Chapter 39

Super Maid & The 13 Dorks


It's December... December means Christmas.


"Christmas is just around the corner," Siwon said.

"That means we have to buy presents!" Sungmin sang excitedly.

"Hey, Christmas isn't all about the presents!" Siwon bopped him in the head. "We're celebrating the birthday of Jesus Christ!"

Of course, Siwon would be the one to say that. He gotta let everyone know!

But wait... That means I have to buy everyone presents. And there's like thirteen of them? Including Manager Junghoon and excluding Kangin. Oh, we need to send stuff to Kangin too! He's in the army but he's still a part of Super Junior and also a part of the family.

Gee, this is gonna hurt my wallet. And Heechul is only 15 days away from my paycheck. So if he gets that, I'm gonna be broke for a whole two weeks... Possibly for a whole month! How am I gonna buy food to keep myself alive after this?


Zhou Mi nudged me, making that face... The "let's-go-shopping" face.

I let out a soft laugh and smiled, letting him know that I got the message.

"HEY! Don't we need a Christmas tree?" Sungmin pointed out.

"Oh yeah, we do!" Leeteuk agreed. "I got a message earlier saying that they have Christmas trees down in the lobby for everyone to pick up."

"Okay, after the tree," Zhou Mi whispers.

"We can go pick it up right now," Leeteuk suggested.

Just as the words came out of his mouth, Donghae and Eunhyuk came in with one giant box and a three smaller ones.

"Guess what we just picked up?" Eunhyuk dragged the big box into the dorm.

"The Christmas tree!" Leeteuk and Sungmin ran over to them.

"YOU GUYS, THE CHRISTMAS TREE IS HERE!!" Donghae screamed down the hall.

Everyone rushed out as if they had never seen a Christmas tree in their life. Eunhyuk started cutting the tape on the box to reveal the tree. It was the traditional green tree. In the other boxes were blue and silver ornaments and tinsel.

"Let's get it built right now!" Sungmin exclaimed. "Let's go, let's go, let's go!"

The unpacking started and before even blinked, they already had the tree set up with everyone bending a branch to make the tree thicker. With twelve people, that tree was brought to life in less than five minutes. We all got to decorate the tree together.

"You can't have two blue balls too close to each other!" Ryeowook took one of the balls off.

There was a shattering sound on the other side of the tree. We all peeked around to see one of the ornaments broken into a million pieces. The person guilty of breaking it?

"Oops," Sungmin squeaked. He was tangled in the silver tinsel that was supposed to go around the tree. He attempted to wiggle out of it, but the situation only got messier.

"Where's the star, guys?" Leeteuk looked in the boxes.

The guys looked around, but there was only pieces of the broken ornament and shredded tinsel on the floor.

"There's no star! How could they give us a tree without a star?" Donghae panicked.

"Who needs a star?" Heechul scoffed. "I'm a star. Just put me up in the tree," he said sarcastically.

"We gotta buy a star when we go shopping," Zhou Mi whispered.



As soon as they settled down, we snuck out of the dorm. Down the elevator and into the lobby. And in the lobby: the biggest tree EVER.

I walked up to it in awe. It's lights bounced off of the shimmering pink ornaments that were hung all around the tree. Some of the ornaments had faces of SM Artists.


"Oh, we have a pink tree this year! Cool!"

I turned my head to the almost-annoying voice. It was ten times more annoying when I saw who it was... Tiffany and Jessica.


I examined one of the ornaments on the tree. On it was a picture of the cutest little boy. He wasn't little, like kid-little. He had a cute face. He looked 16 or 17 maybe?

"Should we help you with that, noona?"

I looked up to see a boy with the same face as the one on the ornament.

"Whoa, who's that?" I elbowed Zhou Mi.

"That's Taemin," he responded. "He's younger than you. You're 19 and legal now. Don't be a pedo-noona!"

Then another guy comes out of nowhere behind Taemin. Did I mention how hot he was?

"WHOA, who's THAT?"

"That's Jonghyun and he's a dinosaur."

"Dinosaur? Is he an artist too? Which group is he in? Is he a solo artist? Or is he an actor? How old is he? Oh what is that? IS HE WEARING LIKE THREE INSOLES?"

"To answer your questions, he looks like a dinosaur, he is a singer, both he and Taemin are in SHINee, he's not an actor, he's 19, and YES, HE IS WEARING LIKE THREE INSOLES."

I stared at Jonghyun from afar as if it wasn't creepy at all.

"You should see me standing next to him... Without his insoles," he grinned evilly.

"I'm assuming he's super short."

"VERY short."

Jonghyun and Taemin helped Jessica and Tiffany carry their tree. It's too bad they're with THEM. I eyeballed them as they walked towards the elevator.



I directed my eyes to the right, where a familiar female voice came out of a familiar tomboy.

"Amber?" I smiled.

"Hey, how's it going?" she hugged me.

"It's been pretty good. How have you been?"

"It's been alright." She rubbed the cast on my right arm. "I heard about what happened in Japan. I haven't seen you in a while, so I'm a little late on this. But you're good now, right?"

"Yep, I'm a lot better than before. I learned to use chopsticks with my left hand. And hopefully, I'll have it off before New Years."

"That's great! We're having a Christmas party on Christmas Eve. You guys should come to our dorm."

"Really? How come I haven't heard about this party?" Zhou Mi narrowed his eyes at her.

"We just planned it yesterday," she squinted back.

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, we're not planning to have the entire company there though. Probably just some of you guys, SHINee, and maybe a few of the SNSD girls if they wanna come. Henry is essential, by the way! He HAS to come to our party!" Amber demanded.

"Alright, I'll let the guys know," Zhou Mi gave her a thumbs up.

"SNSD is having a party too, though. Jessica and them..."

"Something always happens when the SNSD girls throw a party. I'm not planning on going over there this year," Zhou Mi said.

"Awesome, so you'll be at ours?"


"Mina, you're definitely be there too, right?"

"Yep, hopefully," I answered.

"Great! Oooh, I can't wait to see you get dressed up. You're already so pretty. I bet you'll look a thousand times prettier in a fancy dress. Then you can become a member of f(x)!" she laughed.

"Me? Pretty?" I laughed a little, cuz I thought she was joking.


"Aw, well thank you. I'm not prettier than 99% of the population here though."

"That's not true, Honey!" Zhou Mi jumped in. "You're a lot more beautiful than you think. Have some confidence in yourself!"

Amber chuckled. "Well I guess I gotta get going now. I came down to pick up our tree. Did you guys do that already?"

"Yeah, we have it up and everything!"

"ALREADY?" she questioned in disbelief.

"It's not that hard when there's thirteen of us."

"Oh, that's right. Well there's only five of us girls. I hear we have periwinkle ornaments."

"I didn't know that f(x)'s color was periwinkle," Zhou Mi cocked his head.

"Me neither and I'm in the group, haha. They just decided on it a while ago."

"Oh, I see."


"Mina and I were just on our way out. We gotta do some Christmas shopping. It's only two weeks away!"

"Ah yes, I gotta go shopping for the girls too. You guys are lucky. Thirteen people means thirteen gifts!"

"But that also means spending money for thirteen people." I cringed at the thought of it. I never had to buy that many gifts.

"Alright, we're gonna get going now," Zhou Mi said. "We'll see you soon!"

"Bye, Amber. It was nice seeing you," I waved.

"Bye! It was nice seeing you guys too!" she waved back with a big smile on her face.


"Amber is so cool, hehe," I said as we left the building.

"She is, isn't she?

Maybe I should add Amber to my list of people to get gifts for. We're going to het party anways, so it would only be courteous to get her something.


So my list goes: Leeteuk, Yesung, Heechul, Siwon, Donghae, Sungmin, Zhou Mi, Henry, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun, Shindong, Kangin, Eunhyuk, Manager Junghoon, Amber, Meela, and Mom. That's about seventeen people. Let me go cry for my wallet.

The first store we entered was a little boutique. They had cute little findings that were all practically useless, but made people want to buy them just because they're so cute.

There was a whole section for phone cases in the corner of the store. Phone cases are nice. I picked out a Starcraft themed case for Kyuhyun, a duck phone case for Leeteuk, and I secretly picked out a Yoshi case for Zhou Mi.

"What does Shindong like?" I asked him. Shindong was never in the dorm, so I don't know much about him.

"He likes purple."

And there goes a purple phone case. Three down, fourteen to go.


The next store we went into sold really cool socks. It was random, but THEY WERE SO COOL. I got a pair of bunny socks for Sungmin and knee-high Superman socks with capes hanging on the back for Donghae. Those were super duper awesome.

I aready knew what I was getting for Eunhyuk, since I don't know anything else he likes. That's right, the grocery store is next. And I'm getting him strawberry milk. Lots of it.


"Look, Mina!" Zhou Mi exclaimed. He pointed at all the different types of Christmas tree toppers. "How's this one?" The one he help up was silver and quite extravagant.


We quickly bought it and headed home to place it on the tree.


Leeteuk is the leader and is usually the one who puts it on the tree...

"You can do it this year, Mina," Leeteuk offered.

"Really? Thanks," I smiled like a little kid.

I reached up, but I was obviously too short. So I grabbed a chair and stood on it. When I balanced myself, Heechul came over to stand by me.

"You're gonna fall if there's no one to hold you," Heechul said. He put his hands on my waist to keep me steady.

"Err, I can do this myself," I squirmed a little.

With the awkward placement of his hands on my waist, I awkwardly tip-toed to awkwardly place the star at the top of the tree.

I got down as soon as the mission was accomplished.

"It was really tempting for me to push you off the chair... Our bet isn't over yet, though," heechul smirked.

"You should get a few dollars off for admitting your evil plan."

"Hey, at least I'm being honest."

Hmm... What am I going to get him?


"Hey, did you do your Christmas shopping yet?" Yesung put an arm around my shoulder.

His sudden appearance surprised me, making me snap out of my thoughts. "I did some shopping with Zhou Mi today."

Hmm... What about Yesung? What do I get him...?

"What do you want for Christmas?" he asked me.

"I really don't know. I don't want anything in particular," I responded. "Actually, I just want to have a nice Christmas. What do you want for Christmas?"

"I don't want anything in particular either. I mean, we can all get anything with out money, right?" he joked.

Oh right, Super Junior are super stars with SUPER MONEY.

"It's the thought that counts!" I interjected.

"You're right, haha," he agreed. Yesung gave me a look. That look that I recognized. He leaned his head close to mine. "But all I want for Christmas is you~" he sang softly in my ear.

I gasped a little, feeling my cheeks burn up.

"I'm just messing with you," he chuckled. "You're so cute," he pinched my cheek before walking back into the kitchen with Ryeowook.

And for some scary reason, I could feel someone staring straight into my soul at this moment. How did I know that Heechul was eyeballing us?

"Did he make a bet with you too?" he asked, almost sounding irritated.

"No, he's always nice to me," I smiled.

"We need some presents under this tree," he said, changing the subject. "How about we go shopping tomorrow?"

"I heard shopping," Mimi came out from behind the tree.

"I guess it could be me, you, and Zhou Mi..."

"I wanna go too!" Ryeowook called from the kitchen.

"Me too!" Kyuhyun yelled from his room.

Wow, how'd they all hear us?

"We should all go together," Leeteuk suggested.

"Okay, sounds good. Tomorrow night?" Heechul decided.

"Okay," everyone agreed.

Shopping with the family again...

*                          *                          *


Snap! Snap! Paparazzi.

This isn't safe at all... At least we dressed to hid ourselves. Everyone was wearing a hoodie or had a hat on them.

"Look at how big that tree is!" Donghae pointed.

"Whoa, that tree is HUUUGGGEEE!" Sungmin stared in awe. "It's like a hundred times bigger than the tree in the lobby!"

"And a thousand times bigger than the tree in our dorm!"

"It's so pretty," I sighed dreamily.

We all took a moment to admire the beautiful sight.

"Hey... If we're all shopping together, then we'll all know what we're getting each other," Heechul said.

"Oh yeah..." Leeteuk realized. "We should split up in pairs of two then."

"I WANT MINA," Zhou Mi quickly exclaimed.

"But you had Mina yesterday!" Donghae complained.

"I want Mina," Siwon said.

"But you're never with Mina!"

"That's why I wanna shop with Mina. Sounds fair, right? We can have some bonding time," Siwon put a hand on my shoulder.

"Fineeeeeee," Donghae gave up.

"I'm with Henry," Zhou Mi grabbed Henry.

"I wanna shop with Yesung," Ryeowook got next to him.

"Kyuhyun's with me!" Sungmin pulled him over.

"EUNHAE!" Eunhyuk and Donghae called out.

"I'll be with Heechul then," Leeteuk said.

"Hey wait, where's Shindong? Shindong's not even here... He's never here..." Ryeowook trailed away.

"Okay, guys. Remember, find something to Kangin too! We're gonna ship ot over to him. And when we're done, we're gonna meet up back here by the tree! Arasso? Let's go!"

We all scattered in different directions.


"You've done some shopping already, right?" Siwon asked.


"Who do you still need to get gifts for?"

"Hmm... Ryeowook, my mom, Meela, Yesung, Heechul... And you. So we can start off with you. What do you want for Christmas?"

"I can get anything with the money I have. You don't need to get me anything, he laughed.

"That's what everyone's telling me..."

"Hmm... Actually, I'll tell you what I want.

I cocked my head curiously.

"Follow me," he waved a hand.

I followed him down the street for about a block and a half before we finally stopped in front of a pizza parlor.

"I like pizza," he grinned.



What to get her, what to get her...

"Why have you been so quiet?"


"You've been a lot more quiet than usual," Leeteuk noticed. "Are you thinking really hard about something?"

"Kind of... I'm trying to figure out what to get everyone," I replied. And that one girl in particular is the one that's bothering me the most.

"Any ideas yet?"

"Ryeowook needs new mittens."

"Right... What about Manager hyung? He's the most important!"

"Maybe a nice watch."

"A watch! Perfect!" Leeteuk got excited.

My ears unconsciously blocked out everything Teuk said after that. I can figure out what to get for the guys. But why is it so hard to find something for a girl?

We continued walking down the street, passing by stores and stopping by a few windows to look at stuff. I just kept nodding and saying yeah to whatever Teuk said.


"Yah, how are you going to answer my question with yeah?"

"Wait, sorry, what was your question?" I snapped out of it. He caught me in the act.

"I asked what you gonna get Mina."

"Oh... That's actually what I'm trying to figure out right now."

"She likes chocolate, doesn't she?"

"I think," I responded. I mean, who doesn't like chocolate?

"Isn't f(x) having a Christmas party this year?"

"Yeah, SNSD is having theirs too."

"Which one are you going to?"

"You know how Jessica's gonna be if I don't go to hers..."

"Oh, right," Leeteuk understood. "What about the rest of the guys?

"I know Henry, Zhou Mi, Donghae, and Kyuhyun are going to f(x)'s," I responded. What about Mina...? I wonder which party she's going to.

"I wonder which party Mina's going to," Leeteuk read my mind. "I heard that Jessica doesn't like her though, so she's probably going to f(x)'s. Zhou Mi says that Mina gets along with Amber quite well."

"Really?" Maybe I should go to SNSD's party for a little, then hop over to f(x)'s afterwards.

"Look! This is perfect for Henry!" Teuk pointed to something in the window.

It was an elegant ebony violin case with burgundy velvet lining on the inside. It was actually really nice. I'd buy it for myself if I had a violin.

It took me a while to tear my eyes away from the case. I only looked away, because the item next to it caught my eye.

A cute ivory dress was pinned on a petite-figured mannequin that looked almost like Mina. The dress was cut short a little above the knee and had two thin straps for the shoulders. The skirt was split like a curtain, revealing the ruffled layers underneath. I peered around the back to see the satin ribbon tied into a bow. The mannequin had on long white gloves that complimented the dress. It was perfect.

"Should I get this for Henry?" Leeteuk asked.

"Yeah," I went on again, dazed by the dress.

Mina needs a dress if she's going to a party. I don't remember her having one of these dresses. Imagine how much prettier she'd look in it. Wait, prettier meaning even more pretty as if she isn't already pretty? Aish, what am I thinking...

I DO want her to look pretty...

Looks like I've found the perfect gift.



"Mina, hi, hi, hi!!"

"H-Hi," I waved nervously.

"How's Heechul oppa?"

"Is he okay now?"

"Thanks for saving oppa!"

"Are you okay?"

"How's your arm?"

The questions just kept coming in...

"Then someone suddenly yells, "SIWON OPPA, IS MINA YOUR GIRLFRIEND NOW??"

"W-WHAT, NO!" I backed away from Siwon.

"Do we make a cute couple?" Siwon wrapped his arm around me with a big grin.

The crowd started whispering, gasping, and some people even started squealing.

"I'm kidding," Siwon finally said. "We're not dating. But we do have to get going now. It was nice seeing you all," he told the fans. "And we would appreciate it if you don't follow us around the city tonight," he added with a whisper. Siwon quickly dragged me out of the store. "And that's how you get away."

After I got Siwon's early Christmas present, a small deluxe pizza, we headed out and actually started shopping around. Siwon bought outrageously priced gifts for the guys while I managed to get some decent stuff at decent prices. It made me feel a little bad.

I got a bottle of mom's favorite perfume and a cute pink dress for Meela. I also found a blue v-neck shirt for Ryeowook and a box of chocolates with a card for Kangin. Oh, and one snap-back for Henry and one for Amber. They like wearing hats.

Now all that's left is Yesung and Heechul... What do I get for Yesung and Heechul?

"Who do you have left?"

"Yesung and Heechul," I replied.

"Are those the two you're having the most trouble with?"

"Yes," I nodded.

"They say that the people you have trouble finding gifts for are the ones that you care for the most."

"Huh?" I questioned his saying.

"Because you care about what they'll think about your gift for them. And it's hard to find something for them, because you want it to be perfect. It's hard to find something perfect. Either you know exactly what you're going to get for the at the start or you work hard to find the perfect gift."

I stared at him, processing his deep explanation. It kind of made sense... I do care for Yesung and... Hey! I don't care for Heechul though!

"What's the face for?" he chuckled.

"Oh, nothinggg." I must've made a face while thinking about how I totally DON'T care about Heechul.

"I can help you out," he offered. "There's a great store down the street that sells clothing for guys."

"And you have a nice sense of style. It'd be cool if you could help."

"Come on, we'll find something!" he led the way.

I heard the classical music playing as soon as we stepped into the store. It sold that fancy kind of clothing... And it definitely looks like a place where Siwon buys his clothing.

"Is my wallet eligible for shopping in this store?" I blinked at him.

"It's not as expensive as you think. See?" He showed me a scarf. It was actually a reasonable price. And it was soft... So soft... I'd buy this for myself if I was a dude...

"Oh... I could get this for one of them," I realized. "Or both of them! No wait, then it wouldn't seem right." Although I got half of them phone cases and socks...

"Heechul doesn't have a scarf. He really needs one since it's so cold in Korea."

"What's his favorite color?"

"Red, black... And pink, I think?" Siwon answered.

Pink? I'm assuming Sungmin's not the only one. But wait, I just came up with an amazing idea.

"NO, EVEN BETTER QUESTION! What's his LEAST favorite color?" I asked with a smirk.

"Uhhhh..." Siwon looked at me funny. "I don't know, maybe purple?"

"If he likes pink, why would he not like purple?" I wondered aloud. "Hmm... I guess it's worth a shot." I searched through the piles of scarves for a purple one and ended up with a wine purple. Personally, I thought it looked pretty nice. I hope he enjoys wearing a feminine scarf. "Now I just have to find something for Yesung."

"How about a tie?" Siwon suggested.

"A tie? He doesn't wear ties often... But when he does, he looks really nice. What's his favorite color?"


I like seeing Yesung in all black. Since his favorite color is red, I can get him a red tie. All black with a red tie sounds awesome. This is perfect.

I quickly found a red tie and dashed away to the cash register.

"Thanks for helping, Siwon. I enjoy shopping with you!"

"No problem. I like shopping with you too. We should do it more often," he gave me a smile that he'd give to one of the cameras while filming a k-drama.


*                          *                          *


I spotted Heechul sitting all by himself on the ledge in front of the giant Christmas tree. He had a ton of bags surrounding him from a million different brands. He was peeking in one of them...

"Hey!" I jumped out at him.

He immediately closed the bag and put it away. that only made me even more curious as to what was in it...

"You're here early," he said.

"So are you. Did you finish your Christmas shopping?"

"Yep. You?"

"Mhmm. Checked everyone off my list!" I announced proudly.

"Even me? What'd you get for me?" he peered over into my bags.

I swung the bags behind me. "I got you a new face. Cause you need a new one. A more handsome one at that," I stuck my tongue out.

"Yah, you can't be ta-" he stopped himself.

"HA HA, you were just about to lost it there," I smirked.

He shut his lips and turned away to his phone. There was silence as I waited for Siwon to get here. Heechul was glued to his phone, leaving me bored.

After a few long minutes, he finally looked up. "Take a picture with me."

"Right now?"

"Yeah, with this tree."

"I'm here!" Siwon came rushing over.

"Siwon, take a picture of me and Mina with this tree," Heechul told him.

"Okay," Siwon took the phone from his hand.

Heechul made me stand up and get next to him. "Smile, princess."

"Ready? One, two, three," Siwon counted.


"This is going on Twitter," Heechul said.


"The fans like you now. There's nothing wrong with it."

I smiled a little, knowing that it was true. Nothing to worry about now...

Just then, I heard the chattering of the other guys down the street. The rest of them came back in less than five minutes. And when they were all here...

"We should all take a picture with this tree," Siwon said.

"Yes!" the guys agreed.

"I'll take the picture for you guys," I offered.

"No, you have to be in it too," Heechul pulled me back.

"Excuse me ma'am, can you take a picture for us?" Siwon politely asked a lady that was passing by.

"Of course," she smiled. Siwon's charms could get anyone to take a picture for him.


"Ready? One... Two... Three!"








Hmmm... I wonder who's gonna be saying that in the next chapter. :)

You guys! We're approaching chapter 40 already! We're also approaching the one year anniversary of the publication of Super Maid & The 13 Dorks! I will definitely be updating on June 19th.

Summer is finally here! Remember last summer when I first started writing this story? I was updating every other night! But that was when internet was still available and I wasn't sucha bum. But really, it's been almost a year already! Where has time gone? :')

Thanks for reading! Remember to fan, vote, and comment down below!

This chapter's question: Who is your Super Junior bias? You can even tell me who all your other biases are. (I LIKE U-KISS'S KISEOP AND EXO-M'S KRIS)


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ayakohana25 #1
Chapter 45: I finished reading all 56 (or was it 57?) chapters on watty then tried to look it up on AFF hoping you continued it here. Hahaha~ I'm soooo hopeless.
AnimeKitty #2
Chapter 45: Author nim~~~~~ I miss this story sooooo much! Please come back soon and update!!! Pretty please???
Please please update please T.T
Chapter 1: I'm rereading this its my favorite fanfics of all :) 7jib fighting!elfs all over the world fighting!SJ oppas fighting! <3
Chapter 45: Just reread all the chapters and dand i miss this story author haha i'll wait for your update author! Fighting!! :))
fyekay918 #6
Chapter 45: Oh my god. Oh. My. God. Im so glad i gound this story
Gahhhhhhhh. I litrrally fangirled every chapter
I love it so much. The plot, the characters. I ship Misung but also MiChul. But maybe more MiSung, i think. But MiChul is adorbz T_T cant make up my mind.
Oh oh please update soon. Cant wait :3
aninrara #7
author-nim update soon T--T
IamParkJiHae #8
Heechul should've kissed Mina.
I know Sungmin thinks that it is his' birthday gift from Mina,
but I want Mina and Heechul to kiss T^T

I miss you author-nim update soon.
kpop_luv #9
Chapter 45: Oh and right now I am currently shipping Michul soooo i think heechul should've kissed mina
kpop_luv #10
Chapter 45: I actually forgot about this cuz of school T_T. buuut on the bright side I caught up on everything, and whoooo! go heechul (I think.....since sungmin kissed her instead)