Chapter 29

Super Maid & The 13 Dorks


"What's wrong, Heechul?"


The day started off as it did yesterday. Heechul was still in a bad mood and no one knew why. Sungmin, on the other hand, happily ate his food while displaying his radiant smile.

"I'll be back in three days," Siwon suddenly announced, getting up from his seat.

"Whaaa?" Leeteuk and Ryeowook looked in his direction. "Where are you going?"

"Rome," Siwon responded with a grin. "I've decided to spend my vacation wisely."

Leeteuk and Ryeowook looked at each other with inspired expressions. Somewhere in my mind, I could imagine a light bulb going off above their heads.

"GREECE!" they exclaimed.

"Greece!" Eunhyuk jumped in.

"Wanna come?" Ryeowook bounced excitedly. "Come, come, come!"

"OKAY, LET'S GO!" Eunhyuk pointed towards their rooms, telling them to start packing.

The rest of us sat, dumbfounded, watching the four of them leave. Does this happen often? Suddenly deciding that you want to go to Greece and heading there without a second thought? Maybe it's a celebrity thing.

"Well, I'ma be home all week," Zhou Mi laid back. "You'll keep me company, won't you, Mina?"

"Of course, Mimi," I nodded with a smile.

"Ew," Heechul glanced at us.

"What?" we narrowed our eyes at him.

"You two."

"You're just jealous, because Mina doesn't wanna hang out with YOU!" Zhou Mi put his arms around me and squeezing tightly.

"I'm not jealous," he stated. "I have my own days where she's all mine. You know what day that is, don't you?"

I gave him that look.

Hmmm?” he urged me to answer.

"Hee-Day," I groaned. "Lay off with that... Just for this week!" I whined.

"I'll think about it," he said teasingly.

"You can't have her today! Today's gonna be Mi-Day!" Zhou Mi declared. "We're gonna play Mario Kart and eat fortune cookies!"

"Mi-Days are lame," Heechul said.

"No they're not!" I exclaimed. "I actually like Mario Kart and fortune cookies."

"We were meant to be~!" Mimi hugged me tighter.

"Can't... Breathe...!" I tugged at his arm.

"Oops, I forgot you were fragile," he let go. "Anyways... It's Mi-Day! To the Wii!" he pointed to his room, where Mario Kart was waiting for us.

Getting up, he led the way out of the kitchen.

A day with Zhou Mi... I suppose it's gonna be as it was before, when he had a week-long vacation after coming back from China. At least I’m not wasting my time with Heechul…



I stopped myself a split-second too late before bumping into the person who called out my name.

“Oh, Yesung!” I gasped. “Sorry…”

“Oooooh,” Zhou Mi narrowed his eyes at me, a smirk forming on his lips. “Y’know what… I’ma go ahead and set up the game in my room. You guys have fun talking,” he backed away slowly.

“Ermm…” I looked at him suspiciously.

“Take your time,” he grinned widely. And with that, he dashed away into his room. Huh… He must be really excited to go play Mario Kart.


“So…” Yesung broke the silence.

“Yes?” I turned to him.

“Well…” He looked as if he was trying to think of a way to say what he was planning to say. “Since yesterday didn’t go as we had expected…”

My face lit up, anticipating his next words.

“How about you let me make it up to you?” he said. “Today,” he added.

“Umm… Of course, haha. I’d love to,” I replied.

“Alright,” he smiled. “We can go-”

The sound of his i-Phone ringing interrupted his sentence. He stopped to pull his phone out of his pocket and answer it.

“Hello?… Hmm, yes… Yes… Okay,” he responded to the person on the phone. “Alright, bye,” he hung up. Pursing his lips, he turned back to me. “I actually have something to do… How about we go on our date when I get back?” he suggested.

“That would be fine,” I agreed.

Haha, okay. I’ll call you,” he said pulling me into a hug.

I hid my blush over his shoulder and tried to contain the wide grin that was about to break upon my lips.

“See you later…”

“Bye,” I pulled away.


With all the excitement building up inside of me, I rushed straight into Zhou Mi’s room after Yesung left the dorm.

“Mimiiiii~!” I sang happily.

“What happened? What happened?? WHAT HAPPENED?” Mimi took me by the shoulders and shook me.

“I… He… Yesunghehe,” I tried to explain. It only resulted in giggles.

“Tell me!” Zhou Mi giggled along.

“Okay, okay,” I calmed myself down. “Yesung…”


“He asked me out on another date,” my face broke out into an idiotic smile.





What are those two so excited about? Mario Kart can’t be THAT fun… Hmm, come to think of it, there’s none of that background music. Maybe they’re not playing Mario Kart then.

Haha, I’m so happy for you!” I heard Zhou Mi exclaim. I could feel that he’s hugging her tightly right now. Zhou Mi always hugs someone after he says that he’s happy for someone… He’s a weird one.

“Hehe, I’m excited,” Mina’s cute voice replied.

Wait, cute… What am I thinking…?

I wonder what she’s so excited about though. And why they’re so happy. She’s never happy around me. She’s only happy around Zhou Mi or Sungmin… And Yesung. She’s always happy around Yesung.

I stood there for a while before realizing that I’m just staring at Zhou Mi’s door. Sigh, I guess I’m just feeling some type of way. I really should start being nicer to her. Perhaps she’d smile more often around me.

Ding! A light bulb went off in my head.

I should take her out somewhere nice. Like a fancy restaurant! But she’d never agree to come with me… Maybe I should ask her threateningly, then… No, no, no, that ruins the whole point of being nice!

I stepped into my room to join Heebum for further planning. Hmph, I’ll figure something out. And I’ll ask her later. She’ll have to agree.



After hour and a half of consulting with Mimi, we went onto playing Mario Kart as planned. And with my trusty Mini-Mario…

“No… NO WAIT!” Zhou Mi exclaimed.

“Wait? No way!” I retorted, speeding up.


. . .



“No fair! I let you win last time. You were supposed to let me win this time!” Mimi whined.

“You didn’t LET me win. I just won,” I grinned proudly.


There was a vibration in my pocket.

“Your is lighting up!” Mimi pointed, laughing.

I reached into my pocket to pull out my flashing phone. The screen displayed Yesung’s name.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hey, Mina. I’m just about done with this little errand,” Yesung said.

“Really? That’s great.”

“Yeah. And it’s almost 6:00pm already.”

Omo, really? I checked the digital clock laying on the desk. 5:49pm. Wow, I didn’t realize how fast time flew by while playing with Mimi. I looked around the room to see two empty boxes of fortune cookies and a pile of wrappers on the floor.

“Mina, can you drive?”

“Huh?” I was caught off guard by the random question. “Drive? Like a car?”

“Yes, silly, a car,” he laughed.

“Oh… Yes, I can drive a car,” I responded. “Why?”

“Well, considering the fact that we have to be a little sneakier today, I can’t drive back to the dorms to pick you up. We can’t be seen together,” he explained. “So listen carefully…”


*                          *                          *

I can’t believe it… Why am I actually doing this??

Adrenaline rushed through my veins as I gripped onto the steering wheel of Heechul’s car. That’s right… HEECHUL’S car.

“Turn left in 0.3 kilometers,” the GPS spoke.

Yesung had given me the address of our date spot for this evening. He told me that Heechul’s car was the only one with a built-in GPS, so that’s the car that I should take. He also asked me to dress up nicely. Therefore, I put myself into a red, satin a-line dress with black lace covering the top half and a black bow squeezing tightly at my waist. I’m surprised I can even drive with this thing on.

I took the next left turn. I wonder where we’re meeting at… The address didn’t give me any clues. In fact, I’ve never heard of this street. What if I get lost…?

“Destination is to your right in 0.5 kilometers.”

Oh, I guess not. Almost there, hehe~!

It only was 7:00pm, but it was already dark outside. The street lights glowed beautifully under the night sky.

“You have arrived.”

And there was his familiar black car. I pulled up beside it and put the car on park. Phew, at least I got here safely. Hopefully, Heechul hasn’t noticed that his car is missing.

Getting out, I took a step back to examine the place. A fancy Italian restaurant stood in front of me. So he was taking me out to dinner… Awesome.

“Hello, how may I help you?” the person at the counter asked.

I turned around.

“Oh, are you Miss Mina, by any chance?” he questioned.

“Yes,” I nodded.

“Is that so? Please follow me,” he led.

We went through several doors before finally entering the right room. An exquisite table set with two plates of the finest pasta and shiny utensils caught my eye.

“Hmm… I wonder where he went,” the waiter wondered aloud. “Please take a seat and wait for a little, Miss.”

I sat on the comfortable cushioned chair. Goodness, just looking at how lavish this place is makes me shiver thinking of how expensive it must be to dine here.

There was an empty crystal vase in the center of the table filled with water. Huh, I wonder what it’s for. I hope it’s not for us to drink water out of. Fancy people happen to do some pretty weird things sometimes.

Just then, I heard the door open. And in came the dark prince. He was dressed in all black again. My favorite. In his hand was a vivid red rose. His gaze landed on me and a soft smile fell upon his lips. I couldn’t help but to also smile at how handsome he looked.

He placed the rose into the crystal vase on the table. Taking my hand in his, he placed a kiss on it.

“You look beautiful,” he complimented, his eyes never leaving mine.

“Thank you,” I blushed. “You look quite handsome yourself.”

Haha, thanks,” he said, taking his seat across the table. “I’m glad you made it here. Did you have any trouble finding this place?”

“Not at all… Heechul’s car is so high-tech. I could probably be on the moon and find my way anywhere.”

“He didn’t catch you with his keys, did he?”

“Of course not! If he did, I wouldn’t be here,” I laughed.

“Right, haha.”

“So what’s with the elegance here?” I admired the room and the food.

“I made sure there’s no one to disturb us this time. So I rented a private room for us,” he answered.

“Wow, really?”

“Yep. I want you to be at ease and comfortable. And not to worry about any fans that might notice us.”

“You didn’t have to. The fans don’t bother me much.”

“That’s not what it looked like last time. And for that whole week that they were standing outside out dorms.”

“Well I guess…”

“You don’t have to worry about that here. We’re safe,” he ensured me.

“I should be very thankful then. Thanks, oppa,” I smiled.

BUT WAIT. I just called him “oppa”. Oh no, did I just make it awkward? I hope he doesn’t take it that way.

“Oppa… I like the sound of that,” he smirked.

“O-Oh, really?” I laughed nervously.

Mhmm. You should call me that more often. It’s not fair to have Sungmin be the only one you call oppa when there’s twelve of us who are older than you.”

“But what if Sungmin starts acting up after he hears me calling you oppa?”

“Then he’ll have to deal with it. I’m his hyung, after all.”

“That’s right, haha.”

There was silence as we forked at our pasta. We exchanged glances here and there, giggling every so often.

“So how’s Jongjin?” I started up the conversation.

“He’s pretty good,” Yesung responded. “Actually, he has been calling me more often, talking about some girl that works at our mother’s café.”

“Aw, that’s cute. He must be in love,” I sighed dreamily.

“I suppose so,” he takes a sip of his drink. “Jongjin’s lucky,” he sighed.

“Why is that?”

“He has such a laid-back lifestyle. And he’s always close to family,” he started. “Whereas I have to travel often and have performances back-to-back. And sometimes, if I’m lucky enough, I can get around three hours of sleep.”

“Oh… That sounds kinda harsh.”

“Yeah, and since I’m one of the lead vocals, manager hyung puts more work on me. After this little vacation, I’ll have musicals to perform, soundtracks to record… All of that,” he pursed his lips. “I wish I could just live and enjoy the moment, kind of like I’m doing now… With the most beautiful girl in the world.”

“I’m not the most beautiful girl in the world. I can’t even be considered pretty next to Hyuna or… Or Jessica.”

“You’re the most beautiful girl in my world right now,” Yesung claimed.

“Maybe you need glasses,” I laughed, blushing.

“Have some more self-confidence, would you?” he said amusingly. “You’re very pretty.”

We ended up talking for over an hour about anything from cats to turtles and everything between our interests to dislikes. We ate into our desserts as we talked about the guys. He told me stories of their travels to different parts of the world. His favorite country to tour was China. Before we knew it, it was already 9:00pm.

“Oh, look at the time,” I pointed out. “It’s getting late.”

“We should head back to the dorms then,” Yesung said. “But before that…”

He dug in his pocket for something. I watched curiously as he pulled out a box of some sort. He stretched his hand across the table to show me.

“Since you lost the key necklace around your next a while ago, I thought you’d feel a little bare without it. So I got this for you,” he opened the box.

Inside laid a silver necklace with a key charm hanging off of the chain. The head of the key was encrusted with crystals. In the middle of the crystal wreath was a sapphire gem. It was mesmerizing.

“To be honest… This isn’t just to replace your old necklace,” he admitted.

I tilted my head in interest.

“I know it might sound silly, but I actually want you to play a special and important role in my life. And I understand if you don’t want to take it too fast. After all, we’ve practically just met a few months ago. But if you know where I’m getting at… Just tell me when you’re ready. I’ll be waiting.”


*                          *                          *

Just tell me when you’re ready. I’ll be waiting… His words echoed in my mind.

I snapped back into reality when I realized that the traffic light was red. J-Just one more block, Mina. You can think all about it when you get home. Because you have to get this car back safe and sound. No scratches, no dent. Nothing that would make it seem shady.

As soon as I drove into the parking deck, I realized the spot that Heechul had parked his car earlier was taken by a silver BMW. Crap! What do I do now? Oh, there’s a parking space right down there. Maybe he’ll forget where he had actually parked. Then everything will be fine…

Ding! A text from Yesung… “You head into the dorm first, so it won’t seem suspicious. I’ll come up ten minutes after.” Ah, smart idea.

I looked around to see if there was anyone on this level. Hopping out of the car, I quickly made my way to the entrance and up the elevator. Before anyone could see me, I finally made it safely into the dorm. That is, until I got INTO the dorm.

The lights flicked on unexpectedly. I felt a pair of eyes on me. Turning around, I saw Heechul sitting up on the couch, looking like an evil mastermind with Heebum laying in his lap. A chill ran down my back.

“Tell me why my car keys were missing,” he demanded.

“W-What are you talking about?” I stuttered.

“Then tell me why my car was missing.”

“I… Uh… What?”

He put Heebum aside and got up to confront me. I backed away, bumping against the wall. Reaching out, he managed to find the keys in my hands behind my back.

“I’m not surprised… Where’s you go off with my car?”

“I didn’t go anywhere. I just accidentally took your keys. I thought they were mine, haha,” I laughed nervously.

“Oh really? I didn’t know you own a car. Neither did I know that you had places to go. Aren‘t you supposed to be at home taking care of us?”

“But you guys are on vacation. You can take care of yourself. I deserve a break too, don’t I?”

“Talking back now, are we? I think you deserve a punishment,” he smirked.


“When I’m off for a day, we call it Hee-day… Since I’m off all week, the rest of this week will be Hee-Week.”

I gasped.

“And if you know what Hee-Day means, you should know what Hee-Week means. Isn’t that right, potato head?”




“You can’t make me!”

“Or can I?” he smirked, pushing me up against the wall.



(Today is the day I’ve finished writing this chapter: 11/16/12)

I’m actually going to the grand opening of a Forever 21 tomorrow, for the second time this year. YAY. (Update: GUYS, The Grand Opening was AWESOME.) But I made sure I finished the chapter, although I’m not even sure of when I can upload this lol. Hopefully I’ll get home on time to visit the library so I can share this chapter with you guys.

So anyone heard of the new group SM formed? It’s called YouniqueEunhyuk and Henry are in there, along TAEMINNN, Kai, Luhan (or is it Lay? Correct me if I‘m wrong! D:), and Hyoyeon. I just have to let the world know that every time Kai screeches at the 00:28 mark, I lose my mind and my ears just so hard that I need bang my head on the keyboard CUZ GOODNESS THAT BOY IS JUST DAMNNNN.

Anyways, I have to apologize to you guys for not updating in so long. I’ve been receiving stacks on stacks on stacks OF HOMEWORK for the past month. Plus, I gotta balance out my life with my mommy, my friends, my friend-girls, and my significant other… And unfortunately, school.

BUT WAIT, THAT’S NOT ALL! During my short hiatus, I’ve received 38,000+ reads, 600+ votes, AND 120 fans! I can’t believe it! Without you guys, I wouldn’t have made it this far. So I would like to thank ALL of you. Even those who don’t have Wattpad accounts, but continue to read my story. And although I may not always reply to your comments, just remember that I DO read all of them and take them into consideration. I really do appreciate all of you who have been following along! [WATTPAD]

Enough of my blabbering!

Well thanks for reading! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Please don’t forget to vote and fan!

(Update 11/18/12) I'm at Starbucks, sippin' on my coffee, nomming on my cheese danish AND EVERYTHING IS GREAT. *Raises cup of coffee* TO THE UPDATE THAT YOU'VE BEEN WAITING A MONTH AND 11 DAYS FOR!

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ayakohana25 #1
Chapter 45: I finished reading all 56 (or was it 57?) chapters on watty then tried to look it up on AFF hoping you continued it here. Hahaha~ I'm soooo hopeless.
AnimeKitty #2
Chapter 45: Author nim~~~~~ I miss this story sooooo much! Please come back soon and update!!! Pretty please???
Please please update please T.T
Chapter 1: I'm rereading this its my favorite fanfics of all :) 7jib fighting!elfs all over the world fighting!SJ oppas fighting! <3
Chapter 45: Just reread all the chapters and dand i miss this story author haha i'll wait for your update author! Fighting!! :))
fyekay918 #6
Chapter 45: Oh my god. Oh. My. God. Im so glad i gound this story
Gahhhhhhhh. I litrrally fangirled every chapter
I love it so much. The plot, the characters. I ship Misung but also MiChul. But maybe more MiSung, i think. But MiChul is adorbz T_T cant make up my mind.
Oh oh please update soon. Cant wait :3
aninrara #7
author-nim update soon T--T
IamParkJiHae #8
Heechul should've kissed Mina.
I know Sungmin thinks that it is his' birthday gift from Mina,
but I want Mina and Heechul to kiss T^T

I miss you author-nim update soon.
kpop_luv #9
Chapter 45: Oh and right now I am currently shipping Michul soooo i think heechul should've kissed mina
kpop_luv #10
Chapter 45: I actually forgot about this cuz of school T_T. buuut on the bright side I caught up on everything, and whoooo! go heechul (I think.....since sungmin kissed her instead)