Chapter 27

Super Maid & The 13 Dorks


Today's the day!

Slipping out of my tank top and sweatpants, I jumped into my glorious sapphire dress. I squirmed around, pulling it up to my chest.

I stood, pouting at myself in the mirror, when I knew I was facing a problem that I've always had when putting on dresses... Zipping it up.

. . .

I tip-toed over to the door, slightly cracking it open. Poking my head out, I looked around, still holding the dress up against my body.

No one's home, except for Mimi, right? Maybe he can help me...

I checked one more time to make sure no one was in the hallway. Hmm... Everyone's doors are closed anyways... I dashed to Zhou Mi's door and knocked.

"Zhou Miiiiii."

There was no answer.

"Mimiiiii," I knocked again.

Still no answer.

I pulled my dress up, gripping it tightly. Should I just walk in? No, what if I walk in on him changing? Aw, what do I do now...?

"Mimi, are you thereeee?" I wailed.


"Why are being so loud?" I heard a voice behind me.

I turned me head to see Heechul, crossing his arms. He was already dressed up in a sleek black tuxedo with a matching black tie... And he didn't look so bad.

"Nice back, by the way."

"Don't look at my back," I turned my whole body around.

"And why are you going into Zhou Mi's room like that?" he cocked an eyebrow. "Half-dressed..."

He took a step closer, making me take a step back.

"Shouldn't you zip up your dress first?"

He took another step forward, making me back up against the door.

"Unless you're planning something naughty fo-"

"No!" I exclaimed, blushing at his comment. "I was just gonna ask him to zip it up for me!"

"Then let me help you, since he's not opening the door," Heechul suggested.

"Err, he'll come out," I knocked on the door again.

Mimi, what are you doing at a time like this? Don't tell me you've fallen asleep while doing your hair again...

"Doesn't look like he's coming out anytime soon," Heechul said.

"He will!" I retorted.

I grabbed onto the door knob, turning it... But his door was locked.

"See?" Heechul chuckled.

I knitted my brows, knowing he was right.

"Let me help you."

"No," I crossed my arms over my chest, holding the dress up.

"I'm tryna be nice."

"That's cool."

"So you're not gonna accept my 'kindess'?"


Without hesitation, he grabbed me by my shoulders and turned me around.

"Hey, I said I didn't need your help!"

"I don't care," he fixed the zipper, trying to pull it up.

I mumbled incoherent words at him that he probably didn't hear or even cared to hear.

" it in, fatty."

"Yah, don't call me fatty!" I exclaimed.

"Do you want me to call you a potato head for the rest of your life?" he asked, placing a hand at the small of my back, giving me the shivers.

"N-No..." I responded, nervously.

I took in a deep breath, waiting for him to zip up the rest of my dress. He pulled it up to the top with one smooth movement, and adjusted the clasp.

"There," he finished, taking a step back. "You look... Nice."

"Oh... Thanks..." I said, a blush rising to my cheeks. "You don't too bad either," I mumbled.

"What was that?" he smirked, leaned towards me.

"I said you don't look too..." I trailed off.

"I can't hear you, potato head. Speak up," he teased.

"NEVER MIND!" I stomped back into my room.


*                          *                          *

"Come on, Mina!" Zhou Mi turned back, taking my arm.

"Hold up," I wobbled, trying my best to keep my balance. "Wah, why'd you pick these heels for me?" I whined.

"They compliment your dress! And I bet you'll be the most stunning one here!" he said with a big grin.

"I doubt it," I puffed my cheeks. "But if I am, I couldn't have done it without you, right?" I smiled.

"That's right," he laughed, leading me into wedding hall. "I think the guys already went in," he looked around the empty lobby.

He talked to the receptionist, who let us in after she admired Mimi's amazingness. As we walked in, I took in the majestic marble floor and high ceiling being held up by tall pillars. The place was absolutely beautiful.

"There they are," Zhou Mi pointed across the ballroom.

I spotted Donghae pulling on Eunhyuk's tie, along with the rest of the members behind them. I gripped onto Zhou Mi's arm, taking tiny steps towards the group.

"I can't let you hold onto me anymore," Zhou Mi said, coming to a stop.

"Why not?"

"Yesung's over there."

"What's wrong with that?" I pouted.

"He's your date," he said with a sly smile.

"But what if I trip?"

"You won't," he laughed. "Trust me. You'll be fine."

"Mmm... Okay," I let go of his arm. "But if I trip and fall on my face-"

"You can throw me off the balcony," he finished.

"Sounds good."

"Haha, alright. Come on, they're waiting," he gestured for me to walk first.

Taking a deep breath, I carefully approached the guys. Leeteuk noticed me coming and grinned widely, nudging Shindong. Donghae and Eunhyuk stopped joking around and turned to stare. Sungmin also stopped in his tracks, his eyes widening in awe. Seemingly speechless, they made way for me to pass through and reach Yesung.

Yesung... He had on a black tux with a black dress shirt underneath. The sapphire blue tie he had on matched the shade of my dress. Zhou Mi must've done this on purpose.

My heart raced as my gaze met his. I blushed as he looked me up and down, taking in every detail. He stepped up, still keeping his eyes on me.

"You look beautiful," he smiled.

"Thank you," I said, avoiding his eyes so I wouldn't faint from the perfection standing in front of me. "You look amazing too."

"Not as amazing as you," he grinned. "You know, that's my favorite color," he gestured at my dress.


I smiled timidly as he put an arm around me, leading me to a seat. And when I took my seat...

"MINA, YOU LOOK AWESOME!!" Sungmin ran up to me.

"Stunning!" Leeteuk added.

"INCREDIBLE!" Sungmin fought back.



"Perfect," Yesung joined in their game, obviously winning with the last word.

"Yes!" Both Sungmin and Leeteuk agreed.

"How come you guys are matching...?" Sungmin pointed at my dress and Yesung's tie. "Why didn't you let me in on this? I coulda matched with you too, Minaaa~"

"She's my date. We're supposed to match," Yesung pulled me close to him.

"Date?" Sungmin grew dark, squinting at Yesung with an evil look on his face.

"Date." Yesung smirked.

Sungmin took a moment to give Yesung his scary glare, then turned back to me with his usual aegyo pout and started flailing his arms at me.

"Minaaaaa, why didn't you ask me to be your date instead? Why'd you ask Yesung?" he whined.

"Actually..." I started.

"She didn't ask me. I asked her," Yesung told him. "And she said yes."

"WHAT?" Sungmin exclaimed in disbelief.

"You're a tad late, Sungmin," Leeteuk put a hand on his shoulder. "Maybe next time, eh?"

"But when will we ever attend a wedding again?" Sungmin frowned.

"We can wait until Manager hyung gets a divorce and marry again," Teuk laughed.

"Yah, I heard that," a voice spoke up from behind him.

"Oops," Leeteuk put a hand up to his mouth. "Hey, hyungnim!"

"I see you're all here now," Junghoon observed. "Take a seat, we're about to start."

"Even on your wedding day, you're so organized," Leeteuk said. "Relax a bit. We'll handle the rest of it."

"I'll trust you to do so," Junghoon softened.

"Now get ready, it's about to begin," Teuk put a hand on his shoulder, guiding him back to where he was supposed to be.

He and Sungmin left to tell the others to sit down, leaving me with Yesung.

"Have you ever been to a wedding?" Yesung asked.

"Only a few," I replied. "I haven't attended one in a long time though."

"Great. I hope I can make this your best wedding experience, then."



A boy who looked about my age dashed towards our table with a big grin on his face. His hair was styled up and he wore big nerd glasses. And if I looked really closely... It's almost as if he resembled someone...

"Ah, Jongjin. You're here," Yesung said to the boy.

"Of course I am, hyung! Weddings have the best food," he grinned.

"I should've known you came here for the food," Yesung laughed.

"And who is this fine lady?" Jongjin turned to me with an aegyo face.

"This is Mina," Yesung introduced me.

"It's nice to meet you, prettyful," he shook my hand. "Is Mina your date?" Jongjin turned back to Yesung.

"Yep," Yesung smiled.

"Omo, you actually got a date! Wait until I tell mom!" he giggled excitedly.

"Mom doesn't need to know," Yesung stopped him from getting too excited. "Mina, this is my brother, Jongjin."

My eyes snapped back to Jongjin. I examined his features, seeing some sort of similarity... But I just couldn't put my finger on it. Maybe it was his eyes.

"How old are you?" Jongjin asked me.

"I'm nineteen," I replied, still examining his face.

"Really? I'm twenty! That means you can call me oppa," he put on a cheesy smile.

"Aish, don't be silly," Yesung elbowed him.

"What? It's not fair if it's just you who she calls oppa," Jongjin pouted.

Now that I think about it... I never really called Yesung "oppa". You only call your older brother, close male friends, or boyfriends "oppa"... But of course, I call Sungmin "oppa" for play, since he's always being adorably naggy.

"Well, I'ma go talk to the SNSD ladies," Jongjin said. "Hehe, I can't wait until the food come out," he rubbed his hands together.

"Don't get too carried away, now. You might scare Jessica away with your eating habits," Yesung amusingly warned him.

Jessica? That blonde girl is here? I think she was in that SNSD group... I searched the room for a blonde head.

"Looking for someone?" Yesung asked.

"Err, no," I turned my focus back on him. "There's just so many people here."

"Yeah, Manager hyung invited all of SM."


"Yep. Super Junior, DBSK, SNSD, SHINee, F(x), and some other groups. Plus the staff."

"SHINee... That's an interesting name," I thought aloud.


There was the sound of someone tapping the microphone. All attention was turned to the stand, where Siwon stood.

"Could everyone please take a seat?" he spoke into the mic.

In less than a second, I felt a breeze and heard someone plop in the chair next to me. Sungmin had a grin plastered on his face with his hands in his lap, acting as if he was ready to hear every word Siwon had to say.

"Thank you all for coming today," Siwon began.


He gave the welcomes speeches and announced the couple. Junghoon and his beautiful bride walked upstage, their arms linked. The wedding ceremony went pretty smoothly. Siwon handed Junghoon the mic and stepped to the side.

"I want to thank you all for coming again," Junghoon said. "And now I would like for Super Junior to come up here to perform a song."

The crowd applauded as Super Junior stood up from their seats. Yesung sent me a small smile, mouthing "I'll be right back". I always enjoy watching performances. I wonder what song they're about to sing...

They positioned themselves upstage as the guests quieted down. The table felt empty with just me, Zhou Mi, and Henry. Zhou Mi scooted down next to me, stealing Sungmin's seat. I actually wanted Mimi to sing with them. I love his voice. But I suppose this was just another of the "original" Super Junior songs.

The music began, and Eunhyuk started rapping. "Love~ Oh baby, my girl~ You're my everything, your beauty blinds me~ My bride, my present from the heavens above~"

"My bride, my present from the heavens above," Heechul's turn came, catching me off guard. "Are you happy? There's tears flowing from your eyes," he continued. "Until the day your black hair turns grey, I promise to love you forever~"

He wasn't bad at all. I kind of... Enjoyed his voice. But how did he manage to sing a verse so sweet, when his personality was the complete opposite of it...?

"I want to tell you every single day that I love you~" Sungmin's cute voice sang.

"Would you marry me? I want to live loving you and cherishing you~" Ryeowook smiled.

"I want to put you to sleep in my arms every night~"

"Would you marry me? Will you give my heart this permission~? I'll stay next to you for the rest of my life, I do~ I love you, I do~"

"Through rain and snow I'll cherish you, I do~ I'll take care of you, my love~" Yesung sang in a sweet voice.

I forgot to breathe for a second, and felt as if I was fangirling the way I fangirled for Zhou Mi. Yesung's voice was beautiful, though his line only lasted for a few seconds. Every second was worth listening to. I patiently waited for his turn to sing again.

But before Yesung's part came up again, it was Heechul's turn. "Would you marry me~? Will you be my everything~?" I was still frustrated by how Heechul sang the really loving parts.

"All the many days we'll spend together, I do~ I'm going to be thankful each and every day, my love~" I heard Yesung sing.

A smile crept upon my face, but quickly disappeared when I noticed that Mimi saw it. He nudged me, smirking and raising his eyebrows.

"I'll remember this promise we shared with the same heart~ Would you marry me~?" Yesung went again, after Kyuhyun.

I enjoyed the rest of the song as it ended with Eunhyuk's rap and Ryeowook's "I do". I really liked the song, overall. The lyrics were sweet and meaningful. I clapped for them, along with the guests.


Junghoon announced the beginning of the party, and the music started blaring. The food was also being set out, making Sungmin jump in joy.

"Look at all this," he pointed at the food excitedly.

"I'm actually looking forward to the cake," Zhou Mi said.

"Me too! But the cake doesn't come out until later," Sungmin frowned.

I walked around with Zhou Mi and Sungmin for a little, before I realized that Yesung was missing. I looked around, searching the crowd.

"Do you know where Yesung is?" I turned to Mimi.

"I'm not really su-"

"Pffft, why are you looking for Yesung, when you have ME~?" Sungmin jumped in.

"He's my-"

"Yeah, yeah, date," Sungmin pouted.

I narrowed my eyes at him before disappearing to go find Yesung. Squeezing through the crowds, I noticed that most of the people here were extremely good looking. Well, they're all celebrities, of course they'd be good looking... BUT THEN AGAIN, how is it possible that I'm a regular girl, walking past a crowd of celebrities... Life is weird.

I felt a cool breeze to my left that made me shiver. The double doors were slightly open, and I saw that the sky was already dark. It looked pretty out there... I peeked through, staring up at the sky.

Oh, this is a balcony. I forgot that we weren't on the first floor. I didn't notice the figure leaning over the railing. His back was facing me, but I could recognize him.


He turned around. "Oh, Mina."

"What are you doing out here?" I stepped next to him. Looking down, I saw that there was a garden-like area under us. I felt as if we were in a castle.

"Nothing, I was just thinking..." he responded.

"Thinking about what?" I asked curiously.

"About how bad my performance was," he laughed.

"Bad?" I raised an eyebrow. "I didn't think it was bad at all," I told him. "In fact, I think you were the best," I said quietly, thinking he didn't hear.

"I wasn't really happy with it," he pursed his lips. "Maybe I'm just tired."

"Well..." I started. "I really like it when you sing," I admitted. "Maybe you can..." I trailed off.

"Can I give you a whole new performance?" he smiled.

He just read my mind. I nodded shyly, getting excited.

He smirked in amusement. "This isn't exactly gonna be a happy song, but..." Holding his hand out, he asked, "May I have this dance?"

I put my hand in his and got closer. I slowly swayed with him as he started singing.

"Today, I wander in my memory~ I'm passing around on the end of this way~ You're still holding me tightly, even though I can't see you anymore~ I'm losing my way again~"

I know this song... It's the first song I listened to when Leeteuk let me use his laptop when I first got here. And I was pretty into it. I clearly remember losing myself in his voice as I stared into the screen. But now it was different... I avoided his gaze, afraid that I would start blushing like crazy.

Halfway through the song, I wrapped my arms around his neck as he moved his down to the small of my back. He pulled me in closer and I let myself rest my head on his shoulder. At the moment, I honestly didn't care about anything else in the world. It was just me and Yesung on a balcony, slow-dancing as he sang.

"If I live my life again... If I'm born over and over again... I can't live without you for a day... You're the one I will keep... You're the one I will love... Yes, because I'm happy enough if I could be with you~" he ended his song.

I took my head off his shoulder and looked up with a soft smile. Surprisingly, he already had his eyes on me. There was a moment of pure silence... As if it were only me and Yesung were on the face of this earth.

I didn't realize I was staring into his eyes for so long, until he started pulling me closer to him. A blush rose to my cheeks as stared back with his deep dark eyes. He took tiny step in. I pursed my lips, seeing that our faces were only inches apart.

He leaned in, filling the gap between us, and softly pressed his lips against mine. The world stopped spinning for just that moment. I didn't exactly know what was really happening. I felt like I was in a dream.

We pulled away, staring back at each other. There was a slight smirk on his lips. I looked from his lips to his eyes again. Without thinking, I leaned back into him.

There was someone calling my name... Or maybe I was just imagining things.


I stopped, my lips just a centimeter away from Yesung's. We both turned our head to the person standing at the door.

Heechul had a confused expression on his face... But at the same time, he looked a bit distressed.

"Oh... Uh... Did I interrupt?" Heechul asked, biting his lip. "Sorry."

Without saying another word, he turned around and went back into the ballroom.

That was... Awkward. I looked back at Yesung, who was still looking in the direction of Heechul, before he turned back to me. We blinked at each other, unsure of what to do. We stood there for a while longer, before Yesung broke the silence.

"Maybe you should go find him..." Yesung suggested. "It might've been important."

"I suppose..." I replied, backing away from him. "You come in too," I pulled on his arm. "It's cold out here."

"Alright," he agreed.

Making our way back in, a slow song was playing, and guests were slow dancing. Looks like Yesung and I got to slow dance before everyone else.

Searching the room for Heechul was difficult... It seemed like every Korean pop star dude looked the same.

But while I was looking, I found someone else.

A blonde haired female in a red dress was dancing with someone. I immediately recognized her as Jessica.

What was even more funny was the fact that she was wearing the red dress that I was about to buy while I was shopping with Zhou Mi. Sigh, thank goodness Zhou Mi found this dress for me.

Seeing her just wanted to make me scowl...

The person Jessica was dancing with... I didn't notice him until I stopped mentally criticizing her.

When I finally realized that it was Heechul, I felt her glare at me with a ridiculous smirk on her face.



"Listen to meeeee," Jessica whined.

"What?" I said sternly.

Jessica ran up to me and dragged me onto the dance floor when this stupid slow song started playing. As much as I didn't want to dance with her, I was practically forced to...

"Yah, did you hear me?"

"Huh...?" I raised an eyebrow.

"What are you thinking about?" she sighed. "Are you thinking about that Mina girl?" she scowled.


"You know what... Why don't you tell me about her?" she beamed.

"Why should I?"

"She seems... Interesting," Jessica said. "She lives with you guys, doesn't she?"

"Yeah... What does it matter to you?"

"It seems sketchy... A girl living in a dorm with thirteen guys. Doesn't that make her a ?"

"What did you say?" I gripped extra hard on her hand.

"I-I meant that it's really unusual for a girl to be living in your dorm," she corrected herself. "Is she pulling any moves on the guys?"

"Not that I know of," I replied after a pause.

Although, I do know she's pretty close to Zhou Mi. And what I just saw out in the balcony... It just changed my perspective of her.

"You hesitated there... Are you sure she's not a ?"

This girl...

"Hey, don't call her that," I snapped. "You don't know her, so stop it."

"Why are you defending her?" Jessica pouted. "We're supposed to be HeeSica, remember? We have fans out there who are rooting for us."

"You may be supporting HeeSica, but I'm not. Besides, you're also for HaeSica..." I said. "And you're calling HER a ," I scoffed.

"So your'e calling ME a ?" she looked offended.

"No, but if you want to take it like that, go ahead," I smirked.

"I'm not dancing with you anymore," she angrily stomped away.

"I never wanted to dance with you anyway," I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Hmph," she flipped her hair over her shoulder before taking in her next victim. Poor Jaejoong... Hopefully she won't terrorize him like she did with Yunho at that last party.


The sight of Mina with Yesung was still very confusing... I thought she liked Zhou Mi. She clearly goes to him for everything. And she came here with him tonight... But I think she and Yesung wore matching colors.

I looked across the room, where, coincidentally, Yesung and Mina were. She was laughing and smiling as she talked to Yesung and the rest of the guys. She looked like she was having fun...

How come I never get to see this side of her? She's always grumpy and stubborn around me... Am I being too mean?

Of course I am... I should lay off for a while.

"Can I have everyone's attention, please?" Siwon's voice echoed through the room.

Why did Junghoon hyung let him be the host of the wedding anyway...? Because he's super duper religious and I'm not? Psh, I can make this the best party anyone has ever been to.

"Who's ready for the bouquet toss? All the single ladies, please come up front~!"

I looked over at Mina, who was being pushed to the front by Sungmin. Aish, I hate how Sungmin is all aegyo around girls... Especially around Mina.

Most of the girls stepped up, ready to catch the flowers. I watched from the back as the bride turned around and music began to play.

Then in three... Two... One, the bouquet was launched over her shoulder and into the air.

The bouquet flew to the side and not the center. The SNSD girls rushed to it from one side, as the F(x) girls ran from the other.

Out of nowhere, I saw Zhou Mi pushing her in the direction everyone was heading. Everything just became one big mess when everyone collided and crashed into each other.

And the flowers were in the hands of Mina. She held it up in joy as Zhou Mi, Sungmin, and Donghae surrounded her, cheering.


"Next is the garter toss! All the single men, come up here~!"

The members skipped up front without hesitation, while the DBSK guys conversed with each other before going. The SHINee boys, being underage, also timidly walked up.

Manager hyung quickly removed the garter from his bride's leg and held it up for the guys to see. He turned around, ready to toss it.

Hmm... Should I participate in this? I pondered as I walked up just before he tossed it. It went in the air and up very high. I stopped to observe the crowd running towards it and reaching up. Two hands grabbed onto it, but they were different people. Everyone gathered around the two, who I saw was Zhou Mi and Sungmin. They were yanking it back and forth, fighting for a dance with Mina.

Oh, a dance with Mina... I forgot that it was what the people who caught the bouquet and garter do afterwards. Oh well... I missed my chance.

Then it hit me.

I caught it in my hand and arched a brow in confusion. How did this just fly over here...? The lace garter in my hand... How?

The DBSK guys quickly came over to give me a hard pat on the back.

"Good job, man! You didn't even try!" Yunho laughed. "Now you got a beautiful girl to dance with. Who is she anyways? I've never seen her. Is she a trainee?"

I blinked as his questions came in, not registering what had just happened.

"Heechuuuuuuuul-ah~!" Sungmin sang. "You want to hand that over?" he pinched the garter.

Without responding, I only gripped harder on it.

"I guess not," he pouted.

"And now, we'll have the two people who caught the bouquet and garter to dance?" Siwon laughed nervously. He obviously sensed the tension between Mina and I. She probably ranted to him about me too...

We both slowly stepped into the middle of the floor, where everyone gathered around to watch. I saw her blushing face under the dim lights. She wasn't exactly smiling, but it seemed like she was trying to keep up with the happy mood.

I approached her, whispering, "Do you want me to put the garter on your leg?"

"No thank you," she quickly replied.

"It's what I'm supposed to do before we dance," I smirked.

"You don't need to," she said in an uneasy tone.

Messing with her was fun... She either ends up blushing or acts extra awkward. And it's kinda cute when she's mad.

Without notice, I wrapped my arms around her waist, making her jump in surprise. She raised her arms up around my neck, avoiding my gaze.

"Why aren't you looking at me?" I teased.

"Because you're not pretty," she murmured.

"Say that again," I pulled her extra close to my body.

"Okay, you're attractive," she mumbled into my shoulder.

"That's what I thought when I looked into the mirror this morning," I snickered, slightly letting go of her.

"But you're still not as handsome as Siwon," she retorted. "Everyone knows Siwon is the most attractive one in here."

"Whatever," I said. "You look pretty..."

"I know," she grinned.

"They say that the people who catches the bouquet and garter are to be the next to get married..." I told her.

"M-Married?" she stopped swaying with me for a second. "But... Ew! I don't want to marry YOU!" she panicked.

"Yah, I never said WE were getting married," I clarified. "Unless you really want to," I put on a sly smile.

"No way! I don't EVER want to marry you!"



I can't believe I actually had to dance with Heechul... Sigh.

Plopping on down on my bed, I stared up at the ceiling. It wasn't too bad. I still got to kiss Yesung... My night wasn't all that terrible. A smile crept upon my lips.

This is definitely something that I need to tell Meela... Immediately. I dialed her number, and as soon as she picked up...

"Meelaaaaaaaa, you'll never believe it!" I shouted through the phone.

"What happened, love? You know I believe in unicorns. I believe anything is possible! So what am I not going to believe?" she gasped.

"At the wedding, I-"

"WAIT, I JUST REMEMBERED!" she cut me off. "I have something to tell you too!"

"Okay, then you go first. Because I'm kinda nervous," I laughed.

"Okay, okay, okay," she said excitedly. "So at my job, there's this guy."

"Get it, girl," I snickered.

"ANYWAYSSSSS," she said loudly. "He's really nice. And handsome too!"

"Oooh, really?" I was interested. "What's his name?"

"Jongjin," she giggled.

"Jongjin..." I repeated. That sounded like an awfully familiar name... I could've sworn I heard it just today.

"But that's all I'm gonna tell you now!" she exclaimed. "So how was your day? What'd you say you did at the wedding? Any boys?"

"Boys? Well..."



I had a sudden urge to talk to Mina... I'm not exactly sure WHY. Would it be awkward if I just knocked on her door and went in?

I came out of my room and looked to the left, where her room was. Her door was cracked open and I could see that she was on the phone. Maybe this was a bad time.

"Yeah," I heard her say to the person on the phone. "There's this guy here who was my date for tonight," she continued.

She must be talking about Yesung... A part of me felt wrong for listening to her conversation, but at the same time, I kinda wanted to hear her opinion about Yesung.

"His name is Yesung. And I think I'm in love with him."



Chapter 28 Preview:

"You guys have fun while I'm on my honeymoon, alright? I'll be back in a week."


GUYS. I'm so sorry for not updating on Tuesday. But you understand the routine with school and all... I need some more motivation. -_-

SO WHATCHA THINK OF THIS CHAPTER? I was totally planning this for a long long time now, but since I was just a little rushed to finish it by today, it didn't' exactly come out the way I wanted it to. I hope you guys still enjoyed it though.

Thanks for reading~! And please leave a comment down below (or a question for Zhou Mi). Also, please subscribe!

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ayakohana25 #1
Chapter 45: I finished reading all 56 (or was it 57?) chapters on watty then tried to look it up on AFF hoping you continued it here. Hahaha~ I'm soooo hopeless.
AnimeKitty #2
Chapter 45: Author nim~~~~~ I miss this story sooooo much! Please come back soon and update!!! Pretty please???
Please please update please T.T
Chapter 1: I'm rereading this its my favorite fanfics of all :) 7jib fighting!elfs all over the world fighting!SJ oppas fighting! <3
Chapter 45: Just reread all the chapters and dand i miss this story author haha i'll wait for your update author! Fighting!! :))
fyekay918 #6
Chapter 45: Oh my god. Oh. My. God. Im so glad i gound this story
Gahhhhhhhh. I litrrally fangirled every chapter
I love it so much. The plot, the characters. I ship Misung but also MiChul. But maybe more MiSung, i think. But MiChul is adorbz T_T cant make up my mind.
Oh oh please update soon. Cant wait :3
aninrara #7
author-nim update soon T--T
IamParkJiHae #8
Heechul should've kissed Mina.
I know Sungmin thinks that it is his' birthday gift from Mina,
but I want Mina and Heechul to kiss T^T

I miss you author-nim update soon.
kpop_luv #9
Chapter 45: Oh and right now I am currently shipping Michul soooo i think heechul should've kissed mina
kpop_luv #10
Chapter 45: I actually forgot about this cuz of school T_T. buuut on the bright side I caught up on everything, and whoooo! go heechul (I think.....since sungmin kissed her instead)