Chapter 7

Super Maid & The 13 Dorks


"Mi... Mina..."

Is someone calling me?

"Mina. Yah, Mina!" the voice got louder.

Suddenly, I felt someone shaking me. My eyes fluttered open to see a head hovering above mine, with eyes that seemed to stare straight into my soul.

"Eeek," I squeaked in surprise. "Yesu..." I stopped myself. "Oh! Sungmin-ah!"

"Minaaa~! You're awake!" he grinned.

What's up with these weird awakenings in this dorm... Aish, they scare me every time.

"Wha... What time is it?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"5:47am," he responded. "Rise and shine! It's just me and you today~!" he sang, yanking the curtains open.

"Huh? Just me and you? What do you mean...?" I asked, confused.

"Guess who's staying home with you today, Mina?" Sungmin smirked. "I'll make sure you'll have lots of fun!"

*                            *                            *

After waking up from a half-hour nap with Sungmin practically staring at me the whole time, I officially started my day by making pancakes. Sungmin offered to wake up the members for me, and of course, I let him. Cause, y'know. I'm still not over Heechul's grumpy self... Hmph, making me dumpster dive.

At the breakfast table, I read out everyone's schedule for the day, like I did yesterday. And as he said earlier, Sungmin is gonna be staying home with me today. For some reason, he didn't want to eat breakfast this morning. Manager Junghoon did tell me to watch Sungmin's diet though... So I shouldn't be concerned, right?

All the members left the dorm by 8:00am, leaving me with Sungmin. He plopped next to me on the couch. I felt like we were gonna go through the awkward "so what do you wanna do" process again.

"Mina, go change," he told me.

"Huh?" I blinked at him. "What for?"

"We're gonna head out~!"

"But... I thought I was supposed to wear this costu-"

"Only when you're in the building!" he cut me off. "Now go, go, go, hurry!"

"Er, alright," I hurried into my room to find something to wear. A pale pink shirt and bright turquoise shorts. That should do!

 "How'd you know my favorite color is pink?" Sungmin smiled as I stepped out.

"Really?" I guess it's something you should expect from the Aegyo King.

"Mhmm. Do you wanna walk or take the car?" he asked. "Hmm... Let's walk. It's been a while since I've enjoyed fresh air," he announced before I could answer.

  Making sure the door was locked behind us, we journeyed our way out to the front of the building. Sungmin decided to be funny and race down a flight of stairs before taking the elevator on the 7th floor.

"Hehe," he gave me aegyo as an apology. "Mina, do you wa-"

"Opppppaaaaaaaa~! Sungmin! Sungmin!" a crowd of voices interrupted him. There were about 8 girls standing outside at the front of the building. 3 of them ran in and up to Sungmin.

"Ah, good morning~!" Sungmin politely greeted.

"Good morning, oppa!" they said in unison. "How are you? Did you eat anything yet? Where's Kyuhyun oppa? Can you sign this?" they threw a buncha questions at him.

"Yes, yes, yes," he nodded and took their photo-cards. I stood there awkwardly, watching him sign his autograph with cute little hearts.

"Who's this, oppa?" one of the girls glanced at me.

"Ah, this is Mina! She's helping us around the dorms," he replied. "And we have to get going now," he said, handing them back their photo-cards. "Thanks for stopping by," he flashed a big grin at the girls before pulling me out of the building. I swear I heard them squeal as soon as we walked out the door.

"So where are we going?" I asked, trying to keep up with his speed.

"There~!" he pointed down the road...

We walked for another 5 minutes and crossed the street to finally arrive at our destination. I believe it's a bakery we're standing in front of... "Pink Sprinkles... How cute," I thought aloud.

"Haha, wait until you get inside," Sungmin pushed the door open.

The first thing that caught my eyes were the pink walls. The white marble floor complimented the walls perfectly. Cupcakes were displayed in a glass case by the register. Not only are there cupcakes; there's muffins, cookies, slices of cake, and donuts.

"Annyeong~! Can I get a pink strawberry cupcake, a slice of strawberry cake, and a large mango smoothie?" Sungmin ordered with an extra hint of aegyo in his voice.


He's not supposed to eat this much! Manager Junghoon told me to put him on a strict diet... But I don't wanna have to tell him he can't eat all that. He looks so happy. T_T

"Thank youuu~!" he walked away to a table by the window.

Well, it's too late. He already has his food. But maybe...

"Er... Sungmin-ah. A-are you sure you should eat that much? Manager Junghoon didn't tell you to-"

"But please?" he pouted. "I haven't had anything like this for a month. It's... It's heartbreaking," he started breaking down.

"Ah, okay, okay," I quickly gave in to his act.

"Hehe, thanks," he grinned. It looked almost sinister. "And this is for you anyway," he pushed the plate of strawberry cake towards me.

"Oh... Thank you."

"You haven't had breakfast either, have you?" he asked.

As if on cue, my stomach grumbled. "N-no," I said, embarrassed.

"Haha, then enjoy~!"

He happily stuffed his face with the cupcake. I diligently ate my strawberry cake with a tiny fork.

"You don't seem like you're from here," Sungmin said.

"I'm from Busan... Kind of. Well, I was born and raised in New York, but I moved here a few years ago. And I came from Busan about two and a half months ago... Does that make sense?" I laughed.

"Haha yes. What about your family? Do they live in Seoul too?"

"No, I came here with my best friend. My mom's in Busan and my grandma's in America," I answered.

"What about your dad?"

I blinked, his question catching me off-guard. "I... Err... I don't have a dad," I replied awkwardly.

"Oh... Sorry. I didn't know," he quickly responded.

"No, it's fine," I played it off with an awkward laugh.

We continued eating our sugary treats until I saw a flash. And maybe a few squeaks. We turned around to see two girls taking photos of us- or of course, just Sungmin. There were even more flashes as Sungmin glanced at them and waved. I looked down at the remains of my cake while Sungmin aegyo-ed to the camera.

"Haha, sorry, they'll go away soon," he turned back to the table.

He stuck two straws into the mango smoothie and put it in the middle of the table. He took a sip while looking straight at me with his big, bright eyes. I don't know if it was supposed to be cute or creepy.

"It's good," he smiled.

"Really?" I went in for a sip. It. Was. Amazing.

"Isn't it?" he giggled.

I nodded. There was silence, except for a few voices here and there, as we sipped our smoothie and enjoyed the window view.

"You really never heard of Super Junior?" he asked out of the blue.

"Maybe a few times. But I'm not a... how-you-say... Ever Loving Fan?"

Suddenly, he busted out laughing. It went on for a good 30 seconds before he finally calmed himself down.

"W-what's so funny?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"ELF? You mean Ever Lasting Friend?" he snickered.

"Oh... Elf. Ever Lasting Friend... Not Ever Loving Fan...  I see," I spoke to myself.

"So that means I can't ask you who your favorite oppa is?" he pouted.

"My favorite oppa?" My faced warmed up. I didn't call any of them oppa...

"Oh right, you don't call any of us oppa... Hey! Call me oppa, so I can be your one and only favorite oppa," he grinned widely.

"Wait, what, why?" I threw out random words.

"Call me oppa?" He pouted and puffed his cheeks. "Pwease?" he started buing-buing.

There was too much aegyo at the moment for me to explain what just happened. I unconsciously nodded, once again, losing to his aegyo. He let out a laugh of victory.

"Hey Sungmi-"

"Oppa!" he jumped in.

"Eh... Um... Oppa," I started. This felt weird. "I don't know why, but I always feel like something's missing at the dorm..."

"You mean someone?"

"Someone? What do you mean? Omo, did one of the members not come home last night? Oh no, what if they missed their schedule. Then it'd be my fault! Omo," I gasped.

"No, haha! Actually, you haven't met these two yet. They're promoting in China," Sungmin said. "And when they come back, you'll have two more to take care of!"

Huh. So it's two people that's missing... That explains the empty room next to Yesung's! "What are their names?" I asked.

"Henry and Zhou Mi. They're in Super Junior M~!"

"Ah, Super Junior M is a sub-group, right?" I remembered Leeteuk telling me about the sub-groups.

"Yup. Zhou Mi is really cool. He has the best sense of fashion and loves shopping. He even considers shopping to be a sport!" Sungmin laughed, slapping his knee.

Wow. A guy who loves shopping? I needa meet this Zhou Mi.

"Hehe, tell me more," I leaned in, interested.

"He speaks Mandarin, Korean, a little Cantonese, and some English. And he's really tall! Like this tall!" he raised his arm in the air. "He calls himself Gentleman Mimi."

"Like Lady Gaga?" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, like Lady Gaga! He has this thing for Mario too..."

"I love Mario!" I gasped. "When is he coming back from China?"

"I think sometime this week."

"I wanna meet him," I giggled.

"We can watch him sing when we get back to the dorms!"

"Really?" I exclaimed excitedly.

BOONG! I jumped from my seat and scooted away from the window. There were four girls staring into the bakery... Not at the cupcakes, but at Sungmin. They were yelling something that was inaudible through the glass. Maybe something like "Oppa!" or "Sungmin!" He stared wide-eyed at the fans, shocked.

"A-are you alright, Sung- oppa?" I waved a hand at him.

"They're sasaeng fans. I've had bad experiences with them," he frowned. "We should head back to the dorm before it gets worse," he said, getting up from his seat.

"Okay," I said, following his lead.

By the time we made it to the door, five more girls joined them and blocked the exit. "Oppa! Oppa! Sungmin!" was all I could make out from their chattering.

"Hi, Hello," he nodded at them before rushing out.

The fans followed him, but stopped in their tracks while I was stuck behind, still at the door. I attempted to squeeze out, but another fan joined them, bumping me back in.

"Mina?" Sungmin turned back around. He took my arm and dragged me out.

We had to fast walk to keep a 5-feet distance away from the fans. As we made it to the dorm entrance, a security guard stopped the fans from going in any further.

"We're safe!" Sungmin sighed in relief. "Now let's go hear Zhou Mi sing~!"

*                            *                            *

I HAVE DECIDED. Zhou Mi is my favorite. Who knew a guy could be that much of a diva. I loved it. His "Miss Chic" solo blew me away. His dancing, his voice, HIS LEGS!!

"Wah, he's amazing! Show me more!" I clapped excitedly.

"Okay, okay! I think that was all of his solos, but I haven't showed you Super Junior M's videos yet," he searched up a song. "Perfection."

I stared closely, searching for Zhou Mi and his long legs when the video started.

"Look, that's me!" Sungmin pointed at the screen.

"Waaaiiiit, I'm looking for Zhou Mi~!" I exclaimed, examining the video. "OH THERE HE IS!" I shouted.

"But what about me? Don't I look cool?" he pouted.

"Yes, yes..." I answered, my eyes glued on Zhou Mi.

"HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOME~!" a voice moaned from the front door.

The voice belonged to none other than Kim Heechul. Why is he back so early...? It's only been two hours since I sent him off to Youngstreet Radio.

"Welcome back, hyung," Sungmin called out.

Heechul entered the room with a smug look on his face.

"Maid, go bring me a glass of red wine and make me a sandwich," he ordered, without looking at me once.

Is he kidding me? He had breakfast two hours ago and he already wants a sandwich? Does he not see me trying to enjoy Zhou Mi's glorious legs on the computer screen? Sigh, whatever...

"Yes..." I responded, slowly walking away towards the kitchen.

I found a fancy wine glass in one of the higher cabinet shelves. Now wine... Where's the wine? Ah-ha! In the cabinet next to the glasses were bottles and bottles of wine. White wine, apple wine, sake, berry wine, rose wine, souju... And red wine! I filled up 1/2 of the glass as Heechul joined me in the kitchen. I put the bottle down and handed the wine to him.

"Give me more," he demanded, shoving it back.

I blinked at his aggressiveness and poured in more so that it filled 4/5 of the glass.

"Hmm..." he examined it.

I waited as he observed the glass in his hand, hoping he'd be content so I could start making his damn sandwich.

"This is too much," he said. "Maybe a little less..." he whispered, tipping the glass over. Red wine splashed onto the white marble floor. "There ya go. The perfect amount," he smirked with 2/3 of his glass filled.

My mouth agape, I scanned the mess at my feet. The RED wine. ON THE WHITE MARBLE FLOOR.

"You should clean that up," he suggested with a sarcastic tone.

NO, I'M A MAID, SO I'M JUST GONNA LEAVE IT THERE. Ugh, his attitude is driving me crazy.

"And I hope you know that was Kyuhyun's wine. Good luck dealing with him when he gets home," he added before leaving the kitchen.


Chapter 8 Preview:
"Buy me Diablo 3 at the game shop down the street," Kyuhyun said, taking money out of the wallet on his table and putting it in my hand.


Yes, I do have a thing for Zhou Mi's legs.

My Mimi feels... I absolutely cannot wait to bring him into this story~! My y, Free & Single album finally arrived. I got Teukie's photocard ^^ But then they released a version B. AND NOW, THEY RELEASIN A REPACKAGE. Life of a broke fangirl. OTL
Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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ayakohana25 #1
Chapter 45: I finished reading all 56 (or was it 57?) chapters on watty then tried to look it up on AFF hoping you continued it here. Hahaha~ I'm soooo hopeless.
AnimeKitty #2
Chapter 45: Author nim~~~~~ I miss this story sooooo much! Please come back soon and update!!! Pretty please???
Please please update please T.T
Chapter 1: I'm rereading this its my favorite fanfics of all :) 7jib fighting!elfs all over the world fighting!SJ oppas fighting! <3
Chapter 45: Just reread all the chapters and dand i miss this story author haha i'll wait for your update author! Fighting!! :))
fyekay918 #6
Chapter 45: Oh my god. Oh. My. God. Im so glad i gound this story
Gahhhhhhhh. I litrrally fangirled every chapter
I love it so much. The plot, the characters. I ship Misung but also MiChul. But maybe more MiSung, i think. But MiChul is adorbz T_T cant make up my mind.
Oh oh please update soon. Cant wait :3
aninrara #7
author-nim update soon T--T
IamParkJiHae #8
Heechul should've kissed Mina.
I know Sungmin thinks that it is his' birthday gift from Mina,
but I want Mina and Heechul to kiss T^T

I miss you author-nim update soon.
kpop_luv #9
Chapter 45: Oh and right now I am currently shipping Michul soooo i think heechul should've kissed mina
kpop_luv #10
Chapter 45: I actually forgot about this cuz of school T_T. buuut on the bright side I caught up on everything, and whoooo! go heechul (I think.....since sungmin kissed her instead)