Chapter 15

Super Maid & The 13 Dorks


"By 'we', you mean 'you', right?"

"By 'we,' I mean you and I," Heechul corrected me.

"No," I turned away.


"I have to cook dinner," I started walking towards the kitchen.

"Ryeowook will do that. Now come on, potato head."


*                          *                          *

Somehow, he managed to drag me into his car. But I refused to put on a seat belt. It only caused him to purposely swerve left and right, frightening me.

"Stop that!" I exclaimed, holding on for dear life.

"It'd be easier if you just put your seat belt on."

"No! I never agreed to come with you," I argued.

He swerved again, making me bump my head on the side window.

"Yah! Okay, I'll put my seat belt on!" I wailed.

He smiled victoriously.

"This is your problem," I told him, crossing my arms.

"But you're the one in the picture, so you have to come too," he said.

"But you posted it," I argued.

Ignoring me, he continued talking. "I searched her up a while ago... They say she's gonna debut as a model under Solo Star Entertainment."

"Oh, she hasn't made a debut yet?"

"No, she's only popular on the internet right now. This scandal isn't doing her any good for the start of her career."

A big flashing sign caught my attention... SSE. The building was almost as big as SM's. Not as fancy, but it still looks outstanding. Heechul parked at the front of the building, where a "visitor" sign was hung.

"Let me stay in your car," I pouted. Agency buildings were really intimidating. With all the good-looking people in there, I knew I looked like a potato.

"No, you might try to steal it," he said, opening his door.

I sat still as he shut his door, walking to the entrance. Looking back after making it halfway there, he realized I wasn't behind him. Haha, stupid fool.

He turned back and walked around to the passenger side door.

"Noooo," I whined. "Let me stay in here!"

"No, you're coming with me," he said, unbuckling my seat belt, and yanking on my arm.

"No, no, no," I struggled.

I kept fighting, throwing myself back onto the seat and holding onto the driver's seat. Until finally, he used both hands and all his strength to pull me out. My grip slipped.

"Oof!" my back hit against his chest. Ew ew ew ew ew, too close!

"Okay, walk," he kept a hard grip on my wrist.

"Let go!" I flailed my arm around.

"Helloooo~" Heechul greeted the receptionist as we walked in. Again with his faking...

"Good evening, how may I help you?"

"I need to see Chae Ji."

"Chae Ji? Hmm... I believe she's..." the lady looked up. "Oh! You're Kim Heechul!" she stared wide-eyed.

"Why yes, I am Kim Heechul," he flashed a smile.

"So you two are really seeing each other?" she gasped.

"No, I just need to have a talk with her."

"Hehe, alright... She's on her break right now... On the fourth floor, in room 405. Take the elevator over there, and it's the third room on your left," she explained.

"Thank you~ Have a good day," Heechul smiled again, grabbing my wrist.

"Let go! I can walk!" I exclaimed.

In the empty elevator, I stayed as far from Heechul as I possibly could. Hmph... Being nice to everyone, but me. I don't understand why he's like this. But it makes me hate him even more. His stupid pretty face... Ding!

Third door on the left... I followed behind him, taking tiny steps. Stopping at the door, he glanced at me before knocking.

"What?" I questioned him.

"Nothing," he looked away.

Knock knock... A voice from inside the room could be heard, yelling "Annyeeooooooong~!"

The door opened. A girl dressed in colorful clothing stood, staring straight at me. Her hair, the same shade as mine, was in a high bun. She was just about the same height as me, and had big brown eyes. I felt like I was staring at my own reflection.

She turned her head to my right.

"Omo...Oppa??" she stared wide-eyed at Heechul. "You really came to visit me?" she jumped excitedly.

"One, don't call me oppa. And two, no." he stated.

"Aww, of course you're visiting me, oppa! You're just in time~" she squealed, ignoring what he had just said. "Come on in~"

She tugged him into the room, paying no attention to my presence... And shut the door.

Did she just leave me out here...? To be alone? By myself? I feel rejected. I thought Heechul said he wanted me to come with him to talk to her!

I stood at the door awkwardly. Should I knock...?

"Come in, potato head," the door opened.

"Don't call me-"

"Oppa, I thought this was a date between just the two of us," Chae Ji cut me off. "Why did you bring her? Dates are for two, not three."

"Yah, I never said anything about going on a date with you. I've never even met you!" Heechul said. "I brought her along, because she's the real girl in the picture. And we're gonna talk."

"We're gonna talk?" she grinned excitedly.

"About what you've been tweeting," he added.

"About my tweets? Ah, don't worry. I know what I'm doing," she smirked.

"Actually, you don't. Don't you realize we've been on TV for the past three days?"

"Yes, I do! I watch whenever I can to see if you've tweeted anything new. We're making headlines," she blinked at him dreamily.

"I never agreed to any of this."

"You don't have to! I can handle it all."

"No, what you're doing is affecting me too. I'm not about to put my career in your hands."

"But once everyone finds out we're dating, my career will also be in your hands. I know you'll take good care of it," she said in an aegyo voice.

"WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. We're NOT dating. And I'm not putting my career in ANYONE'S hands, because I am the big star of the universe, Kim Heechul. Besides, you haven't even debuted yet."

"I'm debuting next week! Aren't you happy for me?" she grinned.

"Sure, but when my Petals come running at you, don't say I didn't warn you."

"Your Petals are no match for me! According to the media, I'm already yours and you're already mine. There's no competition," she smirked.

"Pfft, PLEASE. I'm y, free, and single," he said proudly.

"Not anymore," she held up her phone. "Heechul oppa just asked me to be his girlfriend! Can you believe it??" she read aloud.

"YAH, WHEN DID YOU POST THAT?" he took his phone out to check.

"Be sure to follow me, oppa~"

He rapidly tapped on his screen, as Kyuhyun does on his keyboard when he plays games. I sat staring at the two. I've been silent this whole time...

"Delete that tweet right now!" Heechul demanded.

"Oppa, when something is posted on the internet, it'll never disappear forever."

"I don't care! The quicker, the better! Delete it!" he panicked.

"HEY!" I shouted, making both of them stop. "Chae Ji, I don't think what you're doing is right."

"That's what YOU think, not what I think. Who are you to Heechul anyway?" she asked.

"I'm... uh..." What do I say? Do I tell her that I'm his maid? No, not HIS maid! THEIR maid!

"She's a close friend of mine. And you're bringing her into the situation by pretending that you're her."

Did Kim Heechul just say... I'm his close friend? EW, WHAT IS HE THINKING??

"A close friend?" she repeated in an annoyed voice.

I cringed. Me becoming Heechul's close friend isn't going to happen until he buys me a unicorn.

"Y-Yeah," I played along. "Close friend."

"And she doesn't appreciate you impersonating her," Heechul added.

"Well it's the media's fault for mixing us up. The public thought that was me, and now we're dating! How cool is that?" she giggled.

"Not cool at all! What would be cool, is if you'd admit to everyone that you're not the one in the picture, and we can go on, living our own lives peacefully."

"But oppa, I want to live my life peacefully with you," she pouted.

What is wrong with this girl...? It hasn't even been half an hour yet, and she acts as if she been married to him for a year.

Heechul let out a sigh. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because I'm your biggest fan, your girlfriend, and-"

"Aish, you're not my girlfriend!" he cut her off.

"And I'll get more attention when I debut," she continued. "I'll become even more famous!"

"Chae Ji... You have it the wrong way," Heechul face-palmed.

"What do you mean? If I'm dating THE Kim Heechul, then I'll surely become more popular!" she said, confidently.

"I hope you know you're making it worse for yourself."

"No, I'm not~ I've already become the 28th most searched topic today!"

"Sure, you're gaining more attention... But you're not getting attention from fans, you're getting attention from antis."

"What? No way, they'll all support our relationship!"

"My Petals won't. And I have A WHOLE LOT of Petals. What if they start hating me too, huh?"

She raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"I know you're doing this for publicity... But why is it ME?"

"Because you tweeted a photo of yourself and that girl, who coincidentally looks like me, and since the media thinks we're dating, I'll just go along with it. I got lucky," she grinned.

"But that's me," I said.

"Hey, how about you be quiet and let oppa and I enjoy our date?"

"Don't talk to her like that," Heechul scowled at her.

"Why are you defending her?" she whined. "I thought we-"

"Because we're not dating, that's why."

"Whatever. I'm sure it's all over the news by now. And if you deny it, I'll just tell the world that you're trying to protect me again," she smirked.

"Say... Do you remember Kim Jonghyun's scandal?"

"The one with Yoo Nina trying to use him to be noticed?" I asked. I never really paid attention to anything in the k-pop world, but I remembered seeing this on the news, and keeping up with it. Quite a scandal, it was.

"That one," Heechul confirmed. "You're doing exactly what Yoo Nina was doing to Jonghyun... To me. Do you see where she's at now?"


"Certainly not up where the rest of the stars are. More like down here," Heechul put his hand close down to the table.

"She didn't know what she was doing," Chae Ji scoffed.

"She knew exactly what she was doing," Heechul said. "Not only did she hurt herself- she hurt Jonghyun, SHINee, her agency, and her career. Do you want to end up like that?"

"No, but-"

"Then stop. I'm only trying to help you right now. So don't bite the hand that feeds you."

She frowned at him, slightly annoyed.

"If this scandal gets any bigger, my manager is going to have to come back from a very important trip in China. He worked hard for that opportunity, so don't ruin it for him."

Wow... I never though Heechul could be so considerate of others.

"I'm sure our CEO won't hesitate to take legal action either," he added.


"HAN CHAE JI, WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?" a man suddenly busted through the door.

He held his phone up, with an article on the screen. He took a second look at Heechul before realizing it was him.

"Y-You!" he gasped. "Does that mean this is real??"

"Ye-" Chae Ji smiled widely before getting cut off by Heechul.

"No, sir. It is absolutely not."

"Then explain to me what this is," the man demanded.

"I... uh..." Chae Ji started.

"This is on the front page of all the gossip sites. And on TV too! Explain!"

"I'll tell you," Heechul said. "Chae Ji, here, decided that it would be funny to pretend to be this girl, here," he gestured towards me. "And she thought it'd be nice to tell the whole world that we're dating, so that she could start off big."

"Who is this girl?" he turned to me. "Such a striking resemblance to Chae Ji..."

"Unfortunately, I can't reveal her name to anyone. So let's call her Petal for now."

"Alright, so let me get this straight. From what I've read, you tweeted a photo with Petal, and everyone thinks that Chae Ji is Petal?"

"Yes, and she went along with it," Heechul answered.

"Chae Ji, impersonation is not acceptable! Do you know how much trouble you can get in for that? And they came all the way here to consult with you? Oh dear, I heard 'legal action' before I walked in here..."

"We won't take legal action unless Chae Ji announces that we are not dating. And that she's not the one in the photo with me. I want to post some proof, also."

"Ah, about that.. I'm afraid we can't just tell the public that Chae Ji lied about the whole thing. Think about how bad our agency would look."

"She should've thought about that herself before she done this," Heechul said.

"But..." he pressed his lips together. "Can we say that her account was hacked, then?"

"They can track that, you know... Besides, my fans deserve the truth, as does her future fans. No one wants a dishonest star."

"I suppose so..." the man muttered. "Alright, Chae Ji. Do what he tells you. I want the truth out on the news within an hour!" he exclaimed. "And Petal, I'm sorry if Chae Ji caused you any trouble. We'll pay back for what she has done. What would you like? An album from one of our artists?"

"It's fine. I'm not really familiar with all the K-pop stars anyways..."

"Really? I thought you'd at least be a trainee, since you were traveling with Heechul."

"Ahaha, no, no. I don't have any talent to become an idol!" I laughed nervously.

"Really? You should consider it sometime. Our agency will be open to you," he smiled. "Now Chae Ji," he turned to her. "Fix it. I have to get back to my office."

"Fine," she puffed her cheeks. "What do you want?" she glared at Heechul.

"First, I want you to delete the tweet from earlier, and post a new tweet. It has to say, 'Heechul and I are not dating. I don't know what I was thinking when I said that.' And 'I'M SORRY,' in big letters," he ordered.


"NO BUTS. Do it now."

The demanding Heechul is back... I'm kinda relieved to see that I'm not the only one who's being bullied by him now.

Chae Ji took her time typing... Heechul, being impatient, took her phone and wrote the tweet for her. She snatched her phone back, pouting.

"Yah, I'm not a pickle head!" she exclaimed, after reading over the post.

"Secondly, I need you to take a photo with me and Petal."

"I'll take a picture with just you, and only you! I don't want her to be in our picture!"

"Do I have to go find that man again?"

Without hesitation, she scooted next to him as Heechul moved over to me. I don't know why we need another photo... But I'm actually putting some trust in him to end this situation.

"Smile," he nudged me.

I put on a small grin just in time before the camera went off.

"I'm gonna tweet this photo, then I'm gonna send it to you. And you'll tweet it also, with the caption "The real girl, Heechul, and me."

She nodded, furrowing her eyebrows. Her text tone indicated that the photo was sent. Without a word, she did as she was told.

"Lastly, I need you to apologize to Petal. If she forgives you, then tweet 'I told her I was sorry and she forgives me. I am, again, apologizing for falsely claiming that I was dating Kim Heechul.'"

She glared at me. "But I don't want to apologize to her."

"I don't care if you tweet her response or not, I just want you to say sorry. You've brought both her and I some trouble within the past few days, and have possibly hurt our image."

"I don't want to."

"Why are you so stubborn?"

She didn't reply. Her face remained in a scowl.

"How about this, then... I'll take a picture with you and give you my autograph after you apologize."

She turned to him, her face softening a little. "Fine," she said, walking over to face me. "I'm... Sorry..." she said slowly, in an annoyed tone.

"Be more sincere," Heechul told her.

"I'm sorry," she said.

"Good enough," he sighed.

"YES, NOW LET'S TAKE A PICTURE~!" she jumped on him.


*                          *                          *

"Aren't you relieved now that it's all over?" Heechul turned to me and back to the road.

"Yeah," I exhaled. "I never realized how fast news travel. Especially with celebrities... Is it difficult being famous?" I curiously asked.

"Sometimes," he answered. "There's not really any privacy... We can't date. And one tiny mistake can scar our career forever."

"Oh... I guess being popular isn't all that great."

"It is when you have a face like this," he smirked at himself in the rear-view mirror.

"Haha, you're so conceited," I .

I didn't realize how casually we were conversing until we stopped. That was... Awkward? I always saw Heechul as a mean person. I wonder if this scandal ending has lifted a ton off his shoulders. I wonder why he's always so grumpy in the first place...

I kept quiet for a while, not wanting it to be weird, now that I noticed he was being a little nicer. Does he know he's acting less grouchy too?

"Yah, why'd you get quiet all of a sudden?" he asked.

"Huh?" He noticed me being quiet before noticing himself being nice?

"Never mind," he chuckled.


By the time we got back to the dorm, it was dark. It was a little frightening, walking out of the parking deck and crossing the street. We quickly made it up, and I tried opening the door with my card key again. I kept swiping, but it never clicked. Heechul, amused, took it from me and opened the door in one try. Hmph, my card key doesn't like me.

"Honeeeeeey~!" Zhou Mi rushed to me. "Where have you been? I was worried couldn't find you anywhere in the dorm!"

"Haha, I'm fine, Zhou Mi! Did Ryewook make dinner for you guys already?"

"Yeah, but I didn't eat yet."

"I didn't eat either," Yesung stepped over.

He was lounging in his pajama pants with a t-shirt. His hair, a little messy, fell into his eyes as he smiled softly.

"We decided to wait for you," Zhou Mi grinned. "And hyung too," he added, turning to Heechul.

"What did Ryeowook make?" Heechul asked.

"Sungmin was bugging him for seafood pasta," Zhou Mi laughed. "Come on, there's enough left for us," he led us into the kitchen.

At the dinner table, we calmly ate our pasta, talking about plans for next week's schedules. Zhou Mi and Henry have eight whole days to "rest" before they have to resume working. I'm glad, because I adooore them~! I also learned that Heechul would start taking Fridays off, and only Fridays.


"Guysss, come look at this," Sungmin entered the kitchen as I started collecting their plates.

"What is it?" Zhou Mi asked.

He pointed at the TV.

"And you can see here, that the girl on the left is the original, while the one on the right is Han Chae Ji," the lady announced. They cropped Heechul out of the picture, putting me and Chae Ji side by side. "If we compare these two, you can see that Chae Ji is monolid. Also, she has a beauty mark on her left cheek."

"You're on TV againnn~!" Sungmin sang.

"It was announced by CEO Park Kyung So that Chae Ji's debut for next week has been post-poned for next month. He quotes: 'As punishment for her unprofessional behaviour, we will be post-poning her debut. We don't think it's a very good time for her to showcase, since there are so many heated fans out there. We will wait until she gets her act together.'"

"Wow, he delayed her debut," I said, surprised.

"She wasn't ready anyway," Heechul added.

I nodded, agreeing.

"Is that where you went with Heechul?" Yesung asked. "To her agency?"

"Yep. We went to end it!" I exclaimed happily.

"We have just received a tape a few minutes ago-" the news anchor started.

Ignoring her, I continued celebrating. "And we got her to tell everyone the truth!" I grinned.

"Her? Haha, I know her name..." a girl talked to the camera. She looked awfully familiar...

"Hmm... Isn't that...?" Yesung paused to think.

"Her name is Mina..." she stated.

My head snapped towards the TV.

"And she lives with Super Junior."



Chapter 16 Preview:
Red-on-black signs were being held up as the fans chanted. . . Ugly . I pressed my lips together, frowning at their hurtful words.



I lied about going back and putting this chapter's preview into the last chapter. But since this chapter is already out, let's pretend it doesn't matter anymore. c:

I actually have nothing to say this time... So yeah, leave your comments, questions, and suggestions below~! Please vote and fan~! I love you all!

OH OH OH OH, PS: Super Maid & The 13 Dorks has reached 2,000 reads (on Wattpad)! THANK YOU ALL SOOOOO MUCH <3

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ayakohana25 #1
Chapter 45: I finished reading all 56 (or was it 57?) chapters on watty then tried to look it up on AFF hoping you continued it here. Hahaha~ I'm soooo hopeless.
AnimeKitty #2
Chapter 45: Author nim~~~~~ I miss this story sooooo much! Please come back soon and update!!! Pretty please???
Please please update please T.T
Chapter 1: I'm rereading this its my favorite fanfics of all :) 7jib fighting!elfs all over the world fighting!SJ oppas fighting! <3
Chapter 45: Just reread all the chapters and dand i miss this story author haha i'll wait for your update author! Fighting!! :))
fyekay918 #6
Chapter 45: Oh my god. Oh. My. God. Im so glad i gound this story
Gahhhhhhhh. I litrrally fangirled every chapter
I love it so much. The plot, the characters. I ship Misung but also MiChul. But maybe more MiSung, i think. But MiChul is adorbz T_T cant make up my mind.
Oh oh please update soon. Cant wait :3
aninrara #7
author-nim update soon T--T
IamParkJiHae #8
Heechul should've kissed Mina.
I know Sungmin thinks that it is his' birthday gift from Mina,
but I want Mina and Heechul to kiss T^T

I miss you author-nim update soon.
kpop_luv #9
Chapter 45: Oh and right now I am currently shipping Michul soooo i think heechul should've kissed mina
kpop_luv #10
Chapter 45: I actually forgot about this cuz of school T_T. buuut on the bright side I caught up on everything, and whoooo! go heechul (I think.....since sungmin kissed her instead)