Chapter 5

Super Maid & The 13 Dorks



"Whoa, not so loud! People are still sleeping," the man whispered as he put a finger to my lips.

I had just woken up to a person staring straight at me in the creepiest way possible. He was BIG. I would be squished into a pancake if he sat on me. How could I not be surprised??

For a moment, I had forgotten that I wasn't at home.

"Sorry about that," he apologized. "I'm Kangin. You're our maid, Mina, right?"

"Y-yes," I answered, still shocked by my awakening.

He squatted beside the couch awkwardly as I was still in the process of fully waking up. Oh! I fell asleep on the couch last night... What was I doing again...?

"What time is it?" I asked while staring around, attempting to find a clock.

"It's 6:47am," he said, looking back up from his watch. "You should wake up the members. Schedules start as early as 7:15am," he told me.

"Oh, right..." I never took a look at the agendas.

I went from room to room, knocking and shouting for them to get up and get out... Politely, of course. Siwon and a few other people had already gotten ready. The next door was Heechul's. I decided to skip it and save him for last. It's way too early in the morning to get scolded at.

The last door on the right was cracked open. A figure was walking towards his closet to get clothes. That's one less person I have to wake up on this side of the hall.

I recognized the next room as Yesung's. I wonder if he's awake yet... I don't wanna have to disturb his sleep. Although it IS my job... But he's so-

The door opened just as I was about to knock. Awkward...

"G-good morning," I greeted him. My cheeks warmed up, realizing I was only 5 inches from crashing into him like I did yesterday. I could smell his shampoo... The one I used yesterday, hehe.

"Good morning," he said with his velvet voice. "You're up early."

"Yeah, someone woke me up... Kan... Ka..." I struggled to remember his name.

"Kangin?" he finished the name for me. "Oh, Kangin! Yes," I said. I was still half-asleep when he introduced himself. Not my fault I don't remember his name...

"Annyeong~! Good morning, Mina," a short person squeezed through the door. I noticed Yesung still standing there facing me. He moved out of the way a little for the person leaving the room- not that he needed to. The guy was pretty thin.

"Good morning," I called to him. "Ermm... I have to go wake up the others," I turned back to Yesung. There were four doors left to visit...

"Don't worry about it. Everyone on this side is already up," he said.

"But he's not..." I pointed at Heechul's door.

He must've took note of the tension between me and that stupid door... He walked towards Heechul's room. "I'll wake him up," he said, patting my head as he passed by. "Go make breakfast."

"Oh... O-okay," I answered after a short awkward silence. I speed walked into the kitchen, knowing I only had about 15 minutes to make food. What do I make...?

"Mina, come help me," a voice called from the counter. It was the same guy that came from Yesung's room. He had a bowl in his hand and a waffle maker plugged in. "Make some waffles while I make eggs," he said.

"Alright. How many?"

"Just use two boxes from the cabinet up there. Blueberry," he told me.

I nodded and reached up to grab the boxes of waffle mix, making sure it was blueberry. Within ten minutes, I had three waffle makers plugged in and the guy also finished his cooking. I set up the table and placed the food in the center. The members arrived one by one, picking their seat based on what food they wanted. I found it amusing, considering that last one at the table gets the worst seat and worst food. Not that the food .

I went into my room and took time changing into my maid costume that was brought back a neatly placed on the door handle for me last night. The agendas! I took the agendas out into the kitchen with me.

"I saved a seat for you, Mina!" the guy I cooked breakfast with said loudly.

"Thanks," I said, walking to the end of the table and placing the planners down. I felt 10 pair of eyes observing me as I flipped open the first one.

"Eunhyuk," I said. I looked at each one of their faces... Crap. Which one is Eunhyuk? "Ermm... Eunhyuk, you have a CF to film for Samsung at 7:30am." I just picked a random face to look at and hoped it was Eunhyuk.

"I-I'm not Eunhyuk," the brown-haired aegyo boy said awkwardly. "That's Eunhyuk," he pointed at the platinum blonde guy across the table.

"Riiiiiiiiiight. Sorry," I apologized. I glanced at Eunhyuk, who nodded. I closed his planner and opened the next one. "Kyuhyun and Donghae... You guys have a photoshoot for Maypole at 7:30am." I searched around the table again. I looked at the same brown-haired boy, hoping he was either Kyuhyun or Donghae.

He blinked at me with his big eyes. "This is Kyuhyun..." he gestured to the guy next to him. He was the one who pranked me with the hand buzzer last night! I have to remember his name so I won't be fooled again! "And Donghae is there," he pointed to the one next to me. Donghae softly smiled and I remembered his puppy eyes.

"Oh... Alright..." I said nervously. How embarrassing. I skipped Kyuhyun's planner since I already knew he was going with Donghae... "Siwon," I knew who Siwon was. "You're shooting 'Oh! My Lady' at the beach today," I glanced at him. "At 7:20am," I added. He nodded.

"Ryeowook... You're going to be interviewed by High-Cut at 7:40am today," I stated. Ryeowook... Wookie, right? I looked across the table at the guy with his hair done in a faux-hawk.

"I'm Ryeowook!" the person next to me gasped. The guy I cooked breakfast with.

"S-sorry, Ryeowook," I pressed my lips together. Oh boy... I never thought about having to learn all 13 member's names.

"Didn't think you have to learn all of our names?" a voice said from across the table.

It was Heechul's aggravating self. It's only 7am and he already wants to nag? I ignored him and continued to the next agenda. Ugh, Heechul's.

"You have to film your appearance on Taehee-Hyegyo-Jihyun, Heechul," I said, not looking up from the page.

"Who's Heechul?" he asked... WHAT KIND OF QUESTION WAS THAT?

I forced myself to glare at him. "You."

"Well at least you know my name," he smirked. Of course I'd know your name. You made me dive into a dumpster to find your stupid CD. "Now learn the others," he lectured.

I sighed in frustration. "Sungmin... Radio show at 9:30am," I continued, looking at the guy at the end of the table.

"Arasso~!" the cute brown-haired boy- the one I looked at the first two times- answered.

"Sorry about that, Sungmin..." I already called out most of the members. The next few shouldn't be hard... Ah-ha! Yesung~!

"Yesung, you have an appearance on Star King," I took a quick glance at him. "With Kangin and Shindong," I added. I realized the guy with the faux-hawk was Kangin, the one who woke me up this morning. "Kangin..." And the guy next to him... "Shindong...?"

"Actually, Shindong goes out to eat with his girlfriend every morning. And he shows up at the front of the building when it's time to leave," he explained... "I'm Leeteuk, remember?" he laughed.

"Ah, yes! Leeteuk leader," I exclaimed. His agenda was also the next one. "Huh... There's nothing on here," I told him.

"That means I have nothing on my schedule today," he said sadly.

"You're sucha work-a-holic," Heechul scoffed. "Relax for once, hyung."

Well at least he had some sort of "kindness" in him...

"I'ma leave early," he announced, standing up from his seat.  "I'll be home by 7pm," he sent me a glare before stepping out of the kitchen.

One by one, the members left for their events. The dorm got awkwardly quiet with only Leeteuk and Sungmin here. After I cleaned up the table, I joined them in the living room.

"Mina, it hasn't even been a full day yet, and you've already forgotten our names?" Sungmin pouted. "You can't live with people and not know their names!"

"He's right," Leeteuk agreed. "I don't know what SM was thinking... Making you live in a 13-member dorm, practically full of strangers."

He had a point. Why couldn't I stay in my apartment and be comfortable- be myself. It's not even that far of a walk from there to here. I could just arrive early to wake them up and get them ready.

"I suppose you're not an ELF...?" Leeteuk questioned.

"ELF?" I remember it being their fan club or something. Ever Loving Fans...? "No, sorry. To be honest, I've only heard of Super Junior a few times."

"What, really? We're everywhere! TV, magazines, billboards, the internet," Sungmin went on. "We should get to know each other... Y'know, considering the fact that we live together," he laughed.

"That's a great idea!" Leeteuk agreed. "Where do we start? Super Show DVDs?"

"I'm Lee Sungmin, the Aegyo King," he flashed an ADORABLE smile, ignoring Leeteuk. I'm not gonna lie, he doesn't even needa TRY to be cute. He's just... NATURALLY CUTE. Aegyo King fits him perfectly. "Call me Minnie if you'd like!"

"I'm Park Jungsoo, more known as Leeteuk... And I'm the leader of Super Junior!" he shot his arms up in the air with a grin that almost looked evil. "You can call me Teuk. Or Teukie. Or Teukie Teuk Teuk!"

Went more into detail about each other. Within 15 minutes, I learned that Leeteuk's favorite food was ddeokbokki and Sungmin liked eating anything that wasn't pumpkin. Leeteuk also has a weird for the color white.

"Hey, I have a better idea!" Sungmin exclaimed. "Usually, there's a different member who doesn't have anything on their schedule everyday. Basically, each of us have one day of the week off. So you won't ever be home alone," he explained.

"Oh, I see where you're going," Leeteuk jumped in. "That means you get to know us one by one. And since I'm at home today, you can hang out with me~!"

"You can start now. I have to go," Sungmin said, looking up from his watch. 8:50am... And I'm the one that's supposed to make sure he isn't late. It's a shame he did a better job of tracking time than I did.

"Bye, Sungmin," we said in unison.

"Have fun, Mina~!" Sungmin shouted before shutting the door behind him.


Sorry this chapter is a bit short and boring. o:
(I promise the next few will be interesting~!)


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ayakohana25 #1
Chapter 45: I finished reading all 56 (or was it 57?) chapters on watty then tried to look it up on AFF hoping you continued it here. Hahaha~ I'm soooo hopeless.
AnimeKitty #2
Chapter 45: Author nim~~~~~ I miss this story sooooo much! Please come back soon and update!!! Pretty please???
Please please update please T.T
Chapter 1: I'm rereading this its my favorite fanfics of all :) 7jib fighting!elfs all over the world fighting!SJ oppas fighting! <3
Chapter 45: Just reread all the chapters and dand i miss this story author haha i'll wait for your update author! Fighting!! :))
fyekay918 #6
Chapter 45: Oh my god. Oh. My. God. Im so glad i gound this story
Gahhhhhhhh. I litrrally fangirled every chapter
I love it so much. The plot, the characters. I ship Misung but also MiChul. But maybe more MiSung, i think. But MiChul is adorbz T_T cant make up my mind.
Oh oh please update soon. Cant wait :3
aninrara #7
author-nim update soon T--T
IamParkJiHae #8
Heechul should've kissed Mina.
I know Sungmin thinks that it is his' birthday gift from Mina,
but I want Mina and Heechul to kiss T^T

I miss you author-nim update soon.
kpop_luv #9
Chapter 45: Oh and right now I am currently shipping Michul soooo i think heechul should've kissed mina
kpop_luv #10
Chapter 45: I actually forgot about this cuz of school T_T. buuut on the bright side I caught up on everything, and whoooo! go heechul (I think.....since sungmin kissed her instead)