Chapter 17

Super Maid & The 13 Dorks

Best friend... Those words made me feel warm inside. I've heard it from Meela and myself several times. But the words coming out of Zhou Mi made me feel a little better.

Maybe I've used that word too much with Meela, and my heart has become immune to the feeling that comes after hearing it.

Too bad Zhou Mi didn't really mean it... It was only to shoo the fans away.


"It's been 3 days, and they're still here," Zhou Mi peeked around the corner.

I was going to pick up the mail, when Zhou Mi wanted to tag along and "keep me safe." We were in the building; the guard isn't gonna let those girls in anyway...

"Stay here, I'll go get the packages from the front desk," he told me.

"Zhou Mi, I can go myse-"

He had started walking to the counter. Sighing, I took a look at the people at the entrance. They still held the same signs, displaying the same dirty words. There weren't as many people as there were on the first day. But there were still a lot.

"Well you've been getting some attention lately," I heard a female voice.

Slowly turning around, I saw a wisp of blonde hair.


"Did you think getting a chance to living with them came free?" she smirked.

"I never asked to live with them," I responded.

I felt the tension build up as she stepped closer.

"You're not in a very good position right now," she said. "You have a whole lot of haters out there waiting for you."

"I bet money that they're your antis too, Jessica," Zhou Mi chimed in.

She looked taken aback as Zhou Mi made his way towards us. She scowled, and glared at me before walking away to her group.

"Wow, what happened to Gentleman Mimi?" I stared at him.

He made a face before starting to walk back to the elevator. "I'm not a big fan of her."

"Really? Me neither," I agreed.

"Why's that?"

"She's doesn't seem very nice. She dissed me in the bathroom on my first day here," I frowned. "What about you? I thought you got along well with everyone."

"Honey, not everyone is easy to love," he laughed. "Jessica is an attention seeker. She likes trying to get with guys for publicity."

"So she's kinda like Chae Ji..." I thought aloud.

"Yeah. But she goes for our Suju members."

I remembered when she tried buying a game for Kyuhyun. And when Donghae mention his favorite shirt. Hmm... I guess it's starting to make a little sense.

"Most of our ELFs don't like SNSD. Particularly Jessica, but there's like a fan war between the ELFs and Sones," he explained.

"Sones? Her group's fan base?"

"Yep. From what I've seen, I think she's trying to bring our fan clubs together, so she'd gain more fans. 'Cause right now, she has a whole lot more antis than she has fans."

"Oh," I smiled in amusement. "Has she tried pulling a move on you?"

"She pushed me against a wall backstage while the camera was rolling," he said. "Manager hyung told them to cut the scene out."

"I hope I don't see her around here too much," I puffed my cheeks.


We set the mail and gifts down, sitting on the floor and sorting it through. There was a lot of fan mail for Heechul today...

"Hmm," Zhou Mi tilted his head, squinting at an envelope.

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"Nothing," he said, throwing it behind him.

I blinked at him suspiciously as he threw another one behind him... And another one.

"What time is it, Mimi?"

He looked at his fancy watch. "It's... 12:45pm."

At that moment, I threw myself on top of the pile of letters on his side.

"Hey!!" he exclaimed as I dragged the pile over with my arms.

I grabbed a handful and skimmed through the messages on the envelopes. "To Donghae, To Siwon, Hi Leeteuk, To Eunhyuk..." Then there was "Mina."

"I have mail," I stared at the envelope. Upon opening it, a red slip of paper fell out. "Get out of their dorm, . They don't want you," I read aloud.

"Honey, don't read those," he frowned. "Here, let's just thrown them away."

"Waaiiit, I want to read them," I held onto the rest of the letters.

The next ones read, "You don't belong in there. Leave." "Go back to where you came from." The next one had a photo inside. Someone printed the picture that Heechul took with me and burned my side of it.

"Mina, don't think too much about these," he said taking them away.

"They want me to move out? They're mad because I live with you guys," I said. "Wouldn't moving out be the answer then?"

He took up the mail that had my name on it.

"I mean, Heechul doesn't like me. And I don't think I'm doing a pretty good job here anyway," I continued.

"Don't say that, Honey! We enjoy having you here! Especially me and Henry! You don't know how bored we'd be without you," he pouted.

"But I don't even feel like I'm helping around here..."

"You are! You cook for us and get us to our events on time. You wash the dishes, do our laundry, and check up on us. You do more than we expect," he explained.

"But I sit around practically half the day."

"Because you get your job done quickly. Mina, don't ever think that you aren't a gift to us."

"But the fans-"

"How about we go out for some lunch? I'm up for some Italian."



*                          *                          *

From now on, Fridays are Hee-Days. Why? 'Cause Heechul think he's the King of everything on Fridays.

"There's clothes in my room you need to fold," he told me.

"But I just finished doing your laundry... Twice!" I groaned.

"Well there's more. Get to it," he ordered.

Do do do dodo dodo dodododo do do~!

Saved by the bell... Or in this case, by the phone. I grinned at him in victory and skipped to my room. I checked the caller ID, and saw that it was Manager Junghoon.


"Ah, Mina. I'm glad you picked up. You know what we're about to discuss, don't you?"

"Oh... Of course," I replied.

"I see that you and Heechul quickly handled the first scandal. That's marvelous," he commented.

"It wasn't that easy..."

"It's okay. Scandals aren't very easy to deal with." He paused. "I heard there's fans outside of the dorm," he said.

"Yes, they've been there for DAYS.... Did you come up with a way to fix it?"

"Actually, I haven't," he paused again. "I'm afraid this is one of those problems that are impossible to fix."

I cringed at the word "impossible." But nothing's impossible, right?

"When words are spread by the media, you can't take it back," he explained.

"I understand."

"But you can tell them other things that they'll spread," he said. "No one's supposed to know that you live in Suju's dorm, for obvious reasons. And originally, we weren't supposed to let anyone know that you're working as their maid."

I made a good choice of not letting Saeri my occupation.

"But I called in and told the reporters."


"Now they know the truth, so hopefully, the fans will understand. And maybe they'll lay off."

"Oh... Well thanks," I said. "I hope they go away soon... Heechul's keeping me locked up to do his laundry. And he's not too happy about the fans out there."

"Haha, today is Heechul's day off, isn't it? Keep it cool. I'm sure he won't bother you if you stay in your room."

"It's boring in my room," I responded. "And if I go hide in Zhou Mi's room, he drags me out and makes me do more work."

"I'll remember to talk to him about being too demanding. But I have to get going now. Update me on what's happening over there," he told me.

"Alright, bye."


"Maaaiiid, the laundry," I heard Heechul shout.

"I thought I told you to stop calling me maid," I pouted.

"Laundry, potato head," he repeated.

Sighing, I went into his room to start folding the clothes. Luckily, Heebum was there to entertain me for a little.

When I finished, I tip-toed across the hall into Zhou Mi's room. But he was napping... Why do you sleep so much, Mimi?

I was ready to poke him awake, when I heard the door open. Please let it be Henry. Please.

"You didn't wipe the windows yet," Heechul whispered loudly.

I stepped out of the room, trying not to wake Zhou Mi, since I won't be able to talk to him anyway. Closing the door behind me, I stared at Heechul with an unamused look.

"You're just going around finding things for me to do, aren't you?"

"Your'e supposed to keep the dorm tidy," he replied.

"But don't I get a breaaaaak?"

"Maids don't have breaks," he said before walking away.

Whatever, Heechul. Whatever.

I did what I was told and went to grab the Windex. Seeing that I finished in less than 30 minutes, he told me to go do the dishes. Then clean the bathroom. Then sweep again. That's when I got sick of it and plopped onto the couch.

I'm gonna take a nap. And Heechul's not gonna stop me.

"You forgot to-"

"NOOOOOOOO, I didn't forget to do anything!" I bawled. "Stop, stop, stop!"

"But yo-"

"La la la la la la," I sang loudly, covering my ears.

I continued as he stared at me stupidly.

"La la la, I'm going into Zhou Mi's room," I announced, hopping off of the couch.


"Zhouuuuu Miiiiii," I whined.

By now, he was awake and on his phone. He looked up to see me scurrying towards him with open arms. He welcomed me with a big smile.

"Honeeeyyy~! What's with the pout?"

"Heechul keeps making me work. I just want to take a nappppp! Let me hide in hereee," I wailed.

"Aw, it's okay, honey. You can sleep here," he scooted over and made space on his bed.

"This is terrible... He's making me do too mu-huh-huh-huch," I sobbed.

"He won't come in here. This room is Hee-free. Go ahead and rest," he comforted me.

"Thank you, Zhou Mi... Thank you for being the best best be-"

"Yah, potato head!"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO," I covered my ears, throwing myself behind Zhou Mi.

"Calm down, I came to say that I made you ramen," Heechul said in an awkward tone.

"No! Liar!"

"Don't you smell it? I know you're hungry."

"Nooo, I'm not hungry! I just want to sleeeeeeep!"

"I'll stop bothering you after you eat," he offered.

I stopped there to make sure I heard him correctly. He said he'll stop bothering me? After I eat? Simple! But what if he's lying...

"I'll take that as a yes?" he looked at me.

I glared at him suspiciously before sliding off of the bed.

"I'll be right back," I told Zhou Mi.

Heechul had already walked away into the kitchen. What's he up to? He can't just suddenly become generous and make ramen for me...

No smell yet... I spotted Heechul leaning on the door frame as I approached the kitchen. Then I looked on the kitchen table.

NO RAMEN. I knew knew KNEW he was lying. Why'd I believe him in the first place...?

There was something else on the table. A grey ruffled skirt and a black shirt.

"Go change," he simply told me.

"Why?" I pouted. "I don't feel like it. I wanna go back with Zhou Mi."

"Your punishment for disobeying me," he smirked.

"Noooooo," I complained. "You can't punish me!"

"Yesss, I can. Go," he pointed into the hallway.


"No buts, potato head."

I didn't know what to do anymore. I'm tired of his fussing. His demands and his complaints. I just wanted to explode.


I stormed off into Zhou Mi's room, leaving my clothes on the kitchen table. I opened his door, glad to finally be able to-

"Waaaaaaaaaaah," I wailed as an arm around my waist pulled me back.

"Come on, you're changing and receiving your punishment whether you like it or not."

"NoooooZhou Mi, helppppZhou Miiiiiiiiiii!"


*                          *                          *

Here I am again. In a random bakery in Seoul. With Kim Heechul. This time with chocolate cake.

"Why am I here?" I groaned.

"I'm glad you're not enjoying your experience," he said, putting cake in his mouth.

"I hate this."

"Good. You have a while before your punishment is over," he smiled.

"You're terrible," I pouted.

"I know. Terrible, but beautiful," he complimented himself.

"And conceited!" I exclaimed.

"But it's a fact. I'm pretty," he touched his face.

"You don't have to remind everyone."

"Are you jealous, because I'm the Big Space Star and you're a potato?"

"Stop calling me potato! I don't know where you got it from, but my name is Mina! You've heard it all over the news and outside of the dorms for a while now!" I argued. "I can't believe you made it through the crowd of people out there..."

"They're not my problem. They're yours now. That girl put you back in the picture."

I sighed. He's right. I gotta handle this on my own. It's my problem and not anyone else's.

"Manager told the media that I work for you guys..."

"It's their choice whether to stop or keep going. And I don't care," he said. "'Cause it's not my problem," he emphasized each syllable teasingly.

I scowled at him and looked away. Taking a handful of my cake slice, I smashed it onto his face.

"That was for last time," I stuck my tongue out at him.

I turned away, ignoring his remarks and muttering. Then I felt his hand against my cheek. Along with everything that was on his face.

"That was for calling me an ," he stuck his tongue out at me.

The silent game began as we wiped the cake off of our faces. Heechul is one big and he knows it himself. Hmph.

My "punishment" lasted for another 10 minutes before Heechul got bored and decided to leave. We walked out as it got dark and there was barely anyone on the streets.

"Aish, it's cold," Heechul complained.

"Shouldn't I be the one saying that?" I looked down at my bare legs.

I'll survive... It's not a far walk back to the dorm.

Heechul stopped.

"Why'd you stop?" I asked.

He didn't respond, and began walking again. Then he stopped.

"What is it?" I turned around, annoyed.

"Did you hear that?" he looked around suspiciously.

"Hear what?"

"Never mind..."

He walked a few steps... Then stopped.

"Did you hear it that time?" he turned to me.

"Hear what? I don't hear anything. You must be imagining things," I told him.

But then I heard it. A rustling noise. And footsteps. We looked at each other. The rustling noise came from behind the bushes. I gestured for him to keep walking. We kept quiet to keep track of the noise. It sounded as if it was following us...

CRACK! My eyes widened in surprise as I looked to see where it came from. I turned to see something slippery and slimy dripping off of Heechul's shoulder...

He just got egged.

"Omo, what is this," he dusted off his shoulder, confused.

"It's egg, Heechul. Egg."

"What the... Yah! Who the hell did this?!" he shouted at the bushes.

In the dark, I saw two figures running in the direction we were heading home. I could make out two small and feminine bodies.

"Come back here!" Heechul yelled, chasing after them.

He dashed to them, leaving me behind.

"H-Hey, wait!" I tried keeping up with him.

Running got us back two times faster. Heechul chased the girls back in the crowd that was standing at the front of our building.

Of course... They were the sasaeng fans. They were probably after me. And since they have such terrible aim, they hit Heechul instead of me. Thanks, haters...Thanks.

I saw him angrily push his way through the crowd to get in. Did he forget that he left me behind??

"W-Wait!" I called out.

Suddenly, the girls turned to the source of the voice. Me.

"Hey, your'e that Mina girl, aren't you? What were you doing with him out so late? Don't you know the streets are dangerous at night? Did you think he was going to protect you? It looks more like he forgotten you out here," they taunted me.

I backed up as the closed in on me. What do I do? Should I take the front door? They're all blocking it... This is scary. I didn't know fan girls could be so scary.

I made a run for it. Around the crowd and to towards the back of the building. They ran after me, ready to throw their signs at my head.

I saw a light shine. The side door. The side door! Oh, please let it be open. Janitor's, don't lock it already! This is my only hope!

I pulled on the door handle.

Success! It was still unlocked. Thank you thank you thank you!

I rushed towards the elevator lobby and rapidly pressed on the up button.

Come on, come one, come on...!

I heard faint chanting and shouting.


I hurried in, pressing the number 8.

As the door closed, I caught a glimpse of the fans running in.


Chapter 18 Preview:

"As long as you're not alone, they won't be able to do anything," Zhou Mi smiled. "Stick by my side."


Hello, fellow ELFs... And readers. c:

I actually have nothing to say again.

Just a shout-out to my love, Rachel, who has been blooping my Facebook chat for the past few hours, asking me when this chapter is gonna be up.

So here it is~! Please leave comments down below and help this story gain some love~!

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ayakohana25 #1
Chapter 45: I finished reading all 56 (or was it 57?) chapters on watty then tried to look it up on AFF hoping you continued it here. Hahaha~ I'm soooo hopeless.
AnimeKitty #2
Chapter 45: Author nim~~~~~ I miss this story sooooo much! Please come back soon and update!!! Pretty please???
Please please update please T.T
Chapter 1: I'm rereading this its my favorite fanfics of all :) 7jib fighting!elfs all over the world fighting!SJ oppas fighting! <3
Chapter 45: Just reread all the chapters and dand i miss this story author haha i'll wait for your update author! Fighting!! :))
fyekay918 #6
Chapter 45: Oh my god. Oh. My. God. Im so glad i gound this story
Gahhhhhhhh. I litrrally fangirled every chapter
I love it so much. The plot, the characters. I ship Misung but also MiChul. But maybe more MiSung, i think. But MiChul is adorbz T_T cant make up my mind.
Oh oh please update soon. Cant wait :3
aninrara #7
author-nim update soon T--T
IamParkJiHae #8
Heechul should've kissed Mina.
I know Sungmin thinks that it is his' birthday gift from Mina,
but I want Mina and Heechul to kiss T^T

I miss you author-nim update soon.
kpop_luv #9
Chapter 45: Oh and right now I am currently shipping Michul soooo i think heechul should've kissed mina
kpop_luv #10
Chapter 45: I actually forgot about this cuz of school T_T. buuut on the bright side I caught up on everything, and whoooo! go heechul (I think.....since sungmin kissed her instead)