Troll Cuddles

Capturing His Heart


"Taecyeon, get off of her," Chansung said.

I looked over Taecyeon's shoulder and saw Chansung mildly angered by the position that I was in. Taecyeon let go of my wrists and got up. He helped me clean the snow off my back once I stood back up as well. The moment was getting sort of heated.

"Maybe we should go to the cafe to get some hot cocao, guys. I'm freezing my off thanks to this one," I glared at Taecyeon jokingly, trying to break the tension.

Nicole ran up to me and linked her arms with mine, "Sounds good."


"Hey, Tiff, some of us have to go and get ready for the orchestra concert tonight," Heidi poked me.

"Oh. Okay! Good luck, tonight. We'll come to support you!" I smiled and waved at her as she and five others (Brea, Kate, Christie, Raina and Jade) all walked in the opposite direction back to the dorm.


Chansung walked next to me as we all made our way across the quad to the school cafe; Taecyeon walked right behind me, making sure that I knew he was there by grabbing my waist, trying to tickle me. Though I liked receiving his attention, Chansung didn't look too happy.

Once inside, we all took off our coats and sat ourselves down in a corner near the glass windows, next to the heaters. Chansung sat in the corner leaning against the wall and the window on the couch, taking my hands to lead me to sit on his lap. I didn't, but I sat next to him. He put one arm around behind me and leaned in closer to me.

"What would you like to drink?" Chansung asked in an alluring tone.

"Hmm... I heard they have caramel lattes here... I sort of want to try it," I told him.

"I can order for everyone, and everyone can just give me their money so that it'll work out," Taecyeon suggested as he got up.

"I'll help too," Chansung stood up with Taecyeon.

They asked everyone what they wanted, each memorizing quickly the drinks that everyone wanted. They walked to the line to make orders and stood their, chatting with one another. They seemed to be doing okay. I was really worried that they might start arguing or something, but it seemed like they were getting along. Jay, who sat across the table from me, waved in front of my eyes to gather my attention.

"Mmm?" I snapped back to reality.

"So how does it feel to be in the middle of a love triangle?"

"What? There is no love triangle. "

He glared at me.

"Okay fine. It's... difficult. To say the least." I whispered to him, hoping that others wouldn't hear me. "And also... I don't know if you can count it as a love triangle. I'm pretty sure Taecyeon still just thinks of me as a sister."

"Love triangles can work in a one way direction too."

"Oh, really? I didn't know that. I thought it was always two people fighting for the affections of one person. And it's the person in the middle who can't decide to save their life."

He shrugged, "I guess."

I looked back to Taecyeon and Chansung, checking that they were still peacefully standing in line. That was when I saw Taecyeon shoot Chansung a glare, finishing sentence. Oh God. No. No more drama, please. 

They proceeded to order, pay and wait for the drinks to be made. Taecyeon didn't say any more to Chansung; Chansung didn't even look at Taecyeon. They both looked equally angry.

When they returned, Chansung handed me my caramel latte, "I got one too. I've never tried it before, and I was curious as to what it would taste like." He returned to the position in which he leaned back into the corner, placing one arm behind me. 

Taecyeon sat down next to Nicole who was sitting next to me. He'd occasionally lean forward to ask a stupid question that would make me laugh or to check on me. I did the same, checking on Taecyeon to see if he was okay. He and Chansung seemed pretty tense, but then Jay started a conversation and things loosened up again.

I sneezed.

Chansung grabs a napkin from the napkin holders, "Are you getting sick or something?"

I blew my nose and laughed, "No, I don't think so. I think it's just the cold temperature."

"Are you feeling cold?"

I nodded, "Well it is the winter, Chan..."

"It's really hot in here." He looked behind him at the thermostat, "It says 32 degrees Celcius, that's really hot." He repeated himself.

I sniffled. "I'm fine. I just need to drink something warm."

He put his hand under my bangs to touch my forehead. "You seem pretty warm.."

"Chan, stop worrying. Would you rather me spend an entire day in my dorm by myself, or out here with you guys?"

"I just want you to be healthy."

"I am! I'm breathing, eating and moving."

"What about swimming? Do you plan on swimming when you're sick?"

"I'm not sick! It's probably just one of those days when you lack sleep and so everything causes you to start to get sick, but then you're fine the next day..."

"I don't think it's the lack of sleep. I think it's the way Taecyeon dropped you in the snow."

"Don't blame it on him. He was just trying to make things fun."

He looked at me with concern, but I just smiled at him, sniffling a little more.

"I'm glad I have someone to care about me this much, Channie, but I just want to have fun with you all today." I put my hands on his shoulders.

"Drink up. You need to warm up. Your hands are freezing." He took my hands from his shoulders and warmed them up in his hands. "What about my gloves? Why weren't you wearing them?"

I thought about it for a second... "Wait.. you left those in my bag on purpose?"

He paused, thinking of what to say. "Err... Yeah..."

"Ah! I think I left them in Taecyeon's room. You can get them from him later. You guys live right next door to each other anyways."

He sighed. "Alright. But do you have a pair?"

"Yeah.. I think they're somewhere in my room. Not sure where.. but I'll find them"

Someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around, hands still in Chansung's.

"Do you need some cold medicine?" Taecyeon asked.

I shook my head. "I don't really take medicine when I'm sick.. I usually just sleep it off."

"Are you almost done with your drink? Because if you are we should take you back to Robinson so that you can sleep it off."

"Taec, I just explained this to Channie-- er.. Chansung. It's been a stressful week, and I just want to spend time with you... all." I hesitated with saying 'all' hoping that he'd get the idea that I just wanted to hang out with him.

"How about this... We can go to Johnson house, and you can take a nap in my room, and when you wake up, I'll know.. and then we can find something fun to do that doesn't involve going back outside."

I smiled at him. "That actually doesn't sound too bad."

"Right? Okay. Let's all drink up and I'll take Tiffany back with me so that she can sleep a little." He announced to everyone. 

Nana started "aww"-ing at his comment, presumably hoping that other people would also join her.. but no one did. We all just looked at her as she turned bright red.

I giggled. "Nana, you're cute. Where's your boyfriend when you're at your most vulnerable?" 

She stuck her tongue out at me.

I looked back at Chansung, "So? I'll be in your dorm for tonight, at least until I absolutely have to leave for check-in. You can worry about me at a close distance."

He combed his fingers through my hair, "Good. That way I can nurse you back to health." He laughed.

"Sorry, I'm looking after her tonight," Taecyeon interjected, leaning forward.

Chansung glared at Taecyeon.

"Who's room do you want to sleep in?" Chansung asked me in a soft, serene and almost seductive voice.

"Uh... Well. Taecyeon asked first... and plus he has a single, so it's cozier..." I was hoping that Chansung wouldn't get mad.

"Oh...."  He looked disappointed.

I put my hand on his shoulder, "You can come visit!" I tried to smile.

He smiled back at me. 

"Alright, we should get moving, guys. Tiffany needs her sleep." Jay interrupted the moment.

Bekah and Junho who were chatting on the side with Brittany and Junsu stopped talking.

"Wait.. guys, what happened to Vic and Khun?" Bekah asked.

"They managed to slip away to... do things," Wooyoung added from his end of the table.

I giggled. "They're so cute together."

We all got up and made our way back to the dorms. As we did, Chansung held my hands in his pockets, trying to keep them warm.

I began to sneeze more.

"God, Taec. This is all your fault." I joked.

"Sorry." He truly looked apologetic.

"I'm kidding. It's not. I probably should have dressed a little warmer, anyways."

"I'll make sure you're healthy by the end of today." He nodded.

When we got to Johnson house, Nicole followed the group of seven boys and myself up the stairs to get permission once again for me to hang out in Taecyeon's room and for Nicole to hang out in Chansung's and Jay's room.

Taecyeon led me to his room by holding my hands, even though he clearly knew that I knew the way to his room since we had already walked to it this morning. Chansung, Jay and Nicole soon disappeared into their room, leaving Taecyeon and I together, alone.

"Hey, Taec?"


"What were you and Chansung talking about in line at the cafe?"

He opened the door to his room; a warm rush of air filled the hallway. "Uh. Nothing."

"Obviously not."

"Do you want to change into dry, comfortable clothes to sleep in?"

"Yeah. But stop changing the subject!"

He dug through his drawers and pulled out a long sleeved shirt and a pair of basketball shorts and threw them to me. "The shirt's too small for me, so it should fit you just right."

"Taec, answer the question, please?" I almost started taking off my clothes in front of him, but then realized what I was doing, "err.. and turn around too."

He faced the wall while chuckling at my empty-mindedness. "You really want to know?" He paused, "He asked me to stop being so touchy with you, and that you and him are a thing now... that I should respect it."

I slipped off my shirt and put his on. It was actually the right size for me; it sort of hugged my curves, but was loose enough that I could sleep in it. It was cute too. I think I might just take it from him. I hate sleeping with bras on, so unhooked it under the shirt and slipped it off without taking the shirt off. "Mmhmmm" I continued by taking off my pants.

He turned back around thinking I was done changing.

I pulled my pants back up to cover up. "Taec!! Turn back around!!" I yelled.

"Agh. Sorry, I thought you were done." He laughed, "Cute underwear by the way, though lace really isn't my style."

"Continue with your story.." I glared at the back of his head as I slipped on his basketball shorts. "And now you can turn around."

He sat down on his desk chair and looked back at me. "He basically told me that I should stop acting like I like you because it's going to give you the wrong impression." He shook his head.

"Are you?"

"Am I what?"

"Giving me the wrong impression..." Was he trying to tell me yet again that he wasn't interested?

"Well what impression are you getting?"

I shrugged. "I don't really know."

He continued, "I just told him that that was just the way you and I interacted with each other.. though I think I came off a little hostile."

"I saw you glaring at him."

"So I was being a little too hostile..."


"Yeah. And after that he and I just didn't talk."

"I see." I climbed into his bed. "Woah, serious mattress padding." I rolled around, getting comfortable.

"You're adorable. Would you like me to tell you a bedtime story?"

I nodded, "Yes, please."

"Alright. Once upon a time, there was a... girl. She was beautiful... and uh..."

"You're terrible at this."

"Maybe you should just go to bed without a story."

"No! But..." I pouted.

"Fine. Her name was.. Tiffany. She was constantly waiting for her prince to show up, but she didn't know that princes didn't really exist. Day and night she'd sit in her castle waiting for someone to whisk her off her feet and give her her first kiss. She grew tired of waiting, so she decided to go and do something with her life. She made new friends in the castle, she learned how to... speak... troll.." He laughed by himself, "She became extremely successful. Then one day, someone showed up. but he wasn't the prince that she was expecting... it was... a troll. but.. an attractive troll.." I snorted from laughing and he paused, laughing at how silly my laugh sounded. Then he proceeded with his story, "He told her that if she could look past his faults that he would learn to be the man that she dreamed of being with, but she was conflicted. Though he had the potential of being her dream man, there were so many other suitors that wanted to be with her too. It also took a lot of courage for him to seek her out to confess to her. They were all infinitely more handsome than the attractive troll and smarter... and there was one in particular that was already beginning to sweep her off her feet. He was kind, handsome, smart and cared for her when her family distanced themselves from her. The troll was worried about what she would choose to do. Then... she chose the suitor over the troll.. and.. they lived happily ever after, whereas the troll went back to his kingdom to wallow in self pity. The end."

"That's such a terrible story!!"


"She should have ended up with the troll."

"Why would anyone choose the troll? He obviously isn't as great as her new charming husband."

"But.. he was willing to try and he seemed to really like her too..."

"Yeah well.. happy endings don't exist."

I sneered at him.

"Now go to bed."

"Taec? I know this might sound stupid.. but do you have a teddy bear by any chance that I could hold on to when I sleep?"


"I don't know.. I just like to sleep while holding something warm."

"Err... sorry, no.."

"I don't know if I can fall asleep then..."

"Just... hold on to a corner of the down blanket."

"But that's not big enough"

"What do you want me to do?"

I frowned, "Fine. I'll just.. sleep... without it."


"No, it's okay. I'll just sleep."

"You already said that."

"Seriously. This has been my sleeping ritual since I was five."

"I'm kind of tired too. This is sort of a stretch.. but you can hold on to my arm, and I'll just lay next to you."

"That's.. awkward.."

"Fine! Then let's not."

"No, wait. It doesn't sound that bad..." I sort of wanted to cuddle with him, now that the opportunity presented itself in such a manner.

He climbed on to the bed, but was lying on top of the covers, whereas I was under it.

"Aren't you going to be cold?"

He looked at me. "I don't think it'd be very Kosher if I was lying under the covers with you... plus, what would Chansung say if he walked in and saw us?"

"You care?"

"Not really. It's for your sake. Listen, I'm cold too.. I'd love to share the covers."

"You could lock the door.."

"It's against the rules."

I grumbled. "Fine."

He stretched his arm out next to me as I latched on to it.


As the heat continued to leave my body slowly, I inched near Taecyeon, hoping to gain some of his body heat. After a few minutes, I could feel him wrap both his arms around me, as he slipped under the covers as well.

We were finally cuddling. Let me just tell you... it felt great to be in his arms, and with that comfort, I could finally drift off into sleep. I had a feeling, though, that he was fully awake as we snuggled together.


heehee. :) It's so late where I am right now.. so I'm actually going to go to bed and get some rest..

You've all been so great about commenting, lately, I just thought that I should do my part as the author to continue to update and make you all happy!! :)

by the way... like how Taecyeon and Tiffany are slowly progressing towards each other? hurrhurr.. (and like the title too?) I'm in such a delusional state right now I'm just blabbering on.. also.. it feels like I'm just going to pass out on my desk... sooo.....

Thanks for all the support and goodnight,

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Challey #1
cant believe i just knew (and finished reading) this fanfic now... it's great!!! i guess i just didnt visit the page thinking that it was or something, bcoz of the absence of any girl character tags...
I so hate you right now... (not really!!)<br />
Why out of all these weekends this was the one i found this fic :S i'm in the middle of my exam week and i haven't been able to stop reading this fic: IT IS SO GOD DAMN AMAZING!!! so me failing both my swedish and my physics tests are definitely your fault...<br />
But anyways, jokes aside, i adore this story!! I decieded yo subscribe though it's already done to show my support (and to return to it when i need a pick-up). I also read the sequel already too but i wanted to comment here first so i could tell you my thoughts about this story :)<br />
I love how the characters have their distinct personalities and that everyone has a unique wit to them. Also you kept it interesting throughout the story which is impressive thinking how long it turned out. I love the ending and the idea for the sequel was great!! Now i can continue with the characters as the story goes on ^3^<br />
so take this über long comment as an apology for not finding this story earlier. I shall now go and subscribe to your other story as well :D
eugegenius #3
Second time I'm reading this FF and I STILL love it(: HAHAHA best.story.ever^^
ryzeliena #4
YAYAYAY! I finished it one shot!<br />
I love this omg :>
fyekay918 #5
I can't stop reading its so addicting. omg! I really love it! You're so good at writing ;)
PandaBo09 #6
I ADORE YOUR SOTORIES!!!!!!!!!!I started reading them last night at 10.30 and didn't stop till i realised i had read until 12.30 and was at chapeter 19. Now I am back from school and couldn't help but see how the stoy goes on!!! You are an amazing writer, and to be very honest, if I ever becom a producer, I'd turn this into a drama series (if you would allow it :), but it'll take me years to get there. but all in all, you've done great!! :DD
This is a great story. <br />
I get to read it recommended by Mzjulieb2uty. <br />
Keke! Chansung is so caring and sweet.<br />
Although she did not end up with chansung,<br />
I still love this story.<br />
I like how Taec and her gone through so much <br />
and overcomed any difficult situations keke!<br />
They're so loving til the end.<br />
The ending was awesome!<br />
yellowbee #8
/celebrates<br />
yayyyy thanks for all the lovely comments! I'm glad you all enjoyed reading this story. I'm thinking of starting a new one soon.... but I might not be able to b/c I have to much work to do ;;______;;;<br />
anyways. I'm still working on another one with Bekah, Chansung and Nichkhun so if you're into that sort of thing, go and check it out!
I love this fic from the very beginning till the very end..<br />
:D I LOVE HOW IT ENDS!! really..<br />
T.T (shed tears of joy)<br />
Thanks for this stunning story..<br />