Chapter 25 - 1st Day 'Spilled Words'

In Your Eyes

The four visited their room. Just two beds, one bathroom and a small spacious living room. Silence then filled the whole area.

"Why is there only one room and 2 beds?" Jessica was the one to speak first.

"Why? is there a problem with that? It will be expensive and a lot more hussle if I would avail two rooms. Besides, we're all girls, so what's the problem with that? Taeyeon answered back.

Yuri and Tiffany chuckled behind as they put their things aside. Jessica just rolled her eyes and set her things up on one of the closet of the room.

"Hey TaeTae, thanks!" Yuri gave her best friend a tap on the shoulder. Taeyeon just smiled back.

After fixing their things, the four decided to grab something to eat since it's nearing dinner. They went into the dining hall of the resort and look for a vacant place.

"Ooh, lots of people. I can't see any vacant seats. TaeTae, i'll go look for our seats while you order some food for us, ok?" Taeyeon nodded at Yuri's idea.

"Hey, wait us here ok? Don't go anywhere. We'll be back", Yuri instructed the two as they nod in return. Taeyeon and Yuri made their way through the crowd.

Tiffany and Jessica took a seat next to a bush. The blonde was massaging her shoulders as for Tiffany, she wonder off her sight to the crowd in front of them. Two men then approached them.

"Hey ladies, alone are we?" the man in blue shirt started.

"Go away", Jessica said not looking at the guy.

"Now now, don't be like that. I'm just humbly askin' if you two were alone. If that's the case, then why don't you two come with us",

"I said go away! Can't you understand simple words like that?!" Jessica got up from her seat, irritated at the persistent guy.

Whoa, easy now. Come on, it'll be fun", the other guy grab Tiffany's arm.

Tiffany struggles to get out of the man's grip but failed. He is more stronger than her. She started panicking.

"Yah! Let go of her, you scambags!" Jessica shouted at the guy who's holding Tiffany.


On the other side of the hall, Taeyeon saw the commotion over at Tiffany and Jessica's place. She looks for Yuri and the two approach the four.

"Hey, what seems to be the problem here?" Yuri asked.

"Yuri!" Jessica looks scared at the same time, angry. Yuri's eye twitched upon seeing Jessica's reaction.

On the other hand, Taeyeon was furious.

"Well, what have we here? Four beautiful ladies. What do you say we leave this place and hang out together, it'll be fun", the guy has an evil grin in his face.

Yuri's expression changed after hearing the what the guy said. She think of a way to get rid of them, and she come up with one. She grabs Jessica and wraps her arms around her waist. Pulling the latter closer to her, she then started talking.

"Now now Sica-baby, what did I told you about flirting huh? Am I not enough for you?" She said it on Jessica's ear, making it sound a little seductive. Jessica blushed in deep red after that. The guy seem to buy this reaction and,

"Are you two.."

"You're a bad girl. I'll punish you tonight", Yuri then bit Jessica's left earlobe making the latter moan.

"What the heck?!" The guy back out a little, as for the other guy, he didn't seem to care. Taeyeon got the message and goes with the flow.

"Hey, can you let go of my girl bro? I think she doesn't like it", pointing her index finger to Tiffany. The latter was now confused at the same time happy. The guy didn't seem to be moved, he pulled Tiffany closer to him. Taeyeon didn't say anything else rather she,

"Fany-ah, come here", she instructed the girl as she respond by struggling to get free of the guy's arms, success. She immediately went to where Taeyeon is. The shorter girl pulled the latter in a hug and strike the guy with one of her glare.

"Yah! Get this on that little head of yours. If you ever lay a finger on my girl, you'll not know what got you, hear me?" Taeyeon's voice were deep and serious, as if it was true. The guy just gave them a 'are you serious' looks. The two guys decided to leave them. As for them, well they didn't say anything.


"Ahem. Y-you can l-let go now", Jessica said.

"Oh oh! S-sorry!" Yuri let go of Jessica.

"H-hey, TaeTae", Taeyeon immediately remove her arms around the girl. Tiffany was blushing real hard, as well as Jessica. The two were surprised by their sudden actions.

*What the hell happened back there?!* Jessica thought to herself as she holds her bitten earlobes. She was blushing.

*my girl!? OMO! Did TaeTae really say I'm her girl!? OH MY GOD!* Tiffany said to herself as she cup her face, she could feel her temperature going up.

As for Taeyeon and Yuri, they just stared at the two who is now at their world.

*What the hell did I just do to Sica?! Did I say I was going to punish her, TONIGH?! And more importantly, why did I bit her earlobe and say seductive words to her ear?!* Yuri thought as she bit her lower lip and thinks thoroughly.

*My girl?! Are you out of you mind Kim Taeyeon!? She is not your girl! You idiot!* Taeyeon said as she scratched off the thought out of her head.


As they eat their meal, none of them dare to speak or even look at each other. Due to the awkward silence, Tiffany decided to break it off.

"H-hey", the three was startled.

"W-what?" the latter eyed the three. As for them, they just looked away.

*What? And there I was trying to change the mood. Aish* Tiffany pouted as she sip some of her juice. Taeyeon smiled to the latter's action.

"Oh, I almost forgot", this time it was Taeyeon's time to speak.

"What is it TaeTae?" Yuri asked.

"There will be some fireworks display later on. Oh, I think its about time",

"Really now?",

"Ladies and Gentlemen, you were about to witness the pride of this place. Our very own fireworks display that will be seen in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6", the MC started on his countdown.

"Oohh! Countdown! I like it!" Yuri move closer to Jessica, as for her, she didn't mind it at all.

"Tiffany", the girl turn to face Taeyeon.


"Sorry about earlier",

"Nah. It's cool. I was just a bit surprised that's all" Tiffany show off her eye-smile to Taeyeon.

"All is well, I think?" Tiffany just nod as she move closer to Taeyeon.

"6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0...ENJOY!" The MC has ended his countdown and,




From the smallest to the biggest, different display of fireworks were lit up to the evening sky. Everyone on the hall was amazed by the show. After 10mins of display, the crowd's back to the way it was before the display. Some are still chatting how marvelous the display was, some resume with their meal and some are exiting the hall.


"Now that's good isn't it",

"what do you mean it's GOOD! i almost faint you know!", Jessica added.

The four are back into their cottage room. Taeyeon sat at the couch munching some of her chips. To her far right was Yuri typing away some words to her phone. Tiffany just got out of the shower room and it was Jessica who's using it now. Tiffany sat between the two as she grabs some of Taeyeon's chips.

"What a tiring day. I'm exhausted", Tiffany rested her tired body on the couch as she lay her wet dripping hair on her shoulder.

"Yah. Dry youself. You'll catch a cold", Taeyeon instructed her. The latter smiled at her which causes Taeyeon to raised an eyebrow.


"Oh nothing", She walks towards her closet and dry herself up.

"Hey Tae", Yuri tug Taeyeon's shirt.


"Aren't you a caring one", Yuri patted Taeyeon's head. Obviously, she was teasing the girl. She earn a smack on the head. Taeyeon then head towards their bedroom.

"Whaaaa?! I didn't do anything!" Yuri rubs her head to ease the pain. Taeyeon was sure hard on her these days.

"Oh! Jessi! You're done. Here I'm done with it", Tiffany passes the blower to Jessica.

Yuri got up on her seat as she started looking fo something on her bag.

"Yul?" Tiffany asked.

"There! HAHA! I thought I forgot it a second there",

"What is that? A...paper?" Tiffany raised an eyebrow. She was wondering why on earth Yuri would bring paper out here.

"Yep! We'll have draw lots!" Yuri happily folded the colorful papers into four equal sizes before tearing it into four pieces.

"Fany-ah, mind calling TaeTae?" Yuri winked at Tiffany. She could only nod.

Tiffany entered the room just to see Taeyeon lying on one of the bed. She walk towards the girl and sat beside her.

"TaeTae, Yul's asking for you",

No response.

*is she sleeping?* Tiffany bend over to see if the latter was sleeping. She can't clearly see due to the fact that Taeyeon's hair was in the way.


Still no response.

*ehh?* Tiffany decided to flip Taeyeon to the other side to see if she was sleeping. After flipping, she was surprised to see the girl sleeping peacefully.

*aww. She's sleeping...She's so cute!* Tiffany started poking Taeyeon's cheek which causes the girl to stir.

"urgh mm", Tiffany back away for she might wake the latter. She decided no to disturb Taeyeon as she stand and move to the left side of the bed. She lay herself down. Tiffany stares at Taeyeon for a while before drifting off to sleep.

"What's keeping Fany-ah so long?" Yuri pouted as she waves the four torn papers in her hand.

"I'll go on ahead", Jessica yawns as she rub her sleepy eyes.

"What?! But but, it's only past 9! Don't leave meee" Yuri get a hold on Jessica's arm.

"Yah! Let go! I want to sleep!"

"No! Let's sleep later! We still need to pick you know!"

"What's that anyway!? Can't it wait until tomorrow!? Seriously, I want to sleep!" Yuri can see that Jessica was now irritated. She removes her hand onto Jessica's arm.

"Oh? Giving up easily? I didn't expect that* Jessica then stared at Yuri.

"Whatever. I'll just check Tiff and Taeyeon", Jessica then walk towards the room.

"Yah! What taking you two so lon.." Jessica was cut off when she saw two figure laying down on the bed.

*They're....sleeping?* Jessica said to herself.

"Hey, what's up?" Yuri followed Jessica to the room. Same goes for Yuri, she was surprised to see Taeyeon and Tiffany sleeping. Together.

"Oh", was all Yuri could say. She then turn her gaze into Jessica. A wide smile spreads into Yuri's face. Jessica saw this and gave her a glare.

"You'll sleep on the couch",

"What?! I don't want! And besides, the bed is quite big, we can sleep in together",

"In your dreams", Jessica walk towards the bed, as for Yuri, she follows her.

"What the hell are you doing?" Jessica said in a lower voice.

"Sleeping here with you, what else?" Jessica threw a pillow in Yuri's face.


"Quiet down! Go sleep outside! I don't want anyone sleeping in the same bed as me!" She maintained her pitch volume that only Yuri could hear.

"But I want to sleep he.." Jessica gave her a glare. Yuri sighed in defeat. She bit her lower lip as she grabs the pillow which was thrown to her by Jessica and some blanket and headed outside the room.

She then set herself into the couch and cover herself with a blanket in her hand.

*Why wouldn't she allow me to sleep with her? As if I'm going to do anything funny. Aish! I envy those two* Yuri thought to herself as she pout her lips. She decided not to think about it anymore and drift off to sleep.

*She's so persistent. Aish. But I find it..cute?* Jessica thought as she cover herself up and went into her dreamland.





OMG OMG OMG.. got my laptop back.


very sorry for the long hiatus. :) but me is back hahaha

well, here is the first update after the long break. hope you like it.



singing out.. 

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maemae08 #1
Chapter 43: I read this again. Still beautiful. But more taeny pleasee
Taeyeonluv09 #2
22gracey #3
hahhahh. lol. your so descriptive :) reading it now ! daebak!!
zhaina28 #4
More YULSIC stories Ms. author. im half FILIPINO too here.. and im proud of you :-) write more of SNSD fic, okay!
TaeNysmith22 #5
Chapter 42: YES!!! please :)
TaeNysmith22 #6
Chapter 32: waah I love this chapter! :D
Yay Filipino ako
Chapter 30: aww.... yulsic is being so sweet here... wonder when will taeny turn and taeyeon is being cheesy while tiffany is stay romantic. hahaa. good job author! well done ^^
Chapter 41: Youre one good author ! Loved it ! ;)