Chapter 20:

How to Tame Your Dragon.

Chapter 20: A friend maybe? 


"Yah." Jikyung pouted and turned around. It's not my fault when you're the one who pisses me off... She folded her arms and glared at the ground. There it goes again, Kris sighing and standing up. "I'm out." He said and walked towards the door. 


Panickly, she looked up and frowned. Almost immediately, she stood up and took a hold of his arm. "W-where?" She asked, afraid to be alone in this cold isolated tower. She looked into his eyes, hoping for even one slight hint of hesitant, but there was none. Kris was at it again. Probably going out for a release of all his frustrations of anger from her throwing all the food that was prepared for him. 


He shook his head. "Let go." He said and took a step back, harshly jerking her hand away before opening the door. "Be a good girl and stay here while I'm gone." He turned back and smirked. "If not..." He fell back and disappeared from below. Unable to open her eyes, she stumbled backwards upon the huge impact of the air forcing into the room and fell on the ground right after the door was closed back.


She frowned and folded her arms together. "Stupid dragon..." She looked around and spotted something she thought she wouldn't find ever.


Grinning to herself, she stood up and went to pick up the item.


"Like hell would I stay like a good girl."



Scrolling around the corner, Jikyung immediately pouted at the sight of nothing but a plain river. Where am I? She tilted her head and looked around, trying to find her way back.


Aigo... I have to go back before Kris reaches home... She sighed and folded her arms together. "Aigo..." She blew air and looked at the ground, biting her lips nervously.


I'm dead.


"Erhm." She blinked in surprise and turned to the direction where the sound of someone clearing came from. There she was, a girl whom she had never seen of, raising an eyebrow on her casually with her hand rested on her hip. 


She's stunning. She thought and looked at herself, sighing at the flat surface. She blushed. I feel ashamed...


At the same time, the girl, who happens to be Minyeol, tilted her head to examine the girl more. Cute... She thought and walked up to her. "Erm..." She tried to get her attention, but it doesn't seem to work well as she was still staring at the ground like a dork.


"Excuse me..." Finally, Jikyung snapped from her thoughts and looked up at Minyeol. Blushing, she bit her lips and smiled at her. "Hi!" She waved her hand and reached for a handshake. "Erm... I'm Jikyung... You are?" She asked, thinking that it's obvious that everyone should know that she's Kris' holder by now.


But Minyeol, who came from the same world as she is wouldn't know. "Er... Hi?" Minyeol awkwardly shook her hand. "I'm Minyeol... Er... I'm not from here... Can you show me the way back to..." She looked around. "Kai's?"


Upon the name she speaks, Jikyung's eyes widened, almost immediately, her body started to tremble badly upon the name. "K-k-Kai...?" She asked, biting her lips nervously and looked around, afraid.


Minyeol nodded and tilted her head. "Yeah, Kai. You know him?" She asked. He's famous? Tsk. Obviously, with those looks... She rolled her eyes mentally.


"Erm..." Jikyung hesitated. "We met... Twice..." She looked at the ground. "It wasn't a good encounter... That's all." She looked at Minyeol for any sign of anger or frustrations. But no, there weren't. Nothing but a huge grin plastered on her face.


"Really? Gee and I thought you would be one of those nasty people who falls for him stupidly!" Minyeol clapped her hands together and hugged Jikyung. "Aigo you're so cute!"


"E-e-eh?" Jikyung blinked her eyes at Minyeol's bold actions. "M-Minyeol-ssi?"


Minyeol released Jikyung and sighed deeply before folding her arms tightly. "That bastard, he always locks me up in that dark room, leaving me with nothing but a stupid book as the only source of entertainment... I had enough! Even though he provides a shelter and living expenses... But still!!" She started complaining and complaining and still, complaining non-stop.


Jikyung's eyes widened in surprise, and finally, she clapped her hands together. "Ah! You're Kai's holder right?" Minyeol turned to her and nodded. Gladly, Jikyung squealed and smiled at her.


"Hi! I'm Kris' holder. If you had met him..." She blushed and poked both her index fingers together. "And I know right? Those bastards deserve a lesson learned! I've been locked up on that tower for god knows how long and I tell you! I had a hard time trying to find a way to get down without his help!!" She pouted and folded her arms together. 


Minyeol giggled. "That's one nasty dude then..."


"He's a dragon." Jikyung replied boldly, to Minyeol's surprise.


Minyeol nodded. "Heard from Kai once. He asked me to stay away from Kris for some reason..." She held her chin and went into thoughts.


Jikyung chuckled. "Seems like Kai talks a lot to you..." She asked, curious.


"He doesn't talk, he whispers..." Minyeol blushed and looked away, embarrassed. 


Jikyung rolled her eyes. "Well my dragon DOES." She folded her arms tightly. "Stupid dragon..."


Minyeol laughed and shook her head. "You don't know how stupid Kai is though..."


"Who's the stupid one?" Surprised, Minyeol flinched and jumped from where she was standing at. She glared at the person standing behind, the one and only Kai was standing there with his arms folded. He eyed her a glare then eyed a cold stare at Jikyung. "Oh, you."


Jikyung gulped and looked away.


Kai rolled his eyes and turned around. "Let's go." He said and took a step forward.


Minyeol sighed and smiled at her. "Well, it's nice meeting you, Jikyung-ah. Oh and hey! I know, I just met you... And this is crazy but..." She held her hand out. "We're friends now right?"


Jikyung giggled. "Yeah sure." She held her hand and shook it. She looked around and pouted.  "I just hope I can reach home before he catches me running away." 


Minyeol chuckled. "How about... You teach him a lesson?" She grinned evilly and whispered certain things into Jikyung's ears, before feeling the smokes surrounding her dangerously.Minyeol grinned and waved before feeling Kai's arms around her waist, gently pulling her into darkness and disappear from sight. 


"Demand acknowledgement." 

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Chapter 33: Hahaha! I suddenly remembered this
Chapter 33: Mystical creatures as nannies cuttie
Chapter 2: Why i just find this story now.this is really good story and i will read in just ine day. Still wondering who is he? The one talking with jaekyung. Planet exo muahaha.
Chapter 33: I really liked this!!! (:
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12shiningstars #6
Chapter 1: Well... That was straightforward. :)
Chapter 33: XD XD XD XD X____X *pants* I died...
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Chapter 33: So Funny!! Laughed as f. xD
Lua_Irena #9
Chapter 33: My favorite story now! <3
Chapter 24: What the fck happened between kris and jikyung?!?!?! XD