Chapter 16

Super Maid & The 13 Dorks


I popped some bread into the toaster, looking over at the eggs, making sure they're not about to explode or anything. I couldn't sleep last night...Korea knows my name.

"Are you alright, Mina?" Wookie stepped over to the stove. "You look tired."

"I'm fine," I puffed my cheeks. "Are all the members up yet?"

"Everyone, but Yesung and Heechul," he answered. "It's funny... Yesung always wakes up before me," he thought aloud. "Here, I'll finish making breakfast. You should go wake those two up."

"Alright," I said, putting down the bag of bread. "Thanks, Wookie."


Hmm... Yesung isn't awake yet? He must be tired... I wonder what made him tired. Maybe I should let him sleep just a little longer and go wake up Heechul first. Hopefully, he won't threaten to kill me again. After all, he stopped bullying me after we took care of Chae Ji.

I opened his door, creeping in. Should I take this as a chance for revenge and hit him with a pillow...? No, maybe I shouldn't. Besides, it's more pleasant when Heechul shuts up.


I looked down to see Heebum laying on Heechul's stomach as he did yesterday morning. "Good morning, Heebum~" I petted him. "Did you have a good sleep~?"


"Aw, did Heechul's ugly snoring keep you awake all night? I'm sorry to hear that."


"It's okay, you can sleep with me on the couch tonight. I promise I don't snore."

"No, Heebum only loves me." For a second, I thought it was the cat that spoke... Until I looked to see Heechul pulling the grey fluff-ball close to him. "Isn't that right, Heebummie~?"


"Get out of my room, potato head."

"I came to wake you up, dummy. You always get up late."

"I'm always awake. I just choose not to leave my bed. But now that I'm out," he stepped down. "Leave," he pointed at the door.

"Okay," I started towards the exit. "I hope you slip in the shower."

It looks like his thoughtfulness only lasts for a while. Hmph, back to the same Heechul.

I silently entered Yesung's room. He was laying on his stomach, with his arm on the pillow, and his head on his arm. It looked as if he had woke up and went back to sleep.

Umm... So now what do I do? Do I shake him awake or something...?

I stood awkwardly, not realizing that I was staring at him sleep. Sigh, he's beautiful... No, Mina. You came to wake him up. I pressed my lips together and approached him.

"Umm... Yesung?"

No response. Well duh, he's sleeping. he can't hear me.

"Yesung," I put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, wake up," I shook him a little.

There was a slight movement. I shook him again... And waited.

"Yesuuuuung~" I called out.

Suddenly, he rolled over onto his side, facing the wall.

"I know you hear me," I pouted, pulling his blanket off.

He pulled it back up his shoulder. I pulled it back down. He pulled it back up. I pulled it back down. He turned over onto his back. He opened his eyes to see me staring back at him.

"Err... Good morning?" I stepped back in surprise.

He let out a small chuckle, softly smiling. "What a beautiful way to wake up."

Blushing, I took another step back. There was an awkward silence as we stared into each other's eyes for a moment.

"Y-You should start getting ready," I stuttered. "And breakfast is in a few minutes."

"There's no rush... I'm only doing a radio show with Leeteuk for an hour this morning," he said. "No one's gonna see what I'm wearing."

You're flawless. Even in pajamas. Heck, you could go do the radio show with your pajamas on, and I'm sure no one would complain. Because you're perfect.

I found myself mentally talking to Yesung, and snapped back into realty. He sat up on his bed.

"Maybe I should do this more often," he stated, looking over at me.

"Huh?" I let out, confused.

"Sleep in," he said. "And wait for you to come wake me up," he smugly smiled.

I felt my face get even warmer. "But I can't do that..." I laughed nervously. "I... have to cook breakfast every morning too," I thought up of an excuse.

"Oh, that's alright..." he stepped out of bed. "I guess I can't be too greedy," he approached me. "After all," he put a hand on my cheek. "You're here for all of us."

I'm probably red as a tomato right now. I stood, frozen. I don't know what to do. What do I do? What's happening? Why is his hand on my cheek. Why is Yesung's hand on my cheek. I can't move.

"Aigo, you're so cute," he laughed. "You could be our blushing fangirl~"

I just stared at him, wide-eyed and dazed.

"Or did you already decide to become an ELF? Who's your favorite?" he asked excitedly.

"I-I don't have a favorite," I lied. I don't remember how many of them I've lied to about this already.

"You've been with us for a while now. You must have a favorite," he gave me a suspicious look. "It can't be Heechul... Is it Sungmin?" he squeezed my cheek.

"I can't play favorites," I answered.

"Hmm..." His gaze was impossible to break from. "Perhaps I could change that," he leaned in.


"Minaaaaa, I finished making breakfast~!" a voice called from the hallway.

Yesung didn't move any closer.

"Mina-" Ryeowook threw the door open. "Omo, Yesung..."

Oh no...! What's he going to think of this?

"You haven't changed yet??" Wookie exclaimed. 

Oh... Did he just ignore the almost-nonexistent distance between me and Yesung? Thank goodness...

"I'll go take a quick shower," Yesung said, dropping his hand from my face.

"Okay. Come on, Mina! Let's set the table," Ryeowook said, leaving the room.

"Alright, I'll be there in a second." I turned back to Yesung. "Err..." I started. "I'll see you at the table?" I said, trying not to make it awkward for later.

"Haha, okay," he ruffled my hair.


I left the room, still a little bewildered by what just happened. "Perhaps I could change your mind..." his voice echoed in my head as the scene played over and over again. He can't change my mind about choosing a favorite... But he might change my mind about WHO'S my favorite.

I joined Ryeowook, putting out the utensils as he set down the plates of food. I also rushed into my room, grabbed all the planners, and rushed back to see that everyone was already sitting down.

"So who doesn't know their schedule for today?" I asked. I was too lazy to look through everyone's planners, so I'm taking the easy route.

"Me," I heard a bunch of voices say.

I looked at all of them, raising an eyebrow, trying to figure out who said 'me'. Fortunately, the few of them raised their hand for me.

"Kyuhyun, you have an appearance on 'Running Man'... You too, Eunhyuk," I looked to make sure they got that. "And Donghae, you have a photo-shoot for SPAO with Ryeowook."

"What about me?" Sungmin asked.

"Hmm, let me see," I flipped through his agenda. "Ah, you have nothing on your schedule today!"

"Really? Yay, it's MingMi day~!" he grinned happily.

"No, it's MiMi MingRy day," Zhou Mi corrected him.

"That should be MingMi MiRy. Or ZhouRy... Whatever your ship with Henry is," Sungmin said.

"Everyday is EunHaeeeee~" Donghae sang.

"I ship EunHae," Leeteuk jumped in.

"And YeWook?" Ryeowook laughed.

"MingMi too, right hyung?" Sungmin asked Leeteuk.

"You're with Kyuhyun, Sungmin! It's KyuMin!" he replied.

"No way, Kyuhyun is a hyung ! There's Q-Mi and WonKyu... I barely hear of KyuMin anymore!" Sungmin pouted.

"Hey, hey, what about YeWook? Who ships YeWook?" Ryeowook exclaimed.

No one said anything... Then Yesung slowly raised his hand.

"Sooo.... Yeah," Henry attempted making the conversation less awkward.

I noticed Heechul being quiet... A little TOO quiet. Minding his own business and not butting in... What's going on in his head?

"Heechul, who do the fans ship you with?" I asked curiously.

"Who, me? Oh... Um..." he replied.

"SiChul, right? Or HeeWon... I think it's SiChul," Sungmin thought aloud.

"There's TeukChul too!" Ryeowook said.

"No no no. Those aren't... official," Heechul answered.

"Then what's your official ship?" I asked again.

"If you want to know, look it up," he said, turning back to his food.

Aish, this foo. He can't just tell me? He wants me to go through the work of searching on the internet? Why.

We talked about nonsense for another fifteen minutes before the guys had to leave. Everyone had already left the dorm, but Donghae and Ryeowook remained.

"Minaaa, wanna us out of the building today~?" Donghae asked.

"Yeah, come with us!" Ryeowook exclaimed. "It'll be fun~"

"Okay," I agreed. "I'ma go with Donghae and Ryeowook for a little!" I yelled, making sure Zhou Mi heard me.

"Be sure to come back quickly~" he yelled back.

"Let's go!" Donghae pointed to the door.

We exited the dorm and I made sure the door was locked behind us... I don't want anyone kidnapping Zhou Mi and his Mario slippers...

As always, the elevator was empty. It seems the only people who use this elevator is me and Super Junior... Does anyone even live on the eighth floor with us?

I saw Ryeowook glance at Donghae... And Donghae glanced at Ryeowook. Suddenly...


What on earth are they doing...? I stared at them... Speechless and confused.


"W-What are you doing?" I asked them, wide-eyed.

"Passing the time," Donghae replied.

They continued.


I never realized these two could be so loud. And wacky. Dancing on an elevator like that. Is that one of their songs? It sounds catchy.

Ding! Lobby.

"See how fast we got down here?" Donghae grinned.

We stepped out of the elevator and turned at the corner, getting to the front. I could've sworn I heard loud chanting and shouting in the distance... Then I saw it for myself.

There were a bunch of girls standing at the entrance. But the guard wasn't letting any of them in. They held signs of some sort...

"How are we gonna get out?" Donghae pouted.

"I don't know... Omo," Ryeowook's eyes widened.

"What?" Donghae looked around curiously.

"Err, let's go out through the side door," Ryeowook turned me around.

He pulled me quickly as Donghae followed behind us. The side door led us out to a place that I found very familiar... Of course! If we go a little farther back, that's where the dumpster is. The one that I dived in to find Heechul's CD. Ugh, just thinking back makes me feel sick.

"We're gonna have to go around the back to get into the parking deck," Ryeowook said. "Well, this is where we leave," he said to me.

"Have a nice day," Donghae smiled. "And don't let Sungmin eat my strawberry snacks. Pleaseee," he pleaded with his puppy eyes.

"Get back in the dorm quickly," Ryeowook reminded me.

"Alright," I replied to both of them. "Good luck at the photo-shoot. Byeee~!"


With that, I turned around and headed for the elevator. Maybe it's just my imagination... But Ryeowook was acting quite panicked for a second there...

I had a safe trip back up to the eighth floor, until I got to the door. I attempted opening the door with the card key... Again, it failed, resulting in me having to use the key on my necklace.

As soon as I got in, I reorganized the show closet, seeing how cluttered it got. Then grabbing a broom and dust pan, I went to do the rest of my "maid duty" around the dorm.

"Put your feet up for a second," I told Sungmin as I got around to sweeping the living room.

"What's the magic word?" he grinned.

"Uhh... Please?" I responded.

"Actually it's 'oppa', but 'please' works too."

"Haha, you're sucha dork, oppa," I said.

"Mina... By any chance... Do you know where Donghae's strawberry snacks are?" he put on a mischievous smile.

"Donghae's snacks? I don't know where he put them," I lied, keeping Donghae's promise.

"Are you sure?" Sungmin said with extra aegyo and an adorable pout.

"I-I'm sure," I responded, trying to fight off the urge to just squeeze him to death.

"Okay," he puffed his cheeks.

Sungmin turned the TV off out of boredom and went back into his room. I continued until I reached the end of the hallway of the bedrooms. Going back to put the broom away, I peeked into Zhou Mi and Henry's room. I found Zhou Mi taking a nap with a magazine on his chest, and Henry on his laptop watching videos.

I went back to make everyone's bed, starting with Eunhyuk's. But it turns out he already made it himself. I love that he's so organized. Siwon and Leeteuk's beds were also made.

Heebum greeted me with a meow as I entered Heechul's room. It wasn't a surprise that Heebum was laying in a mess of blankets. I managed to shoo him off for a little, so I could fix the sheets.

Crossing the hallway, I walked into Sungmin and Kyuhyun's room. Sungmin was laying on his bed, talking to his pink bunny.

"Minaaa~ Annyeong~" he waved his pink bunny's arm.

"Annyeonggg, Mr. Pink Bunny~"

"And what are you doing this fine day, Miss?" Sungmin faked a voice.

"I'm here to make your bed," I replied.

I started with Kyuhyun's since Sungmin was laying on his. Kyuhyun is like one of those teen boys who just sits there and play games all day. The ones that never make their bed...

"I don't understand why we have to make our beds," Sungmin started. "I mean, we go back to sleep at night and we'll have to mess it up again."

"Haha, I know, right? I guess people just want their room to look a little nicer in the day."

This room looked really funny... Half of the room was filled with pink, while the other half was plain black and white. Obviously, it was Sungmin's half that was pink.

"Oppa, why is there so much pink over here?" I asked out of curiosity.

"My favorite color is pink! Can't you tell? I thought I told you that too!" he exclaimed.

"Really? I thought you were kidding that time," I stared.

"Nope. Minnie doesn't kid when it comes to pink," he stated proudly.

"Why pink?"

"Well... Everyone has a color that matches them well. And I think pink matches me the best," he explained. "Colors aren't meant to be feminine or masculine."

I nodded in agreement, fluffing Kyuhyun's pillow. "Pink matches well with your aegyo," I laughed.

"I know a lot of guys who like pink too. But they're afraid to say it, because of their pride... Like Heechul hyung," he snickered.

I had the urge to snicker with him. Heechul has way too much pride. And he's so narcissistic. But pretty...


I migrated into Zhou Mi and Henry's room to find that Zhou Mi was still napping. I sat on Henry's bed after fixing it and we casually talked about life. Particularly life in Canada and the States.

"It's really cold in New York during the winter," I said. "It's kinda like how it is here in Seoul at night."

"The temperature goes below zero in Canada. It feels worse with windchill... Sometimes, my lychee would freeze up, and I wouldn't get to eat them," he pouted.

"Haha, you don't have to worry about that here," I told him. "It's only September."

I heard a yawn and turned to see Zhou Mi stretching his arms.

"Honeyyy, you're here~" he smiled sleepily. "Wanna play Mari-"

"Let's go somewhere!" Henry quickly exclaimed.

"Where do you wanna go, Mochi?" Zhou Mi asked, squeezing Henry's cheek.

"Let's go to the grocery store. I need more lychee," he answered.

"Did I heard the grocery store?" Sungmin popped into the room. "I wanna come too! Since Donghae isn't gonna tell me where he put the strawberry snacks," he pouted.

"So we're gonna take a surprise trip to the grocery store?" I blinked, confused.

"Sounds good to me. I like any kind of shopping~!" Zhou Mi grinned.

"Me tooooo," I chimed in.


After I changed into a loose-fitting hoodie and shorts, I waited for Zhou Mi to finish getting ready.

"I told you he takes forever," Henry laughed.

"Yah, I just finished," Zhou Mi stepped out as Henry turned around.

We exited the dorm and made it into the elevator. This time, there weren't any wacky dance moments. But Sungmin kept making cutesy faces into the reflective elevator door.


"Why's there so many people out there?" Henry wondered.

They're still here? It's been over two hours... What are they doing here? I didn't get a good look earlier, since Ryeowook dragged me away.

"Should we take the side door?" Zhou Mi suggested.

"I kinda wanna see what this is about," Henry said.

"Me too," I added.

We walked towards the door. The girls spotted Zhou Mi, Henry, and Sungmin and the shouting got louder. The funny thing is... They weren't staring at them. They were staring at me.

"Omo," Sungmin let out, in the same tone as Ryeowook this morning.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

Instead of responding, his eyes were glued to the crowd. I looked along with him. Then I saw it.

Red-on-black signs were being held up as the fans chanted. . . Ugly . I pressed my lips together, frowning at their hurtful words. Are they directing this at me...?

"MINA OUT! MINA OUT! MINA OUT!" they yelled.

I couldn't believe it. There were so many of them. Sigh... That stupid girl. Why'd she want to tell everyone that I live with Super Junior...? Better yet, why'd she tell them my name?

"Mina," Zhou Mi put a hand on my shoulder. "Stop looking," he turned me around. "Umm... You guys go ahead and go to the store. We're gonna go back up."

"Oh... Alright."


Zhou Mi put me in his room when we got back. I sat there for a while, silently thinking and thinking.

Do they hate me or something...? Well of course, they hate me. For what reason, though? I didn't do anything wrong... I haven't received more hate from anyone than Heechul... And now it's like hundreds of them... Hundreds of Heechuls. Is it because I live with these guys? Shouldn't they know it's part of my job? Oh... They don't know my job.

"Hey Honey," Zhou Mi started.

"Hey," I said dully.

"Whatever was going on out there, don't let it discourage you," he told me.

"Yeah, I know," I frowned. "I'm trying."

"They're just upset... and jealous. You know that too, right?"

"I guess..."

He puffed his cheeks. "Since this happened so fast... You wanna just stay inside the dorm for a while? Just to be safe?"

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"Like... Not going anywhere," he replied.

"I don't know," I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I'll stay with you. We can have fun here instead of going outside."

"No way! You love going out," I exclaimed.

He gave me a sincere look.

"Mimi, I'm not gonna let MY issues keep you from having fun!"

"But I have fun when you're around," he said. "It's fine if I stay inside."

"No, no, no," I shook my head. "Because I wanna go out to have fun too!"


"YOU KNOW WHAT," I stood up. "We're going to the store, and no one's stopping us!!"


*                          *                          *

I can't believe it. We made it out of the building...

Of course, we took the side door and went around the back of the building to the parking deck, like Ryeowook and Donghae did this morning.

I sat in the passenger seat, moving along to the music that was playing.

"Oh tai wan mei," Zhou Mi sang. "Ni yan li wo chu xian~"

I giggled at his cheeriness.

"OH BU RANG SHUI, TI WO ZAI NI SHEN BIAN~!!" he sang louder.

"Waaah, keep your hands on the wheel!" I wailed.


Sungmin and Henry told us to meet up with them inside the store. I spotted Sungmin's silver Honda Civic in the parking lot.

Inside the store, we searched high and low for the two. For some weird reason, we found them in the ramen aisle instead of the snacks or fruits area.

"Hey, you made it~" Henry grinned.

"Yup," I said, smiling. "We took the side door."

"Guyssss, there's a dumpling shop across the street! Wanna go?" Sungmin exclaimed.

"Really?" Henry gasped. "I wanna go! Can we go? Let's go!" he dashed away.

"Waaaiiit, you guys haven't paid yet!" Zhou Mi called after them.


After paying for their snacks, they put it in Sungmin's car and rushed across the street. The shop, called "Double Dumplings" was modern, instead of looking traditional like many others.

Surprisingly, the people working there were Chinese. Luckily, we had Zhou Mi and Henry to order for us. He got a large plate for the four of us to share.

"Omo, they look so good," Sungmin's eyes twinkled.

"You two are always eating," Zhou Mi laughed, grabbing a pair of chopsticks.

"Food is good," they said in unison, stuffing their mouth.

"Yah, save some for us tooooo," Zhou Mi whined.

"Why don't we play a game?" Sungmin suggested. "Rock, paper, scissors. And winner gets one dumpling each round," he explained.

"Sounds good," I agreed.

Rock, paper, scissors! Zhou Mi grinned proudly as he won the first round. Then it was Henry's turn to grin. We played until there were about five left.

"Hey, I saw you take one, Henry!" Sungmin yelled.

"What? What are you talking about? I didn't take one," he said rapidly.

Then out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone... Head rested on a hand with her elbow on the table. It almost seemed as if she were trying to hide or something... Although something about her hair seemed familiar. And her skin tone...

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!"

"YESSSS!!!" Sungmin snatched a dumpling, putting it in his mouth.

The girl turned her head around for a second... Then quickly turned back around. My eyes widened in realization.

"YAH!" I slammed my hand on the table, standing up.

"Huh? What's wrong, Mina? Did you want that one?" Sungmin stared, a little frightened.

"YOU!" I pointed at her.

She refused to look over at me. So I stepped over to her table.

"HEY, you know who I am!" I exclaimed.

She covered a side of her face. "W-What are you talking about?"

"SAERI!!!" I yelled. That's it. Her name is Saeri. The girl that I met at the photo-shoot with Yesung and Siwon. "Why'd you do it?!" I demanded.

"Do what?"

"Don't act coy. You sent that tape to the TV station."

"What's it to ya?"

"You let everyone know my name!"

"I don't remember you being this feisty last time. You were so shy and quiet. I think I like you better when you're quiet."

"Hey, I'm not gonna keep quiet and suffer when I know you're the one that caused this new mess!"

"They deserve to know, don't they? They deserve to know who their oppas live with. Especially since she's a girl."

"Don't you respect our privacy? Are you a sasaeng fan?"

"If that's what you wanna call me."

"Why'd you do it?" I asked again.

"Because you're taking Super Junior all for yourself. If I told everyone, surely, they'd keep you away from them... Especially Yesung," Saeri smirked.

"Hey! I didn't want anything to do with them in the first place! I didn't even know who they were! I just clean their dorm and cook them food!" I exclaimed. "And I have nothing to do with Yesung! I don't know why you're so upset!"

"Then what was this?" she showed me a picture on her phone.

It was the photo she snapped of us when I was helping his fix his clothes in the changing room. What more did it look like?

"I was helping him fix his tie," I said, flustered.

"Is that ALL you were doing?" she scowled. "You're not even a stylist."

"He asked me to do it for him."

"Couldn't he have came out and told you to fix it out there instead of in the changing room?"

"I DON'T KNOW, why don't you ask him??" I shouted. "Aish, Heechul and I already cleaned up the scandal last night. Then you go and send in a tape. It's all your fault that this is happening now!"

"Honey," Zhou Mi grabbed my arm and pulled me away from her table. "Calm down."

"No no no, I can't! She's the one that caused the mob at the front of the SM building!"

I looked over to see Sungmin and Henry putting every last dumpling in their mouth before Zhou Mi got back to the table.

"Shh, stop thinking about that. I'll fix it, okay?" he pulled me into a hug.


*                          *                          *

In the car ride home, I was silent and grumpy.

Stupid Saeri. If she wants Yesung, she can take him. It's not like I own him. I only admire him. Hmph. Mindless people these days. What make her think she's gonna tell the world that my name is Mina and get away with it? And stupid Saeri for not even bothering to hide her face in the tape. She thinks the other sasaeng fans are gonna worship her or something?

"Are you getting out of the car?" Zhou Mi blinked at me while I was deep in thought.

"Oh... Yeah," I answered.

I noticed someone getting out of his car near us.

"Yesung," Zhou Mi called. "You're home already?"

I snapped towards him when Zhou Mi said his name. He smiled, seeing me look at him. But I couldn't smile back.

"Yeah, Teuk hyung went somewhere else after the radio show," he responded. "Is something wrong, Mina?" he approached me.

"Nothing," I muttered, walking away.

He caught up, putting an arm around me. "You don't sound too happy."

"I-I'm fine," I stuttered, blushing.

"Hyung, she's not like the rest of the members...!" Zhou Mi gasped, gesturing for him to remove his arm.

"Oh... Right," he said amusingly, taking his arm back. "I saw what's been going on at the front of the dorm. Is that what's bothering you?"

"No. I saw Saeri." I frowned at her name.

"Saeri... Ah, Saeri!" he remembered. "The girl that was my stylist, right?"

"Yeah. Apparently, she told the world my name, because she wants to get with you."

"Get with me?" he laughed. "What makes her think that I'll get with her after doing that?"



We made it out of the parking deck. From here, I could see that the fans were still standing in front of the building. There were more of them.

"Come here," Zhou Mi waved at me.

Obediently, I fell in step with him. Instead of turning to go around the back, he kept walking.

"M-Mimi, what are you doing?" I stopped.

"Come with me," he grabbed onto my arm.

"Why?" I pulled back.

"Trust me, would you?" he said wholeheartedly.

And trusting him, I followed. The fans spotted us as we approached the entrance. I nervously walked behind Zhou Mi, but he kept nudging me to walk beside him.

"Look, that's Mina, isn't it?" a girl exclaimed.

"It looks like it. She's with Zhou Mi and Yesung," another girl answered.

"HEY MINA! STAY AWAY FROM THEM!" a blondie yelled.

The commotion got worse as we were practically in front of them, trying to get to the door. They started chanting and shouting, catching everyone's attention on the street. Eventually, Sungmin and Henry found us at the front, joining us.

"Zhou Mi! Why are you with her?" "Yesung oppa, what's she doing with you?" "Sungmin oppa, does she really live with you?" The questions kept coming in... Then there was a sudden silence.

"Yah, Zhou Mi! What's she to you? Why's she always around you and the other oppas?"

"Well..." Zhou Mi wrapped an arm around me. "This is Mina," he charmingly smiled.

I looked at him, confused. They already know my name...

"She's my best friend."



Chapter 17 Preview:
CRACK! My eyes widened in surprise as I turned to see where it came from. I turned to see something slippery and slimy dripping off of Heechul's shoulder... He just got egged.



It's been two nights without an update. o:

I can't wait until the Spy MV is released~! But some stupid new rule is delaying it... Hmph. The beginning of the song is adorable. LOL Are they gonna be carrying guns while singing that cute little segment?

17 more days until Yesung's birthdayyyyyy <3

Thanks for reading! Please leave comments, suggestions, or questions down below! And don't forget to vote~!

PS: 78 reads until this story reaches 3,000! Thank you so much!

PSPS: If any of you were wondering, Donghae hid his strawberry snacks in the back of his sock drawer. c:

TO MY AFF READERS: I started uploading on here last night and the server went off when I got to Chapter 3. -_-
And I was being lazy, so I left my author notes from Wattpad on here lol. And I didn't put a picture at the beginning of each chapter like I was supposed to. >_>
I'll keep my Wattpad author notes on Wattpad, and write AFF notes here, starting next chapter :)


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ayakohana25 #1
Chapter 45: I finished reading all 56 (or was it 57?) chapters on watty then tried to look it up on AFF hoping you continued it here. Hahaha~ I'm soooo hopeless.
AnimeKitty #2
Chapter 45: Author nim~~~~~ I miss this story sooooo much! Please come back soon and update!!! Pretty please???
Please please update please T.T
Chapter 1: I'm rereading this its my favorite fanfics of all :) 7jib fighting!elfs all over the world fighting!SJ oppas fighting! <3
Chapter 45: Just reread all the chapters and dand i miss this story author haha i'll wait for your update author! Fighting!! :))
fyekay918 #6
Chapter 45: Oh my god. Oh. My. God. Im so glad i gound this story
Gahhhhhhhh. I litrrally fangirled every chapter
I love it so much. The plot, the characters. I ship Misung but also MiChul. But maybe more MiSung, i think. But MiChul is adorbz T_T cant make up my mind.
Oh oh please update soon. Cant wait :3
aninrara #7
author-nim update soon T--T
IamParkJiHae #8
Heechul should've kissed Mina.
I know Sungmin thinks that it is his' birthday gift from Mina,
but I want Mina and Heechul to kiss T^T

I miss you author-nim update soon.
kpop_luv #9
Chapter 45: Oh and right now I am currently shipping Michul soooo i think heechul should've kissed mina
kpop_luv #10
Chapter 45: I actually forgot about this cuz of school T_T. buuut on the bright side I caught up on everything, and whoooo! go heechul (I think.....since sungmin kissed her instead)