Chapter 35

Super Maid & The 13 Dorks



Sungmin sits up in excitement and begins to unbuckle his seat-belt but Leeteuk stops him. "Yah, we haven't landed yet! Keep that on!" he scolded.


"We have finally landed," the pilot announced. "Please enjoy your stay in Japan."

"Seeeeeee? We've landed!" Sungmin jumped out of his seat.

"WE'RE IN JAPAN!!" Meela exclaimed, grabbing my arm.

"I KNOW!!" I shouted back excitedly.

I looked to my left to see Zhou Mi, asleep with duct tape stuck to him thumb. There was a floppy zebra print thingy in his lap. It looked like a wallet. I guess he wasn't kidding when he said he was going to make wallets out of duct tape.

"Well...?" Meela stared at me. "ARE YOU GETTING OUT OR WHAT?"

"Agh," I reacted to her loud voice. "Well EXCUUUSE ME for admiring this beautiful piece of y peacefully sleeping here!"

"Oh," Meela calmed down. "The flight was only like two hours. How on earth did he already fall asleep?"

I shrugged, keeping my eyes on Zhou Mi.


"Umm... Ladies first?" Heechul stood, waiting for us to get out.

I raised an eyebrow at him. Did I hear him right?

Meela gasped. "He's such a gentleman~!" She sighed in a girly tone, clasping her hands together. "I knew I was wrong about him being scary~"

I blinked at her.

Heechul stared at her as if she was a potato. "If you ladies aren't getting out first, then I'm gonna go... Beauty before all, right?" he smirked, heading out.

Meela pouted with big round eyes. I hope she was ready to take back what she had just said.

"He could've waited," I murmured.


I heard snoring coming from my right... Zhou Mi.

"Zhou Mi, wake up!" I smacked his arm.

"...Eh?" he slowly opened his eyes.

"We're here!" I whispered loudly.

His eyes lit up and his head turned to the window. Without a word, he grabbed his stuff, got up, and got out. I guess he didn't have the energy to get excited yet.


"You guys know what to do," Leeteuk says.

"Yup," they responded.

"And you, pretty ladies?" he flashed a cheesy smile at us.

Meela and I pulled down our sunglasses in unison and nodded. We stared at the building that had fans, ready to blind us with flashing lights.

"Arasso, let's head in," Leeteuk led us.

"I'm excited," Meela giggled.

Before even setting foot into the airport, cameras were already flashing. Leeteuk took the first step in and the cheering began. We were in the back with Jongjin as the rest of the guys entered. Chants of every member's name was heard. From Kyuhyun to Siwon and Sungmin to Heechul.

"Look at all these fans!" Meela gasped. "I never realized how popular Super Junior is."

"Me neither. I'm surprised we've never heard of them before that one concert," I replied.

"Hehe, I feel like a celebrity. With all these cameras and people staring at us," she grinned. Meela started waving at the fans. Just smile and wave. She does it like a pro.


We finally made it to the exit, where a big van was waiting for us. As we did in China, we hopped in and it took us to our hotel. Coincidentally, we were booked rooms at CosMo, the same hotel we stayed at in China.

As soon as we got our keys, we got into the elevator. We didn't all fit in the elevator, of course. There was like sixteen of us. So we decided to split into two groups and race up to the eighteenth floor. Sungmin was running back and forth, having a hard time picking which elevator to go in, so he got left behind. I do wonder what he's doing right now though... Maybe he decided to take the stairs... Nah, he's too lazy.


"Go, go, go!" Kyuhyun pushed us out and made a run for his room.

Just a few seconds after we all got out, the second elevator arrived. Little Henry popped out and bolted down the hall.

"Which one is ours??" Meela jumped up and down.

"Room 1823... There!" I pointed.

She grabbed my hand and dashed for the room. Snatching the key out of my hand, she swiped the card and the door was opened.

Everyone knows what the first thing anyone does when they first enter a hotel room... Meela threw herself on the bed and rolled around.

"Ahhhhhhhh..." she let out. "I'm already loving this trip."

There was a knock on our door. The person pushed the already-open door.

"Here's your luggage," a man set down our bags.

"Thank you," I said.

"Ooh, people to bring up your luggage for you? How fancy..." Meela commented.

We unpacked for about half an hour. I brought a lot more stuff than I thought I did. And we had to get organized. After all, we're staying for about a week. Toothbrush, makeup, and towels in the bathroom. Clothes in dresser and drawers. Fancier clothes on hangers and in closet. Food on counter. Oh, did I mention? We have a stove and a fridge in our room. How awesome is that?


An hour later, we get another knock at our door. I answered the door since Meela was chilling on the balcony.

"Hey, beautiful."

I recognized that sweet, velvety voice before I even looked at him.

"Yesung," I smiled softly. "Hi."

"Oh, I didn't realize you were still wearing that," he looked at my necklace. It was the one he gave me that one night we went out on a date. A silver key with a sapphire gem in the middle.

"Of course I'm still wearing it!" It's not just a necklace that a girl would buy and wear once or twice, then forget about it. It's a special gift... From a guy that she admires. "Actually, I haven't taken it off ever since you put it on me," I admitted.

I saw him blush a little. Or maybe it's my imagination. I don't know, but the way he smiled at my confession was cute.

"Haha, well... The guys want to take a walk in the city and I came to ask if you and Meela would like to come along."

"I'd love to come along~!" Meela jumped in out of nowhere.

"I'd love to come too," I added.

"Cool, we're meeting in the lobby at 8pm," he said.

"That's in... 10 minutes," I glanced at the clock on the wall.

"Yep," he checked his own watch. "I'll leave so you can get ready."



I heard it was chilly in Tokyo at night. Especially in November. I put myself in a pair of polka-dotted leggings, a random shirt, and threw a pea coat over it. Meela did the same. This was called our I'm-too-lazy-to-look-pretty look.

"You ready?"

"Yep," Meela replied.

"Race you to the lobby!" I dashed out of the room. "Don't forget to lock the door!"

"Hey, no fair!"


"Ooof!" I ran straight into Donghae's chest. "Sorry!"

"Wagh!" Meela bumped into me, sending me toward Donghae again.

"Minaaaa, you're coming along with us?" Donghae hugged me against his chest. "You too, Meela?" he extended his arm to hug her too.

"Let go... Can't... Breathe..." I managed to wheeze. Being sandwiched wasn't the greatest thing in the world.

He finally let go when Yesung and Jongjin got out of the elevator. The group was here when Kyuhyun and Heechul arrived. Apparently, Siwon and Leeteuk needed some rest, as well as Shindong and Ryeowook. Zhou Mi too... So they aren't coming with us. So it was just Me, Meela, Jongjin, Yesung, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Kyuhyun, Donghae, Henry, and Heechul. I'm a little disappointed; I actually wanted Zhou Mi to come along so we could do some shopping together.

We headed out into the night. Bright lights lit up the city around every corner. It was a lot like New York. Except a lot more fun.

There were food vendors, like in Korea, stands that sold cute accessories and little findings, and even stands that you could play games at and win stuff.

"The air smells delicious," Meela said.

"It does," I took in a deep breath.

Smelled like steamed buns, fried squid, and toasted pastries... And what is that... Sniff, sniff... That smell... Sniff, sniff. I followed the familiar smell. And it led me to...

"Boong uh bbang??" I stopped in front of the vendor.

"Fresh!" the person behind the stand said.

"How much?" I asked with round eyes.

"140 yen," the man replied.

"I'll take two please," I handed him my money.

Siwon had taken our money and traded them for Japanese yen back at the airport. He gave me the two fish-shaped pastries on a stick. I happily took them and nibbled on the one in my right hand first.

"Are you going to share that?" Sungmin slid next to me.


"Why notttt?"

"She loves boong uh bbang. She never shares with anyone," Meela told him.

"Aw..." Sungmin pouted. "So if I buy you a life-time's supply of boong uh bbang, you'll love me?" he bashed his eyelashes at me.

"Maybe... I'll think about it," I grinned.

"You're so childish," Heechul laughed.

"What's wrong with being childish?" I frowned at him.

"Nothing... Nothing at all," he ruffled my hair.

"Ahhh, not my hair!" I wailed. With the two pastries in my hand, I couldn't fix my hair. "Meela, fix my hair for me!"

"There's nothing wrong with your hair," she said. Taking a hand out of her pocket, she decided to ruffle my hair up even more. "Now there's something wrong," she gave me an evil smile.



We continued down the street, practically trying everything we passed. We took turns treating everyone with some food. When it was Kyuhyun's turn, we were at a super mini sushi bar and the prices weren't as low as the prices of the other street foods, so he went into hiding.

"Oooh, look! Dango!"

"Oooh, look! Ramen!"

"Oooh, look! Onigiri!"

"Ooooooh, look! ICE CREAM!"

"Now you know it's too cold for ice cream!" Heechul scolded.

"So?" I pouted, ordering some green tea ice cream anyways.

"If you freeze to death, don't say I didn't warn you," he stuck his tongue out.

Sheesh, since when did he care so much? I happily enjoyed my ice cream in silence.

"Can I try?" Yesung asked.

"Sure," I responded. Err... Do I just... Feed him? "Say ah?" I held the tiny spoon out.

"Ahhh..." he opened his mouth cutely.

"NOM," Sungmin attacked the spoon with his mouth.

"Sungmin!" I exclaimed. This fool just ruined the moment...

Yesung pouted, making me die a little inside. I felt bad, so I scooped up some more ice cream in attempt to feed him again.

"Say ahh..."

"AHHHH," Sungmin opened his mouth wide.

"No, not you!" I kicked him aside. Taking a step towards Yesung, I successfully fed him, leaving him smiling in satisfaction.


"Oooh, look! A fountain!" Meela pointed. "Lets go sit there!"

She pulled me over to peer at the water. There were coins scattered at the bottom of the fountain.

"Can we make a wish?" I searched through my pockets for spare change. There was a single coin stuck between my bills. One is enough.


Now what do I wish for...? I wish...


I looked at Meela, who was also ready to make a wish.

Hmm... My eyes wandered to the streets, where the guys were still standing.


I wish Super Junior will have a fantastic concert in Japan.


Plop! The coin sank to the bottom of the fountain.


"That's a really pretty necklace," Meela complimented. "Weren't you and Yesung talking about it earlier?"

I looked down at the key necklace laying against my chest. The city lights made my crystals flash and shine.

"How'd you hear us from the balcony?" I squinted at her suspiciously.

"I wasn't on the balcony," she smirked. "So when did this happen? When did he give you that necklace? I think I've seen it on you for a while now."

"It was when he took me out on our second date at a fancy restaurant. Well, he didn't exactly take me out... I had to steal Heechul's car to get there." Oh yes... I remember when I found him waiting for me and his car keys.

"Is that so?" she rubbed her chin. "So you're officially dating now?"

"Nope," I puffed my cheeks. "If we were, I would've told you already," I laughed. "Those dates were just... Random dates."

"I wish Jongjin would take me out on random dates..." Meela sighed.

"Did I hear my name in your conversation?" Jongjin came out of nowhere, raising his eyebrow.

"I... Uhh.... No?" Meela blinked at him.

"Haha, whatever! I heard my name in your conversation," he poked her forehead. "There's fish over on that side of the fountain! Wanna come see?"

"Oooh, fishies? I do wanna see," she grinned.

"Come on!" Jongjin grabbed her hand and led her to the opposite side of the fountain.

I watched as she followed closely beside him. They were cute... I guess that was his way of getting her away so they could have alone time.


"There aren't fish over there," Yesung chuckled.

"I figured," I responded in amusement.

He took a seat beside me. "Look at the moon," he pointed up in the direction where no tall buildings were blocking the view of the sky.

It was a round ball of light. A full moon. "It's beautiful..."

"Kind of like something else I know. Or rather, SOMEONE else."

"Moon Geun Young?" I laughed.

"Actually, no, haha... I'm looking at her right now," he whispered.

His gaze was set on me. I felt his hand slowly creeping over to mine. I blushed, trying to contain my smile.

Sigh, why is he so perfect?

When his hand was finally holding mine, I couldn't feel any happier in life. I'm sitting at a fountain with my crush, who happens to be a celebrity, under the moon, in the city, IN JAPAN, holding his hand.

His lips formed a soft smile as he leaned into me. My reacted by closing, my lips waiting for the contact. I just sat there, waiting... And waiting... And wa-

"Yesung, I found your long lost cousin!!" Sungmin yelled.

We jumped back and away from each other as if nothing happened... Or at least, was GOING to happen.

Sungmin hopped over with an object in his hand. Upon closer inspection, it was actually a turtle... A REAL turtle.

"Isn't he cute?" Sungmin petted the turtle's shell.

"Yeah..." Yesung played it off perfectly. Or maybe he really thinks the turtle is cute.

"I wanna take him ho- OW!" Sungmin flinched. "He's got me! He's biting my finger! Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!!" he began swinging his arm around, but the little turtle wouldn't let go. I'm assuming Sungmin's finger was too fat for the turtle to pull it back into his little shell.

We ignored him and got up to leave.


Our journey down the rest of the streets were filled with "Oooh's" and "Ahhh's". Even at the littlest things, Meela and I got all excited.

"Omo, look at that giant pink panda!" I pointed at the plush that was displayed behind the game counter. "I want..." I stared at it with round, twinkling eyes. "What do we have to do to win that?" I asked the vendor.

"You have to get five gold fish in a single round. With only one net," he held up a circular object with paper covering the hoop. Oh, I remember this! Super Junior-M did this while we were in China. "And one round is three minutes."

I blinked, dumbfounded. How on earth is this gonna work...?

"I'll try it!" Meela stepped up to the challenge. "How much?"

"100 yen for one try and 300 yen for four tries."

"Okay, I'll do it for 100 yen!" she handed the man the money. A "net" was handed to her and the timer started. But before the timer even ticked for ten seconds, she pulled up the paper net and it was ripped. "Whaaaaaa?"

"You have to be slow and careful!" Henry said. "The paper rips really easily!"

"You coulda told me that before I started!"

"It's common sense, dummy," Heechul muttered.

I glared at him for the insult. He just stood, crossing his arms over his chest, not even looking at me as I glared at him.

"I'll try again, please!" Meela pulled out another 100 yen.

She managed to catch a fish her second time, but used up two minute for that one fish. Her third time, she got two. The net ripped again as she was trying to catch her third fish on her fourth try. I decided to take over after she spent 700 yen. My first try was slow, but as I got the hang of it, I began to catch more fish. I was just about to catch my fifth fish, but time ran out and I had just spent my last small bill.


"Can we get going now...? We've been standing here for the past twenty minutes," Heechul complained.

"We didn't win the panda," I whined. But we did win two strawberry pillows, a fluffy pink leemur with big glassy eyes, and a bunny plush that Sungmin wanted. Yeah, just those little prizes for maybe two or three fish that were caught in one round.

"Who cares about the panda? Just go buy one at the store."

"But that one is pink and white..." I pouted.

"OOOOOH, we can try to pop balloons for that cute duck plush!" Meela jumped in excitement.

"Oh, that duck IS cute..." I agreed. "Let's do it!" we jumped up and down.


"Would you two stop that?" Heechul made a face at us.

"Eh?" we turned to him.

"I'm tired of hearing the two of you squeal and giggle at everything that comes your way," Heechul said.

"Then don't listen to us and mind your own business," Meela suggested.

"Are rude one, are you?" Heechul directed towards Meela.

"Hey, you're one to talk! Don't speak to her like that," I told him.

"But was I talking to you?" he asked me in a grumpy tone.

"You were talking to my best friend."

"Tch... Best friend," I heard him mutter.


"Gee, what's up with him?" Meela watched as he walked away.

"Just ignore him... He's always like that," I answered.


Huh, what's up with him... He's usually not like this. Whenever he's being rude or teasing me, I could sense him playing around. But this time, it didn't seem like he was playing around.

It almost seemed like there was hurt in his eyes...

I don't know... But I know that that's not the usual mean, teasing Heechul that I know.


*                          *                          *

The next morning was "the usual". Wake up, make breakfast, and send the guys off. Though the guys aren't being sent off to do individual programs. They're just gonna be practicing today.

Meela got up early with me to help me cook breakfast. Well we didn't cook... We ordered breakfast off of the menus. And since there were fourteen guys to take care of, it was quite a task to order fourteen breakfast plates and make sure they were sent to the right room.


"Isn't there a dance studio somewhere in this hotel?" Meela asked.

"Yeah, it's on the 2nd floor. That's the one we'll be using to practice in."

"Have you seen it yet?"

"Nope. I do want to though... Wanna go take a look?"

"Sure," she agreed. "Second floor, right?"

We took the elevator down sixteen floors. The second floor was full of fancy ballrooms used to host fancy events. Far down the hall and around the corner, a big digital sign displayed "Reserved for Super Junior".

"I guess this is the one," I showed Meela.

"Wow, it's pretty roomy."

We peered into the window. The window was practically from the floor to the ceiling. So it was more like a glass wall.

There was already someone in there... Siwon. I waved, catching his attention. He waved back and made his way for the door.

"Good morning, ladies," he greeted.

"Good morning! What are you doing up so early?" I questioned.

"I got up early to hit the gym. And I just got out a while ago and decided to check out our practicing room," he replied.

"Hit the gym? You've already GOT a real nice body," Meela smirked, punching his arm.

"I gotta KEEP the nice body," he winked.


The rest of the guys came down to the studio not too long after Siwon left to take a short shower. They were in sweatpants and t-shirts, looking chill and relaxed. When everyone was there, Leeteuk plugged his iPhone into the stereo and searched for a song. Zhou Mi and Henry left the dance room before they even started dancing.

"They're doing their title songs first," Zhou Mi said. "Suju-M is gonna be after the first five or six songs."

"Until then," Henry came over. "We're gonna be chilling with you guys!"

"Yay, awesome!" Meela pinched Henry's cheek.

"Guess who else is here?" a voice came from around the corner.

"Jongjin!" Meela jumped in joy. "Good morning!"

They had their little moment as the music began to play. We took a seat on the floor, leaning our backs against the wall as we watched Super Junior start.

The stereo produced high-quality sound, blasting music through the speakers that were attached to the corners of the room, as well as the speakers laying against the wall. I felt the floor and the wall vibrate with the bass.

I watched them dance fiercely, gracefully, roughly, and softly. It was an interesting sight. Their songs were catchy and if one were to watch the dance the same dance a few times in a row, they would probably be able to master it.

I concluded that Eunhyuk was the lead dancer, since he had a few solos during the dance breaks. Donghae and Sungmin were great dancers too. Oh, Kyuhyun and Shindong!

Gee, I've never been around Shindong much... He's always sent off to a show early in the morning or at his girlfriend's house. He's almost a stranger to me. We should change that.

It was amusing watching them lip sync to the music. Eunhyuk and Donghae liked to exaggerate their lip syncing and make silly faces as they did it.

They were all doing really good! Even Heechul... Heechul.


It was time for Super Junior-M to shine! That meant break time for some of the members... Including Heechul. He walked out of the room without an enthusiastic look on his face and headed for the elevator. He must be going back up to his room for a little.

"Phew, that was exhausting," Leeteuk wiped a sweat off of his brow.

"You're getting old, hyung," Shindong laughed.

"Am not!" Leeteuk exclaimed, childishly making a duck face. "Do you mind getting me a drink, Mina?"

"Sure," I got up from the floor.

"Me too?"

"And me?"

"O-okay," I responded, trying to count how many people needed a drink. That's one, two, and Leeteuk... So three. I know I saw a vending machine somewhere here...

Ah-ha! Right hereee. I dispensed my money into the machine and pressed B4 for a bottle of water. I repeated the process two more times.

So it's just Leeteuk, Shindong, and Yesung who's not in Super Junior-M...

Oh, no, I'm wrong... There's Heechul. Should I get a drink for him too?

My money was already eaten by the machine before I could answer that question. I pressed B and 4 once more for a bottle of water.

With the two bottles in each hand, I headed back around the corner, where they were sitting on the floor, looking worn out.

"Here you go, guys," I distributed the water.

"Thanks," they said.

"Oh, would you guys like something to drink too?" I asked Meela and Jongjin, who were just staring at SJ-M dance. Meela's head was on Jongjin's shoulder. Gah, they're so cute.

"No, it's fine," Jongjin smiled.

"I want a bottle of pink lemonade, please. Thank you, water girl," Meela grinned.

"The water girl only brings water," I shot at her.

"Pink lemonade girl?"

I laughed. "Okay, I'll be right back."


With that bottle of water for Heechul still in my hand, I walked back down to get Meela's drink. And what a coincidence... Guess who decided to come back down?

His expressionless face didn't look up from his phone. I didn't realize how close I was walking towards him until we bumped into each other. He just looked up for a split second, backed away, and kept walking. I turned my head.

"Why are you being like this?" I asked.

He stopped.

I walked up to him and held the bottle of water at him, waiting for him to accept it. When I realized he wasn't going to take it, I lowered my hand.

"Why?" I asked him again. This time, with a hint of concern in my voice.


"Why am I being like this?" he repeated my question in a soft voice.

I tilted my head, in anticipation of his answer.


"...Because I'm jealous."




What does he mean? Jealous? Jealous of what?



"Jealous that you have a best friend..."



He glanced at me before continuing to the dance studio.



*                          *                          *


His words lingered in the back of my head as I got ready for today's concert.

That's right, the concert is today. The staff was here and ready, preparing Super Junior's outfits and the stage. As suspected, the boys left granola bar wrappers and empty bottles of energy drinks all over the counter in thier rooms. They should've had a healthy breakfast rather than a granola bar or two and a shot of energy.

I packed the stuff I needed and Meela, Jongjin, and I took a cab to the stadium where the concert was going to be held.

This will be my first time attending a concert. An official one! I'm really excited. But there's that little part of me that's feeling uneasy... It did have to do with Heechul, but I don't know why I'm worrying about him.

When we arrived backstage, Yesung welcomed us warmly. He had some time to sit down with us and chill a little, but he was called back to style his hair soon after he got comfortable. The staff consisted of about twenty people. But these were just coordi-noonas, hair stylists, and make-up artists. The three of us sat back and watched them get styled up.

"I wish I could be dolled up like that," Meela said.

"It's funny that you're referring to that as being 'dolled up'. They're guys!"

"Guys that are ten times prettier than I am!" she sobbed.

She was right. We were potatoes. And they were guys that looked ten MILLION times better than any typical girl in Korean. Or even Japan.

Kyuhyun was first to finish getting ready. He hopped out of his chair and struck a pose in the mirror. "Hellooo, handsome," he winked at the mirror.

"I can do your make-up and hair if you'd like, sweetie," the noona that just finished Kyuhyun's hair said to Meela.

"Reallyyyy?" she gasped.

"Yes, haha. Come and sit here!"

She didn't refuse the offer.

"And I can do yours," another coordi-noona said to me.

"No, it's okay," I replied.

"Come on, we have a some time left before the concert starts," she said.

"We can be pretty together," Meela giggled.

"Hmm... Alright," I agreed. "Thank you, unnie."

"Not a problem!" she smiled.

"Can I get my make-up done too?" Jongjin grinned cheesily.


I don't wear much make-up on a daily basis. It's just BB Cream, a little eyeliner, mascara, and some blush or bronzer for me. This here, was air-brushed makeup (because the guys sweat and all during their performances, so they need something that will last long, of course)!

As soon as our make-up was done, the coordi-noonas moved onto our hair. The other noona began curling Meela's hair, but my coordi-noona started to braid my hair and pinned it up. I raised an eyebrow as she moved my bangs away and clipped them up.

Then out of nowhere, a handful of baby-blue and cotton-pink hair was pulled out of a box. I realized it was a wig after she placed it on a wig stand to brush out the knots. It was an odd wig... The left half was a light baby blue color while the right half was a pastel pink. The bangs were full and there was a clear border between the blue and the pink in the middle. The two sides were elegantly curled and pulled up into high pigtails.

The lady took the wig off of the stand and examined it a last time, then positioned the wig above my he-

"Whoa, wait! This is going on my head?" I stopped her.

"Yes," she answered. "Is there a problem?" she blinked.

"Why?" I asked, probably with the most confused face a person could make.

"Hee- Err... The crowd might recognize you," she said.

Hold up, I know I heard that first syllable before she decided to secretly change the subject. "But the crowd will be having too much fun to bother looking for me."

"But what if they recognize you?"

"They won't remember my face like that."

"Umm... Well..." she pressed her lips together. "Heechul... Dared you to?"

Dared me to...? Heechul? What kind of excuse was that? "Hmm..." I took a look at the wig again. I guess it didn't look too wacky. "Fine. I never put down a dare," I stated. Even if Heechul didn't dare me.

I let the coordi-noona put the wig on me. She didn't take too long, but she made sure to pin it down in all the right places so that it wouldn't fall off. I patiently waited, not looking into the mirror, afraid that I made the wrong decision and looked awfully stupid.

A few touch-ups to my makeup and my wig... And we're done!


We met up with the group before the concert began. It started with a "Whoa, is that you, Mina??" and ended with a "Yeah, it's me" and a face-palm. Then Leeteuk joined us and took his leader position.

"We're gonna do great," Leeteuk motivated  them.

"We're gonna do better than great!" Sungmin exclaimed.

"Beyond better than great!" Donghae challenged.

"We always do beyong better than great," Wookie added.

"And we're gonna do beyond better than great at this concert too," Leeteuk said. "Hands in! You too Mina, Meela, and Jongjin!"


We all put our hands together in the middle of the circle. The hand on top of mine was warm... I traced the hand up the owner's arm...


Heechul's hand was on top of mine.


Well this is kinda... Awkward?

I felt him squeeze my hand a little. A faint smirk played upon his lips.


"One, two, three, HWAITING!!" the members yelled.

"GOOD LUCK!!" Meela and I cheered.

"Thank you! Enjoy the show!" They called back as they headed for the stage.


The first song had started as Meela, Jongjin, and I were making our way into the crowd. We were ten rows from the front of the stage. It was a pretty nice spot. Not too close to the stage and not too far.

This wig is awkward... The hair framing my face is ticklish. And there's like a pink crutain on my left side and a blue one on my right. Is this how it feels to have abnormal pastel-colored hair?

The show had just started, but the fans were already going crazy. They were so excited that they didn't take note of the crazy hair freak right in front of them. I knew this wig was unnecessary.

I stared at the crowd behind me. The blue sea that I saw on TV at their performance in Seoul was real. It's really real. Every fan had a sapphire blue light stick that glowed brightly. With hundreds of thousands of the light sticks being waved in the air, it looked magical. Just like what I saw in the TV screen.

The show went in the same sequence as it did in Seoul. The catchy, energetic title songs were performed first. The audience was hyped!

After all the dancing and fan chants, they moved onto solo performances. Kyuhyun's being first. He sang a that same sad song that I still haven't downloaded. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL.

Some of the members had different solos this time. Like Yesung... He sang a beautiful song that showed off his vocal skills and left me weak in the knees. I couldn't help but to swoon at every beautiful note of his.


It was then Heechul's turn. I remember the song he sang last time... Temptation Sonata. But this time, he wasn't singing Temptation Sonata. It was a new song. I've never heard of it before. There was a guy on a guitar behind him. He looked like any other K-pop star with the cool mahogany hair and pale complexion. Oh wait, we're in Japan. Maybe he's not another K-pop star.

The song began with the guitar player. It sounds like more like Rock-ish than Pop. Then Heechul's first lines.

"Just wait, stay still~ It’s not really shocking news~ Smile~ Saying that you’re leaving because you love me isn’t really fun~"

And he still sounds arrogant while singing... Even in this song!

"What are you looking at? There are plenty of girls who are looking for me~ What are you looking at? There are no men chasing you~ What are you looking at? The difference between me and you~ Still go? That's great~ Oh, bye bye bye~"

Hmph, his lyrics are starting to frustrate me. What kind of song is this? He can't even be a gentleman through singing?

But listening closely, I can hear his talent... He's really a great singer.

It's weird to see someone who's always been so mean to me in a state like this. Being all talented and singing his heart out. Through the arrogance, there's that angelic voice... The voice that yells at me all the time is actually one of an angels'...

My face unconsciously frowned.

I don't like how we're acting towards each other... Ignoring and avoiding each other without a clear reason as to why we're doing this. We would get into arguments all the time, but they wouldn't last for long, because we both knew that he liked to provoke me and just enjoyed teasing me like that. But it's not a silly argument this time... Well maybe it's a little silly, because I don't know exactly WHY we're mad at each other. But Heechul seems like he's taking it personally.

I'm not sure what I did wrong. I just don't want us to be like this anymore. I could handle being mad at him over small things... But I don't like him acting like this. I feel guilty and concerned. I kind of wish we weren't mad at each other... Then I might actually be able to have a lot more fun, rather than be a little hurt every time I look at him.

"I don't have time to meet with you~ During that time, with other girls~"

I was so deep in thought that I almost forgot that he's still performing in front of me. I stared at him, realizing that he was actually staring back... Right at me.


"Even it you say that I'm a bad boy~ That's great~ Oh, bye bye bye~"


Was he staring at me this whole time...?


It was now the guitar solo. The fans started chanting his name and fangirls started screaming. But that didn't affect his gaze on me.


He approached the edge of the stage... With each step he takes down the stairs and off the stage, his eyes are still boring straight into mine.



I don't know why I couldn't tear my gaze away from his.



Step by step, he makes his way closer.


The crowd slowly separates to make way for him. The path being formed was a single path towards me.




Step by step, never looking away.




His stare is numbing me.




Step by step... He's finally in front of me.




A hand, placed on the small of my back, pulls me close to him.



I'm frozen.




He moves in... Closer.



Why am I frozen?




He leans in.




Why can't I move?



The crowd suddenly stopped moving. The stadium was silent. The guitar solo was paused. Not a sound was heard... Not a person was moving.



Except him.



It was just the two of us.



In this world now, just the two of us...




Either I couldn't move... Or I didn't bother moving.




I stood there, anticipating it... As if I was letting it happen.







The gap between us slowly disappeared...






He decided to close it for good.




His soft lips made contact with mine. Pressed firmly, sweetly... Passionately.





His kiss seemed to have brought time back to life. But in my world, that moment lasted forever.



When he finally pulled away, the chanting of the crowd came back, the sound of the electric guitar came back, and my ability to move came back.



But the crowd didn't matter. Neither did the guitar or the movement of my body.





I stared at him, speechless, thoughtless... Breathless.





My eyes directed towards his lips.




And the words that came out...








"Fall in love with me."







I out.




That's right, guys... Quadruple-spacing totally makes everything ten times more suspenseful. (Really, it does LOL)


AWWW YUUUUHHHH, So how about summa dat lip action? ;D

To all you MiChul shippers out there~!


Well it's 4:06AM right now and I just finished. Staying up this late for you guys, my lovely readers. *Looks like a zombie* *makes a dying whale noise*


I'm on Spring Break right now. That means I'll have time to write. Which means more updates. (Kind of.) (Unless I actually have plans for Spring Break.) (But I can't just take my mom's car and drive places, so yeah, I DON'T HAVE PLANS FOR SPRING BREAK.) (I'm just gonna spend my break beinga bum.) (*insert sad face*)


Yesung's heading into the army soon. *SOBS*


Oh, and if you guys don't remember when Mina got that necklace from Yesung, refer to Chapter 29. Yeah, I know, IT'S BEEN SO LONG.

Hahaha, how many times did Sungmin MiSung in this chapter? A lot, eh?


So yeah, I think the next chapter's gonna be kinda short, just to keep it suspenseful. I know you guys got tired of the filler chapters and are looking forward to some drama and action. WELL HERE YOU HAVE IT. Enjoy, my loves~!


Yeah, yeah, comment, subscribe, vote, thanks for the reads, kay bye.


PS: I've reached 100k+ reads so I'll be writings a bonus chapter soon after the soon-coming drama settles down. Don't wanna interrupt the flow of the story, y'know. (Wattpad Only)

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ayakohana25 #1
Chapter 45: I finished reading all 56 (or was it 57?) chapters on watty then tried to look it up on AFF hoping you continued it here. Hahaha~ I'm soooo hopeless.
AnimeKitty #2
Chapter 45: Author nim~~~~~ I miss this story sooooo much! Please come back soon and update!!! Pretty please???
Please please update please T.T
Chapter 1: I'm rereading this its my favorite fanfics of all :) 7jib fighting!elfs all over the world fighting!SJ oppas fighting! <3
Chapter 45: Just reread all the chapters and dand i miss this story author haha i'll wait for your update author! Fighting!! :))
fyekay918 #6
Chapter 45: Oh my god. Oh. My. God. Im so glad i gound this story
Gahhhhhhhh. I litrrally fangirled every chapter
I love it so much. The plot, the characters. I ship Misung but also MiChul. But maybe more MiSung, i think. But MiChul is adorbz T_T cant make up my mind.
Oh oh please update soon. Cant wait :3
aninrara #7
author-nim update soon T--T
IamParkJiHae #8
Heechul should've kissed Mina.
I know Sungmin thinks that it is his' birthday gift from Mina,
but I want Mina and Heechul to kiss T^T

I miss you author-nim update soon.
kpop_luv #9
Chapter 45: Oh and right now I am currently shipping Michul soooo i think heechul should've kissed mina
kpop_luv #10
Chapter 45: I actually forgot about this cuz of school T_T. buuut on the bright side I caught up on everything, and whoooo! go heechul (I think.....since sungmin kissed her instead)