
Capturing His Heart


A light wave washed over my back as he pressed his lips on mine. I had just tackled Dongwoon to the ground because he refused to come for a swim with me. In one swift motion, he flipped me over so that I was under him, still kissing me. When his kisses grew rougher, it hit me what exactly we were doing; I pulled away, giving him a light shove so that he would stop. 

The sand stuck in my hair as it did to his. When he sat up next to me again, he helped me sit up and brush the sand particles from my wet hair. The air was warm enough so that the wetness of my clothes was not uncomfortable.

He and bit his lip. Then he drew a deep breath to begin a sentence, "I'm---"

"Sorry?" I finished his sentence. "Don't be... I mean... I do have a boyfriend... But..." My incoherent sentences trailed off.

"Tiffany, I've said this before; I don't think you know how hard it is to control myself when I'm around you."

I looked aside, avoiding his eyes.

"And," He began loudly but lowered his voice when he realized that he was being too loud, "it's not like you didn't enjoy that kiss."

I sat silently looking at the moonlit water.

He sighed, "Tiffany?" His fingers traced my ear, pulling strands of hair out of my face so that he could see my face better. "Would you ever consider dating me instead?"

"Are you asking me to leave Taec? Because that' not going to happen."

"Can I just tell you how I view this situation very bluntly?"

"Sure." I still didn't look at him.

"I met you two summers ago at a camp. You and I were great friends. You would tell me everything just as I had told you everything. You always comforted me and I was extremely appreciative of that. After camp ended, I could barely stand being with other people, more specifically, girls. Every time I'd go out with my friends, who were girls, I'd think to myself, 'wow, Tiffany really is one of a kind'. I never expected to meet you again so I tried to look for another girl using your traits as the criteria. That school year was torturous and I was doing terribly in school. So my parents enrolled me at this school. Then, this past summer, when I saw you with Taecyeon, I couldn't help but to feel like my heart was sinking in quick-sand. I had met you first afterall, and you did meet me first too. Since that time in Hong Kong, I couldn't help but to keep thinking that same sentence to myself, over and over again. You and I are supposed to be together, not you and Taecyeon." He sighed.

It was all so much to be told all at once. I mean, it's not like I didn't know... but it was still a heavy load. I took in a deep breath, "I don't know what to do, Dongwoon." Tears would have been streaming down my face if I weren't still caught up in the fact that I was just making out with Dongwoon on the lake-side. 

He placed his hand over mine and locked his fingers with mine. "Don't make a decision now, if it makes you uncomfortable."

"It makes me uncomfortable if I don't make the decision now. You'll just keep waiting if I don't turn you down, and I don't want to put you through that."

"Let me just ask you this very simply: do you like me?"

I placed my hands over my face. My head was spinning. I really didn't know. Was it even okay to like two guys at once?

His warm hands covered my hands and took them off my face, "Don't answer that." He held both my hands with one as he wrapped one around me. "Let's just have fun this weekend-- none of what we just did ten minutes ago. Nice, friendly fun."

"Tiffany? Dongwoon?" A voice spoke from behind us. "Is that you two?"

Dongwoon turned around, "Victoria?"

"What are you guys doing? And why are you both soaked?"

"She went for a swim and decided to splash me," he said.

"Tiff, do you want to come back? Nic sent me to come check on you... She was getting worried about your relationship with Taecyeon..."

I got up and brushed the sand off my . Dongwoon followed my lead.

I faked a yawn and stretched as I ran to Victoria walking next to her, back to the cabin, leaving Dongwoon there, watching us walk away.


The weekend passed pretty quickly; I stuck to Vic for the most part, helping Junsu with Nicole occasionally when the opportunity presented itself. I didn't want the drama to rise again. I honestly had feelings for Dongwoon, but leaving Taecyeon to pursue him would be totally out of the question. I just wanted Dongwoon to get over me, so that I could get over him. The easiest way to do that was to just ignore him. It seemed like a "do-able" plan when I thought of it that night... but whenever I saw him staring at me with those sad eyes, I felt the guilt pounding down on me.

On the bus back to school, he knew not to sit with me. I wanted to jump to the front of the bus and get down on my knees to apologize to him for making him feel like such a fool. I knew how he felt-- Taecyeon tried doing this to me last year when he only wanted to be friends even though he liked me too. The worst part is, I know how Dongwoon feels right now.

When we arrived back at school, I saw Taecyeon waiting by the unloading area to help me carry my bag back to the dorm.

"How was your weekend?" He asked cheerfully.

"It was alright. Very... eventful."

"Tell me about it," He smiled as he picked up my duffel.

"Well.." I tried to think of something fun that happened, but all I could think of was the fact that Dongwoon and I made out on the lakeshore in the middle of the night. 

He looked at me, wide-eyed, anticipating a story.

Just then, Dongwoon walked past us to his dorm. His shoulder brushed against mine as the area was quite crowded. I wasn't sure if he was doing it on purpose or if he was simply trying to avoid bumping into other people. The guilt was all building up.

"Are you alright? You look even more stressed now than you did before the retreat...." Taecyeon wrapped one arm around my shoulder, holding my bag with the other.

"Yo, Taec," Junsu shouted from behind us, "Wait up, I forgot my keycard."

"Yeah, no problem." He looked back at me, "Tiffany?" He removed the one earphone from my ear. 

On the walk back to the dorm, Junsu kept Taecyeon busy so that he wouldn't ask me what happened. Junsu and Victoria were the only two that I told about this little incident. 

"Wanna have dinner later?" Taecyeon asked as we stopped in front of my dorm. He wrapped both arms around my waist after he put my bag on the porch step.

"Yeah, let's do that." I smiled at him.

He leaned down and kissed me, "Alright see you later then." He squeezed my hand tightly before he let go and walked off with Junsu.

I let out a deep sigh. I can't not tell him what happened... but... he'll be hurt to know that pretty much cheated on him.... what if he finds out later though? It'll be worse! Plus... what about Dongwoon? My heart started pounding. I really didn't know what to do with myself.


Hope you all weren't too disappointed with this short chapter. Exam week just finished this past week so I just wanted to update with a little something. :)

Thanks for all your support so far! I hope you'll all continue to comment (and for my new readers, please subscribe!)

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Challey #1
cant believe i just knew (and finished reading) this fanfic now... it's great!!! i guess i just didnt visit the page thinking that it was or something, bcoz of the absence of any girl character tags...
I so hate you right now... (not really!!)<br />
Why out of all these weekends this was the one i found this fic :S i'm in the middle of my exam week and i haven't been able to stop reading this fic: IT IS SO GOD DAMN AMAZING!!! so me failing both my swedish and my physics tests are definitely your fault...<br />
But anyways, jokes aside, i adore this story!! I decieded yo subscribe though it's already done to show my support (and to return to it when i need a pick-up). I also read the sequel already too but i wanted to comment here first so i could tell you my thoughts about this story :)<br />
I love how the characters have their distinct personalities and that everyone has a unique wit to them. Also you kept it interesting throughout the story which is impressive thinking how long it turned out. I love the ending and the idea for the sequel was great!! Now i can continue with the characters as the story goes on ^3^<br />
so take this über long comment as an apology for not finding this story earlier. I shall now go and subscribe to your other story as well :D
eugegenius #3
Second time I'm reading this FF and I STILL love it(: HAHAHA best.story.ever^^
ryzeliena #4
YAYAYAY! I finished it one shot!<br />
I love this omg :>
fyekay918 #5
I can't stop reading its so addicting. omg! I really love it! You're so good at writing ;)
PandaBo09 #6
I ADORE YOUR SOTORIES!!!!!!!!!!I started reading them last night at 10.30 and didn't stop till i realised i had read until 12.30 and was at chapeter 19. Now I am back from school and couldn't help but see how the stoy goes on!!! You are an amazing writer, and to be very honest, if I ever becom a producer, I'd turn this into a drama series (if you would allow it :), but it'll take me years to get there. but all in all, you've done great!! :DD
This is a great story. <br />
I get to read it recommended by Mzjulieb2uty. <br />
Keke! Chansung is so caring and sweet.<br />
Although she did not end up with chansung,<br />
I still love this story.<br />
I like how Taec and her gone through so much <br />
and overcomed any difficult situations keke!<br />
They're so loving til the end.<br />
The ending was awesome!<br />
yellowbee #8
/celebrates<br />
yayyyy thanks for all the lovely comments! I'm glad you all enjoyed reading this story. I'm thinking of starting a new one soon.... but I might not be able to b/c I have to much work to do ;;______;;;<br />
anyways. I'm still working on another one with Bekah, Chansung and Nichkhun so if you're into that sort of thing, go and check it out!
I love this fic from the very beginning till the very end..<br />
:D I LOVE HOW IT ENDS!! really..<br />
T.T (shed tears of joy)<br />
Thanks for this stunning story..<br />