Chapter 30

Super Maid & The 13 Dorks


I sighed for the seventh time this morning. Sitting on the couch all day wasn’t what I planned on doing. But with the lazy bum next to me, I couldn’t do anything else without getting yelled at. It wasn’t long before a bomb was set off in my head.

“I’m tired of this!” I announced.

“Tired of what?”

“Staying inside… Not to mention, with YOU!” I complained. “Can’t you see how nice the weather is outside?” I sighed for the eighth time. “I need some fresh air.”

“Do you really?” he asked in a sarcastic tone.

“Yes, I do!” I exclaimed, getting ready to exit the dorm in my sweatpants.

“Wash my car while you’re out there,” he told me.



“No. Bye.”

“Yes,” he stopped me. “You stole my car yesterday, so you’re gonna pay by washing my car, whether you like it or not.”



“You can’t make me!” I challenged him, putting on a formidable face.

Instead of getting the reaction that I was expecting, his lips curled into a smirk. He took a step forward with an intimidating look in his eyes. I backed away, trying to keep my face looking extra-serious.

“Or can I?” he raised an eyebrow.

My back hit the wall with a thud as he pinned me against the flat surface. Great.

“Hmm? What was that?” he leaned in closer.


He tilted his head, waiting for an answer.

“I… Uh…”




“OKAY, FINE,” I panicked back into reality.

“That’s what I thought,” he dropped his arms and walked over to the kitchen counter. He presented me with a bucket, a sponge, and soap. Wow, did he plan this ahead of time? He had the equipment ready and everything. “I’ll have to watch you, or you might steal my car again.”


After pulling his car out of the parking deck, he parked out in the empty parking lot next to the SM building. Somehow, he managed to find a hose for me to spray down his car. Damn, this guy was fully prepared for me to wash his car.

“Start scrubbing,” he told me as he sat back on his chair, putting on a pair of shades.

So why did I agree to do this again? Because he decided to be a tad threatening? Right, it happens every time. Why am I still falling for his tricks?


Scrubbing in circles was fun for the first few minutes as I watched the soap foam up and cover the windshield. With my sud-covered hands, I formed a circle and blew. A big bubble flew and danced in the wind, leaving me giggling. The bubbles kept coming, until they started flying in Heechul’s direction.

“What are you doing?” he looked up from his magazine.

“N-Nothing…” I took up the sponge and started scrubbing again.

Hmph, what a joy killer. Scrub, scrub, scrub… Is that all he wants me to do?

Unconsciously, I began to hum a familiar tune. I’m not exactly sure what song it was… It just suddenly popped up in my head. It was a happy tune, despite the condition I’m right now. Slowly, the words came out of my mouth as I quietly sang to myself.

“There’s no one like you~” I began slowly and softly. “Even if I look around…” I paused to think, waiting for the words to come back to me. “It’s just like that, where else to look for~?” Hmm, I’m almost sure that those are the words.

Now what’s that song called again…?

“A good person like you… A good person like you…” I continued. “Huh, I don’t remember the rest…” I thought aloud.

“I’ll sing that song for you if you would stop dawdling around,” Heechul interrupted.

Crap, he heard me singing? Omo, I must sound really bad. No, it’s okay, Mina… He didn’t criticize you yet. It’s okay. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. My face warmed up.

“Hurry up… I’m starting to get a tan line. See?” he complained, pointing at his arm.

“I’m tired! Let me rest for a little,” I pouted.

“Stop being lazy,” he teased.

“Hey, look who’s talking!” I yelled, gripping tighter onto the hose. “You’re the one who’s just sitting there!”

He turned back into his magazine, ignoring me.

This fool.

“YAH!” I squeezed on the trigger, pointing the hose at him. A violent torrent of water shot him in the arm.

“WAGH!” he struggled to get out of his chair and away from the stream.

Furiously, I followed him with the hose and chased him around his car.

“You come back here, Kim Heechul!!”

He ducked down on the opposite side. But that didn’t stop me from wetting his feet from under the car.

It became a game of cat-and-mouse as he desperately tried to get away from me and the hose.

“Get over he-” I stopped, noticing that the hose was stuck. I went around his car too many times.

He snickered, taking the chance to run away and turn off the water.

“YAH, KIM HEECHUL!” I shouted loud enough for everyone around this block to hear. Unfortunately, it wasn’t such a great idea for everyone to hear…

Slowly examining my surroundings, I noticed a crowd forming around the parking lot. Most of them, girls. They stared at me with intense eyes.

“Haha, looks like fun time is over,” Heechul came back.

“Yeah, fun time is really over,” I replied.

Puzzled by my tone, he looked around and noticed the crowd of girls who were now whispering. “Oh…”

Out no nowhere, a tomato was launched over my shoulder.

SPLAT! It hit Heechul’s car.

“Hey, you!” A girl pointed at me. “Don’t mistreat our oppa like that!”

“Wha…” I stared, confused.

“We saw you spraying him with water!” another shouted angrily.

“Heechul oppa, are you okay?!” a different girl exclaimed.

“She hurt our oppa! Get her!” the leader of the mob declared.

“He-Heechul, what do we-” I was cut off as he opened the door and pushed me into his car. I fell into the seat with a squeak.

He quickly made it into the drivers seat, before the girls were able to grab at him. Locking the doors with a click, I felt a sense of security… And thank god for tinted windows.

“I… Er…”

“No need to thank me,” Heechul stated boldly before honking at the fans. He let go of the brake for a split-second, scaring the girls away.

“That’s dangerous!” slapped his arm. “You could hit someone!”

“I’m quite good at driving, thank you.”

The fans eventually cleared the parking lot, knowing they’ll never find a way into Heechul’s car. Despite having his car only half-washed, and not to mention that he was getting the seat wet, he drove back into the parking deck. 

I pursed my lips, staring at how his hair was dripping wet and his shirt stuck to his skin. It was quite a sight, but…

“Checking me out, are you?” he put a ridiculous smirk on his face.

“No!” I quickly looked away to hide my blush. Geez, he really has a big ego.

“Admit it. I’m pretty even when I’m wet, aren’t I?”

I turned back around to stick my tongue out at him.

“Hmm… You didn’t finish washing my car. I suppose I could just take it to the car-wash,” he said.

“You could’ve done that at the beginning!” I whined.

“But the seats are wet now… I guess you could do me a favor by cleaning the inside of my car.”




*The Next Day*

Why is it so cold…?

I to my side to look at the time. It was already 1:00pm. Gee, I didn’t realize how tired I was. And I’m surprised no one has broke into my room to wake me up… Like Sungmin.

I rolled out of bed and did my morning stretching. And I didn’t realize how sore I was until I stretched my legs. It must’ve been from the running and chasing yesterday.

Letting out a last yawn, I paced to my door. When I opened it…


I was also knocked back by the sight of Heechul staring straight at me with his arms crossed across his chest.

“It’s about time you woke up,” he said in a demanding tone. “Get dressed, we’re go-”

“NOOOOO!” I pushed him out of the way to run into Zhou Mi’s room. I busted his door open, only to see that he wasn’t there. Flustered, I ran across to Henry’s room. He wasn’t there either.

“Zhou Mi dragged him out to do some shopping,” Heechul said.

DARN. Why did Zhou Mi leave me here when Heechul’s home??

“Su… SUNGMINNNN!” I called for him.

“He took Sungmin too. You know he’s the fashion terrorist of this group, right?”

Furrowing my eyebrows, I looked in the direction of Kyuhyun’s room, hoping he was in there.

“Don’t even bother.”

Everyone else’s door was either shut tight or open ajar. That usually meant that they weren’t home.

“I wasn’t gonna make it hard on you today, but I guess if you-”

“NOOOOOO!” I covered my ears.

“Is ‘no’ all you can say?”


“You just said no again.”

“Leave me alone,” I stepped back into my room and shut the door in his face.

Sigh… I can’t believe everyone left me at home with HIM. I hope someone comes home soon… At least for now, staying in my room might not be so ba-

“ANYWAYS,” a voice sternly interrupted my train of thought. I looked at my door to see that Heechul had entered without knocking. “I came to warn you that you’ll be doing some housekeeping if you’re not on the living room couch by the time I a movie into the DVD player. Arasso?”


I quickly got my life together and dashed into the living room, knowing that Heechul never joked around when he said he was gonna make me do something. Ugh, I hate this. Why is he so demanding?


*                          *                          *

“Aren’t I pretty?” he sighed at the TV screen.

“No…” I answered.

We were watching Super Show 3, their last big concert. The song playing was Heechul’s solo. It quickly ended and the rest of Super Junior came back to perform another song.

There was one particular person that I noticed. I didn’t know him, but he was in every group performance. He had a really nice voice too… He didn’t look Korean. He looked more… Chinese.

Maybe he’s like a secret Super Junior member who doesn’t live in the dorms and he only came out for performances. Or he’s super duper busy, like Siwon, and never had time to hang out with the rest of the guys. Or he could’ve enlisted in the army, like Kangin, way before I came here as a maid. Mysterious…

He kept appearing, and I kept getting more anxious. When my curiosity couldn’t take it anymore, I finally asked.

“Who’s he?”

“Who?” Heechul asked.

“That guy,” I pointed.

“Which guy?”

“That one.”

“Which one?”

“THAT ONE,” my voice rose in annoyance.

“You mean that one?” he pointed at Leeteuk.

“No… Never mind,” I gave up.

He chuckled. “That’s Hangeng. Or as we Koreans call him, Hankyung.”

“Who’s Hangeng?”

“Well… He’s a former Super Junior member. He left after our 3rd album.”


“For personal reasons.”

“Oh… What was he like?” I got more interested.

“He was a nice person. He was pretty funny and really soft-hearted. His Korean wasn’t too good, but it was okay,” Heechul said. “We always for mixing up his Korean words,” he laughed softly. “And he would always cook his Beijing fried rice for us…”

Heechul’s attitude softened like I’ve never seen before. It was a little awkward, but he seemed less of a mean person. He looked gloomy for a second. I wonder why…

“But enough of that. I think I’m up for some ramen,” he suddenly decided.


“And maybe a smoothie.”

I stared at him dumbfounded. I thought he had just dropped his guard. How’d he bounce back so fast?

“What do you think?” he turned to me.

“I… I don’t want ramen.”

“Well I do. Go make me some.”


“Make me some ramen.”


“Go, Potato Head! Shoo!”

Seeing Heechul looking a little depressed while reminiscing earlier made me feel kinda bad. Oh well… I guess I should make him his ramen.

I stepped into the kitchen to look in the ramen cabinet. Tiptoeing, I saw that there was only one pack of ramen left. Beef-flavored. I went on to putting the noodles and flavoring into a bowl and filling it with water.

“Here,” I set the bowl down in the living room table in front of Heechul. I ran back to grab him a pair of chopsticks.

“Is this beef ramen?” he asked when I came back.

“Yeah, it was the only one left,” I replied.

“I don’t like beef ramen,” he stated.

“Too bad. It’s either that or nothing.”

“I want shrimp.”

“There’s no shrimp left.”

“Then run to the store and get shrimp-flavored ramen for me,” he ordered.

“Huh?” I turned to look out the balcony window, hoping that it’d be a nice day like yesterday, in case he was really going to make me go to the store. But instead of seeing the sun casting it’s rays on the balcony, there were dark clouds roaming across the sky. “It looks like it’s about to rain…”


I frowned at him. Then a great idea came upon me. If I go outside and Heechul’s staying inside… That means no Heechul for as long as I take at the store!

“You know what… Fine,” I decided. “I’ll go buy your stupid shrimp ramen.”

He raised an eyebrow as if he expected me to fight back.

"Oooh, is that beef ramen?" I heard Kyuhyun's voice. "You're not going to eat that, hyung?"


"Okay. Thanks," Kyuhyun took the bowl into his room.

At least there was someone to eat it. Narrowing my eyes at him as I slipped on my shoes, I exited the dorm and slammed the door shut.

I quickly set out on my adventure to the store down the block. There weren't many people out on the streets today, probably because of how the weather looked.

As soon as I stepped into the store, I decided that I was going to take my sweet time there. Visiting the snack aisle, I picked up extra boxes of fortune cookies for Mimi to enjoy later. I also got some more strawberry snacks so Donghae and Sungmin wouldn't fight anymore. And strawberry milk for Eunhyuk, of course. And how about some lychee for Henry?

After exploring half the store, I finally arrived at the ramen section. I grabbed a small box of shrimp ramen for Heechul's picky self. That should last him about a week before we have to go grocery shopping again.

It's funny... All I really care about these days are what the guys want. When was the last time I treated myself to something nice?

That's when I saw IT in the freezer. What was IT? Boong-uh-bbang. My favorite red bean filled fishie-shaped pastry~!

Jumping in joy, I grabbed three packs of the pastry and ran off to pay for the items. Ah, what a great find. I'm sure these will brighten up my day a little. Even with Heechul in the house.

I stepped out of the store with three different bags in my hands. I was about to start skipping happily, when I felt a drip on my nose. One drip turned into two drips. Then four drips and eight drips. So I looked up.


Making a run for the dorms wasn't an easy task. The streets got slippery. Though it wasn't even that far, it seemed to be thousands of miles away at a time like this. I finally reached the crosswalk, just as it turned red.

Gahhh, come on, come on! Could this light take any longer??

Three... Two... One!

I ran as fast as I could with my two legs. The entrance was only so far away. The freezing rain hit my face as if it were those anti-fans attacking me. Sheesh, they must be some hardcore Super Junior fans too then.

Making it into the entrance, I let out a sigh of relief while panting heavily. My hair was sticky and my clothes were dripping wet. It got really cold all of a sudden.

When I got back into the dorm, Heechul was waiting for me with a towel in his hand. Seeing his face made me wanna frown again. It was his idea to make me go to the store when it clearly looked like it was about to rain! But at least welcomed me with a towel...

"Go get changed first. Then you can go make my ramen."

Looks like he didn't forget about his ramen at all.


Chapter 31 Preview:

Heechul's snickering turned into loud laughter.


Yay, an update!

I don't have much to say today lol. But i do have a few announcements!

Right before I update Chapter 31, I will be writing a short little bonus chapter that will be Chapter 30.5. It'll probably be similar to Chapter 24.5. But here's the catch! I will be making it private. Therefore, you have to be a fan of mine to read it. The bonus chapter will be from Siwon's point of view while he's vacationing in Rome.

My second announcement! [WATTPAD ONLY] I want to make a story-book for one-shots. (So each chapter will be an individual one-shot.) And for those who don't know, one-shots are like short stories. I want fans to request one-shots, but that's my only issue, since I don't think I would get a lot of requests lol. Each one-shot will be dedicated to the fan who requested it. I'm only considering this idea, so if you guys are up for it, let me know down below!

Okayyy, that's it for today~! Thanks for reading. Please don't forget to vote, subscribe, and comment! BYEEEEE~!

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ayakohana25 #1
Chapter 45: I finished reading all 56 (or was it 57?) chapters on watty then tried to look it up on AFF hoping you continued it here. Hahaha~ I'm soooo hopeless.
AnimeKitty #2
Chapter 45: Author nim~~~~~ I miss this story sooooo much! Please come back soon and update!!! Pretty please???
Please please update please T.T
Chapter 1: I'm rereading this its my favorite fanfics of all :) 7jib fighting!elfs all over the world fighting!SJ oppas fighting! <3
Chapter 45: Just reread all the chapters and dand i miss this story author haha i'll wait for your update author! Fighting!! :))
fyekay918 #6
Chapter 45: Oh my god. Oh. My. God. Im so glad i gound this story
Gahhhhhhhh. I litrrally fangirled every chapter
I love it so much. The plot, the characters. I ship Misung but also MiChul. But maybe more MiSung, i think. But MiChul is adorbz T_T cant make up my mind.
Oh oh please update soon. Cant wait :3
aninrara #7
author-nim update soon T--T
IamParkJiHae #8
Heechul should've kissed Mina.
I know Sungmin thinks that it is his' birthday gift from Mina,
but I want Mina and Heechul to kiss T^T

I miss you author-nim update soon.
kpop_luv #9
Chapter 45: Oh and right now I am currently shipping Michul soooo i think heechul should've kissed mina
kpop_luv #10
Chapter 45: I actually forgot about this cuz of school T_T. buuut on the bright side I caught up on everything, and whoooo! go heechul (I think.....since sungmin kissed her instead)