Chapter 10

Fighting for Your Love

Ryeowook POV


When the final bell rang I was extremely grateful.  I practically bolted from my seat, eager to avoid the strange atmosphere that Kyuhyun seemed to radiate.  Unfortunatley, once I reached the hall I was enveloped in the hostile aura projected by the hateful fangirls.  I flinched away from the dirty looks and backed away towards my locker.  I practically jumped when I felt someone's hand on my arm.  I spun around and met the amused eyes of Hae.

"Someone's a bit jumpy' she stated.  I smiled with relief and hugged her.

"Sorry, between the fangirls and my new desk partner in math, I'm begining to feel a bit paranoid"

"What happened in math?" Hae asked curiously.

"Oh, I have to share a desk with this guy named Kyuhyun and it's obvious that he does not like me" I replied.  Hae's eyes widened slightly at the mention of Kyuhyun.

"What?" I asked worriedly.  She wouldn't meet my eye and quickly tried to change the subject.

"Hae, stop it" I insisted, "What's with this guy that's got you all freaked out?"  Finally, Hae gave a sigh of resignation and made eye contact.

"It's just... be careful around him, 'kay Wookie?" she slowly drawled out.  "He's not exactly known to be a good person.  He's relatively new here, but he's already got the reputation of being the school bully.  In fact people call him Evil Kyu."  I was suprised by this information, and had a hard time believing that he was such a feared bully.  I mean, he did have some muscle, but he didn't seem to have the physical build that would threaten anyone, especially the seniors.  Hae must have noticed my puzzled expression because she launched into another explanation. 

"Kyuhyun is not a bully in a traditional sense.  He's more of a psychological terror.  He can see peoples insecurities and weaknesses, and slowly builds on them until the person completely looses their self-confidence.  There was this one girl who was completely in love with him, and he found out about her crush.  He asked her to go out with him and be his girlfriend.  She was really happy and agreed, but on the day of their date he basically stood her up.  She called him and when he answered he just laughed and told her he was never serious and then hung up.  She was heart broken, and what made it worse was that she sat next to him in math and had to face him everyday.  It finally became too much for her and she transferred schools all the way to China, just to get away from him."

I stared at Hae shocked.  If this story was true then it made sense why everyone seemrd to be so afraid of of him.  However, i had a hard time believing the story of Kyuhyun's cruelty to the poor girl.  I refused to believe that anyone would be evil enough to use love as a wepon against another person just for amusement.  I was sure there was more to the story, but I agreed with Hae that I would need to careful around this guy.  I didn't want to be at the recieving end of his torture...


Donghae POV


I grimaced when the dismissal bell rang.  I was not exactly thrilled to go to the club activity, but I knew Wookie wanted me to go with her.  I shook my head, "Oh well" i thought, "she'd be there for me so I might as well return the favor".  I wandered over to Wookie's last class and saw her retreating fdom the scathing glares of the fangirls.  "Damn" i thought, "these girls seriously need to chill, it's not like all the cute boys at the school were there property". 

I reached out and grabbed Wookie's arm.  I felt her stiffen and and whirl around.  When she saw it was only me she visibly relaxed.  Laughung, I commented at her skiddish state.  She told me about the fangirls and her new math partner.  The fangirls were really no suprise, but the math dude was new news.  My stomach dropped when she told me her partner was Kyuhyun.  He was notorious for his diabolical nature, and I had even closer insight to his evil ways.

My old best friend Mimi hadn fallen in love with the boy and he shattered her heart so badly that she eventually moved.  Just thinking about it made my eyes begin to water at the memory.  When I relayed the story of Kyuhyun's cruelty, I saw Wookie's eyes widened and I sincerely hoped that she fully understood the threat he posed. 

I mean he used love as a weapon to breed hate, and as far as I was concerned that was sick.  Anyone willing to turn something as beautiful and pure as love against someone, was not to be trusted.  He was dangerous.

oh wookie better be careful, she should definatley stay away...

but then again everyone loves a bad boy, right?....

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Mskrssp #1
Mskrssp #2
Chapter 26: I need someone like Wookie in my life too :")
Mskrssp #3
Chapter 17: I also really like SJM - My All is in you ahhh, immediately did the same after I read Wookie was turning it on hahaha
Chapter 36: I like realy kyuwook
Know what I dont really care if its midnight now I just have to finish this story.. It was tryuely amazing.. Kyuwook<3
Why did I find this just now?
Its really awesome~
Chapter 36: I love this genderswitch fanfic i have read it a bunch of times and every time it comes to the end that my heart rate increases.
Chapter 28: i knew it!!! it was siwon!!!! ahahahahahah...
Chapter 36: Okay this is seriously one of THE best genderswitch fics I have EVER read! I love it so much and I'm mainly a Kyumin shipper! It's just too good <3
rubyhow #9
Chapter 36: B.E.S.T.this Is the best
sapphire0taku #10
..this. is. the. best. kyuwook fanfic... EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

X/////////////////////////X oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i was practically always "SAERFRWEGS$#%^$U&^RH#^&DGBZSERY%$EHBZFDSVBS" when i was reading this fanfic in one go!!!!!!!!!!

this is sooo sweet!!!!! thank you for writing this awesome fic!!!!!!!!!! TT____TT i love this so much!!!! specially the ending !!!!!! it's really sweet!!!