Chapter 23

Super Maid & The 13 Dorks


"Don't talk to me, Sungmin."

"But Minaaaa!"

"Go away!" I pouted.

I was still mad at him for making me ride that rollercoaster yesterday. And he has been bugging me since we got home from shooting. Even when I woke up, I found him laying next to me with his puppy eyes staring wide.


"Don't talk to me!" Ryeowook yelled at Kyuhyun.

"Good morning, Zhou Mi~!" I smiled as he rose. "Did our yelling wake you up? I'm sorry," I patted his back. "I made you coffee!"

"Did you make me coffee too?" Sungmin blinked.

"No. Didn't I tell you to go away?" I responded.

Zhou Mi mumbled something in his morning language before getting out of bed to change. I ignored Sungmin's constant pleads as I checked my phone. I was still uncomfortable with the bulky iPhone. It had everything on it, except the phone charm that Zhou Mi had given me a while back...

Suddenly, the text-tone went off.

"Good morning, beautiful~ How's the weather over there? -Yesung"

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful... My eyes ran over that word several times before I could move onto the next word.

"Good morning! It's sunny... But really cold in the hotel room. -Mina"

"Really cold, eh?" Sungmin read off of my screen. "Care to cuddle?" he nudged me.

"No, be quiet, Ming. Go play Starcraft with Kyuhyun OPPA."

I heard Kyuhyun snicker.

"WAIT. HOLD UP. Since when does anyone call Kyuhyun OPPA?" he squinted at me. "You only call ME oppa, remember? What happened? I THOUGHT WE HAD SOMETHING SPECIAL."

"Our 'something special' fell off the rollercoaster and died," I stuck my tongue at him.

A text~!

"Haha, you're coming back tomorrow, right? I can't wait any longer. -Yesung"

"He better ba-"

"MING, stop creeping on my phone!" I pushed him off the bed. "Stay down there!"

"You'll get over it... Eventually," he murmured.

"Minaaaa~!" a new voice came in the room.

"Donghae!" I exclaimed. "It feels like I haven't seen you in weeks!"

"I knowww," he jumped onto the bed next to me. "Did you miss me?" he innocently smiled.

"Of course I did, Hae," I responded. "Did you miss me too?"

"Yep," he hugged me. "I've missed your cooking too."

"Aw, I'll make you dakdori tang when we get back to the dorms. Your favorite~"

"And me?" Sungmin stared up at us from the floor, enviously.

"Nope. Donghae didn't force me onto a rollercoaster, so he's getting food."

"But he wasn't there yesterday! Who knows what he might've done if he was!"

"But Hae would never do that. He's too innocent, see?" I poked Donghae's cheek as he continued smiling.

"I'm cute too," Sungmin pouted.

"It's a cover," I squinted at him. "You're evil Ming behind that too-cute face of yours."

"It's really true," Donghae told me. "He tried stealing my hidden snacks the day before we flew here."

"Mhmm... How did your filming go?" I asked Donghae. "Both you and Siwon filmed a trailer or something, right?"

"Yup, The Extravagant Challenge. But we have to fly to Taiwan sometime next month to film some more," he frowned.

"I'm gonna be waiting for your first episode," I grinned.

"That's great! I'll make sure I act my best on set for you," he promised.


Zhou Mi came out of the bathroom, looking perfect in his white v-neck and navy blazer. He went through his suitcase to pull out an ornate silk scarf and put it around his neck. I let out a loud sigh, staring at his supermodel legs.

"He doesn't have a , Mina..." Donghae pointed out.

"I-I wasn't staring at his ," I blinked.

"Are we going anywhere today, guys?" Zhou Mi asked.

"There's nothing on anyone's schedule," I answered. "I suppose it's vacation day."

"Hmm, really?" Zhou Mi wondered. "Should we go explore then?"

"Where are we going?"


*                          *                          *

"The train should be here any moment now," Zhou Mi tapped his watch.

Mimi wanted us all to take a train to a different part of Hong Kong, where there was a festival tonight. Surely, I was excited. I love festivals.

"I hear it!" Henry jumped excitedly. "How long is the ride again?"

"About 45 minutes," Zhou Mi answered.

"What? You never said 45 minutes!" Henry gasped. "I don't want to go anymore!"

"Come onnnn," Zhou Mi held onto him as the train came to a stop in front of us. The doors opened and Henry was dragged in.

"Sit with me," Sungmin linked arms with me.

"Nooo," I pulled away, taking the seat between Zhou Mi and Kyuhyun. "I'm gonna make you regret your choice yesterday!"

"But I already regret it," he sobbed.

"I'm still sitting here though," I smiled at him. "So what are we going to be doing on here for 45 minutes?" I turned to Zhou Mi.

"I don't know," he replied. "What would you like to do?"

"There's nothing to do..." I puffed my cheeks. "How about... You sing?" I suggested with a big grin.

"Haha, sing? What do you want me to sing?"

"Anything!" I exclaimed. I just wanted him to sing...

"Mmm, okay. How about a song that I wrote?" Mimi smiled.

"Isn't that a Christmas song?" Henry laughed. "We're in the middle of fall."

"Psh, it doesn't matter."

"How about I sing MY song instead?" Henry grinned.

"She wants ME to sing," Zhou Mi reminded him.

"Let ME sing," Kyuhyun butted in. "Everyone knows I have the best voice in Super Junior," he smirked confidently.

"Yah, you're not better than Yesung," Ryeowook said.

"Okay, but I still have the best voice IN HERE," Kyuhyun corrected himself.

"Actually, I do," Ryewook gloated.

"I sing long notes better," Zhou Mi chimed in.

"No way!" Ryeowook exclaimed.

"Yeah, no way! Remember what happened at Happy camp??" Kyuhyun cracked up.

Mimi blushed in embarrassment, refusing to continue being involved in the conversation. How did all this happen? All I wanted was for Zhou Mi to sing...

Although he didn't sing his song for me this time, he promised he'd sing it for me during Christmas... Sigh, it's two months away...

On the rest of the train ride, we all talked and fooled around. Then Zhou Mi and I played Tap Tap on his iPhone as Henry hummed along to the songs. After seven songs, we got bored and just sat there. But we didn't have to sit there doing nothing for too long.


"Can you feel it? We're slowing down," Donghae said excitedly.

"What are we gonna be doing here?" Henry asked Mimi.

"You'll see when we get there, little mochi," he answered, patting Henry's head.

Getting out of the train, we made our way out to the streets. Zhou Mi, with his phone out, led us to our first destination. We were walking into a narrow alley with busy shops. It wasn't like how it was in the city, but more like... A village?

"Wishing bamboo!" Mimi stopped in front of a shop with bamboo hung and tied to the front of their wall. "They say your wish will come true if you write it on the bamboo log and tie it to the wall."

"Really? I don't believe that stuff," Kyuhyun stared at him. "But I need lots of luck on my Starcraft game, so LET'S GO BUY SOME BAMBOO!"

We entered the shop, each of us buying one. Ryeowook, being the first one, struggled with his Chinese.

"Hi," he started. "I... My wish... Very big," he gestured with his hands. "So I want big bamboo."

"This is our biggest one," the lady showed him the bamboo log. "It's 35 yuan."

"Okay, thank you," Ryeowook handed her his money.

Henry and Zhou Mi watched in amusement as the others took a stab at attempting to buy something using their terrible Chinese. When we all got our bamboos and markers, we walked out to sit on the bench at the front of the shop.

I started writing...

I wish I would get to see Meela more and get visit mom in Busan soon. I wish I would start having an easy-going life in the dorms... WAIT, scratch that. I wish Heechul would be nicer to me or at least tell me why he hates me so much.

My mind suddenly decided to rewind and go back to the balcony scene... Where he kissed my cheek... And called it a punishment. Ugh, it's been almost a week, forget about it, Mina!

Okay, I wish for someone to always have my back when Meela's not there... Like right now. I wish for the guys to continue doing a great job on stage. I wish...

"DANG, how many wishes can you fit on there?" Henry raised an eyebrow.

"I-I have a lot of wishes," I blinked.

"But will all of your wishes be granted if you put it on just one bamboo?"

"I don't know," I shrugged.

Just then, we heard an evil laugh coming out of the shop... And out, Kyuhyun walked, with almost an armful of bamboo logs.

"What are you doing?" Siwon laughed.

"I have a lot of wishes, so I need ten of them," Kyuhyun smirked.

"Are you really going to write on them all?" Sungmin squinted at him. "We don't have the time for that."

"I have time."

"But we don't have time to wait for you," Sungmin said.

"Okay, you leave then," Kyuhyun joked.

"Don't be like that, Kyuhyun!" Donghae exclaimed. "What happened to KyuMin? Eh, KyuMin?"

"KyuMin ended a long time ago!" Sungmin turned away.

"Nuh-uh, we still lock the doors and drink wine together at night," Kyuhyun retorted.

We all stared at their lovers' quarrel until Kyuhyun gave up and sat down to start writing.

"S-T-A-R-C-R-A-F-T," he read aloud.

"Is it gonna work if you only write Starcraft?" Henry asked.

"Oh, you're right," Kyuhyun agreed, elaborating on his first wish.

"What'd you write?" I leaned onto Mimi to look at his bamboo.

"I hope that SJ-M can have a concert. And I hope that my throat would hurry and go back to normal, so no voice crack mishaps would happen again," he told me.

"Oh, that's why your voice cracked? I should add that to my wishes too," I quickly wrote for Mimi's throat to heal fast.

"I want for SJ-M to have an open concert too," Ryeowook said.

"Really? That's what I wrote too," Donghae showed Wook his bamboo.

"Me too," Sungmin and Henry said in unison.

"We all have the same wishes," Eunhyuk realized.

"I also want for my friends and family to be healthy. And our fans," Ryeowook added. "What about you, Siwon?"

"It's not exactly a wish... I kinda just wrote what I wanted... But here it goes," Siwon looked at his writing. "God bless China. Thank you for your love."

"Wow, your English is good," I was fascinated by his non-existent accent and English writing.

"Well, we're all done here, right?" Zhou Mi asked. "Let's tie these up."

Mimi was able to tie his up high, where I couldn't reach, because I was too short. I had to go for the bottom... Everyone's wishes were on the wall and we were ready to leave.

"Bye, Kyuhyunnn," everyone waved at him as he held six bamboos in his lap.

"Wait, guys..."

"Psh, he's writing all slow. Let's just leave him," Sungmin smiled mischievously.

"Yeah, let's go," Donghae skipped away.

"Wait..." he muttered.

I walked away slowly, just to make sure he wasn't gonna get lost and eaten by fangirls. He looked up to see that no one was waiting for him.

"They really left?" I heard him scoff.


. . .

"This is where the festival is," Zhou Mi showed us. "Let's go have some fun?"

"GOLD FISH," Donghae ran over to one of the game booths. "Excuse me sir, how do you play this?" he asked.

"You have to catch the gold fish using this," the man held up a weird looking piece of equipment. It was like those things you use to blow bubbles... But with a piece of paper covering the hole. "Whoever gets more fish within the 60 second limit wins."

"Let's play!" Donghae turned to us. "Anyone?"

"DID YOU KNOW," Henry stepped up. "Our Kyuhyun is the KING of gold fishing?" he put an arm around Kyuhyun, pulling him forward.

Kyuhuyn silently gave Henry that look.

"Is he, now?" Donghae challenged. "I'm the King of all fishies."

"Let's see who's the real king," Henry grinned. "We'll play one game, please!"

The man at the booth gave them both the weird paper "nets" and set the timer.

"Three... Two... One... Go!"

Donghae carefully dipped his paper net into the water, where most of the fish were. He worked slowly...

"YAH!" Eunhyuk yelled into the water, making the fish swim away.

"Hey! We're suppsoed to be EunHae! Why'd you do that?" Donghae exclaimed.

Kyuhyun was focusing on one fish in the corner. He tried trapping it there.

"You have eight seconds," the man told them.

"Hurry, hurry," Henry encouraged Kyuhuyn.


Kyuhyun, in a rush, quickly lifted his net out of the water, thinking he got a fish. Instead, he ripped the paper.

"Time's up. Did you boys catch any?"

"No," they answered at the same time.

"Move aside! Gentleman Mimi got this!" Zhou Mi came forward. "Who wants to play against me?" he asked confidently.

"Sungmin will go," Henry pushed him up. "Sungmin can do ANYTHING. From blowing bubbles to tossing pizza dough! You have no chance against Sungmin!"

Sungmin gave Henry the look that Kyuhyun had also gave him earlier.

"Alright, let's go, Sungmin," Zhou Mi smirked.

After they recieved their paper nets, the man counted down. "Three... Two... One... Start!"

I watched Zhou Mi place his paper net into the water. He moved extremely slow, careful not to scare the fish.

"Don't let Sungmin beat you," Donghae motivated him.

"Move slower," Ryeowook told him.

"Don't scare the fish," Donghae reminded him.

"Don't let the paper rip," Ryeowook said.

"All the fish are moving over here," Siwon pointed.

"Go over there, hurry!" Donghae rushed.

"But don't go too fast!" Ryeowook exclaimed.

"Be careful," Siwon said.

"AND DON'T BREATHE," Donghae whispered loudly.

"SHHHH, I got this!" Zhou Mi hushed them. He was cornering two fish.

"YEAAAHH, GO SUNGMIN!!" Kyuhyun purposely shouted loudly.

"SHHHHHHHHHHH," everyone over there hushed him.

"Two... One!" the man announced.

I turned around to see two fishies in Zhou Mi's bowl of water.

"YAAAAAAY," Donghae and Ryeowook cheered.

"You really got them?" I stared into the bowl, surprised.

"You missed it!" Donghae exclaimed. "Perfect timing! Omo, it was too awesome..."

"Prize?" the man asked.

"Hmmm..." Zhou Mi looked through the selection. "Can I get that Nemo, please?"

The man took Nemo off of the shelf and handed it to Zhou Mi. Mimi went over to Donghae and gave it to him.

"Here you go, Fish-Hae. Your twin," he laughed.

"Nemooooo~" Donghae sang. "Long time to see, little bro!"

"Haha, how do you know if he's your younger or older twin?" Ryeowook asked.

"My fishie senses are telling me," Donghae smiled.


We continued through the square, looking at different booths. There were a lot of games and food stands. There were also stands selling anything from cellphone cases to hair accessories.

Siwon stopped in front of one stand.

"Hey, I wanna make a bet with you guys," he challenged.

"Bring it!" Henry listened.

"The bitter herb tea here," Siwon pointed. "I bet you can't drink it in one shot."

"Herb tea? Pfft, I drink it all the time!" Henry bluffed. "What are you gonna give me if I can do it?" Henry smirked.

"I'll treat you to dinner," Siwon replied.

"I'll do it too, then!" Sungmin squeezed through after hearing "dinner".

"Me toooo," Donghae joined them.

"Three cups of herb tea, please," Siwon asked the woman.

"Oh, it's cold!" Sungmin exclaimed as he got his cup.

"Who wants to go first?" Siwon looked at them.

"I'll go," Henry said proudly. "Let me show you how it's done!"

He put his lips onto the rim of the cup.

"Drink!" Siwon rushed him.

"Mmmkay," Henry tipped the cup up.

"Chug, chug, chug!" Eunhyuk chanted.

He gulped down the herb tea for a while until... He spat out half of the liquid in his mouth.

"YOU OWE ME DINNER," Siwon grinned.

"It was more bitter than I thought it'd be," Henry admitted.

Sungmin and Donghae blinked at him, sniffing their tea.

"Next?" Siwon looked at the two.

"Sungmin!" Kyuhyun nominated.

"Okay, Sungmin."

"He looks scared," I laughed.

"It's for food!" Zhou Mi shouted at him.

"Is that supposed to be motivation?" I turned to Mimi.

"Yep. Sungmin would more than likely, do anything for food," he responded.

Sungmin placed his lips on the cup, hesitating for a second. He giggled, backing away from the cup.

"Go, Sungmin!" Kyuhyun said.

"Okay, okay..."

He put his lips back onto the rim of the cup. Then he started drinking, making weird faces from frowning, to having his eyes open wide, to cringing and squinting.

"Omo, he's really about to finish," Ryeowook gasped.

Sungmin tilted the cup up, making sure he got every drop so he'd get his dinner. Huffing and puffing as he finished, he stumbled back, holding his head in pain.

"Brainfreeze..." he sobbed.

As for Donghae... Let's just say that he didn't even make it through half the cup. But Siwon forced him and Henry to finish their bitter tea anyway.


Leaving the tea stand, we wandered around, looking at as many things as we could. I stayed close by Zhou Mi, since he knew where the best places were. But somehow, we lost all the other guys...



"What happened to Zhou Mi, Henry, and Mina?" Ryeowook looked around.

"OMO, DID MINA GET LOST?" Sungmin gasped.

"Siwon and Donghae are gone too..."

"They abandoned us!" Eunhyuk exclaimed.

I turned to my left and there was... An underwear booth.

"Hey guys," I smiled mischievously. "Look," I pointed at the underwear booth.

"Oh!" Eunhyuk understood me immediately. "Should we...?" he smirked.

"Didn't we do this in Taiwan last year?" Sungmin remembered.

"Yep. And we're about to do it again," I said.

The guys followed behind me as I approached the underwear stand, staring at the variety. I picked up a leopard print underwear.

"This looks like something Siwon would wear," I snickered.

"And this one, Donghae would wear," Eunhyuk held up a heart-printed one.

"Let's find something weird for Zhou Mi and Henry," Sungmin smiled mischievously. "Like this," he showed us a tight-looking pair that looked like a speedo.

"How about this?" Eunhyuk threw a thong at him.

"This one could be for Mina," Sungmin decided.



"What happened to the others?" I asked.

"I don't know... Maybe they got lost," Zhou Mi replied.

We walked through stands that were selling clothing items. Of course, Mimi had to buy a few things here and there, maybe everywhere. Nothing really seemed to catch my eye. Until...

"Oh!" I pointed a shirt. It was striped black and white, with Snoopy on it. I remembered Donghae said that Jessica had "borrowed" his Snoopy shirt and never gave it back. "I want to get that for Donghae," I said. "What size is he?"

"Maybe a medium," Zhou Mi answered.

"Medium, medium, medium," I searched. "Ah-ha!"

After paying for it, I happily followed Zhou Mi and Henry to the food area. They were tired from walking and decided to rest for a while with some bubble tea. Sitting there, we waited to regain our energy.

But still...

"Where are the other guys...?" I pondered.

"Do you really want to go find them?" Henry asked.


"Wanna do something fun?"

"Sure, why not?"

"Then follow me~!"



"WE'RE LOST!" I turned to Siwon... But he wasn't beside me. "Omo, Siwon, where are you?" I exclaimed. "Siwon? CHOI SIWON?"

"Turn around, I'm right here..." I heard him.



"Okay, this is where the service station is, right?" Henry asked Zhou Mi.

"Yup. According to my phone," he replied.

"Hello, sir! We are Super Junior... M! Do you mind if we use the speaker?" Henry asked the man in the booth.

"Sure," the man let us into the average sized booth and handed us the mic.

"'Tai wan mei' on three," Henry said to Zhou Mi. "One... Two... Three," he pressed on the speaker button.

"Oh tai wan mei~ Ni yan li wo chu xian~" they sang.

For some weird reason, I felt like I could hear the whole city of Hong Kong cheering... Oh, it wasn't Hong Kong. It was just the whole festival.

"Oh bu rang shui~ Ti wo zai ni shen bian~" they finished.

"We are Super Junior M!" Henry announced.

I heard loud screaming from outside of the booth.

"Lee Donghae, we are holding your fish friends hostage at the Ring Toss booth."

"And I bought food for you, Sungmin," Zhou Mi lied.

"MEET US THERE!" they yelled into the mic.

I could imagine Donghae panicking right now, needing to go save his fish friends.



"So they're coming back tomorrow..." Yesung said.

"Yup," I agreed, throwing myself onto the couch. "Are you coming with us tomorrow, Heechul?"

"To where?" Heechul asked.

"Picking up the guys at the airport," I replied. "And Mina," I added.

"Nah," he responded in a dull manner.

"Why not?" I gasped.

"Because I don't want to."

"Come onnnnnn, it'll be fun! We can push Sungmin into the women's bathroom again!" I exclaimed.

Sighing, Heechul walked away.

"What's up with him these days?" I pouted.

"I don't know... He's been like this for almost a week now," Yesung answered.

"Meh... I guess TeukChul won't be happening any time soon."

"Why..." Yesung raised an eyebrow at me. "Why TeukChul?"

"Because... Y'know," I started. "Kangin isn't here for KangTeuk anymore... And since Hangeng is gone..."

"I haven't talked to Hangeng in a long time..."

"Me neither..." I pursed my lips.

"You think he'll come back one day?"



"YAAAAAAY!" Sungmin yelled as his ring was caught onto one of the bottles.

This game of ring toss involved onion-ring sized hoops and a hundred little glass bottles laid out on the racks. So far, Zhou Mi, Henry, and I had five points, while the other team had seven. It wasn't fair at all... They had twice as many people!

"I want my food after this," Sungmin demaded, since he found out Zhou Mi lied about having his food.

Looking around, Zhou Mi stepped next to me and whispered, "There's no rule stating that you can't lean over the counter."

"Brilliant," I smiled at his plan.

With Mimi holding onto my waist, I tilted over the counter, stretching my arm out. I reached out farther and farther... But I still couldn't reach far enough.

"My arms are short, Mimi!" I exclaimed. "Let's switch positions!"

"Okay," he agreed. "My long legs will do me some good," he smirked.

I wrapped my arms around his slim waist, making sure he doesn't fall over. I saw him successfully put one ring onto a bottle. That makes our score six! One more an we'll be tied with the other team!

"Scoot over here a little," Zhou Mi moved to the right, his arms out at a different bottle.

I stepped over to the right, keeping a grip on his waist. Then all of a sudden...

"Yah!" we exclaimed as someone pushed me forward, sending both Zhou Mi and I down.

"Hehehehe," I heard an evil laugh.

"SUNGMIN!" we yelled at him.

"That's cheating," he looked at us innocently.

"Time's up!" the owner announced. "This team wins with seven points!" he pointed at Sungmin's team.

They chattered and cheered as Zhou Mi, Henry, and I blinked at our loss.

"You can pick your prizes," the owner told the team.

"I wanted the Domo," Henry pouted.

"Me too," I pouted with him.

"Can I get the Domo, please?" Sungmin asked the owner, who handed it to him. He happily hugged it, leaving me and Henry staring. "Guess what I have and you don't?" Sungmin smirked mischievously.

"Don't talk to me anymore, Sungmin." I turned away. "Just don't talk to me."

"Minaaaa, I was kidding!" Sungmin whined. "Here, I got this for you," he turned me around, putting Domo in my arms. "I'm sorryyyy~!" he hugged me. "Forgive me for forcing you onto a rollercoaster and pushing you," he apologized. "I promise I'll take you out for ice cream every week and buy you anything you want!"

I gazed at Sungmin's adorable baby face for a little before finally giving in. "Aww, it's fine, Sungmin," I squeezed his cheek. "Thank you for apologizing," I smiled. "And thanks for Domo~!"

"Are you getting me a Domo too?" Henry continued pouting at Sungmin.


. . .


I went to sleep with both my Zhou Mi plush and my Domo plush last night. But of course, I woke up with Sungmin next to me... This time in his pink bunny suit. He had a habit of sneaking onto my bed in the middle of the night. Even if I was sharing a bed with Zhou Mi, whom I trusted to share a bed with, Sungmin would somehow squeeze in between without waking us up. It was quite awkward waking up...

"How did you get over here, Sungmin?" I slowly blinked at him.

He didn't budge.

"Sungmin..." I repeated. "Yah, Sungmin," I pulled on his arm.

He turned over, his back facing me, and his arm around Zhou Mi's waist. He shifted his leg over him too. It was as if Zhou Mi was Sungmin's personal body pillow...

"Hey!" I yanked him back around.

"What are you doing, Mina?" Zhou Mi mumbled, confused.

"That's Sungmin," I blamed.

Startled, Mimi turned around to see Sungmin in his face, dead asleep.

"How'd you get here, Sungmin?" Zhou Mi raised an eyebrow.

"That's what I was asking..."

We looked at each other for a second before deciding what to do with him. Without hesitation, we rolled off of the bed. Grabbing Ming's ankles, we dragged him off of our bed, pulling him down to the floor. Surprisingly, he was heavier than I thought he'd be.

"Nnnnnngg," I heard Sungmin moan.

Kyuhyun sat up on his bed, hearing our loud movements and Sungmin's muttering. I mouthed "sorry" to him for waking him up. Instead of going back to sleep, Kyuhyun decided to join us. He got out of bed, coming over to poke Sungmin's tummy.

The poking soon turned into tickling...

. . .

"STOP, STOP, STOP!" Sungmin exclaimed, laughing his head off. "I'M SORRY FOR WHATEVER I DID! I'M SORRY!!"

"Say you'll buy me a new game!" Kyuhyun ordered.

"Say you'll come shop with me!" Zhou Mi added.

"Say you'll stop being cute!" I shouted, tickling him even more.

"I'll buy you a new game! I'll go shopping with you! BUT I CAN'T STOP BEING CUTE!" Sungmin wheezed.

"Then you're gonna have to endure this!" I continued tickling him as the other two backed away, satisfied by his agreements.

"Noooooooooo, stop, Mina!" he wailed. He kept laughing and squirming around on the floor.

That's until he rolled over and pinned me to the floor. And it was his turn to tickle me...

"AHAHAHAHA, DON'T! STOP!" I laughed.

"Don't stop??" Sungmin continued.


"So stopping?" he teased.

"LEE SUNGMIN!" I yelled.

"Ye- Wah!" he got pulled back by Zhou Mi. "Why'd you do that?"

"Mina's on our team!"

"Since when do we have teams?" Sungmin frowned.


There was a knock on our door. Mimi walked over to welcome Ryeowook, Eunhyuk, and Siwon. They tip-toed in quietly. It seemed suspicious...

"Guys, you know what today is?" Eunhyuk whispered, closing the door.

"Uhhhhh..." Kyuhyun, Sungmin, and I pondered.

"The day we go home, right?" Kyuhyun stated. "We need to pack!"

"No, it's something else!" Ryeowook said.

"Hmmm... Oh! It's October 11th," Sungmin exclaimed.

"And...?" Siwon hinted.

"And we're flying back to Seoul," Sungmin replied, dumbfounded.

"OH, IT'S HENRY'S BIRTHDAY!" Zhou Mi finally revealed.

"YES, HENRY'S BIRTHDAY!" Ryeowook cheered.

"And Donghae's birthday is in four days!" Eunhyuk added.

"You know what a member's birthday means?" Siwon smiled.

"IT'S PARTY PARTY PARTY TIME~!" Sungmin sang. "Wait, where are the birthday boys though?"

"They're still asleep," Ryeowook said. "So we were thinking... Since we're in China and we won't be flying back until later tonight," he started. "Why not throw a party in China?"

"That's a great idea!" Zhou Mi clapped.

"I already reserved the ballroom on the 3rd floor," Siwon told us.

"Isn't a ballroom really big?" Kyuhyun blinked.

"I rented the smallest one. But the smallest one isn't very small," Siwon replied. "And we'll still need a cake and some candles."

"We can take care of that!" Zhou Mi put an arm around my shoulder. "We're a TEAM," he amusingly glanced at Sungmin.

"Okay, then you take care of Donghae," Ryeowook pointed at Eunhyuk. "And you two distract Henry," he directed towards Kyuhyun and Sungmin. "Siwon and I will set up the ballroom."

"Arasso!" Eunhyuk agreed.

"Get changed, let's go!"


*                          *                          *

"Where is the closest bakery located at?" Zhou Mi spoke to his iPhone.

"Here is a list of bakeries in Hong Kong," his iPhone replied.

"'Sweet Treats'," Mimi responded. "It's three blocks away. We can walk right?"

"Yup," I smiled.

"Haha, of course. Shopping has prepared us for walking trips of any distances!" he patted my head.

We tried not to make any stops as we walked to the bakery. But y'know... This is Zhou Mi. GENTLEMAN MIMI HAS TO SHOP.

...So we went in practically half of the stores we passed by.

It was almost an hour and a half before we finally made it to "Sweet Treats".


"Hello~!" Zhou Mi greeted the girl at the register. "We're looking to buy a birthday cake."

"Birthday cakes? Would you like to choose from here," she gestured to the cakes behind the glass display. "Or would you like to place a special order?"

"How long does it take for a special order?"

"At most, 5 hours," she responded. "You can customize it."

"Oooh, customizing~!" Zhou Mi and I sang together.

The girl took out the catalog for us to choose what we wanted in and on the cake. After thinking for a very long time, we went with vanilla, with a layer of chocolate inside... And lots of strawberries on top. We wanted to add a "chocolate name tag" on it, saying "Happy Birthday Henry & Donghae".

"We can deliver it too," the girl told us.

"Really? That'd be great!" Zhou Mi said excitedly. He gave her the address to our hotel.

And with that, we left the bakery, happily skipping through the streets.

"One errand complete!"

"I still think we shoulda put 'Herry' on the cake," Mimi laughed. Earlier, he was joking about misspelling Henry's name on the cake to get him back for everything he has done in the past. "Okay, now candles... Where do we find candles?"



"Henryyyyy~!" I sang, walking into his hotel room.

"How'd you get in here?" Henry squinted at me.

"Ryeowook gave me the key earlier. SO WHATCHU DOING, HENRY?" I jumped on his bed.


"We're not leaving until about 7:00pm tonight," Kyuhyun told him. "Buuuut I suppose we should get ready anyways. Being prepared is important, right? Let us help you!"

"Yes, let us help you, dear Henry!" I grabbed one of his shirts to fold.

"You know what... You guys can just pack everything for me. I'ma go see what the others are up to," he started walking towards the door.

"Nooo!" I blocked his way. "You have to HELP US help YOU pack!" Did the words that just came out of my mouth make sense...?

Henry raised an eyebrow at me.

"Henry-ah! You didn't bring your violin with you?" Kyuhyun exclaimed.

"No, we weren't having a full-out concert or anything... So I left it in the dorm," Henry responded.

"Oh, I see..." Kyuhyun said slowly.

"So Henrrrryyyyyy!" I pushed him back towards his luggage. "How about you teach me how to read sheet music?"

"But don't you already know how to read sheet music? You can play the guitar..."

"Haha, what are you talking about? My guitar solo? Pfft, that was fake," I laughed. "I was only the notes and pretended to know what I was doing," I lied.

Then something in his suitcase caught my attention...

"Omo, is that a pink bunny charm??" I grabbed it. "IT'S PIIINKKK!!"

"W-wait, give that back!" Henry reached for it.


"I-I didn't buy that! A fan gave that to me at the airport," he blinked.


"It say's Henry on it. Let me sho-"




"So we start singing when Zhou Mi and I roll out the cake," Siwon said.

"Okay," I agreed as I fixed the table cloth.

It's been a while since we've celebrated a member's birthday. They last one was Yesung's in August. But he was so busy with his schedule, he only had time for us to get him a cake. No celebrations...

But speaking of Yesung, I miss my roommate. Sleeping with Henry isn't the best.

"I texted Zhou Mi and asked him to pick up some party poppers and some other stuff too," Siwon said. "Do we need anything else?"

"Hmm... I don't think so," I replied. "Oh, there goes the gifts from Japan!"

I made my way towards the door. The delivery man set down the gifts in the corner of the room. There was a pile of gifts from China, a pile of gifts from Korea, a stack of gifts from Taiwan, and a jumble of presents from Japan. I guess Henry and Donghae are really popular in Japan this year.



Finally making it back to the hotel room after rushing around, buying more things on a list that Siwon texted Zhou Mi, we plopped down on our bed.

"That was a lot of walking," Zhou Mi puffed.

"It really was..." I agreed. "What time is it?"

"4:38pm," he looked at his watch. "That gives us just enough time to get ready."

"Get ready...?"

"Yeah... Dress up, do makeup, do hair..."

"Formal clothing?" I blinked.

"Yup," he nodded. "Did you bring a dress?"

"Hmm... I think so," I tried to remember if I packed one.

"Don't worry, I actually got one of your dresses in my suitcase," he laughed. "I was hoping you'd get a chance to wear this while we're in Hong Kong," he pulled the dress out of his luggage.

It was a plum-colored layered chiffon dress. There was a double-bow secured at the waist and two shoulder straps. Almost forgetting that we had bought that just a while ago, I stared in awe at Zhou Mi's choice.

"It's amazing~!" I sang in delight.


Zhou Mi showered first, changing into a dress shirt and pants, and a blazer paired with a black tie. As always, he looked sharp and fabulous.

Then it was my turn to shower. I tried to make it quick so I could take my time to fancy up my hair. Wiggling into the dress, I reached behind me to pull up the zipper. I pulled it halfway up my back... And I couldn't reach any farther.

Opening the bathroom door, I got in front of the full-length mirror to see if I could figure it out. I threw my arm behind my back, struggling. I felt around with both of my hands, trying to find the zip.

"You look like you need help," Mimi laughed, watching me squirm around.

"I do!" I wailed. "Help me!" I turned around for him to zip the dress up for me.

"There," he finished.


"GUYS!" Sungmin busted into the room. "We got Henry to go cha- AWWW, MINA~!" he looked at me. "You look adorable~!" he cupped his face with his hands with a big grin.

"Oh... Um... Thank you. You look adorable too, Sungmin," I responded.

"I know," he smiled. "Anyways, we got Henry to go change into his clothes. AND WE PARTYING IN 30 MINUTES!!"

"Good," Mimi gave him a thumbs up. "Now you go change. You have less than 30 minutes!" he rushed Sungmin.

Sungmin quickly got himself together and put on formal clothing, similar to Zhou Mi's. Then Kyuhyun came back, doing the same. Soon, everyone and everything was ready.


"Okay," Zhou Mi whispered. "We're gonna go down to the ballroom first. Then we'll call and tell them to meet us down there. And Siwon and I are gonna bring the cake in."

"Arasso," Sungmin said. "Let's go!"

Taking the elevator down, Sungmin, Kyuhyun, and I met up with Ryeowook and Eunhyuk. The ballroom wasn't TOO big, nor was it too small. There was just enough space for 60 people to hula hoop without bumping into each other.

Then Henry and Donghae arrived.

"HENRYYYYY, DONGHAEEEE," we welcomed them.

"What are we doing here? I thought we were leaving soon," Henry blinked.

"I thought so too..." Donghae said.

We stood there silently and awkwardly, waiting for Siwon and Zhou Mi to come in with the cake. And when Sungmin spotted them at the door, he broke the silence.

"Well... We can't leave with out a PARTY!!" Sungmin exclaimed.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUU~!" Siwon and Zhou Mi sang, rolling out the cake.

"Happy birthday to youuuu~!" we joined them, clapping. "Happy birthday to HaeRy~! Happy birthday to youuuu~!"

Henry got all excited and stared around, looking like a confused chipmunk, while Donghae just grinned childishly.

"DAAAAW, THANK YOU, GUYS!" Henry bounced around.

"Thank youuuu!" Donghae went to hug each and every one of us.

"Cake cake cake!" Sungmin pointed.

Siwon put the candles on the cake and lit them up. He held up the cake as we sang for them again.

I felt a breeze coming from my left... Breezes aren't supposed to be in buildings, are they...? I turned around to see Kyuhyun puffing up his cheeks and blowing.

" you~!" they finished singing.

"Yaaay!" we clapped.

"Make a wish!" Ryeowook reminded them.

I heard Kyuhyun's low chuckling.

"WHOA, WAIT, WHAT," Donghae blurted.

The candles suddenly went out, and it wasn't Henry or Donghae who blew them out... We all turned to the suspect. Cho Kyuhyun.

He smiled cheesily as awkward silence filled the room. But it wasn't long before we started being loud again, cheering and congratulating them.

"Welcome to the 21 club," Zhou Mi, Eunhyuk, and Sungmin shook hands with Donghae.

"Welcome to the 19 club," Kyuhyun and I did the same to Henry.


"PRESENTO," Donghae held out his hands.

"Presents to Henry and Donghae from Japan," Siwon handed them both similar packages.

"Thank you, thank you," they smiled.

"But wait! Shouldn't there be a difference since I'm the older one?" Donghae looked around at the average sized package.

"Aish, just open it," Siwon laughed. "There's more over there," he pointed to the corner.

They opened most of their presents from the fans and got everything from plushies to food, and cameras to car keys... But no cars. Then came the most important part. The presents from us!

"HERE YOU GO," Eunhyuk gave Donghae a tiny package.

"Thank you, Hyuk," Donghae smiled.

"Open it, open it."

He slowly unwrapped the box, shaking it a few times to guess what was inside. He lifted the lid of the box...

"Omo, what is this??" Donghae picked up a pair of boxers with red hearts on it.

"I picked it just for you," Eunhyuk stated.

"Open yours, Henry!" I heard Kyuhyun.

"WHY DOES IT HAVE BIRDS ON IT," Henry picked it up with two fingers, confused.

"I picked it for you," Kyuhyun grinned. "It's REAL MEN'S underwear."

Since I wasn't able to pick up a present for Henry earlier, I gave him the Domo he wanted that Sungmin gave me yesterday. Also, this was the perfect opportunity to give Donghae the Snoopy shirt I got for him.

"Donghae, happy birthday!" I held out a gift bag.

"Thank you, Minaaa," he hugged me again, this time ten times more tightly.

"You'll never guess what I found yesterday."

"What'd you find?" he gasped.

"It's in the bag!"

I watched him dig through the masses of tissue paper. His eyes lit up when he spotted the treasure at the bottom.

"It's exactly the one I had before!" he exclaimed. "THANK YOUUUU!" he squeezed me.

"Hae, how are you so strong for a 5 year old?" I wheezed.

"I just turned 6, and 6 year olds have the strength of 21 year olds," he grinned, showing me his muscular arms.

"But technically not 21 until Tuesday," I squinted at him.

"Shhhh," he put a finger to his lips.


After eating the cake, we decided to take out the party poppers and play around... The party poppers weren't the usual tiny ones where you pull the string... They were like giant fire crackers.

"Three... Two... One!" Ryeowook counted down. "Yaaaaah!" he pulled at the bottom of the tube.

BOOM!! Everyone screamed as Donghae and Henry's exploded.

"Mine won't work..." Ryeowook observed it from all sides. "He- WAH!" he exclaimed as another one went off.


"Kyuhyun-ah!" Siwon assisted Kyuhyun as he dropped to the floor. The party popper must've scared him so bad. Siwon put his hand on Kyuhyun's chest and started huffing and puffing, telling him to breathe.

"Karma for stealing our wishes and buying us weird underwear!" Henry pointed at Kyuhyun.

We stayed in the ballroom, doing all kinds of stuff. There wasn't any cake leftover, since Sungmin gladly ate it all.

We started cleaing up as it got clsoer to 7:00pm, and closer to getting home. Siwon and Ryeowook took care of the rest as we headed back into our hotel rooms to finish packing up. Everyone was too lazy to change into other clothes, so we stayed in our formal clothing.


*                          *                          *

"Thanks for making my birthday so awesome," Henry said as we boarded the plane.

"Yes, thank you!" Donghae exclaimed.

"You guys deserved it," Ryeowook smiled.

I took my seat next to Donghae this time, since Henry wanted to get back at Kyuhyun. I let out a yawn, laying back on the seat.

"You're tired too?" Donghae asked.

"I'm exhausted," I pouted. "It's been a long day."

"Get some rest. We have four hours," he patted my head. "I'm gonna sleep too," he pulled his beanie over his eyes. "Nighty night," he waved.

"Good night, Donghae," I responded, pulling his bean further down his face.

He laughed, adjusting it again, before hugging his pillow and falling asleep. I turned to my right, exchanging glances with Zhou Mi. He peered over to see Donghae in dream land. He quietly told me to take a nap also. It wasn't long before I drifted to sleep with everyone else on the plane.



Chapter 24 Preview:

"Do you know what pink roses mean?" Zhou Mi smiled. "It means 'I like you'."



AYDOEEEEE, long chapter.

A lot of you have been waiting for them to come back from China... YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY ONES. It's been dreadful having to write the rest and fill it in before we can get to that part. Sorry sorry sorry sorry, naega naega naega monjyeo- yeah, sorry. D;


I've linked Donghae and Henry's birthday party on the sidebar. Pretend that Hangeng wasn't Hangeng in there, and they weren't partially speaking Japanese. Arasso? Arasso. (AFF readers, link is here: HENRY AND DONGHAE'S BIRTHDAY

Thank you for reading! Comment down below: WHO DO YOU SHIP? MiSung? MiChul? ZhouMina? Or MiMing? Tell me what you think, lovelies. Also, please subscribe for more!

PSPS: MEH, school.

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ayakohana25 #1
Chapter 45: I finished reading all 56 (or was it 57?) chapters on watty then tried to look it up on AFF hoping you continued it here. Hahaha~ I'm soooo hopeless.
AnimeKitty #2
Chapter 45: Author nim~~~~~ I miss this story sooooo much! Please come back soon and update!!! Pretty please???
Please please update please T.T
Chapter 1: I'm rereading this its my favorite fanfics of all :) 7jib fighting!elfs all over the world fighting!SJ oppas fighting! <3
Chapter 45: Just reread all the chapters and dand i miss this story author haha i'll wait for your update author! Fighting!! :))
fyekay918 #6
Chapter 45: Oh my god. Oh. My. God. Im so glad i gound this story
Gahhhhhhhh. I litrrally fangirled every chapter
I love it so much. The plot, the characters. I ship Misung but also MiChul. But maybe more MiSung, i think. But MiChul is adorbz T_T cant make up my mind.
Oh oh please update soon. Cant wait :3
aninrara #7
author-nim update soon T--T
IamParkJiHae #8
Heechul should've kissed Mina.
I know Sungmin thinks that it is his' birthday gift from Mina,
but I want Mina and Heechul to kiss T^T

I miss you author-nim update soon.
kpop_luv #9
Chapter 45: Oh and right now I am currently shipping Michul soooo i think heechul should've kissed mina
kpop_luv #10
Chapter 45: I actually forgot about this cuz of school T_T. buuut on the bright side I caught up on everything, and whoooo! go heechul (I think.....since sungmin kissed her instead)