Chapter 5

Fighting for Your Love

Ryeowook POV

Arriving at school was nothing short of akward.  It felt like everyone was staring at me, and I even earned a few vicious glares from some of the girls.   I was getting nervous and panicky and both Henli and Minnie seemed to notice.  They led me through the halls like they were my body guards.  I was really grateful for their concern, but I din't want them to be late for class and I told them to hurry.  They both left, but made me exchage phone numbers with them and told me to call if I needed anything.  I smiled at their generosity and couldn't help but wonder how I was so lucky.  "They will make great boyfriends for someone" I thought to myself some what bashfully.

Brushing aside that thought, I made my way towards the library.  My firdt class was library aid where I was to help and act as an assitant to the school librarian.  When I entered the the large softly lit room, Iwas greeted by the comforting smell of old books and the constant clickity-clack of people typing.  I headed over to the check out desk and explained my situation to a kind elderly looking woman.  She smiled warmly and gently welcomed me.  She said that because I was new I would be paired with one of the other more experienced student aides.  I was a bit nervous, but was excited to meet my new partner hoping I could make a new friend.  The librarian took me through the rows of bookshelves until she found a boy carefully placing new books on the shelves.

"Yesung" she called, "we have a new student helper here and I an placing her in your charge.  Help her get used to the new job okay?"  The boy named Yesung looked up seemingly unfazed by the announcement, but I noticed his eyes widen slightly and I prayed that he wasn't too disappointed.  He was tall with dark hair that flopped over one eye giving him a rumpled yet mysterious demeanor.  I was slightly afraid by hie serious expression, but I couldn't help but notice his exceptionall looks. 

"Geez" I mumbled softly, "what's with all the guys here?  Are they all handsome?!  I blushed and quickly glanced at the other two hoping that no one had heard my quiet rambling.  To my dismay both seemed to hear my comment and the librarian looked amused while Yesung looked at the ground a slow blush evident on his cheeks.  Hoping to break the akwardness that seemed to follow me wherever I went. I introduced myself,

"Umm...h-hi, Im Kim Ryeowook.  It's my first year inhigh school and I hope you will take care of me.  I don't wish to be a burden."  I blurted out nervously.  Ugh it might actually kill me to be cool for once.  Lost in my own private humiliation, I was slightly shocked when a rich baritone voice replied,

"Hey, I'm Yesung.  I'm a third year here, welcome to SM Prep."  He gave me a slight smile setting me more at ease.  I eagerly returned with a grin, and he began explaining my duties.

"Basically, our job is to put the returned books back on the shelves and run small errands for the librarians.  The one that you just met was was Mrs. Cho, she's really nice and I think she has a grandson that goes here.  I don't know which grade though, he's pretty new and I haven't been introduced yet."  I was happy that we seemed to get along and I couldn't help but feel curiuos about the kind woman's grandson.  She was so nice and friendly I'm sure that her grandson was the same.

After he finished telling me about our jobs, yesung began asking about me and why I had moved here.  I found I easy to talk with him and I quickly told him about my dad's job and his promise to settle here until I graduated.  As we talked I noticed that despite his calm and serious attitude he was really a big goofball and kind of dorky in an adorable way.  I learned that he had a pet turtle that he loved dearly, and that he wanted to be either a singer or veternarian.  I was happy to find that we had a lot in common.  I loved animals and had wanted a dog for so long, plus I was also interested in music and could play the piano and sing a bit.  I told him about my dreams of becoming either a professional chef or a composer/ song writer.

By the time first period was over I felt much better than I had earlier because it seemed as id Yesung and I would get along just fine.  I had an easier time ignoring the the stares as I walked to my English class.  I was happy and proud that I seemed to be making new friends, Maybe my firdt day wouldn't be so bad after all.  Things were certainly looking up!

Yesung POV 

As the librarian told me I was in charge of the new student, I stifled a yawn and barely aknowleged her.  I was a senior and the prospect of babysitting some lost little bunny was not appealing.  However, when I saw the "little bunny" I couldn't help but thank the heavens for sending me this luck.  She was ridiculously beautiful and looked so small and fragile that I wanted nothing more than to protect her from the rest of the world.  I watched as she nervously twiddled her thumbs and began unconciously twirling her long hair aroung her fingers.  I heard her quietly mumble something about guys being handsome, and I instantly felt a blush creeping up my face.  The librarian, Mrs. Cho also seemed to her the comment and shot me a mischevous smile befor leaving us alone.  It seemed like she finally built up the nerve to introduce herself.  I hid the smile that flitted over my lips when I saw her determined expression turn to embarassment as she began to ramble.  I smiled at her, suprised that she managed to bring out emotion in me.  I was a pretty serous guy and didn't really smile or laugh much, and that was especially true around strangers.  I found it strange that in just a few minutes she had me laughing and smiling, revealing my true dorky nature.

I was suprised yet excited when she seemed to approve of my beloved turtle, and when she told me about her interest in the musical arts I couldn't help but beam.  I was utterly disappointed when the bell rang signaling the end of the period.  However, my mood did increase when she walked out of the library smiling and calling,

"Bye Yesung-hyung, have a good day!  See you tomorrow!"  I waved back and couldn't help but grin stupidly.  Oh, I was definatley having a good day... at least so far!


yeah! finally finished a longer update

okay got some Donghae coming up...

and some Kyuhyun a little later stay tuned my friends!...

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Mskrssp #1
Mskrssp #2
Chapter 26: I need someone like Wookie in my life too :")
Mskrssp #3
Chapter 17: I also really like SJM - My All is in you ahhh, immediately did the same after I read Wookie was turning it on hahaha
Chapter 36: I like realy kyuwook
Know what I dont really care if its midnight now I just have to finish this story.. It was tryuely amazing.. Kyuwook<3
Why did I find this just now?
Its really awesome~
Chapter 36: I love this genderswitch fanfic i have read it a bunch of times and every time it comes to the end that my heart rate increases.
Chapter 28: i knew it!!! it was siwon!!!! ahahahahahah...
Chapter 36: Okay this is seriously one of THE best genderswitch fics I have EVER read! I love it so much and I'm mainly a Kyumin shipper! It's just too good <3
rubyhow #9
Chapter 36: B.E.S.T.this Is the best
sapphire0taku #10
..this. is. the. best. kyuwook fanfic... EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

X/////////////////////////X oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i was practically always "SAERFRWEGS$#%^$U&^RH#^&DGBZSERY%$EHBZFDSVBS" when i was reading this fanfic in one go!!!!!!!!!!

this is sooo sweet!!!!! thank you for writing this awesome fic!!!!!!!!!! TT____TT i love this so much!!!! specially the ending !!!!!! it's really sweet!!!