Chapter 18

Super Maid & The 13 Dorks


I stormed into the dorm after attempting to open the door with my card key again. That stupid thing is worthless. This day has been horrible. I can't stand those girls. Shouting at me in their vulgar Korean. I just want to... THROW SOMETHING!!

Scowling, I stomped to the fridge yanking the door open. I reached for the carton of eggs, putting as many eggs into my hand as I could possibly fit.

Hmph. This will show them.

Pulling the curtains over and sliding the door open, I stepped onto the balcony, looking down at the ant-like mob. They were as loud and annoying as a hundred Heechuls and an alarm clock.

Angrily, I launched three eggs towards the crowd.

CRACK! And the crowd went wild. I saw a girl screaming in panic, flailing her arms around. Looks like one of my eggs hit her. I smirked in victory.

I threw an egg at the girl holding a "" sign. And my last egg went towards a blonde.

Their shouting and squealing continued as they looked up to see what hit them. I quickly backed myself into the dorm, sliding the door close and moving the curtains back in place.

THAT. FELT. GOOD. Can I start saying that throwing eggs off a balcony relieves stress?

"UGH, I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!" I heard someone yell.

Of course, it was Heechul strutting into the living room. Forget about the fans. Now I have to deal with this fool.

I stood there, ready to explode again as he complained. I was frustrated to the point that I couldn't listen to half the things he said. All I heard was "Blah blah blah, MY NEW JACKET, blah blah."

"MAID! CLEAN THIS FOR ME!" he shouted at me.

I turned around, my face still bearing a scowl. "No."

"It's YOUR fault. They were YOUR antis. Hurry up," he threw his jacket at me.


With a last groan, I marched in Zhou Mi's room. I opened his door just as he was about to walk out. I didn't hesitate to run into him and wrap my arms around his torso. Angry tears welled up in my eyes, making my vision blurry.

"I was just about to go see what was going on," he said, hugging me back. "What's wrong?"

I shook my head, not saying a word.

"Aw, come here, Honey," he led me in.

I sat beside him, pouting and blinking slowly, trying to control myself. He offered me a cappuccino-flavored fortune cookie, since he ran out of the chocolate ones. I took it, eating it slowly as we just sat there... Doing nothing.

"Today has been horrible..." I finally spoke.

"It's okay. Tomorrow will be better," he told me. "I'm sorry about Heechul... He's really-"

"IDIOTIC? MEAN? CRUEL?" I finished his sentence off in three different ways.

"And bipolar," he added.

"TALK ABOUT IT," I agreed with him 100%.

"Sorry... He'll learn to start treating you better."

"Zhou Mi, don't apologize in his place for being ignorant," I told him. "I'm just tired of all of this... Especially of Heechul," I sighed.

I looked down at my piece of fortune paper. "Persevere."

"The fortune cookie is right," Zhou Mi pointed. "Stop thinking about the bad things, Mina. Just think about what you're doing right now and be happy."

"Hmm..." I thought for a second. "You know what... You're right. Let's forget this all. I don't want to think about any of it anymore. How about some Mario Cart?"

"Mario Cart? Okayyyy~! I'll go get it set up," he grinned, 


I picked my favorite character first. Baby Mario. Mimi started with the classic Mario and made it to 1st place on the first round.

I didn't realize how much time had passed as I enjoyed the whole playing experience with him. Although we practically play Mario Cart on a daily basis...

My eyelids started feeling heavy and drooped every 2 seconds, making me swerve everywhere. I heard Zhou Mi's faint laughter as the round ended. Turns out I came in 5th. I puffed my cheeks, swaying to the side.

I rested my eyes for a second as the scoreboard took it's time on the screen...

. . .

"Mina, what character are you gonna pick?"

Before I got a chance to answer, I drifted away into my own world...


*                          *                          *

" Mina... Mina Mina..."

I felt something heavy fall onto my legs. I immediately opened my eyes to check what it was.

"Mina Mina Mina Mina Mina Mina~"

Sungmin was being weird, rolling around on my legs... and Zhou Mi's legs. His endless legs...

Zhou Mi's legs...! I turned to my left, where I felt warmth from my pillow. Except it wasn't my pillow. It was his shoulder.

"Omo," I sat up in surprise. Did I really sleep this close to him?? Oh my... I felt my cheeks heat up. "S-Sungmim, what are you doing in here?"

"Being cute," he responded with an adorable grin.

I looked back at Zhou Mi, who didn't seem to be affected by Sungmin's rolling and flopping. He hugged onto his Mario doll, with Luigi next to him. He almost looked like a child.

"Mina," I heard a new voice.

"Omo, Leeteuk oppa," I stared at him. "How long have you been standing there?"

"Waaay before Sungmin decided to become a road roller... What were you doing in here?" he squinted at me suspiciously.

"Err... Sleeping?" I replied.

"Did you really? Are you sure 'Gentleman' Mimi didn't pull any dirty tricks while you were knocked out?" he said teasingly.

"Hyung!" Zhou Mi exclaimed in a sleepy voice. "You know I would never do that!"

They fussed as I watched Sungmin doing all sorts of aegyo. He started meowing and stretching across the bed. Then he "pawed" at my ankle.

"Sungmin-ah," I petted him, fixing his hair.


"Aish, you're so weird, Sungmin," Zhou Mi laughed, pulling his legs away.

"What time is it? And what day is it?" I blinked.

Did I just sleep for a few hours? Or through the whole night...?

"It's 7:02am," Leeteuk answered. "Haha, your'e just like Donghae. Waking up completely lost."

"Wait, I have to make breakfast then," I slid out of bed. "Sorry!" I apologized, rushing to my room.

"It's okay, Ryeowook started already," he called after me.

I quickly changed into the maid costume hanging in my closet. Dashing into the kitchen, I saw Ryeowook looking confused.

"Minaaa," he said. "What happened to all the eggs?"

"Oh... The eggs?" I blinked. "Err, don't worry about those. I'll take over from here," I said, stepping up to the stove.

"But I'm already done getting ready. Let me cook with you," he pouted. "I missed doing this every morning."

Instead of having eggs and toast this morning, we decided to find the pancake mix. As we flipped pancakes like bosses, Ryeowook told me about how he was the "mother" in the dorm. He cooked breakfast every morning, along with dinner. He made sure the rooms were tidy and everyone was fine. He basically did everything that I do right now.


The routine went as usual... Every day seems the same. Wake up, cook breakfast, send the guys off, clean... Maybe sneak out somewhere with Zhou Mi and Henry. Then back home to clean again and make dinner. I guess you can say this is what maid life is like. Minus Zhou Mi and Henry. Not all maids get their own Zhou Mi and Henry.

With nothing to do all day, except cook and clean, the day passed by slowly. But before I knew it, it was already afternoon...


"Where are you going, Honey?" Zhou Mi looked up from his magazine.

"Trash," I lifted up the two bags.

"Hurry back," he told me. "And be careful, okay?"

"I will, I will," I replied.

Nowadays, Zhou Mi acted like he was my mom. I don't blame him, though. There are people in this world who are pretty crazy.

"Mina!" a woman greeted me.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Park! How are you?" I smiled towards the reception counter.

"I'm doing fine. It's been quite noisy here lately, but it's fine."

"Oh, I'm so sorry about that!" I apologized, knowing she was referring to the fans at the entrance. WHY ARE THEY STILL HERE...? "I'll find a way to fix the problem immediately!"

"It's okay, Mina. It's not your fault. I'm just glad that the guard is keeping them out. Who knows what might happen if they made it in here..."

I nodded in agreement. "I don't think I've ever met fans as determined as these ELFs are," I said.

"Yes, Super Junior has raised them well," she joked. "Were you taking out the trash? I'm sorry for holding you up."

"It's no biggie, Mrs. Park! I'm always up for a talk with you."

"How sweet~ Your mother must be proud of the way she raised you," she warmly smiled. "Go on, now. You probably have other things to do when you get back to the dorm, don't you?"

"Kind of, haha. Have a great afternoon," I said, bidding farewell.

I made my way towards the side door, picking the bags up so they won't drag on the floor. Judging by the light emitting through the door, it looks like the sun's going down. Hmm... Maybe I'll get to see a nice sunset while I'm out here. The idea of it made me smile.

I pushed the door open with my elbow and stepped out. I looked up at the sky, trying to find the sun. But there was no sun in sight... Looks like I won't be able to see it.

I walked towards the back of the building to the dumpsters. I hate the dumpster. This is where my nightmares began. Lifting the top, I threw the first bag in. Then the second bag.

Maybe if I look from here... I might be able to see the sun. The sun sets east, right...? I tip-toed, probably looking stupid the whole time, searching for the sun. Which way am I facing, west or east? Or am I facing north?

"Look at what we have here..." a feminine voice called from behind me.

I turned to see black and white... Black and white maid costumes...? I stare around, confused. There were about seven of them, closing in on me.

"They say you're actually Super Junior's maid," one of them said. "How is it that you suddenly get to be their maid? How come they didn't pick one of us?"

"Surely, we're more beautiful than you'll ever be," another one continued. "So tell us... How'd you get in?" she got closer.

"I don't know, they just called me," I shrugged.

"Just called you? What makes you so special?" she scoffed. "You're lying."

"Why would I lie about something as little as this?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Because you want to keep our Super Junior oppas to yourself. Ride their fame and take their money. Isn't that right?" she scowled at me.

"Fame? Money? I don't need those things. The only money I'm getting is from their manager who pays me."

"Quit lying and tell us how you got it."

"You!" a new girl ran up with her arms out.

Before I could register what happened, I was on the ground looking up at the eight girls.

"You were the one that dropped eggs on us last night, weren't you?" the girl shouted angrily. "Do you know how long it took me to get it off my shirt? You're gonna pay for that, !"

She kicked me as I tried to scoot back.

"Yah! But one of your people tried throwing an egg at me and hit Heechul!" I argued.

"Whatever, you deserve to get hit! Stealing our oppas..." she crouched down. "You really think we're gonna let you get away with that?"

SMACK! My eyes widened as I reached for my face.

"Hmph, forcing Heechul to take a picture with you. Your face compared to his makes me want to vomit."

She kicked my arm, making me back up more. I attempted to get up, resulting in one of the girls shoving me back down. One of them stepped on my hand as another pulled on my hair. I kept scooting back, until I met the brick wall.

"You ! You ! Sleeping in a dorm of 13 men! They don't want you in there! Just leave!"

There was scratching, kicking, and smacking as they shouted insults at me. All I felt was the stinging left on my cheek and the aching all over my body. I held my arms up to shield myself, but they only smacked it away and hit harder.

 What do I do? I'm cornered. Stuck. I can't fight back.

"If you won't tell us how you got in, then none of us is gonna work for them."

Someone come help...

", we gonna beat you till you can't go back."


"No you won't," a new voice came in.

"Oh, Yesung oppa," the girls backed away from me. "It's not what you think. She did bad things to us," she said in an "innocent" tone.

He looked at them as if they were stupid. "Mina," he held his hand out.

Dazed from what had just happened, I was scared to take his hand. What if they start hitting me again...? What if they use it as another excuse to beat me...? I stared from him to the girls behind him. They gave me angry glares.

Yesung sighed, reaching down for my limp hand.

"Ow," I let out as he pulled me up.

"I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" he frowned.

I pressed my lips together, trying not to make eye contact with any of them.

"Eight against one isn't really fair, girls," he told them.

He took my hand again, leading me away. As frightened as I was, I still managed to feel butterflies in my stomach...

"Yah! Why do you like her more than us? We're your ELFs, oppa!!"

"What you just did to her is wrong and unforgivable. Do you really have enough pride to still call yourselves ELFs after beating her?"

Yesung squeezed my hand, pulling me towards the door. I heard the girls muttering curses as we walked away. It was soon replaced by squealings of "Donghae oppa~!".

Donghae's footsteps soon caught up to us. Along with the fans...

"You girls can't enter through here," Mrs. Park called out from her desk. She got up to shoo them back out.

"Are you alright?" Yesung asked as we waited for the elevator to reach the eighth floor.

I nodded, biting my lip.

"Are you sure?" Donghae put a hand on my back.

"Yes," I weakly responded. I'm fine. But I feel like I've just been bruised everywhere.

Yesung let go of my hand to unlock the door. He left me on the couch in the living room.

"Wait here," he told me, walking away.

At the same time, Zhou Mi walked out of his room.

"Honey, what took so lo- Omo what happened?" he rushed by my side.

"I... fell," I responded.

"How do you fall and bruise your arm??" he took my arm, examining it.

"I fell into the dumpster. 'Cause you know... I enjoy dumpster diving," I joked.

I tried my best to keep myself in a happy mood for Zhou Mi. After all, he was the one who told me to stop worrying about the fans. I don't want him thinking about it either.

"Mina..." he looked at me with concern.

I puffed my cheeks, looking away. Yesung returned with the familiar first aid kit.

"Put your leg on the table," he said.

Obediently, I lifted up my leg. Zhou Mi went over to get bandages from the kit. I didn't notice it until now, but I had a few bruises, a scrape or two, and a few scratches. Yesung cleaned it with alcohol as Zhou Mi put bandages on me.

"So what really happened?" he asked Yesung.

Before I could stop him, he had already started. "There were fan girls dressed as maids at the side door. They were beating her down when I found her."

"Omo... Unbelievable," Zhou Mi gasped.

I frowned at his reminder of the scene. I never thought fan girls could be so scary... Or violent.

"Mina... Just stay in here for now. At least until we figure something out."

"But I have to go out to get some jobs done," I said. "Like the mail and trash and-"

"Don't worry about it for now... You're more important than the mail."

After an awkward silence, I stared at him carefully putting a bandage on a cut.

"Mimi... I don't like it when you're concerned," I told him.

"I don't like it when you're concerned either, Honey," he chuckled. "How about we make a new rule?" he suggested.

"What kind of rule?"

"You can't go anywhere alone," he stated.

"But why?"

"As long as you're not alone, they won't be able to do anything," Zhou Mi smiled. "Stick by my side."

"You can stay by me too," Yesung added.

"Mmm... Alright," I agreed. "But with your permission, can I go alone?"

"Only if I approve," Zhou Mi answered.

"Okay, mom."

"Good," he ruffled my hair.


I thanked them after they finished treating my small wounds and went into my room. I don't think I wanna go out that door ever again. Now that the fans have blocked both exits, how do we get out of the building...? Maybe one of the members know a different way out.

Honestly, I don't wanna be stuck in here forever.


*                          *                          *

Manager Junghoon called the TV station again, after hearing about what happened from Donghae. This time, he told them that I don't live with Super Junior... But I live on the same floor. A lot of the protesters went back to where they came from. However, the eight girls, along with a few of their other friends remained.

"Aish, you're causing us so much trouble here," Heechul complained.

It was one of those unfortunate days where Heechul came home early. It's only 12:00pm... I have the whole day to deal with him.

"We can't even come back in through the side door now. This wouldn't have happened if it weren't for you."

"What do you mean? No one knew of my existence until you decided to show the world. This wouldn't have happened if it weren't for YOU," I retorted.

"No one asked you to become our maid."

"Yet you're using me to the fullest."

"Yah, stop talking back to your oppa."

"Didn't I say I was never gonna call you that?" I exclaimed. "Babo."

"Are we calling each other names now, potato head?"

 "Cut it out, guys," Zhou Mi pouted. 

 "See what you did? You made my Chinese Sunshine sad," I went over to comfort Zhou Mi.

 "Whatever," he muttered. "Just stop making the issue get bigger than it already is..."

"Hey, it's not my fault your fans are crazy people!" I interjected.

"It's not anyone's fault. If they're really fans, they wouldn't be doing this," Zhou Mi said.

"But if you weren't in the building, they wouldn't be blocking the entrance," Heechul argued, ignoring Zhou Mi.

"I didn't ask to live here!" I shouted.

"Then go back to where you were!"

"What do you think I've be-"

"HONEY! It's been three days since we've gone anywhere!" Zhou Mi stopped me from continuing.

"I know," I frowned. "It's really boring in the dorm..."

"Since it's my last day off... Wanna go have some fun?" Zhou Mi grinned.

"Fun? What kind of fun?" I smiled, interested.

"There's a festival in Chinatown today."

"They have Chinatown in Korea?" I gasped.

"Of course! They have Chinatowns everywhere. You up for it?"

"Okay," I agreed happily.

"You want to come too, Heechul?" Zhou Mi offered.

"Nope. I'm going over to Hongki's place."

"That's right, go away!" I pouted.

He stuck his tongue at me before turning around to leave. Then it was my turn to do the same.

"You guys are so childish," Zhou Mi laughed.


Henry and I shuffled into Zhou Mi's car. Apparently, there's another exit on the 3rd floor. It's located in the stairway, so you have to walk down another 3 flights before reaching the ground.

The drive to Chinatown was 30 minutes. Henry sat in the back to entertain me with his hand tutting. He attempted to teach me, but it didn't work out too great. Besides, it's impossible to learn something amazing as that in less than 30 minutes.

When we got there, the first thing Henry wanted was a Dim Sum lunch. He headed for the nearest restaurant and went straight in.

After eating, we headed down the street to the small gift shops. They had random little things for a really cheap price. Like a Super Mario watch that he HAD to get. Oh Mimi...

There was a fortune cookie factory that he wanted to show me. They made custom fortune cookies for 1200 won. Of course, I wanted to try it out. We wrote each other fortunes for them to put into the fortune cookies and waited for them to come out. Zhou Mi got his from Henry.

"Louis Vuitton bags are cursed...?" Zhou Mi read aloud. "Yah, what is this?"

"It is what it is," Henry snickered. "That handbag of yours is gonna trip you at the airport one day."

The next one was Henry's from me.

"You're growing old..." he turned and squinted at me. "You're one to talk, noona," he said, putting extra emphasis on "noona".

"Am I the only one who took this seriously," Zhou Mi raised an eyebrow.

"Mimi, you're the only one who takes fortune cookies seriously," I laughed.

He handed me mine.

"Perseverance will take you to great heights. Don't give up! Keep going, Honey!"

"That was deep," Henry applauded.

"Isn't it?" Zhou Mi grinned proudly.


When we were done with our mini fortune cookie break, we went to buy food. Henry insisted in getting a whole crate of lychee, but we stopped him from going overboard. We ended up with a variety of fruits, a few boxes of cookies, and lots of candy.


We made it back at 5:00pm, entering through the 3rd floor exit.

"I'm gonna go check the mail, guys," Zhou Mi said. "Henry, stay with Mina," he handed Henry his bags. "Go head up to the dorm, I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Okayy," we said in unison.

Zhou Mi took the steps all the way down to the first floor. Henry and I went into an elevator, that fortunately took us to the correct eighth floor. I remember there being an east and a west eighth floor. This building is weird.

Ding! I hurried towards the door, so I could open by the time Henry catches up. Reaching in my pocket, I took out the useless card key.

...Why am I even still trying to use this thing? I reached for my neck.

But there was nothing.

"Omo," I gasped.

"What's wrong?" Henry stared.

"My key is gone," I responded. "Oh no... When did it go missing...? Did I leave it in my room? No, I couldn't have. I never take it off..."

I searched the floor, my pockets, in my shirt, as if it dropped somewhere here.

"Omo, what if I dropped it out there yesterday when... Oh no no no," I panicked.

"Maybe someone's home," Henry knocked on the door. "We can search your room when we get in."

"I hope it's in there... Otherwi-"

The door knob turned.

"Oh, thank goodness someone's ho-"

Out came a guy I didn't recognize, a blonde, and a brunette. They dragged large garbage bags out as they exited.

"W-What are you doing in th- Oof!" I got pushed onto the ground.

They quickly escaped with their bags bouncing behind them.

"What the... Who are they?" Henry turned around, confused.

"I... I don't know," I responded.

"How in the world did they get in...?"

"I don't know..." I repeated.

"Their bags... DID WE GET ROBBED?" Henry panicked. "Oh my god," he rushed into the dorm.

I got up and followed him in. He spun around, not knowing where to look first.

"Mina, check our awards!"

I dashed to the display. One, two, three, four... Five Music Bank awards, three Inkigayo, three Mnet awards... Everything seems to be in place.

"Check under the the display on the floor! There should be four under there!"

One, two, three, four... "They're all there!"

"Okay, check the everyone's rooms!"

We hurried into Eunhyuk's room first. Everything was still organized, and nothing from his manga collection was missing. Siwon's room and Leeteuk's room was also left the same. I looked into Donghae's room, then Sungmin and Kyuhyun's as Henry checked his room and Zhou Mi's stuff.

"Nothing. Go check your room," he pointed. "And look for your key. I'm gonna call Manager hyung and get Zhou Mi."

Nodding, I went into my room to take a look. Everything looks fine... I guess I'll just look for my key. I searched on the floor, on my desk, in my bag.

Then I opened up my dresser.


Nothing at all. No key. And no clothes.


They stole my clothes.


*                          *                          *

"Okay, I rushed back here as soon as I could after I heard what happened."

"Good morning, Manager hyung," everyone greeted.

We all sat with french toast on the table. Everyone was here. Even Shindong, who regularly stays with his girlfriend. And Siwon, who always has something on his schedule.

"Everyone's sure nothing is missing from their belongings, right?"

"Except my clothes," I whined.

Sungmin lent me his pink night gown to sleep in... Why on earth does he have this in the first place...?

"Yes, except your clothes. And no awards are missing or anything?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"Well this person just wanted Mina's clothes then..."

"It was three people," Henry said. "There was a muscular guy, a blonde girl, then a brunette. They might've had Mina's key."

"Yeah, I kind of got harassed the other day. I must've dropped it then," I frowned. "I'm so sorry," I bowed my head.

"It's not your fault, Mina. Besides, we kind of have a description of who these people are. Maybe we can catch them... But don't let the media know about this. We've had enough attention for the past few weeks."

"Yes," I agreed.

"I'll deal with it later this afternoon... I was supposed to come check on you guys next week, but since I'm here already, let's just make this our two-week meeting," Junghoon said. "I see the ELFs have gotten a little out of hand."

Everyone nodded.

"I'll clear that up along with those three thieves... As for monthly announcements, I have a few things to say... First, Mr. Simple promotions have ended not too long ago. So now that you're free, I'll be assigning you more solo projects."

I heard Kyuhyun groan. Manager Junghoon looked at him with slanted eyes.

"Kyuhyun, I know you like staying home and playing games, but we have people out there who like watching you in musicals."

"Yes sir..."

"The next thing I want to talk about is appearances on variety shows. Since we've recently had false rumors going around, I don't want any of you mentioning Mina. Even if the show host asks. If you can choose to make up a story, or just don't answer. If you don't answer, they'll probably edit it out. Arrasso?"

"Arrasso," we responded.

"And lastly, Super Junior M is heading over to China again. That includes Zhou Mi, Henry, Siwon, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun, and Donghae."

I glanced at Zhou Mi with a slight pout. Does this mean he's leaving me here? And I'll have no one to talk to about anything and everything? And no Mario Cart buddy? No more fortune cookies? No one to call me Honey? No one to comfort me? No one to stop me from ripping Heechul's head off? OH MY GOD, NO.

"You're flying there on Friday and staying for a week to continue promoting SJ-M."

A week? NO, NOT ANOTHER WEEK. My first week was hell...! And that was without Zhou Mi!

I lowered my face into my hands.

"Oh, and I forgot to mention," Junghoon started. "Mina's gonna be going with you."

"WHAT?" I stood up from my chair. "TO CHINA?"

"Yes, to China. You'll be supervising them there while I stay in Korea for a little to help the rest of the guys plan ahead on their schedule."

"Really??" I exclaimed. "YESSSSS!"


"Why are so you excited?" Junghoon asked, amused. "You've never been to China?"

"I went to Chinatown with Zhou Mi and Henry yesterday," I smiled.

"Honey, this gives us an even better reason to go shopping after I get home tomorrow~!" Zhou Mi grinned cheerfully.

"Actually, you don't have to attend tomorrow's event," Junghoon told Zhou Mi. "It's not very important, so Donghae can go with Henry instead."

"That gives us the whole day to shop then, Mina! Omo, I'm so excited," Zhou Mi fidgeted around.

I couldn't help but to grin widely along with him.

"Does this mean I have to share a room with Kyuhyun again?" Ryeowook pouted.



Chapter 19 Preview:
"So..." he started. "Since tomorrow's Friday and I won't be able to punish you..."



I swear this chapter was so long while I was writing it. -_-
Turns out it's only 7 pages on wattpad.

I've put so many different events into one chapter... Thanks to the help of Rachel! And this chapter here is gonna be dedicated to you, because you're so excited. Thanks for waiting, love. c:

I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I've enjoyed writing it.

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ayakohana25 #1
Chapter 45: I finished reading all 56 (or was it 57?) chapters on watty then tried to look it up on AFF hoping you continued it here. Hahaha~ I'm soooo hopeless.
AnimeKitty #2
Chapter 45: Author nim~~~~~ I miss this story sooooo much! Please come back soon and update!!! Pretty please???
Please please update please T.T
Chapter 1: I'm rereading this its my favorite fanfics of all :) 7jib fighting!elfs all over the world fighting!SJ oppas fighting! <3
Chapter 45: Just reread all the chapters and dand i miss this story author haha i'll wait for your update author! Fighting!! :))
fyekay918 #6
Chapter 45: Oh my god. Oh. My. God. Im so glad i gound this story
Gahhhhhhhh. I litrrally fangirled every chapter
I love it so much. The plot, the characters. I ship Misung but also MiChul. But maybe more MiSung, i think. But MiChul is adorbz T_T cant make up my mind.
Oh oh please update soon. Cant wait :3
aninrara #7
author-nim update soon T--T
IamParkJiHae #8
Heechul should've kissed Mina.
I know Sungmin thinks that it is his' birthday gift from Mina,
but I want Mina and Heechul to kiss T^T

I miss you author-nim update soon.
kpop_luv #9
Chapter 45: Oh and right now I am currently shipping Michul soooo i think heechul should've kissed mina
kpop_luv #10
Chapter 45: I actually forgot about this cuz of school T_T. buuut on the bright side I caught up on everything, and whoooo! go heechul (I think.....since sungmin kissed her instead)