Chapter 32

Super Maid & The 13 Dorks


Ding dong!

I dropped the remote in my hand and ran towards the door. Quietly tip toeing as I got closer, I placed my hand on the door knob and slowly turned. Through the crack, I could see my best friend with a stupid smile on her face.


“SHHHHHH!” I pushed a finger against her lips. Poking my head out of the door and into the hallway, I looked around to make sure there was no one to witness our idiocy. I yanked her by the arm and pulled her into the dorm, shutting the door behind me.

“MINAAAAA~!” she sang, jumping in joy.

“MEELAAAAA~!” I sang along with her, also jumping in joy.

“It’s been TOOOOOOOOO long!”

“I KNOW RIGHT??” I agreed.

It’s been so long since I’ve felt this excited about anything. I like this happy feeling. But there’s just a tinge of disappointment in me.

The boys came back super late from practice last night. I fell asleep before they were home, so I didn’t get a chance to cook them dinner. But it was too late to be eating anyways. This morning, they left early without saying much. Super Show 4 is today. I’m pretty sure that’s why they left so early, but it seems like they’re overworking themselves. Shouldn’t they get a good rest before they perform?

Sigh… And the feeling of disappointment rushes back when I realize I can’t attend Super Show 4. BECAUSE I’M STILL SICK.


“Soooooo…” she ignored my sneeze. “What’s the plan?”

“Chill, hang, talk…” I replied. “Food,” I added.

“Food! I like the sound of that,” she winked.

“Come on, let’s go into my room,” I laughed.

I led her into the hall, where some of the doors were wide open, some half-open, and a few shut tight. Looks like some of them were in a rush…

“Which one’s your room? This one?” she peeked into Leeteuk’s room.

“No, that’s the leader’s room,” I said.

“Oh… Is it this one?” she looked into Henry’s room.

“No, that’s Henry’s. You’ve met him before, remember?”

“Oh, yeah! I remember Henry!” she exclaimed. “Hmm…” she pondered. “Is this Mr. Simple’s room?” she smirked.

“No, that’s Eunhyuk’s room.”

“What about this one?”


“This one?”


“This one?”


“Then it has to be- OOOOH KITTY!”

“That’s Heebum,” I told her.

“Well hi there, Heebum~” she bent over to pet him.

“He’s… Mr. Simple’s cat,” I added.

“Really?” she grinned excitedly. “Come here, Heebummie~!”

Heebum followed behind us as we shuffled into my room. I didn’t realize it until now, but there was a yellow sticky note in the shape of a rubber ducky stuck on my door. The number “4165” was written on it. Huh… What’s this supposed to mean? It looked like Zhou Mi’s handwriting. I recognized his 1’s.

“Wow, this is your room?” Meela gasped.

“Yeah, nothing fancy,” I responded. “It’s just-”

Before I could finish my sentence, Meela threw herself on my bed and rolled up into a ball. Gee, she’s just like Sungmin…

“I miss our sleepovers,” she said randomly. “Sleeping next to each other and all... It’s too bad we can’t do that anymore,” she pouted.

“Maybe not here, but I could probably come over to your place,” I said.

“Definitely not here,” she agreed.

“I’m surprised you even made it into the building,” I laughed.

“Me too… I made a run for the elevator when the guard wasn’t looking.”

“So proud of my little Meela,” I patted her head. Heebum hopped on my bed, wanting to be petted too. He curled up between Meela and I.

“So how has it been? I’VE MISSED YOU SOOOOO MUCH!” she wailed.

“I’VE MISSED YOU TOO,” I hugged her. “And it’s been alright, I guess. I got sick a few days ago, but I’m doing fine.”

“Are the guys treating you right?” she narrowed her eyes.

“Of course,” I replied. “Except…” I thought again.

“EXCEPT WHO?” she raised a fist. “I’ll punch a bruh for you.”

“Pfffft, your Mr. Simple,” I rolled my eyes. “He’s sucha di-”

“Mr. Simple?? Why would he ever do anything to you? He would never!”

“Try living with him and waking up to his early demands and stupid punishments. You don’t even know…” I face-palmed myself.

“Aww, it’ll be okay,” she frowned. “But how is he?” she came back smiling.


“Well, okay. How’s that guy of yours?” she asked. “The one that you were talking about before.”

“Good, great, still handsome as always,” I blinked my twinkling eyes.

“What’s his name again?”

“Kim Jongwoon, but we call him Yesung,” I grinned.

“Do you have a picture of him?”

“No, but you can look him up on the internet. Actually, that sounds like something we can be doing right this moment,” I sighed dreamily.

“Or we can search up my Mr. Sim-”


“Okay,” she blinked.

“Here, have some Pocky,” I offered her a box. “Let me get the rest of my snacks,” I reached down to open the last drawer of my nightstand. Inside were some Chocopie, fortune cookies, Oreos, chips, and a few juice boxes.

“Whoa, why do you have all that food in your drawer?” Meela’s eyes widened.

“Sungmin and Donghae tend to steal all the munchies in the kitchen cabinets… So I keep my personal snacks in here. And I don’t plan on sharing them with anyone else,” I took out two Chcopies and two juice boxes, then quickly shut the drawer.

“You needa show me who these guys are,” she said, grabbing a Chocopie. “When are they coming back to the dorm?”

“I’m not exactly sure. They’re having a big, big concert today.”

“Omo, really? Does that mean my Mr. Simple will sing?” she asked excitedly.

“I guess so,” I responded. “It’s called Super Show 4.”

“I wanna watch, I wanna watch!” she bounced around. “Is it on TV?”

“I think it is… Leeteuk said that it’ll be broadcasted live or something. But I don’t know what channel it’s on,” I pouted.

“Looks like we’re gonna be flipping through EVERY. SINGLE. CHANNEL. “ I saw the scary “challenge accepted” look on her face. She had the remote ready in her hand.

“Y’know what,” I laughed nervously. “Before you injure that poor button, let’s just eat our food and talk about life. I mean, the show probably won’t start until much later.”

She looked at her packaged Chocopie and changed her mind. Tearing up the wrapper, she devoured the dessert, not leaving a single crumb behind.

“I don’t understand,” I stared at her dumbfounded. “How…”


“You fatty,” I poked her. “Tell me about your life. How’s it going?”

“It’s been great. Working at a café is awesome. I know how to make the world’s most delicious iced caramel macchiato,” she grinned.

“Mmm, sounds nice,” I my lips, imagining a nice refreshing macchiato.

“Did I mention that there’s a boy involved in this?” she smirked.

“Oooh, a boy.”

“Yes, a boy. I think I’ve told you about him before. His name is Jongjin,” she giggled.

“I remember you talking about someone named Jongjin… And that name sounds awfully familiar,” I searched deep in my mind, trying to find out where I’ve heard this name before.

“He’s like… The guy of my dreams,” she sighed. “Okay, maybe not the guy of my dreams, but… My coffee prince!”

“Haha, I see what you did there,” I winked. “What’s he like?”

“Cute, funny, nice,” she listed. “He was really welcoming when I first started working there. And he has the most adorable personality~!”

“I think you’re in love,” I teased.

“I think so too,” she smiled warmly. “He was the one who taught me how to make the world’s most delicious iced caramel macchiato.”

“Are you going to teach me how to make it?” I leaned close to her.

“Nope,” she said with a pop.

“How about you let me meet this Jongjin?” I leaned closer.

“Nope,” she repeated. “You might seduce him away from me with your iness.”

“Pffft, me? y? HA.”

“Oh, you know you fine, girl,” she smirked, running a finger down my cheek.

“OKAY, getting a little awkward here,” I backed away.

“Hehe… You know what I’m craving right now?”

“Kimbap?” I gussed.

“Right on!” she threw a thumbs-up at me. “I swear our brains are connected to each other. Either that, or we’re meant to be.”

“I think we’re both just craving the same thing,” I laughed. “I believe we have everything we need to make kimbap in the kitchen. Wanna make some right now?”

“Are you serious? We get to use Super Junior’s kitchen? Amazing!” she clapped her hands together.

“It’s not all that great…”


When we got in the kitchen, she beamed at the sink that disappeared under thousands of plates waiting to be cleaned. She seemed to have agreed with me when I said that it wasn’t all that great.

“Have fun with that,” she tore her eyes away from the mess.

“I will,” I said sarcastically.

I quickly found the carrots, cucumbers, and eggs in the fridge. The rice, seaweed, and sesame oil were elsewhere. There were four bamboo rolling mats in the cabinet, of which I took two. I had Meela frying the eggs, hoping she wouldn’t burn the down the building. I mean, she left the stove unattended, looking for spam... SPAM.

“Oooh, I love spam in my kimbap~!” she sang.

She tossed some spam in the pan and fried it along with the eggs. I chopped up the carrots and cucumbers and prepared the seaweed and rice for wrapping.

“Do you remember that one time we made kimbap without the rolling mats?” Meela laughed.

“Mhmm. The seaweed ripped and everything fell out, so we ended up eating the pile with a fork,” I laughed with her.

When we finally got bamboo rolling mats, we always raced to see who could roll up the kimbap faster. And of course, we’re about to do it right now.

“Three… Two…” she counted down. “Two and a half…”

“Don’t even start,” I squinted at her.

“Haha, One… GO!”




“I’m done, I’m done, I’m done!” Meela jumped.

I looked up from my half-rolled kimbap to hers. It was lumpy, and it looked like it isn’t gonna survive the cutting session.

“But yours is ugly!” I shot at her.

“I still finished first,” she stuck her tongue out.

“Psh, whatever,” I finished rolling up my kimbap.

I got the knife to cut up the kimbap roll. As I predicted, Meela’s kimbap fell apart as she cut it into sushi-like slices. THE PILE.

“Not this again,” I chuckled at her kimbap. “Here’s your fork,” I handed it to her.

“Let’s eat the ugly ones first,” she snickered.

“Your piles,” I pointed.

“You right, you right,” she mumbled. “Ooooh! Do you have milk, ice, espresso, and caramel?”

“I think they’re in that cabinet… Why?”

“I’m gonna make you the world’s most delicious iced caramel macchiato!” she announced.

“Omo, really?” I gasped. “I love you!”

“I love me too,” she grinned conceitedly. “Let’s go!”

I watched her first steps to see if I could obtain the secret recipe to making the world’s most delicious iced caramel macchiato. But just as she poured in the milk, my pocket vibrated.

“Minaaaa, turn on your TV! :o –Henry”

Again, my phone vibrated.

“Minaaaaaa, we’re about to start! :D –Donghae”

Then my phone blew up.

“Minaaaaaaaa, watch us perform! :3 –Sungmin”

“Your oppa is about to rock this stage! –Leeteuk”

“Are you going to watch us, Mina? –Siwon”

“Minaaa, it’d be great if you could watch us! –Ryeowook”

“Hey, beautiful. I hope you’re going to watch us perform. It would mean a lot to us. –Yesung”

“Honey! I left a sticky note on your door this morning. Turn to that channel! Our show will be broadcasted live! I hope you’ll tune in! <3 –Zhou Mi”


OH, so that’s what that sticky note was for…

But that wasn’t the last text. My phone vibrated once more.


Of course he’d be the one to send me a demanding text in all caps. And “y face”? Damn, I can’t stand his big ego… Although his face is kinda-

“Dang, who’s texting you?” Meela interrupted my thought.

“The guys. They want me to turn on the TV to watch them perform. The channel was on that sticky note,” I explained.

“Oh, let’s go then!”

“After you finish making my iced caramel macchiato,” I smirked, turning my back to her.

“Buuuuuuttt!” she panicked. “Ermm, wait for me!”


Channel 4165… 4… 1… 6… 5.

“Oh!” I gasped. “Meela, look! They’re just starting!”

“Oooh,” she ran over and jumped on my bed.

There was a classic intro with a smooth voice that sounded like it belongs Siwon.

“Omo, I know this!” Meela yelled.



I stared at her with a look on my face as she started mimicking the guys.


I busted out laughing as she got up to start dancing along. Of course I remember this song. It’s the first song we’ve heard them perform at that festival.

“Aaahhh, look! It’s HIM!” she pointed at the screen. “Look look LOOOOK!”

Heechul had that smirk on his face. The smirk that’s always on his face. He even sounded arrogant as he sung his line. Though I have to admit… He looks quite stunning.

“YEEEEEEEE!” Meela fangirled.

“There he goes… THERE HE GOES, MEELA, LOOK!”



“Who’s he…? Oh, you mean… OH, HIM!” she realized. “WHERE?”

“There! There’s Yesung!” It was my turn to fangirl.

“Wow, he’s so handsome!”

“Isn’t he?” I grinned.

“He looks just like the type of guy you’d be interested in… And it looks like he’s your match! I SHIP MISUNG,” she declared.

“Ahahaha, really?”

“Duh! Aside from MiMeeNaLa, of course. Y’know, us two,” she winked.

“MiMeeNaLa? Did you just come up with that?” I laughed.

“I’m pretty awesome, huh?”

“Sure, sure,” I turned my direction back to the TV.

Hmm… Zhou Mi was nowhere in sight. Neither was Henry. I wonder where they are… Oh! They’re in Super Junior M. I forgot.

Meela sang till the end of Mr. Simple. Just as it ended, another song came on. I haven’t listened to much of their music, but I can guess that this song is part of their most current album. And I can also guess that it was called “Opera”. I like this song. I especially admire Yesung’s powerful voice in here. And the way he dances. Sigh, he’s just so… PERFECT.

“I see who you looking at,” Meela smirked.

“You know it,” I didn’t try to deny it.

Now that the song ended, it brought us to the introduction of the show. They lined up, Leeteuk being in the middle with the microphone in his hand. Zhou Mi and Henry also stepped out to join them.

“Annyeonghasaeyo~! We are Super Juni- oyeo!” they shouted.

“I’m Leeteuk!”










“Zhou Mi!”

“And Henry~!”

Huh, I suppose they were going in descending order of age… Minus Zhou Mi and Henry. I didn’t realize Sungmin was that old. Looks like I have something to bother him about later on.

“Oooh, Donghae is cute. And Siwon is so handsome,” Meela stared with big eyes.

“If only you could meet them in person. They’re ten times better looking than they are in this crappy TV here,” I said.

“Is that so…? Does that mean my Mr. Simple is ten times more beautiful in person than he already is on TV? I mean he’s already pretty damn beautiful on TV.”

“Psshh, Heechul? Don’t blow up his ego. I’m already tired of his narcissistic self,” I folded my arms over my chest.

“He’s narcissistic? Well of course he’d be narcissistic if he’s THAT good looking.”

“Thank you all for coming out to see our show!” Leeteuk addressed the crowd of possibly hundreds of thousands. “We love you, ELFs!”

The camera panned over the crowd as they cheered on. All I could really see were glowing blue lights and fan signs. But more of the blue lights. There were so many that it looked like a sapphire blue sea. It looked… Magical.

“We’re glad you’re all here! And we hope you enjoy the show!”

The music came back on as they got in formation to perform the next song.

“Wahhh, they’re so amazing,” Meela sighed. “You’re so lucky to be living with them. Can I move in too?”

“I’d rather move out to live with you than have you move in to live with me. You don’t know the things I go through every day,” I groaned.

“It can’t be all that bad living with thirteen OH SO HANDSOME guys. Admit it,” she nudged me.

“It can be enjoyable SOMETIMES. Other times, it’s pure chaos.”

I stared at the TV, looking for Yesung in particular. He’s the enjoyable part about my stay here. Along with Zhou Mi. Speaking of him, I wonder if he’s performing in this song…

“Dandarandan, dandarandan, dandarandan,” Meela sang with them. “Bounce to you, bounce to you, nae gaseumi neol~!”

This song is pretty catchy too…

Break it down to you, down to you, nae gaseumani neol~!”

And their dancing…

Bonamana, bonamana, bonamana~ Baby, you turn it up now~


Listen girl~




Baby girl~”





OH MY GOD, YESUNG JUST SANG SARANGHAE. Omo, omo, omo, OMO. What is this. His voice. So attractive. Omo. This must be recorded. AND PUT ON REPLAY FOREVER.

“Umm, Mina, are you okay?” Meela started at me weird.

“Huh,” I stared back, flustered.

“Your face is red as a tomato,” she pointed out the obvious.

“I’m not okay. I’M NOT OKAY. HE JUST SANG ‘SARANGHAE’. Do you know what ‘saranghae’ means? SARANGHAE MEANS I LOVE YOU. Do you know how amazing his voice sounded? IT WAS SO AMAZING. You don’t even know. EEEEEEEEE!” I fangirled.

“Puahahaha, you’re so cute, Mina!” she pinched my cheeks. “Hyperventilating over a boy like that! Ahahaha, you must really like him!”

“I dooo!” I admitted to her with ease. I always feel like myself around her. I can act as weird as I want and she wouldn’t think anything of it. This is why I like being around her.

The show went on as they performed a few more songs as a group, with a few dance-break appearances by Henry and Zhou Mi. Then came the solo performances, starting with Leeteuk. He sang an old, classic song, tossing and handing out roses to the audience. Then Kyuhyun, who sang a sad song. I don’t know what it was called, but I really liked it. Meela and I found it to be so sad that we were on the verge of tears. I’m gonna have to find the name of this song when he gets home! After him was Yesung, who sang also sang a sad song. It wasn’t as sad as Kyuhyun’s but it was just one of those love songs. His vocal abilities were perfectly showcased in the song. I admired every word he sang, every adlib he added. His voice is truly something anyone would call talent. His voice: pure gold.

Everyone else had a solo, but I was still star-struck by Yesung’s performance, so none of the ones after him really caught my attention. That is, until it was Heechul’s turn…

Heexhul waked to the center of the stage with the microphone in his hand. Suddenly, Henry appeared at the side of the stage with his violin. Oh, I’ve heard that Henry plays the violin and all, but I’ve never seen or heard him play it. I wonder how good he is…

And the performance begins.

Henry strikes a few epic notes and goes all out on his electric violin. Out of nowhere, his long notes turn into Fur Elise. The bass booms at the end of his note, and Henry’s intro is done. Heechul emerges from the darkness into the spotlight and starts singing.

Temptation Sonata… I know this song! Whoa, I never expected Heechul to cover this song. Yet, he still sounds so arrogant.

Heechul approaches Henry, and… Wait, what is he doing. Wait. Wait. WAIT, WHAT. DID HE REALLY? WHAT. WHAT. WHAT.

I turned to Meela, who also turned to me, wide eyed.


“I…” I was speechless as to what had just happened.






“Tell me what I saw isn’t true!” Meela cried.

“It…” I thought about it again. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA OMO, DID HE REALLY?” I continued laughing. I found it more amusing than anything else in this world. Oh lord.

“It wasn’t just any kiss,” Meela continued to wail. “HE KISSED HIM ON THE LIPS! HUHUHUHUH, WHAT DID I JUST SEE??”

Make note of consulting Heechul about his uality… AHAHAHA, I STILL CAN’T BELIEVE IT.

His solo ended much quicker than I thought. It wass probably because Meela spent the rest of the time being heartbroken and I was taken over by laughter.

And next is… Zhou Mi!

I’m actually really excited to see him sing too. I wanna see him showcase his amazingness by himself. And so I can stare at his endless legs without being distracted by other legs. Hehe, his legs. Oh, his legs.

“Helloooo~!” he waved. The crowd yelled back in response. “This song is dedicated to a very special person,” he said.

“Omo, does Mimi have a girlfriend?” I gasped. “He never told me about a girlfriend!”

“And don’t worry, ladies. I don’t have a girlfriend,” he stated, answering my question.

“Oh,” Meela and I said in unison.

“I want to say that she is a very close friend of mine. Despite meeting her only a few months ago, I feel like we’ve known each other for years.”


I wonder who he’s talking about…


“This is to a friend who is able to make me happy, no matter how bad my day is. She’s someone who I can spend all day with and enjoy every second of it. Someone who takes care of others more than she takes care of herself. And most importantly, she’s someone who I can always rely on.”


This person he’s talking about sounds pretty awesome. How come I’ve never met her?


“Right now, she’s at home, sick, and unable to attend this concert. I’m pretty sure she’s a little upset about not being able to come, so I want to cheer her up a little. She should be hearing every word I’m saying. Isn’t that right?” Zhou Mi winked directly at the camera.


“Omo, I think he’s talking about you!” Meela exclaimed.

“What? Are you sure?” my face warmed up.


“I’m sure you know who you are,” Mimi smiled. “I will be covering the song ‘Count on Me’ by Bruno Mars. And this is for you, Honey~!”

Henry walked into the spotlight, this time with an acoustic guitar. They took their seats on the wooden stools and Henry began playing.

Oh uh-huh~ If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea, I’ll sail the world to find you~” he sang with his honey-sweet voice. “If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can’t see, I’ll be the light to guide you~”

“AWWWWWWWWWW,” we both suddenly wailed.

You can count on me like one, two, three, I’ll be there~

AWWW, MIMI’S ENGLISH ACCENT IS ADORABLE. His English is fine, but that tiny accent just kills me. It’s just so ADORABLE.

And I know when I need it, I can count four, three, two, you’ll be there~ ‘Cause that’s what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah~ Ooooooh, oooooo yeah, yeah~”

Oh my, he’s just so sweet…

If you’re tossin’ and you’re turnin’, and you just can’t fall asleep, I’ll sing a song beside you~ And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me, every day I will remind you~

I was just lost in his voice for the whole chorus. You can count on me like one, two three…

You’ll always have my shoulder when you cry~ I’ll never let go, never say goodbye~ You know…”

I know?

You can count on me like one, two three, I’ll be there~ And I know when I need it, I can count on you like four, three, two, you’ll be there~ ‘Cause that’s what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah~”

Henry’s strumming slowed down and came to a stop.

You can count on me, ‘cause I can count on you…


“WOOOOOOO!! GO ZHOU MI!!” Meela screamed. “Wasn’t that great, Mina? Wasn’t it??”

I kept my eyes glued to the screen.


“Huh? Am I??” I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand.


I guess I am… To have someone like Zhou Mi in my life...


Damn, what a luck girl I am.



“Hi, I’m Meela!”
Heechul gave her the death glare.
She clung onto the sleeve of my shirt. “Wah, he’s scary…”



I know, I know… It’s been like a month. I’ll skip the “I’m-So-So-SO-SO-Sorry” speech since y’all been through it several times already. But y’know… I’M SORRY!

So you remember when I said that there would be more chapters coming over my winter break from December 21st, 2012 to Janaury 1st, 2013? Yeahhhhhh, about that… Lemme tell you guys what I had to do that prevented me from writing: One five-page essay, two PowerPoints, one 3-D model (that actually turned out quite AMAZING), a newsletter, and a PowerPoint that I had to edit. Plus, my friends wanted to spend some quality time together. So that’s a whole lot of projects + friends + procrastination.

Gee, I didn’t even mention exam week… Half-days are cool, BUT EXAMS AREN’T. I’m finished with testing now, but I have new classes when I get back to school… Meaning I could possibly NOT HAVE ANY FRIENDS for the next few weeks. And I don’t know if I’ll have lunch together with my significant other anymore. T_T


So yeah… That should explain my absence.

Well that’s all for now! Thanks for reading! I hope you guys liked the update. Please vote and leave comments down below!

PS: Last time I checked, I only had like 50k reads. And now, I’m here at almost 63k AND 1,000 VOTES, OMG. You guys are too awesome… Rin loves you. <3 [FOR WATTPAD]

PSPS: Hi, I’m Rin. :D

PSPSPS: Any of you guys have an Instagram? O:

PSPSPSPS: YOU GO, YOU SESSY SUPER JUNIOR M, YOU! Breakdown is completely mindblowing. And Sungmin so sessy. :3

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ayakohana25 #1
Chapter 45: I finished reading all 56 (or was it 57?) chapters on watty then tried to look it up on AFF hoping you continued it here. Hahaha~ I'm soooo hopeless.
AnimeKitty #2
Chapter 45: Author nim~~~~~ I miss this story sooooo much! Please come back soon and update!!! Pretty please???
Please please update please T.T
Chapter 1: I'm rereading this its my favorite fanfics of all :) 7jib fighting!elfs all over the world fighting!SJ oppas fighting! <3
Chapter 45: Just reread all the chapters and dand i miss this story author haha i'll wait for your update author! Fighting!! :))
fyekay918 #6
Chapter 45: Oh my god. Oh. My. God. Im so glad i gound this story
Gahhhhhhhh. I litrrally fangirled every chapter
I love it so much. The plot, the characters. I ship Misung but also MiChul. But maybe more MiSung, i think. But MiChul is adorbz T_T cant make up my mind.
Oh oh please update soon. Cant wait :3
aninrara #7
author-nim update soon T--T
IamParkJiHae #8
Heechul should've kissed Mina.
I know Sungmin thinks that it is his' birthday gift from Mina,
but I want Mina and Heechul to kiss T^T

I miss you author-nim update soon.
kpop_luv #9
Chapter 45: Oh and right now I am currently shipping Michul soooo i think heechul should've kissed mina
kpop_luv #10
Chapter 45: I actually forgot about this cuz of school T_T. buuut on the bright side I caught up on everything, and whoooo! go heechul (I think.....since sungmin kissed her instead)