Chapter 38

Super Maid & The 13 Dorks


So... I've spent the last two days laying in bed and munching on snacks. I must be getting fat.


Ringgg.... Ringggg... Ringgggg...


"Mina! Are you okay, dear?" Hearing her voice instantly made me miss her. It's been so long since I've been with her in person. That's like... Seven and a half months ago?

"I am... Did you hear about what happened?"

"Of course I did! I called Junghoon as soon as I saw the accident on TV! He said that you were in the hospital at the time. And there's never any signal in the hospital, so I'm assuming that's why you didn't pick up your phone."

"Oh, I never got a call. I guess there wasn't signal in the hospital then."

"I'm glad you're okay... I really should've been a more supportive mother and called sooner though!"

"Haha, no it's okay, mom! I'm just happy that you called."

"Oh, I miss you so much!"

"I miss you too... And your cooking," I snickered.

"When you come home, I'll cook your favorite dish with boong-uh-bbang for dessert," she laughed sweetly.

"I can't wait to come home~"

"Meela came with you too, right? How is she?"

"She's good. She's watching TV on the couch right now."

"And aside from Meela, there are those thirteen oh, SO handsome boys of Super Junior with you too, correct?"

"Yes, mom, yes," I let out a laugh.

"Now who's that super handsome one... The one with the abs, and the face, and the hair... What's his name...?"

"Choi Siwon?" I said his name as if it was the obvious answer... Well, it kinda was really obvious.

"That's right, Siwon! And the leader... He's quite handsome too."

"Mom! You're not about to become a fangirl, are you??"

"I'm thinking about it," she giggled.

"Mom, you're 42!"

"Doesn't mean I can't be a fan-mom!" There was a silence before she regained her classiness. "I'm kidding, Mina! Those boys are all yours. You must be the happiest fangirl on earth, getting to live with your celebrity crushes!"

"Pfffft, fangirl..."

"So you're not a fangirl?"

"I've never even heard of Super Junior before I got the job..."

"Oh, wow. So there's no 'sneaking into rooms to watch you sleep at night' going on?"

"Of course not, mom! Who do I look like?"

"Good, because I disapprove of that."

"Hehe, your daughter has to be as classy as you."

"That's right!" she exclaimed proudly. "How many days do you have left in Japan?"

"Hmm..." I took a second to look at the calendar on my phone. "Oh! We're actually leaving tomorrow morning!"

"Really? Already?"

"I know, I didn't think my trip would end this fast!" I whined disappointingly.

"Ohh, I'll let you enjoy the rest of your stay then, dear."

"Alright, mom. I'll call you when I get back to Korea."

"Alright. I'll talk to you soon then! Bye, honey!"

"Bye, mom!"

I put my phone  on the nightstand and laid back down.



I guess today is our final day in Japan... I can't be spending the last day in Japan just laying in bed! I should be having fun! But with this injured arm... It's still possible to have fun, isn't it?


Knock, knock!

"I'll get ittttttttt~!" Meela ran to the door. "Welcooo-"

"Yah, where's Mina?" the voice cut off Meela's ecstatic greeting.


"...Heechul?" I wondered aloud.

"Hey," he poked his head in. "The princess hasn't had breakfast yet, has she?"

"P-Princess?" He's not referring to what he said in the hospital, is he?

"Nope, she's just been eating fruit snacks," Meela answered him.

"Good," Heechul said bluntly. "Close your eyes!"

"Huh, why?" I questioned.

"Just do it!"

I gave him a look before agreeing to close my eyes. I heard him finally deciding to step inside instead of awkwardly standing by the door. I felt him come closer.

Something was placed in my lap.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now," Heechul said.

I opened my eyes and directed them towards whatever was in my lap.



"Yup, pancakes," he patted my back. "Enjoy!" He turned around and started walking towards the door.


"Hmm?" he stopped.

"Thanks..." I said quietly, almost shyly. "You should..."

"I should?" he waited for the rest of my sentence to come out of my mouth.

"Stay?" I squeaked. "Errr... For a little, maybe?"

He smirked. "If you want." He made his way over and took a seat on the side of my bed. "Aren't you gonna eat your pancakes?"

He's eager for me to eat something that he got for me? What if it's a trick...? I've known him for way too long to stupidly accept something and expect it to be nonpoisonous...

"How do I know if it's safe?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I want your paycheck. So I have to be nice to you, remember?" he poked my cheek.

"Oh... Doing it for the money, I see."

"Haha, maybe." He got tired of waiting for me to eat, so he took the fork and attempted to feed me. "Say ahhh."

I gave him a look.

He pushed the piece of pancake against my lips.

I refused to open my mouth.

"Stubborn little princess, huh?"

I opened my mouth to speak, but got a forkful of pancake instead.

"AWWWWWW, THAT WAS SO CUTE~!" Meela fangirled from across the room.

"ANYWAYSSSS," I quickly changed the subject, taking the fork from Heechul. "I can feed myself!"

Heechul chuckled. "What are you doing today?" he asked.

"I don't know... Stay inside and watch movies," I responded.

"Really? Is that how you're gonna spend your last day in Japan?"

"I guess... I mean, I'm right-handed, and look," I lifted up my right arm.

"What movie are you planning to watch?"

"I don't have a particular movie in mind..."

"Well..." he grabbed the remote and pulled up a web-page on the super high-tech TV. "How about 'Attack on the Pin-Up Boys'? You can see how much of a great actor I am."



*                          *                          *

Sighhhhh, it' s already tomorrow... Tomorrow, meaning "time for us to leave Japan".

"I can't believe our trip ended so quickly!" Meela pouted.

"I knowwww... I kinda regret sitting in bed all day," I admitted.

"I told you that you would regret it!"

I hauled my luggage halfway through the cleared airport building when I felt someone stop and take my stuff from me.

"Let me take that for you," Heechul said.

I didn't argue. I was getting tired of pulling it around anyways. Hehe, I knew that the deal wasn't a bad decision.

After he adjusted the bags to his comfort, he linked arms with me. "Shall I you to the plane?"

"You don't have to do that much," I told him.

Before I could say anything else, I was dragged to our flight. When we got on the plane, he took me all the way to my seat. He even sat next to me the whole way back. It wasn't like I completely enjoyed his presence. But it was... Fun. Although Sungmin gave him the death glare the whole time.


"HOME SWEET HOMEEEEEE~!" Donghae sang as we entered the dorm.

Everyone took their shoes off and quickly dashed into their rooms to put their luggage down. I'm guessing everyone was too lazy to unpack, because they all came right back out.


"You know what we should do?" Donghae whispered.

"What should we do?" I whispered back.

"Throw a party!" he exclaimed aloud.

"LET'S THROW A PARTY!" Henry yelled.

"A party??" I looked at them, confused.

"A PARTY!" they both shouted in unison.


"Don't worry, this is normal," Leeteuk said. "We always celebrate after coming back from a big concert in a different country."

"We need food, cake, music, food, karaoke, and game!" Donghae counted his fingers. "Let's go, go, go!"


"Hmmm... I guess I'll start baking the cake then," I said.

I made my way into the kitchen to find the ingredients for the cake. Eggs, butter, cake batter... And frosting and sprinkles, of course.

I started mixing the ingredients together, when Ryeowook suddenly came running into the kitchen.

"Noooo, let me do that, Mina! You're injured!" Ryeowook exclaimed. He took the blender out of my hand and continued where I left off.


"Oh, I guess I'll go cut up some fruits then..."

I searched the fridge and found some apples, oranges, mangoes, and watermelon... Wait, there's watermelon in the winter in Korea?

Just as I was about to use the giant knife to slice open the watermelon, Henry runs over.

"WAAAAIIIT NOOOO, let me do that! You're injured!" he yells. "Big knives are unsafe!" he took the knife from me and did the cutting himself.


"Um... I guess I'll clean up a little," I decided.

I grabbed the broom from corner of the kitchen and started sweeping my way into the living room. And when I thought I was actually doing something, Eunhyuk comes over to stop me.

"Nooooo, let me do that, Mina! You're injured!" he took the broom from me.


"Well, since no one's unpacking their bags, I guess I'll do that then..."

I only stepped into the hallway, when Siwon came out of nowhere.

"No need to unpack our bags for us. You're injured. We'll do that later, Mina," Siwon said.


Don't you see what's going on...?


Getting a little frustrated, I just sat on the couch for the next few minutes, watching everyone do something. Sitting was getting boring.

I got up to pull the curtains open and let some sun into the dorm.

"NOOOOO, I'll do that, Mina!" Donghae rushed over to pull the curtains open.


OKAY, this is getting ridiculous.


Oh wait, you haven't seen ridiculous yet... See, I was about to fluff my pillow, right? Guess who came over this time?



"YOU GUYS!!" I shouted.

Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at me.

"Why aren't you guys letting me do anything?" I frowned. "'BUT NOOO, YOU'RE INJURED!' I only have a broken arm, it's not that big of a deal! I can clearly fluff a pillow by myself!"

Everyone just looked at Sungmin, who slowly hid himself from the world.


"Mina, we just don't want to see you hurt or in pain," Siwon tried to explain.

"I understand, but it doesn't hurt to bake a cake."

"Please don't be upset at us," Zhou Mi pressed his lips together. "We didn't want you to do anything extra so that you could spend more time getting better."

"I'm not upset... I'm just a little frustrated."


"Err, there goes the cake," Ryeowook announced. "Umm... Want to help me frost it, Mina?" he asked, almost shyly.

"Okay," I followed him into the  kitchen.

Wookie made me feel a little better.

We let the cake cool for a little after coming out of the oven. We decided on white frosting with blue letters and designs. Since I couldn't use my right hand, I was forced to sue my left hand to write. Unfortunately, it didn't come out as I wanted it to.

"Errr, that's supposed to say 'Super'," I flushed in embarrassment.


"Is everything ready?" Leeteuk asked.

"I think so," Henry responded.

"Here's the cake!" Ryeowook placed the big cake on the table.

"Everything's ready!" Henry declared.


"To our successes in Japan!" Kyuhyun popped out of the blue with a glass of soda in his hand.

Everyone else grabbed a glass from the kitchen counter and repeated, "TO OUR SUCCESSES IN JAPAN!"

"And get well soon, Mina!" Zhou Mi exclaimed.


"Aww, thanks, you guys," I smiled.


Ryeowook began cutting the cake and handing everyone a piece on a fancy blue plate. I'm kinda proud of his creation and of my messed up 'Super'.


You know how I'm not a left-handed person? Well, using a spoon with my left hand was like using a pencil with my left hand...

"Whoa there, you're about to smear that cake all over your face," Yesung laughed.

I pouted.

He took the plate from me, along with my spoon.

"Ah," he told me to open my mouth.

I let him feed me the first piece of cake, WHICH WAS ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS. I went in for another spoonful, when Heechul jumped in and took the spoon from Yesung.

"I'll take it from here," Heechul said. "AHHH!" he shoved the spoon against my mouth.


He's really tryna get my paycheck.




"Hmmm... I want her to look pretty."



I swear the last month has been super busy. I didn't even expect it to be that busy. There has been after school events and award ceremonies back-to-back. It's been crazy.

I'm tired of school. I stopped doing homework. =.=

So yeah, Attack on the Pin-Up Boys... That movie is old, but it's funny lol. If you guys haven't watched it, you really need to! All of Super Junior is in it (except Kyuhyun, because of his car accident in 2007).

Sorry that this chapter is a filler chapter. The next one will actually be a long one. I have estimated that this story will be around 50, possibly 60 chapters long.

Eh, I guess I'm done now. I've fallen asleep trying to write this chapter about three times this past week lol.

Thanks for reading! Vote, comment, fan!


Okay, so I just updated with three chapters that I forgot to update on AFF lol. I hope you've enjoyed, you guys! I'm coming back with another update, hopefully soon! SUMMER BREAK IS ALMOST HERE!

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ayakohana25 #1
Chapter 45: I finished reading all 56 (or was it 57?) chapters on watty then tried to look it up on AFF hoping you continued it here. Hahaha~ I'm soooo hopeless.
AnimeKitty #2
Chapter 45: Author nim~~~~~ I miss this story sooooo much! Please come back soon and update!!! Pretty please???
Please please update please T.T
Chapter 1: I'm rereading this its my favorite fanfics of all :) 7jib fighting!elfs all over the world fighting!SJ oppas fighting! <3
Chapter 45: Just reread all the chapters and dand i miss this story author haha i'll wait for your update author! Fighting!! :))
fyekay918 #6
Chapter 45: Oh my god. Oh. My. God. Im so glad i gound this story
Gahhhhhhhh. I litrrally fangirled every chapter
I love it so much. The plot, the characters. I ship Misung but also MiChul. But maybe more MiSung, i think. But MiChul is adorbz T_T cant make up my mind.
Oh oh please update soon. Cant wait :3
aninrara #7
author-nim update soon T--T
IamParkJiHae #8
Heechul should've kissed Mina.
I know Sungmin thinks that it is his' birthday gift from Mina,
but I want Mina and Heechul to kiss T^T

I miss you author-nim update soon.
kpop_luv #9
Chapter 45: Oh and right now I am currently shipping Michul soooo i think heechul should've kissed mina
kpop_luv #10
Chapter 45: I actually forgot about this cuz of school T_T. buuut on the bright side I caught up on everything, and whoooo! go heechul (I think.....since sungmin kissed her instead)