Chapter 6 - Truth

Love Ain't Easy


And that's all I get from you

                                                   But I give my all to you



Bom's POV

A year had passed but still there’s no change on how Seung Hyun treats me. He still avoids me. I never even had a minute of conversation with him. We’re still on the basic greetings and ask-this-ask-that type of conversation. Though sometimes I caught him staring at me and all I can do is smile at him, but he never smiles back at me. It hurts my pride. I always give him a nice warm smile but all I get from him are glares. Nothing more. Nothing less. It big time. I never had the guts to approach and talk to him. Whenever I do a move he glares at me, and that’s when I back out. I don’t know if he hates me, coz I don’t see hate on his eyes. I see sadness.

“Hello! Bommie to Earth! Tschk! Tschk!” Bae calls out as he imitates an astronaut.

He’s always interrupting me when I’m alienating. Aish.~~ “Hey!” I responded.

“I’m nervous noona!” Bae told me as he wipes his sweating forehead.

“Aish! It’s normal to be nervous, it’s your first time.” I told him while I fixed his jacket. “But seriously you’ve got to get a grip of your nervousness. You’re ruining your BAEby face. You should be excited more.” I added as I emphasized the word BABY, making a pun on his name.

“I can’t help it! She’s the only one that can make me nervous like this.” He said with a nervous smile. “Remember when I first saw her?” he added.

I remember it was the strangest thing that I ever saw. Well for Bae’s case it was the strangest thing he did. It’s my first time to see him like that.


“And I’m Sandara Park.” The petite girl with an extremely agyeo aura greeted us.

I suddenly saw Bae who’s standing next to me sweat like a pig. I didn’t know why but it’s definitely not that hot that time, considering we’re in YG’s office. It surprised us all when out of the blue Bae burst out running off the office leaving us in shock.

“What was that??” I heard them uttered.

“I’ll go check him.” I told them as I left the room. I didn’t saw where Bae fled off but I knew where he would be. And I was right, he was at the 4th floor fire exit.

“Hey kid! What was that all about?!” I exclaimed as I sat beside him.

“It’s her.” He muttered.

“Nugu??” I asked.

“Dara. I mean Sandara.” He muttered again.

“So what’s up with her?” I asked.

“We used to know each other… When we’re young. She’s my protector. My guardian angel.” He told me still with a low voice.

“Protector?? Guardian angel??” I asked again.

“Deh! She used to protect me from my bullies. Since she’s older and a girl, the bullies would back off.” He explained. I kept quiet, letting him know that I wanted to hear more.

“She would always walk me home. Since we’re on the same school and same neighborhood it became our routine. She would cook for me, hang out with me, be my noona, and she taught me to stand up for myself. No, ani~~ not for myself but for anyone that… that.. I cared about.” He said with a cracked voice. I patted his back, not saying any words.

“Until that day came. I went to her house and I saw her lying on the floor. Beaten up. Black eyed, bruised, and bleeding. I didn’t know what to do. I ran off, I was afraid.” He continued as he getting teary eyed.

“She always helps me, but I didn’t know what to do that time. Then it hit me. I went back to her house and tried my best to carry her to the nearest hospital. She was beaten up by her stepfather. She was protecting her little brother from his anger.” He continued as he clenched his hand.

“I wasn’t there to protect her. I wished I had come as soon as she called me. She called me to come over but I refused and chose to play computer games. I was too late.” He said as he wiped his tears.

“Then her mother took them away. I heard they migrated in the Philippines. To start a new life, to forget the horrible things that they experienced, and to left me in pain.” He said as he smirked.

“I never got the chance to say goodbye to her. She didn’t even know my feelings towards her. I know I was still young but I knew what I felt for her.” He continued as sadness enveloped his face.

“And now I don’t know what to do. I don’t even know if she recognizes me. What should I do noona??” he asked me.

“Do you still love her?” I asked back.

“Always have. And always will.” He answered me back with a smile. A very sad smile.

That’s when I realized why he was so protective over me. Ani~~ from us.

End of Flashback



“Aigoo! It’s been a year but still you’re nervous around her.” I told him as I smacked his arms.

Yes. She recognized him that day. All went better as I expected. Now they’re going on a date for the first time. I’m really happy that he found her again. I never saw him smile and laugh around her and for us, our relationship did not changed. I’m still her Bommie and he’s still my Baeby. Dara and I are closer than ever also. She’s really nice and cute. I really like her. She’s cute and tough.

“Bommie-ahh! Stop alienating! I’m still around.” I heard him said.

“Tsck! You always bother me when I’m having a conversation with myself.” I complained.

He just laughed and his eyes were gone. Aigooo~~ So cute! I checked my watch and saw it’s already 3PM. “Yah! Don’t you have a date at 4PM?” I said.

He checked his watch and he suddenly panicked. He rushed out the door without even saying goodbye.

 “Aigoo~~ this kid just found a girlfriend and forgot me all— “

“Oh Noona!” He rushed back in cutting me off. “Komawo.” he whispered as he kissed my left cheek. As he turned his back I grabbed his hand to stop him, I hugged his back and whispered “Goodluck Baeby! Don’t sweat! Arasso??” and I let him go. He gave me an eye smile. “Annyong!” I added  as he darted away.



Seung Hyun’s POV

It’s been a year since I started training with them.

Everything is smooth. Well almost everything.

I’m not treating her well. I’m not talking to her like I talked to others.

I know that she’s noticing it also. I even sometimes sense that she’s going to talk to me or approach me but I always give her the look. Yes, I’m doing it on purpose.

I don’t want to talk to her.

Okay I lied, I really really really wanted to talk to her. But I can’t.

I don’t want to get closer to her. I don’t want to fall for her even more.

I’m just contented to see her happy. See her smile with him.

But lately she’s looking sad, her eyes when she looks at me it’s different.

She’s smiling at me but all I give her is a nothing.

I guess she’s having trouble with Young Bae. These past few months he’s spending some time with Dara noona.

“Ani~~ Seung Hyun stop thinking like that!” I told myself.


I was wandering around YGE. Until I reached the practice room. I saw her.

“God she’s so beautiful! That face, when can I ever hold that?” I asked myself. Then Young Bae entered. I saw her how she primped him lovingly, the way she stares at her. I can perfectly see how happy she is. That’s why I don’t need to step in her life and ruin their relationship.


“Look how happy they are Seung Hyun. You should be happy for her.” I muttered to myself as I watch them from afar. I’m having this melodrama again. We’re not even old lovers to think like this. Aish!

“Oh he left already, seems he’s on a rush.” I muttered unconsciously. As I was about to go I saw him running back giving a kiss on her cheek and she hugged him.

“I wish that was me. I would give anything just to be around her arms.” *sighed*

I need to unwind!


I found myself walking off a mall. I started to wander around. Look for something to buy and entertain myself. Then I saw this familiar guy holding some girl's hand. I followed them to check if it’s him. I saw them walked in a fast food. I followed inside and saw who they were.


“Dara noona and Young Bae!” I exclaimed. I saw him touched her~~ no caressed her face. In a loving way.

He’s cheating with Bom??

Much worse with Dara noona! I can’t believe they’re doing this to her!

How can they bear this sinful act???

What did Bom do to deserve this from them??

From him???



Author’s POV

Seung Hyun was in pain for Bom. But rage was ruling over him. He wants to charge. He wants to attack him. He couldn’t get a hold of himself. He rushed towards him and pulls his hooded jacket making Young Bae stood up. Young Bae was shocked.


“Oh hyu~~” before he could continue Seung Hyun punched him making him fall on the table. The customers were shocked from what happened, some left and some tried to peak in.

“How could you do this Young Bae??!!” Seung Hyun shouted at him.

“What’s your problem??” Young Bae asked while he wiped of blood from his mouth. Seung Hyun was about to punch him again when Dara stepped in.

“Yaaaaaaaaahh! Seung Hyun-ahh! What the hell???” Dara yelled at him while trying to stop Seung Hyun’s arm from punching Young Bae.

“Noona! Why all of the people!?? Why Bommie-ahh?!” Seung Hyun was grabbing Young Bae’s collar.

“What are you talking about??!” Young Bae shouted.

“You! cheating on Bommie!!” Seung Hyun yelled back.

“Bo??” they both asked him with a puzzled look on their face.

“I’m sorry but the 3 of you should leave now or else I have no choice but to call in security.” The manager of the fast food told them.


Seung Hyun let go of Bae’s collar and dragged him out of the mall. They reached the nearby park and stopped there. Dara was running as she follows them.

“Yah Seung Hyun! What are you saying about cheating Bommie-ah??” Dara shouted as she reached them.

“Oh good Grace! You don’t know that Bae is dating Park Bom??” he answered.

“Bo??” they both asked again.

Young Bae just laughed at him even though his mouth was wounded. Dara didn’t laugh nor smile, she stared at Seung Hyun’s eyes and smacked him in his head as hard as she could.

“Yah noona!” Seung Hyun exclaimed.

“Pabo!! Is that the reason why you don’t talk to Bommie??” Dara asked with a smirk on her face.

Young Bae sat down on the bench touching his mouth. “We’re not dating hyung….” He said.

Seung Hyun didn’t answered. He sat down beside Young Bae.

“I love her. Yes. But  as a noona, an older sister.” Bae explained. “You see, I get this instinct to go over protective with the one I care about. I’m a mother in disguise don't you know?.” Bae admitted to him smiling. Seung Hyun is still dumbfounded.

“You should have asked Bae or Bom about their status.” Dara added.

“But it’s not right to ask them that.” Seung Hyun uttered still in shock. “I’m such an idiot to make my own conclusions. Haisht~~” he exclaimed.

“There’s nothing wrong in asking. It won’t damage your ego.” Dara told him.

“Mianhe.” Seung Hyun said with his sincerity in it.

“It’s okay hyung!” Bae accepted his apology and tapped Seung Hyun’s back. “Though your punch hurts like hell. You should be training for boxing not in dancing.” Bae jokingly added.

They all laughed.



“Otoke?? I treated her coldly.” Seung Hyun asked in worry.

“It’s not too late to change everything.” Said Bae.

Seung Hyun smiled. Everything’s clear to him now.



This is it :))

TOPBOM moments in the following chapters. ♥ ♥

Then skydragon's relationship >.<


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*not my photos but i edited  it only

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seoinae #1
Chapter 50: Rollercoasters story but i love it! One of my fav topbom fanfic!!
seoinae #2
Chapter 33: Sadness... T^T^T^T^T
seoinae #3
Chapter 31: So sad so sad so sad.... u make me crying authornim T^T urghh seunghyun u selfish bastard!!
darya_tnt #4
Chapter 50: I am jnv screaming and kicking the air
Authornim!! I really really love this story of yours! I first read it in watty when I didn't heard about AFF before. I read it three times already and not getting tired of it! ^^ Really my favorite! You're the best authornim~~~ ^^
BlackjackPride #6
OMG Chingu, this story. Probably the first story I read in this page, how I loved this <3
Chapter 47: OMG! Skydragon is married im so happy :> kekekeke :)) #MedyoAffected
Chapter 20: OMO Skydragon is fixed im so happy kekeke :)) your story is so amazing author-nim <3
Chapter 12: im affected about the skydragon scene's #MyHeartsAching </3 haha :))
Chapter 49: Annyeong ! I'm a filipina also :)
Thank you so much I really enjoy reading this :)
TOPBOM forever :)