get a doctor!" Meela announced, going out the door.

"Mina, are you alright?" Mimi came over and grabbed my hand.

"I... I guesso," I responded.

"We were so worried about you!"

I blinked slowly at him. "Ermm... What happened?"

"Oh no, did you forget everything? Do you have amnesia? Omo, the doctor never told us anything about amnesia!" he panicked.


I noticed that Heechul finally moved his hands out of his face. He stared over at me with a look on his face. Not the mean one or the what-the-cow-are-you-doing face that he would always give me. He looked... Concerned.


There was a knock on the door as the doctor came in.

"Mina, how are you feeling?" he asked.

"I'm alright. Just a little confused... Why am I here?"

Everyone just stared at me.

"Is anyone going to tell me the story...?" I bluntly asked.

"We were upstage at the end of the concert," Zhou Mi started. "And a light fixture fell."

All the words he had said after that were blocked out. I remember the screws dropping, one by one. The loud creaking sound and the crash. The numbing and...

I sat up quick, my eyes shooting straight at Heechul.


I brought my hand up to my head. I sat up too quickly, making all the blood rush down from my head. In attempt to save myself from falling off the side of the bed, I held myself up with my right hand.


"Careful!" Meela held me and took my weight off of my right arm.

I looked to see what had hurt me. But instead of finding the culprit, I found a cast on my arm. How did I not feel it when I first woke up?

"You have a fractured bone in your right forearm," the doctor said.

"W-What? How?" I rubbed my cast in disbelief.

"You hit your head on the floor when you fell while trying to push Heechul. And when the light fell, it hit your right arm," Mimi explained. "Heechul pulled you out of the way at the last second..."

My gaze returned to Heechul, who was now looking down, fiddling with his fingers.

"It could've been worse if he hadn't tugged you down with him..."


Heechul... Saved me?


"That's right," the doctor agreed. "You should recover in about a month and a half. Maybe sooner if you're lucky. It isn't too bad. Just remember to take in more calcium."

"I'll make sure she gets more calcium," Mimi said.

"Alright, good. Let me know if you need anything else. I'll be somewhere on this floor." And with that, he left the room.


"Do you want anything to drink? I'll go get you something!" Meela decided before I even got the chance to answer.

"I'll go call the rest of the guys to let them know you're okay! There's no service inside this building," Zhou Mi furrowed his brows. "I'll be right back!"

After he left, it was just Yesung and Heechul in the room. I stared blankly at my arm for a while before Yesung came by my side.

He put his hand over mine and gave it a soft squeeze. "I hope you're feeling okay."

"I am... How long have I been out?"

"About 6 hours," he responded.

"What time is it now?"

"3:00am," he glanced at his watch.

"You guys must be tired. I feel a bit guilty for keeping you up after a long concert," I admitted.

"Don't feel guilty... No one saw this accident coming," he hugged me.

For some reason, I could just feel Heechul glaring at us. Maybe this is a bit awkward and he feels like a third wheel or something.

"I'm hungry..." I told Yesung.

"Want me to go get you something to eat?"

I nodded, pouting a little.

"I heard that hospital food isn't the greatest. I'll go out and find you something good."

"But is any place open at three in the morning?" I cocked my head.

"I'll find one for you," he chuckled. He let go of my hand, making the warmness go away and letting the air slowly cool it again.


It was just me and Heechul now.

Somewhere deep inside, I feel like I made Yesung leave on purpose so that we coud be alone...

There was a long silence before I finally said "Heechul?" in a really tiny voice.

"Yeah?" I'm surprised he actually heard me.

"Umm..." I fidgeted around, not sure what to say.

There was another long and awkward silence... But he knew that we couldn't just sit here being quiet the whole time. He finally decided to come over and sat on the edge of the bed.


"Pabo... Why'd you do it?"

"Huh?" It took me a second to snap out of my sudden daze.

"Why'd you push me?" he asked again.


Huh, I'm not actually sure why... It was like my head just told me to do it and my body did it for me. I wasn't even thinking at the time. Like right now, my mouth was about to speak for me.

"Because you're... More important than I am."

He tilted his head at me, not able to comprehend my response.

"You'll always be more important than I'll ever be... You have hundreds of thousands of fans out there. Maybe even millions of fans. They all care for you and that's a lot more love than I'll ever recieve in my entire life. You have to be there to perform for them. Super Junior won't be Super Junior without Kim Heechul. You're special. And I'm just me. I'm a... Potato."

He let out a breath of air.

"Don't you ever say that again," he told me sternly.

I pressed my lips together. Did I say something wrong?

"There's no such thing as one person being more important than another. Everyone is born the same and everyone has the same right to live a full life. I do have fans, but I'm no more special than anyone else. I don't want anyone risking their life to save me."


"You're always more concerned for others than you are for yourself. You threw yourself at me, only thinking about pushing me out of harm's way. But did you even take a second to think about what could've happened to you?"

"N-No..." I confessed.

"Do you know what terrible things could've happened to you if I hadn't pulled you away, Mina?"

His tone and the way he said my name made me shiver. His voice was full of worry and concern. I didn't know how to respond.

"I..." I don't know what to say...


"Thank you..." I said at last. "For saving me..."

"Don't thank me... I should be the one thanking you. It really could've been worse for me if you hadn't pushed me."

The silence settled in again, as we both just sat there, not knowing what else to say. But it didn't last for long this time.

"I don't call you a potato head because you're really a potato... You know I like to tease you. I just thought it'd be a nice nickname. Something that only I could call you," he told me. "So you're not a potato, okay?"

"Okay... But I still feel like one."

I heard him sigh softly. He got up and moved by my side on the bed. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a warm, sincere hug. I could smell his expensive cologne as I rested my head on his shoulder for a second.

"Don't feel like a potato... Feel like a princess. You're Super Junior's princess now."

When he said "princess", I remembered seeing something about him being the "Cinderella" of the group. I don't know why that suddenly came up in my mind.

"I hope you're not saying all this to make me feel better, just because I'm injured, then go back home and start bullying me again."

"Kind of..."


"I won't treat you as crappy anymore, okay?"

"And how long is that new attitude going to last?"

"Probably a month at most."

"You wouldn't last a week," I squinted at him.

"Wanna bet?"

"I'll give you half my pay check if you can treat me like a princess from now until the end of the year," I said.

"What's today? November..." he checked his phone. "29th. Only a month? Deal."

"And if I win?"

"I'll treat you to an expensive dinner at a lavish restaurant for a week.


He held out his hand to seal the deal. I put my left hand in, knowing that I'll win. He gave me a firm handshake with that signature smirk of his on his face.

I couldn't help but to notice that his hand was soft and warm... I actually didn't want to let go of it, but our handshake couldn't last for any longer than four shakes. It'd be weird if it lasted for five shakes. But that didn't process through my mind very well. My grip on his hand didn't loosen... That is, until Meela came back in the room.

"WHOA, WHAT IS THIS??" she exclaimed, a shocked expression on her face.

Our hands shot away from each other like rockets being launched in opposite directions. Heechul quickly got up and went back to his seat in the corner.

Meela gave me that face that she would give me whenever she suspects anything going on between me and a guy. It's that face that only best friends could recognize.

"I got you your drink," she handed me a cold bottle of pink lemonade.

Zhou Mi entered the room with a small bag in his hand. "I got you a snack too, Honey!" He pulled out a box of chocolate-covered biscuits and placed it on my lap.

"Where'd Yesung go?" Meela asked.

"I saw him exiting the hospital earlier. I think he said something about buying food for Mina," Mimi replied.

"Wow, is anything open at three in the morning?"

Shortly after her question, Yesung came in with something in his hand. "Actually, there is," he answered her. "There's a sandwich shop around the corner that's open 24 hours." He handed me the bag. "I hope you like french bread. And turkey, lettuce, and cheese."

"No tomato?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Did you want tomatoes?"

"No, I hate tomatoes," I smiled.

"So you hate tomatoes, but you love spaghetti?" Heechul jumped in.

"Yeah... I guess you can say that."



* * *

We all decided to gather in one of the member's rooms and just chill. We picked the one with the biggest room, and obviously, Siwon's room was the biggest one of them all.

"Just last night, an accident happened at the Tokyo Dome during Super Junior's concert," the reporter in the TV announced. "One of the light fixtures upstage had dropped from above, leaving one person injured."

"Hey, did you see what Heechul had posted on Twitter last night?" Siwon asked.

"No, I don't have a Twitter," I responded. Twitter is more of a site for celebrities. I mean, if I made a twitter, why would anyone want to follow me and hear me talking about how terrible my day was? I've come to a conclusion that only normal people who like to stalk celebrities have Twitter accounts.

"Here, let me show you," Siwon handed me his phone.

The tweet read, "Thanks for saving me, Mina... I wish you'll get better soon." Underneath was a photo of him, his face looking sad. It made me frown a little. He didn't look right with a sad face. I gave Siwon his phone back.

"Did you read the comments?"

"What comments?" I looked at him, dumbfounded. I don't know how to use Twitter...

"Here," he scrolled down to the masses of comments from all kinds of people.


"Are you okay, oppa? -@xxxTruePetal"

"What happened? Are you okay? -@Petal4Life"

"Who is Mina? Is she okay? -@ELFieELFie"

"A giant stage light fell from the ceiling and a girl pushed him out of the way! I was there at the concert last night! -@ELFLuvsHee"

"Are we talking about the same Mina that sparked some controversy with Heechul a few months ago? -@ELFishLove"

"Don't you remember Mina? The girl that we chased down and went against because Heechul posted up a photo with her not too long ago? We made her life hell. She meant no harm. We all owe her an apology. -@xXUr1PetalXx"

"Thank you for saving our angel. Get well soon! -@HEEisMyLuv"

"Get well soon, Mina! -@HaeFish"

"We're sorry for all that you've been through... Get well soon! -@HanJHeeTeuk"


"We are all very thankful of her. Without her... We don't know what might've happened to our Heechul," a fan in the TV sniffed.

"THANK YOU, KIM MINA!!" the group behind her yelled.


I blinked, speechless.


Wow... The game has changed. It has all changed. They're thanking me. And apologizing. Am I hearing things? Am I seeing things? Is this really happening?

In that moment, I felt safe. The weight of the anti-fans had been lifted off of my shoulders. I feel a little free now.

Pictures of me being able to go shopping or walk through the street without having to worry about getting a tomato launched at me just passed in my mind.


"Did you see all these articles about what happened last night?" Leeteuk flashed his phone at me. "The news is spreading like a wildfire."

The headings were anything from "Light Falls From Sky" to "Disaster at Super Junior's Concert" to "Tokyo Dome is Unsafe" to "Fan's Most Hated Saves Fan's Beloved". Then there were "Injured By Saving a Super Star" and "Heechul Posts About Girl Saving His Life".

Just for a second, I felt special. I've never received attention like this before. But I guess everyone has their moment of fame at least once in their life-time.

I genuinely smiled.


"Mina!" a voice yelled, followed by the sound of footsteps rushing into the room. Sungmin gets on the floor to join me, leaning against the base of the couch just as I did. "Omo, what happened??" he took my arm with the cast.

"A fractured bone, apparently," I said.

"Minaaaaaaa, whyyyyyyy?" he bawled. "This is your right arm. You're right-handed, aren't you? How are you going to live without your right hand?"

"Oh... I've never thought about that," I blinked. Honestly, I really never thought about it. How am I going to write? How will I type on the computer with only my left hand? How will I tie my show with only one hand? Omo, how will I do my makeup with my left hand??

"You don't have to worry! I'm going to be your right hand from now on!" Sungmin stated.

"Oh... Okay. Thanks, Sungmin."

"That's 'oppa' to you!"

"Thanks, Oppa..." I rolled my eyes at him. Why is he still on that?

"Do you remember what happened?" he asked out of the blue.

"I remember everything up until I passed out."

"Do you know the whole story? Lemme tell you the whole story! I was right next to Heechul when it happened!" he started. "I was actually creeping on you for a second and saw you looking at the ceiling. So I was wondering why you were looking up there when everyone else was down here... Then out of nowhere, there was a loud CRACK! Little Donghae thought the sky was falling," he claimed. He actually sounded like an old grandpa telling a story to his little grandchildren. "Then I felt someone behind shoved towards me, so I backed up and turned around to see Heechul in the process of falling, with you in his arms! He managed to move quickly, so both of you avoided a big hit. But you hit your head on the floor and passed out! Then we saw that your arm was stuck under a part of the light and a pool of blood oozing out from underneath," he described the scene in a creepy tone, making it sound a little scary.

"Does that mean I have some sort of scar under here?" I gasped at my cast.

"I don't know, I was too scared to look," he shrugged. "So then both Siwon and Leeteuk had to lift the light fixture off of your arm because it was just that heavy. Then Heechul finally got up off of the floor and picked you up to bring you to the hospital. And they only let four people stay in the room with you, so we all couldn't be there," he pouted. "It was a harsh night for us!" he frowned.

I puffed my cheeks. So Heechul actually took the time to carry me. And he chose to be one of the ones to stay in the hospital with me... And he stayed up for me.

"Honestly, I've never seen Heechul care so much," Sungmin said. "That was nice, but then again... He had the nerve to kiss-"

"Hey," a voice interrupted Sungmin's sentence.

"Oh, heyyyy," Sungmin tried to play off what he had just said. "Came to chill?"


Sungmin and I got up from the floor and sat on the comfy couches like normal people. Heechul took a seat next to me, a bit close I can say. I could feel his arm against mine.

Hopping off of what Sungmin just said... My eyes unexpectedly wandered off and decided to stop at his lips.

Oh my god, I had COMPLETELY forgotten that he did what he did during his performance last night! He didn't bring up this situation at the hospital earlier this morning, did he? Is he planning on letting it slide by?


Sungmin left to raid Siwon's fridge, knowing that Siwon probably had some kind of expensive food in there, being the classy man he is.

With all the room on this couch, I'm here next to Heechul and much closer to him than I have to be.


"Umm..." I tried to start a conversation. "I really like that one song... What's it called, A-Cha?"

"How does it go? Gyeolgug neon acha, neon acha hage deogeol~?" he sang.

Huh, that wasn't it, was it? "I don't know... I think it was a title song."

"Bounce to you, bounce to you, nae gaseumeun neol~?"

"Ehh, no, I don't think so... Twinkle twinkle little star?"

"Ohh, I got you. Twinkle twinkle little star, jabgien ddeugeoun geunyeoga~?"

"Yes, that!" I clasped my hands together.

"Silly, that's Boom Boom! And it's actually not a title song," he chuckled.

"Oh... Really?" I blushed. I'm their "temporary assistant manager" and I don't even know their songs... How sad is that?

"What about that second song you just sang? Is that one Sorry Sorry?"

"No, Sorry Sorry goes like sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry."

Wow... That one was a bit obvious.

"And the second one I sang was Bonamana. And if you would like to know, it goes BONAMANA, BONAMANA, BONAMANA, na bakke eobtda~"

Gee, way to make me feel a little dumb.

"It's about time I teach you to remember the songs!" he announced.

He stole the headphones off of the table and plugged it into his phone. He gave me one to go in my left ear and he took the one on the right. The music was turned up and our lesson began.

He taught me to remember the title songs first, since they were the more important ones and more recognizable. I felt dumber by the second, realizing that the title of the song was repeated a whole lot in the chorus. Except in Don't Don. Don't Don was their second album song, but it isn't as popular as the third album and anything after that.

After that, he made me remember some other songs in their newer albums. The catchier ones were easier to remember. The ballads all sounded the same to me. Sad and slow. So I had a harder time differentiating them.

"I really like this song..." I told him.

"No Other?"

I nodded.

"A lot of ELFs like this song," he said.

"I remember that this is the song that I heard the first time I saw Super Junior at that festival back in Korea," I reminisced. "I really liked it, but I never got the chance to listen to it more than twice."

"There's no one like you~ Even if I look around it's just like that~ Where else to look for~?" he sang in a sweet voice. At the end of the line, he looked at me, smiling.


He has a pretty smile...

He should really smile more often.


It didn't take me long to realize that I was in denial when I was mad.



I realized that I was mad because he kissed me in front of the fans.




Not because he kissed me.




"Please don't get upset at us..."


Oooh, I wonder what someone's gonna get upset about.

I DID IT AGAIN, Y'ALL. I wrote THREE chapters, all in ONE week. (But of course, this isn't going to be published until later. Y'all gotta take it in slowly.) (But by the time you've read this, it has already been published lmaooo.)

It has been one productive Spring Break :3

For the first time since elementary school, I don't have ANY school work to do during my spring break. Which is most likely why I'm spending a lot of my time writing this year. WHICH IS GREAT! :D

All of my other friends actually have a life, so they're out there having fun, while I'm being a nerdy little fan girl.

OKAY WOW, this chapter has been laying in My Works for about two weeks now. So everything that was said ^UP THERE^ is outdated lmaoo. Well yeah. My 300 fans was why encouraged me to finally update. Thanks to all of you!!

Thanks for reading! Vote! Fan!

Comment down below and tell me what your favorite Super Junior song is!


^That author's note up there^ was probably written twenty years ago.

Here's the other chapter that I forgot to update AFF with YEARS AGO. 

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Thank you!


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ayakohana25 #1
Chapter 45: I finished reading all 56 (or was it 57?) chapters on watty then tried to look it up on AFF hoping you continued it here. Hahaha~ I'm soooo hopeless.
AnimeKitty #2
Chapter 45: Author nim~~~~~ I miss this story sooooo much! Please come back soon and update!!! Pretty please???
Please please update please T.T
Chapter 1: I'm rereading this its my favorite fanfics of all :) 7jib fighting!elfs all over the world fighting!SJ oppas fighting! <3
Chapter 45: Just reread all the chapters and dand i miss this story author haha i'll wait for your update author! Fighting!! :))
fyekay918 #6
Chapter 45: Oh my god. Oh. My. God. Im so glad i gound this story
Gahhhhhhhh. I litrrally fangirled every chapter
I love it so much. The plot, the characters. I ship Misung but also MiChul. But maybe more MiSung, i think. But MiChul is adorbz T_T cant make up my mind.
Oh oh please update soon. Cant wait :3
aninrara #7
author-nim update soon T--T
IamParkJiHae #8
Heechul should've kissed Mina.
I know Sungmin thinks that it is his' birthday gift from Mina,
but I want Mina and Heechul to kiss T^T

I miss you author-nim update soon.
kpop_luv #9
Chapter 45: Oh and right now I am currently shipping Michul soooo i think heechul should've kissed mina
kpop_luv #10
Chapter 45: I actually forgot about this cuz of school T_T. buuut on the bright side I caught up on everything, and whoooo! go heechul (I think.....since sungmin kissed her instead)