The Perfect Date

Capturing His Heart

I walked out on to the porch, only to see Taecyeon waiting for me. He was dressed very nicely, fashioning a casual suit. He looked good, you know, a big change from his usual fashion-terrorist-ness. I on the other hand was wearing a dress, a deep plum colored, sparkly, sequined dress. 

"You look great," Taecyeon complimented.

"Oh thanks. You too," I smiled.

Oh... I forgot to tell you... We're going to a concert in Boston, then dinner, then we're going to the botanical garden in the Boston common. Remember how I mentioned earlier that basically everyone is going out on dates tonight? Well, I asked Taecyeon if we could do something tonight. I was thinking something along the lines of just watching a movie and talking, possibly ordering take out... but he had tickets to go to an orchestra concert that he was supposed to meet his family at. And on top of that, he was supposed to bring a friend since his sister was bringing a friend, too. It's technically a fake date since he was telling me about how much he liked Sunny and how great their tutoring period went before he asked me to go with him:

"Why don't you ask Sunny to go with you then?" I asked.

"Because she's busy tonight."

"Oh, so I'm your fall-back choice?"

"No; that's not it at all. I just wanted to bring a close friend. I was actually choosing between you and Jay, but I chose you."

"Oh. Okay." I rolled my eyes.

So, as you see, we're only going as friends, oh sorry, according to him, we're hanging out as siblings. This whole sibling thing is really starting to piss me off.

As soon as the cab showed up, we were off to the concert hall. When we arrived I saw his parents standing at the front door waiting for Taecyeon and his sister.

"gaja," Taecyeon said to me in Korean.

"Oh, so now you accept my quirk?"

"Yeah, but it's still weird. Oh and one more thing... my parents don't know about Sunny, neither does my sister, so.. keep it to yourself, okay? I'm sure they won't mind that I like someone, but I don't feel comfortable with their knowing."

"Yeah, because I'd suddenly bring up Sunny to your parents," I sarcastically said.

He paid for the cab and got out of the car before I could get out. He ran to my side of the cab to open the door for me. I don't know if he's just doing this to look good in front of his parents or if he's trying to be charming. He looped his arm and I linked mine with his. We must have looked good.

We walked up the steps to the concert hall, and he introduced me to his parents. 

"Hi mom, dad. This is Tiffany. She's my guest for tonight," he said calmly with his deep soothing voice.

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Ok," I bowed a little.

"She has good manners. You picked a good one, Taecyeon," his mother nudged him while smiling.

He chuckled, "she's not my girlfriend. She's just a really close friend."

"Oh.. Okay. Sorry to put you in an awkward position, Tiffany."

"It's okay, Mrs. Ok," I smiled.

See? Even his parents like me. Tschh. He and I should just date.

As soon as his sister showed up with her friend, we walked into the concert hall. The seats were really good too, and the music was great. Taec kept yawning though. Maybe he doesn't actually want to be here? He whispered something to his mom, and she nodded as soon as he pulled away.

"Let's go," he grabbed my hand and led me out the back door.

"What are we doing?" I asked in a hushed tone as I ran behind him.

Once we got out of the concert hall he answered me, "weren't you getting a little bit bored?"

"Err... No? Were you?"

"Yeah, actually I was. So anyways, care to continue the evening with me?"

I rolled my eyes while smiling, "I'd love to." I ran up to him and grabbed his arm, "so where to next?"

"Dinner? I'm so hungry."

"Sounds good to me."

Instead of going to a super fancy restaurant though, I insisted that we went somewhere a little less extravagant. And finally we decided that we'd get take out at pizza hut and go straight to the Boston Common Botanical Gardens. We picked a nice spot: the bridge over the little lake in the Botanical Garden.

"Ahh. This is nice," he sighed.

"Mmmmm." I nodded while already stuffing my face with pizza.

He simply smiled at me, and we just sat there eating and looking at the stars and the water below us. 

"Tiffany, I have a question.." Taecyeon suddenly said with a serious tone.

"Hmm?" I said, as I continued to eat.

"If you had a boyfriend, where would you want him to take you?"

"Like on a date?"


"Hmmm.... that's a tough one..." I thought about it for a second. Hey! Maybe he's going to take me out on my dream date. I smiled to myself in my mind. "You know in dramas and stuff how couples always go to amusement parks together and go ice skating?"


"That sort of thing.."

"Oh. Okay."


"Hmm? oh. I don't know, I was just thinking, if I get a girlfriend this year, I'd want to make it extra special. I wasn't exactly a wonderful boyfriend last year, mostly because I wasn't quite sure how to be."

"Oh, I see. What about you? What's your dream date?"

"I don't really think about things like that, but this fake date that we're on.... it seems pretty substantial to me for a date."

I smiled. I honestly wish this wasn't a fake date, I would probably be the happiest girl on the planet if that were the case.

"We should probably get back to school... it's getting late."

"What time is it?"

"It's 10 o'clock."

Wow, time just whizzed by. So we picked up the trash and threw it away as we walked to the main road to call a cab back to campus. In the cab, I was so tired that I couldn't help but to fall asleep, but as soon as I woke up I found myself leaning on his shoulder and his head resting on top of mine.

I opened my eyes a little more and looked out the window, we were near school. If I moved now, he's wake up too and it'd be an awkward situation. I checked to see if he was awake by waving my hands in front of his eyes. Nope, he's asleep. So I used my head to push his off of mine and sat up. Once the car stopped in front of my dorm, he woke up. We split the cab fare and again, he opened the door for me. 

"I had fun," he said before I could thank him for taking me out.

"Me too," I smiled at him, butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

"Get some sleep tonight. I'll see you tomorrow at some point," he said as he walked away.

"Thanks, you too." I turned towards the door of my dorm.

Once I got in, I was jumping around with joy, literally.

"I heard about your date with Taecyeon," Nicole said watching me dance like a hooligan in the lobby from the stairs.

"It's not technically a date, it's a fake date. He just wanted me to be happy for tonight, since I was complaining about how everyone was going on dates."

"Mmhmm..." she hummed in disbelief.


"Tiffany, you look so nice tonight, and plus you're super sweet. You guys are insanely close... If he doesn't like you, he's insane." 

"I guess he's insane, then," I shrugged.

"Go shower, and go to bed, and wait for something to happen tomorrow," Nicole suggested.

And so I did.

Hopefully something does happen.


hehehe.... surprises are coming up in the future!! 

By the way, this fic is going to be a little bit long, so things can't be super happy in the next chapter!!

Anyways, as always, subscribe and comment, please!

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Challey #1
cant believe i just knew (and finished reading) this fanfic now... it's great!!! i guess i just didnt visit the page thinking that it was or something, bcoz of the absence of any girl character tags...
I so hate you right now... (not really!!)<br />
Why out of all these weekends this was the one i found this fic :S i'm in the middle of my exam week and i haven't been able to stop reading this fic: IT IS SO GOD DAMN AMAZING!!! so me failing both my swedish and my physics tests are definitely your fault...<br />
But anyways, jokes aside, i adore this story!! I decieded yo subscribe though it's already done to show my support (and to return to it when i need a pick-up). I also read the sequel already too but i wanted to comment here first so i could tell you my thoughts about this story :)<br />
I love how the characters have their distinct personalities and that everyone has a unique wit to them. Also you kept it interesting throughout the story which is impressive thinking how long it turned out. I love the ending and the idea for the sequel was great!! Now i can continue with the characters as the story goes on ^3^<br />
so take this über long comment as an apology for not finding this story earlier. I shall now go and subscribe to your other story as well :D
eugegenius #3
Second time I'm reading this FF and I STILL love it(: HAHAHA best.story.ever^^
ryzeliena #4
YAYAYAY! I finished it one shot!<br />
I love this omg :>
fyekay918 #5
I can't stop reading its so addicting. omg! I really love it! You're so good at writing ;)
PandaBo09 #6
I ADORE YOUR SOTORIES!!!!!!!!!!I started reading them last night at 10.30 and didn't stop till i realised i had read until 12.30 and was at chapeter 19. Now I am back from school and couldn't help but see how the stoy goes on!!! You are an amazing writer, and to be very honest, if I ever becom a producer, I'd turn this into a drama series (if you would allow it :), but it'll take me years to get there. but all in all, you've done great!! :DD
This is a great story. <br />
I get to read it recommended by Mzjulieb2uty. <br />
Keke! Chansung is so caring and sweet.<br />
Although she did not end up with chansung,<br />
I still love this story.<br />
I like how Taec and her gone through so much <br />
and overcomed any difficult situations keke!<br />
They're so loving til the end.<br />
The ending was awesome!<br />
yellowbee #8
/celebrates<br />
yayyyy thanks for all the lovely comments! I'm glad you all enjoyed reading this story. I'm thinking of starting a new one soon.... but I might not be able to b/c I have to much work to do ;;______;;;<br />
anyways. I'm still working on another one with Bekah, Chansung and Nichkhun so if you're into that sort of thing, go and check it out!
I love this fic from the very beginning till the very end..<br />
:D I LOVE HOW IT ENDS!! really..<br />
T.T (shed tears of joy)<br />
Thanks for this stunning story..<br />